World Attacks Bill Gates, Want Him To Face Crimes Against Humanity: Blame Him For Coronavirus Pandemic – We Won´t Consent To Your Depopulation Agenda And We Won’t Allow You Vaccines

“World Attacks Bill Gates, Want Him To Face Crimes Against Humanity: Blame Him For Coronavirus Pandemic – We Won´t Consent To Your Depopulation Agenda And We Won’t Allow You Vaccines…Grapevine News”
“Different people across the world have stormed the Instagram account of Microsoft Founder Bill Gates blaming him for conspiring to escalate the Coronavirus pandemic so that he sells his vaccines. It should be remembered that Gates, who first announced to the world that a dangerous pandemic will soon attack the world during a 2015 Ted.”
“Frederick Nyegbule: “Bill Gates I think you have reached your water low,your orchestrated plot to assassinate the human race has failed!””
Uchechukwu Echi Diegwu: He is sick and wicked billionaire who makes his money inventing virus and providing the cure and smile to the bank after sending millions of people to their early grave.”
“Reva Miller The CDC and the WHO are extremely corrupt and I do believe the Illuminati is behind most everything going on right now so I guess this meme is directed at me😒”
Conspiracy Revelation: 15.4.2020: What you call Illuminati is not the real Illuminati, differentiate them and call them Illuminazi, Nazi Stasi Army, Criminals In Action, Dumb or Doofuses, World Hate Organization, Center of Disease Creation, Environmental Pollution Agency and their Corporate Criminal Alphabet Mafia Technofascistic Shadow Destroyers. When you turn Black to Black and White to White and when you stop and reveal their Distortion Game of Truth.

339030cookie-checkWorld Attacks Bill Gates, Want Him To Face Crimes Against Humanity: Blame Him For Coronavirus Pandemic – We Won´t Consent To Your Depopulation Agenda And We Won’t Allow You Vaccines
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