Social Stream News, W2k (Synthtel), X, Tok and more… – 26.6.2024

Conspiracy Revelation: Social Stream News, W2k (Synthtel), X, Tok and more… – 26.6.2024

No weapon formed against me shall ever prosper but the genetic nano ieee mafia will reap destruction for trying to subdue and sabotage Mata Devis Holy Army..

A.i. vampires…

@jason_abadi Vimana are giant flying machines described in 4000 year old Hindu texts #vimana #anunnaki #hindu #india #rigveda #mahabharata #ancienthistory #ancientaliens #nibiru #fypage ♬ original sound – Jason Abadi

@shamfayaSrimad Ramayan 163♬ origineel geluid – Sham888

@420homies1st How much does it cost? #foryou #army #military #weapon #war #cost ♬ original sound – 420𝙃𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙚𝙨1𝙨𝙩-𝙋𝙐𝘽𝙂

@gareyeet Picard-Part 101 #movie #foryou #tiktok #scifi ♬ original sound – Gareyeet

@amerimutt2 #china #chinese #fyp ♬ original sound – Muricunthunterman

@joelofthetigers Trapped in the Debt Cycle #liberty #freewill #aynrand ♬ original sound – Joel Tiger

@just_some_story der Mond und die Seele #fyp #viralvideo #germany #shorts #mond ♬ Originalton – Just_Some_Storys

@gareyeet Picard-Part #movie #foryou #tiktok #scifi ♬ original sound – Gareyeet

@shamfayaSrimad Ramayan 164♬ origineel geluid – Sham888

@pinksiren777 You Have Reached A Level Of Freedom That Most People Can’t! #spirituality #spiritualtiktok #intuition #universe #tarot #tarottok #astrology #part1 ♬ original sound – PinkSiren

@greeneyedangel535 #nephillim #aliens #fallenangel #giants #antarctica #military #enoch #extraterrestrial #ufo ♬ original sound – GreenEyedAngel

@greeneyedangel535 #ufo #extraterrestrial #enoch #military #antarctica #giants #aliens #fallenangel #nephillim ♬ original sound – GreenEyedAngel

“Vishnu 📉📈 hat repostet
Jessica Rojas 🇺🇸💪
No wonder why regret Mom’s always say “my intuition was screaming at me to stop the injections.”
This isn’t science- it’s barbaric and cruel.”

Rich Winkel
The doctor is supposed to know trauma is toxic in itself. But that doesn’t stop them from torturing infants.
11:54 nachm. · 26. Juni 2024
Mal angezeigt

Ingmar Veeck
27. Juni
It is negative nazi-eugenics – genocide…

A Living Woman
25 Min.
So very barbaric and cruel! These make me cry for these innocent babes every time I see them!! 💔😢

Nicola Kelly
My Grandmother repeatedly told me that my Uncle was ‘never the same after his injections’. And I never really gave that any thought until some years later.

My Uncle is 60 years old and has Autism with a learning disability.

Kim D L
Trust your God-given instincts.

Karen Campbell
I can’t bare to watch these videos…

Lady Jade
Child sacrifice.

This is torture.

Ken – #NoVirus
Injecting poisons…

589430cookie-checkSocial Stream News, W2k (Synthtel), X, Tok and more… – 26.6.2024
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