Keri Burnor Testimony to the ITNJ

“Keri Burnor Testimony to the ITNJ”
“16.094 Aufrufe•21.02.2019
International Tribunal for Natural Justice
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Keri Burnor’s testimony reveals a long-standing agenda by the Jesuits to gain complete control over and/or eliminate the vast majority of the Earth’s population. Having sought nothing more than a life of prayer and devotion, ex-Catholic nun Keri Burnor’s innocence was shattered when she was sexually abused by the very priest charged with her spiritual direction. The priest was acquitted but Keri continued to fight, advocating for other victims of clergy abuse and assisting with many high profile cases.”
“This comes from combat genocide org… I converted to Orthodox Christianity in 2008 as did also Attorney Jonathan Levy, I exposed the Jesuit agenda which is to wipe out any resistance to the Pope and his military order via the Jesuits
themselves and to wipe out all nations worldwide, capable of fighting the Vatican. I saw similar parallels and designs as revealed by Kate Riggs the wife of a military Illuminati insider Colonel George R Briggs who disclosed how the Jesuits infiltrated all of the United States Armed Forces and
Government, so later I exposed it on radio on my website and in 2015 via my notice to the world which will be referenced below and is also incorporated as though fully stated herein…Cistercians are the modern Knights Templar was not being different than an SS uniform… notice I do not advocate hatred or prejudice against any Roman Catholics many of them truly love the Lord and are not aware of how
Vatican politics operate.”
“Fighting evil on a spiritual level.”
“I sensed my life was at risk and decided to move away and live a quiet life in Texas.”
“I underwent surgery in 2011 only to find in December of 2012 upon examination by a private investigator proficient with t SCM technical surveillance countermeasures there were
in fact foreign materials emitting signals in my body all is documented and verified by multiple qualified sources.”
“Although that was the first there have been altogether several attempts, nine physical attempts and some other threats against my life to date using bio-chemical, radiological-nuclear materials, yes, weapons of mass destruction, nanomaterials and military-grade sound
weapons were deployed against me, all information was furnished to this commission.”
“With the purpose of intimately of ultimately freeing these souls who wanted to be free of demonic attachment as
a result of taking the advanced oaths in Freemasonry.”
“December 13th 2012 frequency testing report Melinda Couture private investigator Columbia investigations Columbia Missouri abnormal VLF EMF frequencies detected at neck and abdomen unexplained 0.5 millimeter scar detected at the jawline under UV exam presence of ambient radio frequencies detected ages 3 through 4. 1 16 2013 toxicological
evaluation report by Dr. Hildegard Staninger reflects Miss Burnor was exposed to advanced nanomaterials, on page 8 her
current symptoms are all related to the neurologic
exposures to the heavy metals detected, but also to the interaction of EMF and self-generating frequency signals as
identified in the Columbia investigations report dated 12 13 2012. 119..that’s just other clinical test data ..toxicological dysfunction analysis reported by Dr. Hildegard Staninger findings exposure to phenol…discussion phenol is a metabolite of benzene, benzene is known
to cause leukemia in humans and is not a normal component of blood or urine the level should be none detected and any
urine is indicative of a parent compound being metabolized and stuck in the kidney in some cases of bio sensory
technology phenol may be the metabolite of this of in film technology with a waveguide of specific compounds for
detection purposes further investigation will have to occur in this matter as additional test results data is reviewed.
…correlated with frequencies allocated to US military operations, discussion the frequencies found to be emitting from this carry burner on December 13th 2012 were from one specific location but with smaller traveling frequency that was in a smaller range within the signals the chemical composition of the specimens taken from his burn or scalp and other areas may be designed for two different regional broadcasts one for direction or action function upon the body and one for monitoring the location or specific areas of her body both ranges are monitored by geo satellite.”
