Rockefeller Porn: Military Weaponry (MK-Ultra)

“Rockefeller Porn: Military Weaponry (MK-Ultra)”

“Naga Kanyah: 5680 Abonnenten: (Draco Romance = MK-Ultra Beta Sex Slaves called Ghetto Gaggers (Latina Abuse/Facial Abuse), Thug Hunter..etc.)”
245.352 Aufrufe•05.02.2013
“Now you say reptilians wanna keep us endlessly shut down fighting amongst ourselves, how does that help?
We just keep fighting each other and you also said we cannot create our own reality right now, because we are inside the
matrix of the net does that give you a hopeless feeling or or what can we do if we can’t create our own reality right
now? Well, I don’t have a hopeless feeling, because it’s still changing, if I thought this was gonna go on forever, because I know what their agenda was their future agenda was to microchip everybody to… have certain people set aside
as slaves, the rest would be put in concentration camps and and as a constant food source and then they would probably also alter the environment, so that it would become suitable.. because they’re blind in sunlight.. seeing sunlight.. so that would have been our future, a total slave ordinations and being decimated in front of you, open your eyes.”

310050cookie-checkRockefeller Porn: Military Weaponry (MK-Ultra)
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