Nancy’s Reptilian Contact Who Became Her Friend And Teacher Through Difficult Times

Nancy’s Reptilian Contact Who Became Her Friend And Teacher Through Difficult Times
377 Aufrufe•06.08.2020″
“It was beautiful.”
“okay well you decided to write um your second book pre-ordained um why did you decide to write the book?”
“Well I had to because too much was going on that takes place in what is called um hardcore experiencers as we um learn that everything is consciousness, everything uh missing time
uh telepathy past lives it’s all consciousness.
“I think I read somewhere where you said you don’t feel like you belong on this planet and i’ve had that said to me by many experiences in the past, so maybe explain what you meant by that and then talk about the book.”
“Okay, I feel very uncomfortable on this planet, I feel like I don’t belong um i know i don’t belong and I have trouble um being around humans for any length of time, because they drain me, they drain me. I hate to use the word dislike of
humanity, as a whole, as a whole I have an intense dislike of humanity, I can’t believe I just said that, but I have several friends that I love and people that are in my life that I love, but as a whole humanity is pretty rotten, let´s being honest.”
“Well we’re living in pretty crazy times at the moment and just seems to be going from bad to worse.”
i am like mr told me to find the positive in every negative, this is a time now where animals are coming out that have never been out, they’re taking their space that we’ve taken away from them and people are now they’re learning what
it feels like to be in a cage ..these people go to work all day long and they keep their animals in the cage and they say the animal loves it, pollution is improving.”
“It’s hard for everyone but I think this is mother nature’s way of saying: wake up, pay attention, respect me, show me some respect.”
“and I live alone, I’m a hermit so i’m the perfect
victim if you want to call it that because it’s just me and my cat even when when i did wasn’t in lockdown i spent
most of my life in my apartment..I venture out and go partying with my cousin you know once a month, that’s my big yahoo..but I am a homebody.”
“and um that’s exactly what it is that that term was coined by the late jim mars the mental boggle point and my book will take you to that mental vocal point over and over again
but I’m telling you that that everything in that book is is true um you know there’s no money, there’s no fame, there’s
you know people think you write a book you make money i’m lucky if it puts gas in my car you want to know the truth. I don’t do radio interviews, it’s very difficult for me it’s really hard i do everything to avoid them which is
really um – well that’s why we appreciate you giving
your time with us today, so the mental boggle point so it
it probably explains why people find find it hard to believe
experiences at this point in time i mean
i’m i’m sure it’s going to it’s going to do a complete loop but i think we’re just going through a transition phase at the moment with our belief system – well i’ve lost a
lot of family, a lot of friends i was sick of going to
family events where i would bring up i was going to do a radio interview and i could see them kicking each other under
the damn table ..i don’t miss them i really don’t, it was very painful at first because i wanted everyone to believe me i wanted to be validated, i don’t need that anymore i’m 70 years old um i’m i’ve nothing to gain by by telling you what i’m telling you and telling the world and sharing, my mission is to to help others lose the come forward with their stories and that is my mission and that’s what i’m trying to do.”
“The Reptilian Contact Who Guided Nancy Through A Difficult Period August 6, 2020
Life experiencer Nancy Tremaine’s reptilian contact helped through some difficult times during her life.
Tremaine was taken on board an alien craft in 1961 but it would be half a century before she would learn the truth of her experience. Regression therapy and some relentless research on her part established her abduction experience. It was witnessed by others but unbelievably, was kept quiet for more than fifty years. You can read and hear what happened by clicking here.
Today, with two books on the shelves, Symbiosis and Preordained, Tremaine prefers to live her life quietly while helping others come to terms with their contact experiences.
A Reptilian Contact With A Lot To Teach
The Reptilian Contact
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Tremaine’s reptilian contact guided her through an obviously confusing and traumatic experience.
She nicknamed him “Mister” and he seemed assigned to her when she was taken onboard the alien ship. Tremaine points out that he was the only reptilian she encountered on a ship that seemed to be made up of a variety of different races.
These included the greys and what she described as angelic beings. The messages she received she says were from a collective mind, comprising all the species on board the craft.
“I have to say reptilian because the only reptilian being was Mister. The messages and the information that I get are either formed from “Mister” or from the collective mind”.
“The collective mind, I believe is a collection of not only the reptilian beings, but other species”.
Nancy’s Reptilian Contact Introduces her To Angelic Beings
In a recent experience, Tremaine says she encountered angelic beings. This occurred in 2015.
She had tapped into Mister’s consciousness and when she was taken on board the craft, she was greeted by what she describes as beings of an angelic nature.
“The angelic beings that I encountered was in 2015. I had tapped into Mister and we had gone on board the ship and I understood that it was the lower level of the ship”.
“When we got there, we were greeted by this angelic being who had this smile that was almost animated. It was humongous. It was almost like he was waiting for us, but Mister was not in reptilian form”.
“And I do not see him in reptilian form. He is an energy. He has a presence. It was at that point that he was the size and shape of who he is, an energy. I can’t explain it any better”.
The Mental Boggle Point: Tremaine was at times emotional during our interview. She has experienced a lot of pushback, criticism and opposition in her quest to tell the truth.
In her latest book Preordained, Tremaine talks about the mental boggle point. Basically, it refers to even the most open-minded people pulling back their belief to what’s comfortable when they are confronted with information that’s not mainstream belief. People in this situation will snap back to beliefs that are more socially acceptable.
Does that sound familiar as a believer in extraterrestrials and the paranormal?
It’s easy to understand Tremaine’s emotion during the interview especially when you read about the obstacles she faced during her truth quest.
She has lost a lot of family and friends during her truth-seeking journey.
But as I’ve learnt, she is a very determined and tenacious lady. And nothing will prevent her from sharing her messages with other contactees and experiencers, most of whom still remain silent about what they’ve gone through.
In the following interview excerpt, Tremaine talks about her reptilian contact Mister, the angelic beings and the challenges she faced in sharing her story and messages.”

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