“..are attached to this report conclusion on summary, the majority of high impact technologies that utilize brain computer interfaces as a neural net neuro tree Network brain chip or bio sensor would be for the following purposes, control and monitoring of the brain and bodily functions, control and monitoring of the behavior of the individual, sending and receiving verbal commands stimulation of
the bioelectrical transmissions within the neuron trees of the nerves may be utilized as a listening device for remote sensing and monitoring may be used as a transmitter for listening and on conversations if there is a digital
computer computer component to the device it may be used to capture visual transmissions as a walking talking monitoring system, a high-tech extrinsic spying system especially from military industrial espionage, now I’m going to show you just some visuals of the specimens that were taken from my body..I sent them through the chain of custody to the lab and the findings are that they are not of human origin so
these are the specimens that are still at the lab safely under lock and key.–specifically monitoring genetic material or for the identity identity of specific genetic bloodline, so obviously they had an interest in monitoring my genetics.”
“safety concerns and a collection of the samples were submitted to them, the areas of the samples collected were viewed under UV light to determine if there’s was present any dye from quantum nano dots or other stress factors which
may be utilized in the architecture of an innovative nanotechnology delivery system for designer type toxins with a specific intent toward our client, after reviewing the analytical data from the various testing, it was determined that the living area home carpet did not contain
any innovative nanotechnology and or toxins, however the red container number one which contained carpet material from
the suspect vehicle was positive for nano wires, nano wires may be designed to contain fungus residue mycotoxins,
specific tags, antibodies, kv proteins, metals and other toxic substances, the client did have a patch test analysis
and hair analysis with further analysis for DT tomato panel Fox m1 protein and advanced nanomaterials, the analysis
revealed specific materials that would induce colon cancer breast cancer and leukemia with a pair of fret partners
and fluorescent pair and neurospheres are counting arsenic insect venom past pain and versicle and a and very toxin
each used as a specific tag to induce and/or monitor cancer mechanisms development, the analysis results indicate that the materials utilized were of a specific innovative nanotechnology delivery system with a specific intent such as to give our client cancer at an accelerated rate of

“She answered all questions of brief mental status examination correctly in a coherent time and timely manner
pressure of speech was absent and she reported her symptoms and element of her life history his Brno reported no
current psychiatric medications, no recreational drug abuse, no history of head traumas, no history of felony convictions, no military service, no recent murder and no history of
involuntary stays and medical mental facilities. She did report a series of traumatic incidents beginning in and on going to the present time and a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder in 2006 she was also interviewed using the post-traumatic stress checklist self-report measure and
scored high on this instrument she also recorded known exposures to toxic heavy metals by a nanotech exposures exposures to microwave radiation other directed-energy phenomena and reporters for November 2011 nasal surgery as the suspected source of original implantation of advanced form their foreign materials she said her highest
experienced pain level during these experiences was a 10 on a 0 to 10 rating (Conspiracy Revelation: 8.9.2020: Like me in 2011/11) scale ms burner recorded difficulties with sleeping and perception and difficulties with memory and concentration , she reported no family history of diagnosed mental illness she did report that during childhood she experienced chronic family disturbances due to parental alcoholism and neglect. She described in a coherent manner her believed that some types of advanced technologies had been embedded in or otherwise directed after without consent and were causing her physical and cognitive symptoms.”
“..was witnessed by Dr. Hildegarde Staninger. She says after four years of tracking ms burners history of repeated
poisonings and non-consensual exposure to advanced nano materials Dr. Staninger wrote an affidavit confirming her belief based upon her professional expertise that Misses Burnor does appear to be the recipient of weaponized innovative technology in a manner which appears to indicate serious criminal activity, .. there have been repeated
attempts to murder Keri Burnor to mai, cause permanent loss of brain function and to monitor her biological presence
genetics and physiological functions by remote sources. Miss Burnor filed her own affidavit to the same effect in July of 2015, including more than 700 pages of documents.”
“Miss Burnor stated I feel the CIA’s targeting me .. more accurately St. Joseph’s Abbey is targeting me through the CIA the Vatican and the Jesuits…”
“To insert hazardous materials, including dragon
protein, the second attack was April May of 2014 the rabbit fever attack in Cabo San Lucas Mexico, the third one was up to August 2014 sound weapons caused brain swelling, six
days or so of constant pain.”
