McAfee Conspiracy summary from Telegram & Facebook Comments & Public News…

ConspiracyRevelation, [28.06.21 20:53]
“Angehefteter Tweet
John McAfee
16. Juni
The US believes I have hidden crypto. I wish I did but it has dissolved through the many hands of Team McAfee (your belief is not required), and my remaining assets are all seized. My friends evaporated through fear of association.
I have nothing.
Yet, I regret nothing.”

ConspiracyRevelation, [28.06.21 20:55]
The Videos on Youtube about McAfee ..most of them are useless, except the ones listed here on my page..only his Twitter-Videos and at Telegram you will find the real stuff.

ConspiracyRevelation, [28.06.21 20:52]
ConspiracyRevelation, [28.06.21 20:52]
ConspiracyRevelation, [28.06.21 20:52]
ConspiracyRevelation, [28.06.21 20:52]

John McAfee To Google: Stop Endangering Our Humanity Or I'm Coming For You
ConspiracyRevelation, [28.06.21 20:52]
ConspiracyRevelation, [28.06.21 20:52]

John McAfee posts bizarre tweet, says his enemies are trying to kill him
2 580 subscribers
Memes for libertarians, voluntarists, and other liberty loving people.”

ConspiracyRevelation, [24.06.21]
“McAfee was arrested in Spain in October after being indicted in the United States for tax evasion months earlier. He allegedly failed to file taxes for four years despite earning millions in income between 2014 and 2018 from promoting cryptocurrencies, consulting work, speaking engagements, and selling the rights to his life story for a documentary, according to court documents. The amount he owed was not specified in the indictment.
The Spanish judges approved his extradition to face charges for the 2016, 2017 and 2018 tax years.
In a virtual hearing in Spanish court earlier this month, McAfee argued that the US tax evasion charges against him were politically motivated, the Associated Press reported.

ConspiracyRevelation, [24.06.21]
“McAfee — founder of the eponymous antivirus software firm, with which he is no longer affiliated — was also indicted in March on separate fraud and money laundering charges. The US Department of Justice alleged that he and a business partner participated in a scheme that earned more than $13 million by falsely promoting cryptocurrencies to unwitting investors.
The final two decades of McAfee’s life included a somewhat bizarre series of events.
In 2012, McAfee briefly vanished after fleeing his home in Belize because local police tried to question him on the death of his neighbor. (He has denied involvement in the death and claimed he fled because he feared for his life.)
He spent time in Guatemala, and then moved to Montreal, Canada, where he worked on a documentary about his life. He ran for US president in 2016 as a Libertarian, and launched a new security product that he called “a f—ing game changer.”


ConspiracyRevelation, [24.06.21 03:37]
“Currie Dobson those who died by suicide are being killed off, probably by the elite, look at those who speaking out against the elites, all of them died of “suicide” just lies, this is orchestrated murder. In plain sight.”

ConspiracyRevelation, [24.06.21 03:37]
“Currie Dobson those who died by suicide are being killed off, probably by the elite, look at those who speaking out against the elites, all of them died of “suicide” just lies, this is orchestrated murder. In plain sight.”

ConspiracyRevelation, [24.06.21 03:44]
“Ruskieleaks. Still at it. ”

ConspiracyRevelation, [27.06.21 03:54]
“Steile Karriere
John David McAfee wurde 1945 in einer US-Armeebasis im englischen Gloucestershire geboren. Seine Mutter war Britin, sein Vater US-Soldat. Der alkoholkranke Vater soll seinen Sohn missbraucht haben. Als John 15 Jahre alt war, nahm sich sein Vater das Leben.”

ConspiracyRevelation, [27.06.21 03:55]
“Nach seinem Studium bekam er eine Anstellung als Programmierer bei der NASA. Zu seinen weiteren Karriereschritten zählten Software Design für Univac, Betriebssystem-Architekt für Xerox, sowie Beschäftigungen bei der Computer Sciences Coproration, Booz Allen Hamilton und Lockheed.” An der Wurzel des Übels sozusagen,,.Menschenrechtsverbrecher wie Lockheed..und NSA COntractors.

