India records another record high in daily COVID deaths and infections | DW News

“#Covid19 #India #Pandemic
India records another record high in daily COVID deaths and infections | DW News
647.744 Aufrufe•06.05.2021
DW News
2,35 Mio. Abonnenten
India’s top scientific adviser has warned that the country would inevitably face further waves of the coronavirus, as India struggled with record deaths and daily infections. The country reported 3,980 deaths related to COVID-19 and at least 412,262 new infections on Thursday. The government’s principal scientific adviser said that even when the numbers subside, the country should be ready for a third wave of the pandemic. “Phase 3 is inevitable, given the high levels of circulating virus,” K. Vijay Raghavan said during a news briefing. “But it is not clear on what timescale this phase 3 will occur… We should prepare for new waves.”He also touted the efficacy of vaccines against new mutations like the UK variant and the B.1.617 variant but warned that surveillance and vaccine updates were needed as the virus mutates.”

417450cookie-checkIndia records another record high in daily COVID deaths and infections | DW News
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