"Arrest Bill Gates": Americans Protest Against Bill Gates' Vaccines

“”Arrest Bill Gates”: Americans Protest Against Bill Gates’ Vaccines
09:23 Coronavirus, COVID-19, Health, International, News, Videos
#billgates is currently trending on twitter as new videos have emerged showing Americans taking to the streets to protest against Bill Gates and his push for mandatory vaccines in the near future.”

Source: https://www.kevid.com.ng/2020/05/arrest-bill-gates-americans-protest.html
“Arrest Warrant 2020-4-23.4, Bill Gates”
“Bill Gates’ Instagram Page Flooded With People Calling For His Arrest For ‘Crimes Against Humanity’”
“Bill Gates’ plan to “save the world” by rolling out a potentially mandatory vaccine for the coronavirus — and suggesting nobody will be allowed to resume “normal life” without a “digital certificate“ to prove they have been vaccinated — is proving extremely unpopular with internet users.
Instagrammers are hitting back against Bill Gates, punishing his posts with thousands upon thousands of angry messages telling him to stop experimenting with the health of “lesser humans” or expect to be charged with “crimes against humanity.“
“Money doesn’t give you any rights against the people. You need to be charged for crimes against humanity,” said schizandramaier in a comment that garnered hundreds of likes.
“I look forward to watching your trial!” said ccseyanelee in a comment that also picked up hundreds and hundreds of likes.”
Source: https://newspunch.com/bill-gates-instagram-page-flooded-people-calling-his-arrest-crimes-against-humanity/

WHO (UN) gesteht: Impfungen töten, Ursachen werden vertuscht !

Impfen! Warum ist es so gefährlich?

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