ConspiracyRevelation, [27.06.21 03:56]
“McAfee wurde 75 Jahre alt. Die Ursache seines Todes wird derzeit untersucht.”

ConspiracyRevelation, [24.06.21]
[Weitergeleitet aus John McAfee Memorial Crack House]
[ Video ]
McAfee breaks down and explains who his murders are. @volchads
ConspiracyRevelation, [24.06.21]
[Weitergeleitet aus John McAfee Memorial Crack House]
[ Video ]
Last video by McAfee.
‘Why Does Power Corrupt’ @volchads
ConspiracyRevelation, [24.06.21]
[Weitergeleitet aus John McAfee Memorial Crack House]
[ Video ]
McAfee speaks truth to power w/Luke Rudkowski @volchads
“McAfee über den “Tiefen Staat”
Der Antivirus-Erfinder John McAfee veröffentlichte dieses Video im Juli 2020, in dem er den sogenannten “tiefen Staat” in den USA anprangert. Eine Woche später wurde ein Haftbefehl ausgestellt und er wurde in Spanien verhaftet. Weniger als ein Jahr später wird er tot in einer Gefängniszelle aufgefunden.

Der Antivirus-Erfinder John McAfee veröffentlichte dieses Video im Juli 2020, in dem er den sogenannten “tiefen Staat” in den USA anprangert. Eine Woche später wurde ein Haftbefehl ausgestellt und er wurde in Spanien verhaftet. Weniger als ein Jahr später wird er tot in einer Gefängniszelle aufgefunden.
ConspiracyRevelation, [24.06.21 11:46]
[Weitergeleitet aus Qlobal-Change 🇩🇪🇦🇹🇨🇭🇱🇮]
Warum korrumpiert Macht? – McAfee († 23. Juni 2021)

ConspiracyRevelation, [24.06.21 19:52]
“John Mcafee has died in a Spanish prison, instead of by his wife Janice’s side, because he refused to participate in US government extortion. Make no mistake: John’s blood is on the hands of the murderous thieves in Washington. RIP John.”
“ConspiracyRevelation, [24.06.21 19:43]
[Weitergeleitet aus John McAfee Memorial Crack House]
[ Video ]
If this is freedoom then what the hell is slavery?”
ConspiracyRevelation, [24.06.21 19:34]
[Weitergeleitet aus News ❤️]
[ Video ]
Legendär 👀

“John McAfee: “Der Grund, warum die Regierung mich einkassieren wollte, war, dass ich vielen Sekretären in der Regierung Laptops geschenkt habe. Wirklich schöne, die mit viraler Spionage-Software vorinstalliert waren. Innerhalb einer Woche war das gesamte Computersystem der Regierung in/unter meiner Kontrolle. Ich beobachtete, überwachte, hörte zu. Ich fand heraus, dass der Verteidigungsminister der größte Drogenhändler in ganz Mittelamerika war. Der Minister für Einwanderung, der größte Menschenhändler.”


unsere Kanäle und Gruppen
John McAfee: “Der Grund, warum die Regierung mich einkassieren wollte, war, dass ich vielen Sekretären in der Regierung Laptops geschenkt habe. Wirklich schöne, die mit viraler Spionage-Software vorinstalliert waren. Innerhalb einer Woche war das gesamte Computersystem der Regierung in/unter meiner Kontrolle. Ich beobachtete, überwachte, hörte zu. Ich fand heraus, dass der Verteidigungsminister der größte Drogenhändler in ganz Mittelamerika war. Der Minister für Einwanderung, der größte Menschenhändler.”

ConspiracyRevelation, [25.06.21 23:22]
[Weitergeleitet aus END TIMES NEWS🐑🚫⏳🌪🔥]
[ Video ]
John McAfee didn’t kill himself.
ConspiracyRevelation, [25.06.21 23:22]
[Weitergeleitet aus END TIMES NEWS🐑🚫⏳🌪🔥]
[ Video ]
John McAfee didn’t kill himself.


