Lisa Keranen, PhD ‘This Weird, Incurable Disease’

“Lisa Keranen, PhD ‘This Weird, Incurable Disease’”
“University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
3580 Abonnenten
103.270 Aufrufe 03.02.2015
‘This Weird, Incurable Disease’: A Rhetorical Look at a Contested Illness,” was presented by Lisa Keränen, PhD on February 2nd, 2015. Discussion focused on how have patients and the medical community constructed Morgellons Disease and what we can learn from the competing rhetorical appeals for understanding this contested illness?”

Conspiracy Revelation: 15.11.2023: Sure that California has the most cases, that is the origin of the U.S. Mil Bio-Nano-Genetic Weapon. University of California is one of the main institutions that is accused for being responsible for this Bioweapon.

These stupid academics try to elucidate the false narrative of disinfo agents.
It is a genetic bioweapon. Without Chemtrails no Morgellons. DARPA-based Biotech infiltration of the Human Genome, with a weaponized genetic switch that can be activated.

520410cookie-checkLisa Keranen, PhD ‘This Weird, Incurable Disease’
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