CIA and Pentagon behind “over 800 major movies and more than 1,000 TV titles”

“CIA and Pentagon behind “over 800 major movies and more than 1,000 TV titles””

“According to a new document obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, the CIA and the Pentagon have tirelessly “worked behind the scenes on over 800 major movies and more than 1,000 TV titles.”

That is quite a huge number. Researchers, scholars and writers of various stripes have known for years that the US government has been penetrating the film industry for years,[1] but investigators were completely shocked to realize that it was a lot more than they previously thought.”

““When a writer or producer approaches the Pentagon and asks for access to military assets to help make their film, they have to submit their script to the entertainment liaison offices for vetting. Ultimately, the man with the final say is Phil Strub, the Department of Defense’s (DOD) chief Hollywood liaison….”
““If there are characters, action or dialogue that the DOD don’t approve of then the film-maker has to make changes to accommodate the military’s demands. If they refuse then the Pentagon packs up its toys and goes home. To obtain full cooperation the producers have to sign contracts — Production Assistance Agreements — which lock them into using a military-approved version of the script…

“On set at Edwards Air Force base during the filming of Iron Man, there was an angry confrontation between Strub and director Jon Favreau.”

Why are the Pentagon and the CIA using film to influence the masses? Simple: “This idea of using cinema to pin the blame for problems on isolated rogue agents or bad apples, thus avoiding any notion of systemic, institutional or criminal responsibility, is right out of the CIA/DOD’s playbook.””


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