ConspiracyRevelation, [25.06.21 23:23]
How did this happen..guess how..directed energy weapons and neuro weapons…they tried to kill me at least 5 times remotely with quantum computer assisted body process interruption weapons that focus on the brain nano implants from chemtrails and are satellite 0-point quantum entangled…I know how it feels…

ConspiracyRevelation, [25.06.21 23:29]
Either they target the heart, kidneys, gonads, brain, larynx or brainstem.

ConspiracyRevelation, [25.06.21 23:30]
And Nervous System…and usually they recommend Astra Zeneca for neuroweapons induced sleep deprivation torture..

ConspiracyRevelation, [27.06.21 13:01]
[Weitergeleitet von Nana Albert]
CodeMonkeyZ – McAfee wird sicherlich das Unveränderlichkeitsattribut einer Blockchain verwendet haben, um den Schalter seines toten Mannes zu aktivieren.
Schauen Sie sich die OP_RETURN-Transaktionen von BTC in den nächsten Tagen genau an und auch die entsprechende Art der Transaktion für andere Kryptomünzen.

ConspiracyRevelation, [27.06.21 17:15]
[Weitergeleitet aus Qlobal-Change 🇩🇪🇦🇹🇨🇭🇱🇮]
[ Video ]
McAfee über den “Tiefen Staat”

Der Antivirus-Erfinder John McAfee veröffentlichte dieses Video im Juli 2020, in dem er den sogenannten “tiefen Staat” in den USA anprangert. Eine Woche später wurde ein Haftbefehl ausgestellt und er wurde in Spanien verhaftet. Weniger als ein Jahr später wird er tot in einer Gefängniszelle aufgefunden.

ConspiracyRevelation, [27.06.21 17:57]
“The Deep State is a conspiracy´s defined as the people within the
U.S. Government Military who are in secret control of government policy.
Secret? Please people, the Deep State is those people within the U.S. Government
that are career employees that cannot be fired by people that we elect by the president or congress. There are the FCC, the CIA, the Security Exchange Commission,
the IRS, are these people in control? Can they enact laws? Fuck Yes.
They are called regulation. For every Law that congress passes…there are 20 regulations enacted by Federal Agencies, that have far more impact on our lives
than anything congress can possibly pass. Is there a Deep State? Yes.
Can we fire these People? No. Can Presidents fire them? NO. Hahahahaha.
It is designed that way, so that political parties and political interests cannot affect the deep state. Do you understand the nightmare of our situation. Hahahahaha.
I am sorry, it´s not secret, it´s as open as anything could be.
In the past, since 1975, 200.000 regulations have been passed by federal agencies.
Encompassing 800.000 pages of fine print. People. There is no secret. It is as open as it can be. The Deep State does control America. Wake Up, People. Please, God.
Use some common fucking sense, thank you. (John McAfee)(2020)(7)”


“Der tiefe Staat ist eine Verschwörungstheorie.. Er ist definiert als die Menschen innerhalb des US-Regierungsmilitärs, die die Regierungspolitik heimlich kontrollieren.
Geheim? Bitte Leute, der Deep State sind diese Leute innerhalb der US-Regierung,
die Karrieremitarbeiter sind, die nicht von Leuten gefeuert werden können, die wir vom Präsidenten oder Kongress wählen. Es gibt die FCC, die CIA, die Security Exchange Commission (Börsenaufsichtsbehörde),
die IRS, haben diese Leute die Kontrolle? Können sie Gesetze erlassen? Scheiße, ja.
Sie werden Regulierung genannt. Für jedes Gesetz, das der Kongress verabschiedet.., gibt es 20 erlassene Verordnungen von Bundesbehörden, die weitaus mehr Einfluss auf unser Leben haben, als alles, was der Kongress möglicherweise erlassen könnte. Gibt es einen tiefen Staat? Ja.
Können wir diese Leute feuern? Nein. Können Präsidenten sie feuern? Nein. Hahahahahaha.
Es ist so konzipiert, dass politische Parteien und politische Interessen den tiefen Staat nicht beeinflussen können. Verstehst du den Albtraum unserer Situation. Leute. Hahahahahaha.
Es tut mir leid, es ist kein Geheimnis, es ist so offen, wie es nur sein könnte.
In der Vergangenheit, seit 1975, wurden 200.000 Verordnungen von Bundesbehörden erlassen.
Mit 800.000 Seiten Kleingedrucktem. Menschen. Es gibt kein Geheimnis. Es ist so offen, wie es nur geht. Der Deep State kontrolliert Amerika. Wacht auf, Leute. Bitte, Gott.
Benutzt euren verdammten gesunden Menschenverstand, danke. (John McAfee)(2020)(7)”