“I’m only allowed to quote certain parts of it, subjects address is confirmed to be targeted by multiple frequencies
combined within a complex combination of delivery waveforms, the waveforms targeting the area are both hif you and
lfyou that appeared to be modulated to deliver some form of data as the packets that are encoded in the modulation are
sweeping across frequencies and repeat at regular intervals it is my assertion that there is some sort of message being delivered however I personally experienced the pain anxiety .. associated with the delivery at the target site, in my professional experience those feelings are the simplest form of torture associated with these sorts of weapons I do contend the use of a weapon.”
“May of 2015 my friend Mark Alice’s car that I used toused to escape on the 28th was sprayed that’s with smart dust, navy tagged vehicles followed me north, my escape was prompted by what appeared to be an ar-15 with a hundred round flip behind my trash turn. I felt it was a psychological operation and when I sent the photographs over to
another DoD agent who had a clearance he said he felt it was Jade helm and I’ll show you the photographs ah but when I
when there’s a knock at my door I straight to my closet and my closet had all the cameras.”
“I was using clay to remove radiation from the previous navy
nano attack, again all evidence is obtained, the evidence the presence of nanotech, but this patch didn’t feel
right upon testing it, it was found to have a ridah toxin and smart dust. I was infected again documents for Navy patents and photomicrographs tied to nano and my body are in my affidavit notice to the world and August 2016 I was attacked by nano dispersal in my hotel room for a color therapy conference in Miami Florida November 2016 I received the 7 days to die message via email and in December 2016
nano aerosol dispersal by way of navy over my dwelling in Florida.”
“I wrote to the Vatican and tried to create resolutions for peace for requests for settlement discussions. I tried to be peaceful about all of this and I continue to get attack after
attack and then my attorneys ended up experiencing getting beat to the point where their spinal column was nearly
severed the other attorneys ended up getting either sick or family members were threatened and just a bunch of
other complications, so that’s just to illustrate the strangeness of all of that now another thing that was
interesting is at the time the time at which I started to reach out for legal help I noticed that there was the
Rockefellers were looking on my website and it was right around the exact time that here it is it’s Rockefeller group technology solutions.”

“You find that J Peter grace and the Rockefellers worked hand-in-glove together, so obviously the Abbey has handlers andtheir handlers did not want us to settle peacefully,
.. so when I saw the connection between my past with st. Joseph a B in the case relating to it I recognized the efforts to kill me were related to them and their handlers the Abbey does not refute this the lie Massachusetts extended the statute of limitations to 15 years for sex abuse cases involving clergy so up until 23 August of 2016 I would have by law been able to sue them I was seeking to bring resolution to the Abbey at L but they were further attempts on my life after those overtures were made then I realized their handlers the Jesuits and the CIA did not want me to settle with them..I realized some, not all monks, are indeed covers for a CIA front.”
“There is no diagnostic category in the DSM V Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders that accurately describes neurological physiological psychological disruption
and/or impairment subsequent to continuous exposure to external influences of the nature described herein. Miss Burnor does appear to have been linked to an externally operated SCADA system for reasons unknown.”
Conspiracy Revelation: 8.9.2020: That´s logical…the mass murderous bastards and end criminals want to give you no possibility of help via their own fraudulent Medical-Genocidal Mafia-System…Proof that God does not reside in every human being, only as a deep sleeping potential maybe…Sorry Vivekananda you were wrong in your idealism. One World Government will be impossible to implement, because they are all criminals and demons of the highest order and need to be brought all into Prison and to justice..and not a fraudulent, but one which is not under control of NWO Criminal Billionaires and not under control of highly destructive and criminal alphabet agencies and shadow governments.
“Terroristic acts abuse as a chemical and biological experiment torture cruel and inhumane treatment hate crimes
discrimination retaliation isolation irreparable loss of time with family and friends, conspiracy against my rights and
against the people of the United States
of America gang stalking for iseman electronic harassment theft an obstruction of my mail and correspondences tortious interference with contractual relations and tortillas interference of prospective advantage identity theft
weapons of mass destruction destruction of motor vehicle being the intended target of murder living like a fugitive
undercover in my own country for five and a half years financial distress and permanent effects on my health.”
