„104.260 Aufrufe•07.02.2019“
3013400cookie-check5G tech is ‘crime under international law’
„104.260 Aufrufe•07.02.2019“
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Once human beings are exposed to the truth, their decision to ridicule it manifests so quickly, one could think that human beings are actually robots that were programmed to do so. -unknown-
The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error. (Gustave Le Bon)(The Crowd)
By the way, for those who haven’t read my books, mental hospitals, are used for mind control. (Frit Springmeier)(2015)
People who call themselves supporters of Israel are actually supporters of its moral degeneration and ultimate destruction. ― Noam Chomsky