“John McAfee
18. Juni
In a democracy, power is given not taken.

But it is still power.

Love, compassion, caring have no use for it. But it is fuel for greed, hostility, jealousy…

All power corrupts.

Take care which powers you allow a democracy to wield.

John McAfee
10. Juni
There is much sorrow in prison, disguised as hostility.

The sorrow is plainly visible even in the most angry faces.

I’m old and content with food and a bed but for the young prison is a horror – a reflection of the minds of those who conceived them.”

“John McAfee
3. Juni
In my last tweet I explained the virtual impossibility of identifying backdoors or other malicious code developed by a foreign agent in the guise of a software engineer.

I will now explain the process of embedding these agents into targeted companies.

Apple, Google, Microsoft, etcetera, employ thousands of
software engineers at the operating system level – the brains
of the system. An embedded agent at this level has
enormous power.

Personnel turnover opens hundreds of job opportunities
each year. It is these openings that are most valuable to
foreign agents.

The process of embedding agents into electronic firms
began in earnest in the mid 90’s, mostly by China.

The process is simple but requires great preparation.

Candidates are chosen from the brightest and best and then
coached in fluent English if necessary. They are then
rigorously trained in all aspects of operating system
engineering and the magic of code deception.

The preferred source are Chinese candidates already
possessing US citizenships who are ideologically closer to
China than to the US. But they are not averse to waiting out,
sometimes for many years, the time consuming process of
immigration – aided by their embassies, human rights
organizations, etcetera. But sometimes by the companies
themselves motivated by acquiring that one ina million
combination of experience and talent that’s exactly required
for some critical project. Immigration is more than happy to
help American technology gain an edge.

Now to the actual insertion process:

Hundreds of applicants per day apply for jobs at Apple,
Google, Microsoft, etcetera. The random probability of hiring
a disguised foreign agent given the number of applicants is
low but the Chinese don’t believe in random chance. They
create their own probabilities.

Here’s how it works:

Applicants are sent in. There’s a good chance he or she will
be allowed to speak to at least someone. Let’s say someone
in personnel. Let’s assume they get no further.

The candidate returns to “the group” and describes the

– What was their name, age and general demeanor?

– Were their pictures of their family on their desk?

– How many children? What ages and sexes?

– What specific questions were asked and what subtle
reactions were given to the replies? Etcetera.

Let’s assume for example the candidate was a woman and
noticed that the interviewer spent more time looking at her
breasts then would normally seem polite. The next candidate
might be chosen with perfect breasts wearing a low cut
blouse. Or assume the candidate noticed a preteen boy in a
desk photo and a golf club leaning in a corner of the office.
The second candidate might mention he has a 12 year old
son who he’s teaching to play golf. Etcetera.

Social engineering.

By this iterative process a candidate will eventually reach the
next level. The ultimate goal is to progress far enough that
they are interviewed by one or more members of the team
that the candidate wants to work with.

Game over.

The candidate if intelligent, prepared, charismatic, and
talented beyond belief (which they are), they will be a shoo-in.

It can be a slow and tedious process but its effective. The
above is of course an over simplification but you see how it

But inserting individual developers pales in importance
compared to inserting managers. Development managers
have nearly god-like power to hire whomever they choose.

We’ll discuss this process tomorrow.”

426720cookie-checkMcAfee Conspiracy summary from Telegram & Facebook Comments & Public News…
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