Fukushima Global Disaster – Dr. Chris Busby

“We are under a dictatorship of kleptocrat eugenicist who enjoy hurting us just like depleted uranium they wouldn´t use it until 1990 they had it since World War two after the Manhattan Project 1946 there´s papers on it we´ve read them on air we´ve had dr. Doug Rocky on nuclear physicists biologists former head of the Pentagon d-u program they
would not allowed to use it in combat until 1990 and then now they just use it everywhere now they just put it in concrete additives now it´s in forklifts now it´s everywhere and the cancer rates go up and up and up and up. 91 percent of nuclear reactors are leaking that´s an Associated Press headline you can pull up out of four hundred and twenty something reactors 91% are leaking, last year when they had reactors leaking out in Southern California their answer was we´ll just stop turning the alarms on in the city that have been there for 50 years when this happens so it is an insanity by the elite where well I 4played the clip yesterday where the Japanese government is putting on
newscast that if you smile studies show things won´t hurt you and so smile and the radiation won´t hurt you. There´s the headline brainwashing campaign radiation doesn´t affect people who are smiling and that is attempt by the Japanese government on the news we played the clip by the way if you´re a new listener I´m not joking…
(Alex Jones)(2017)(27.03.)”
“In Fukushima thyroid cancer in children is approximately two hundred times the expected value so it´s not like 1.5 or 1.3 or 20% or something like that it´s about 200 times but nobody´s saying oh gosh we got it wrong oh dear the internal radiation must be worse than we thought or any of this stuff we hear a deadly silence from these people
they should all be sent to jail. (Dr. Chris Busby)(2017)(27.03.)”
“In Fukushima thyroid cancer in children is approximately two hundred times the expected value so it´s not like 1.5 or 1.3 or 20% or something like that it´s about 200 times but nobody´s saying oh gosh we got it wrong oh dear the internal radiation must be worse than we thought or any of this stuff we hear a deadly silence from these people
they should all be sent to jail. (Dr. Chris Busby)(2017)(27.03.)”
“What is this mass madness or what is it. (Alex Jones)(2017)(27.03.)”
“I think it must be some kind of psychological denial I thought I think you´d probably better talk to sociologists and psychologists about this rather than to a scientist I mean I have thought about it and I thought of the various ways in which it can work and I can step back from it and step back from it and eventually we get back to a situation where it is really quite political it´s about the domination of one one set of people by another set of people and the wars and the lies and so on that have continued throughout the whole of history and so in order to
explain this basically all you´re doing is is explaining all the things that have happened in history which are equally insane to be honest we´ve had situations like this again and again throughout history and this is so therefore it´s not really anything new there except that in this case it´s a question of the magnitude so in the past you could have ones one set of mafia if you like dominating the people you could have people like for instance in the Soviet Union originally you could have people disappearing and the airbrushing of history and so on and we
now see all of this thing all of this stuff happening in the United States.”
“Now it´s a global corporate mafia above the law and they´ve got melting down reactors so the threat is much larger. (Alex Jones)(2017)(27.03.)”
“It´s a sort of third world war. It´s the Governments versus the People, it´s truly extraordinary. (Dr. Chris Busby)(2017)(27.03.)
It’s like a bunch of crazy governments and corporations above the law not in control of themselves just on total power trips who don’t even care about their grandchildren. (Alex Jones)(2017)(27.03.)”

61030cookie-checkFukushima Global Disaster – Dr. Chris Busby
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