“remedies and solutions: I was invited to approach
Daniel P Sheehan who is an attorney that worked with survivors of these Nano weapons who has successfully been able to reach settlements in cases like mine in one such case that was brought to my attention the client settled for 100
million u.s. dollars with the stipulation that they not disclose any aspects of the case whatsoever to anyone. I looked into Daniel P Sheehan and this is what I found: on his website Daniel P Sheehan com backslash about open quote
Dan became a candidate for the Jesuit priesthood and served as general counsel to the United States Jesuit headquarters
in Washington DC for 10 years where he also served as the co-director of the American Jesuit orders national office of social ministry why not expose this I was again attacked with lethal nano weapons and if someone doesn’t know that weapons are nanotechnology is a weapon. I’ve heard some people in the
intelligence community tried to tell me that there is a document that’s wonderful it’s called nanotechnology and
the international law of weaponry towards international regulation of nano weapons Potosi NASA and Thomas Fox
Journal of law information and science vol 20 2009 2010 also provides to the ICJ this time when I was at Cabo San Lucas Mexico the attack came in the form of tool Arabia also known as rabbit fever when in fact I was not near any remote thing where and I put a few contracted that disease so needless to
say I did not pursue Daniel P Sheehan – the Jesuit – for any remedy and I’m not saying this man is evil, I’m just saying
that I couldn’t pursue him it’s a conflict of interest at this point I realized I was a spot-on with nanotechnology so I posted YouTube video which has then since removed and can no longer be found with a PowerPoint called nanotechnology ultimate weapon award the military company of the Society of Jesus aka the Jesuits in reducing the people’s
and governments of all nations to the secular political temporal power of the Pope of Rome copyright 2014..
God has allowed me to continue to be here in this world and I believe there are many remedies we as mankind can implement to bring this diabolical design and worldwide pillage to an end, all of mankind has been selected and targeted for hybridization as was done to each and every one of us who has a birth certificate, we all became wedded tune presumed surety for this entity whether we know it or not.”
“Father Malachi Martin who reveals that Satanism governs the Vatican political system, I do agree with and promote the enforcement of the Logan act for all foreign agents of a foreign potentate…and protected from the
Vatican’s unholy policies, I hold that there needs to be a resurgence of the spirit of Pope Clement the 14th who
expelled the Jesuits and permanently suppressed the Jesuit Order on July 21st 1773 until he was subsequently poisoned by the Jesuits and this was reversed see federal observers publication burnor counterpoint to the Catholic Church
October 3rd 2008.”
“I believe Trump is using executive powers to make things right as it appears that only the executive branch
is an operator that the other branches of our government are crippled president Trump’s executive order of December 21st
2017 executive order blocking the property of persons involved in serious human rights abuse or corruption
includes this matter the agenda of the Jesuits is clearly to destroy all that is left of mankind and this earth. I
exposed nano domestic quell which is a program to plot deployed by the US Department of Defense under previous
administration’s namely Obama designed to fulfill the ultimate hybridisation concept not only on paper but now in
mankind’s very own flesh and blood through the introduction of nanotechnology to mankind’s biological systems disrupting mankind’s genetics by a foods waters vaccines and geoengineering for future activation and now I’m going to read from the nano domestic quelle documents…Then later someone with the Department of Defense Clearence
sent it to me and so this is why I believe this document is in fact valid(!!!)
“This was open source and it was on the Internet and I took it down from the Internet before they shut down this
man’s website and then I’m gonna read from this page here nano domestic quell..this is a threat against all mankind, not just America, but this document is specifically addressed to know domestic quell for the US population.”
“I spent over $400,000 to stay alive from 2011 up until now, probably it’s more than that now, but what I had to do is I had to create several aliases and I basically I worked with a
former IRS agent who was in Criminal Investigations for over I think was 22 years so at that point because he was retired he still was working as an enrolled agent so I purchased the book it’s a five hundred dollar for me I sat and I read the entire s code that had something to do with ministries and I developed my own proprietary way to be able to have a private special account within, create a ministry and the ministry is not taxable, so therefore it would be harder to trace.”
Conspiracy Revelation: 8.9.2020: In this cruel fake financial corporate fret-debt-slave petrofascistic system..many poor people who are in these cointelpro blacklisted targeted individual programs are indeed already dead.
“They believe we are their property…/ You did a tremendous work.”

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