„Anywhere of 50 to 70% of the overseas…are themselves..arrogant, self-centered, egotistical…self-serving..they are climbing the latter to power..there are always good and bad…
Even Islam is a company… How they owned your body and your soul… Islam, Judaism and Christianity as Corporations as Companies, because that´s what they are. Jehova Witnesses are right in the middle.. (Jordan Maxwell)“
„Church of the Living“ „Church of the Dead“
Jehova = Adonai = Satan. Just another corporate cult form of covert satanism…
„When it comes to money if somebody gives you money they want something back for it an Exchange what’s the exchange, what are the Jehovah Witnesses
doing for the Bankers?“
„Well, I think that´s very obvious what they’re doing is that Jehovah´s Witnesses are a Jewish Zionist operation I’ve known that for many many
years, they are being financed by secret funds.. to finance propaganda machines..zionist propaganda for New World Order. was not called Christians watchtower or Jesus watchtower it was called Zion’s watch towers. ..This is Zionism..this is actually a jewish zionist front group that´s been financed by the Rockefeller Banks in..Manhattan and Morgan..Trust in England. (Jordan Maxwell)“
„All churches are involved in slavery. They are all Corporations, they are all owners of Corporations, that make military hardware..
The greatest slave industry machine ever in the history of the universe and it runs via the birth certificate…they are harvesting the energy that exists through the birth gift to a Parson which becomes a Person, a Mask, a legal Mask…Your legal name is owned by the catholic church and you are truly 100% owned mind, body and soul by the catholic church. (Santos Bonacci)“
„Legal Birth Certificate…The Banking Control State is using that legal means to bind, legale in latin..legare means to bind…Birth Certificate is written on bond paper it is binding you to an ecclesiastical system, because the birth certificate is a catholic benefit. Benefice, it is an investment.. by identifying the parson who has authority over catholic property and the birth certificate is a gift from the mother, the mother church, you see, that it´s how it´s to waive those benefits otherwise you shall been scribed in the book of death, because it´s a corporate person name… corporate comes from corps. ..Registrations, Regis, belong to the King..and all registrations are registered and recorded in the book of death and every single one of the Jehova Witnesses..has a registered birth certificate with a legal binding name and they belong to the catholic church…lock, stock and barrel…spirit, soul and body until they deal with the legal name, the Whore of Babylon… they promote Necromancy and all people who are going to those so called christian churches are practicing necromancy and they are the dead who are burying the dead…awakening to this death system. (Santos Bonacci)“ those words george washington wrote to a minister… and he talked to that.. about „the Illuminati“ so even George Washington used that term as
far back as 1770s.. there was no doubt in his mind that there were presence so corrupt and evil organizations operating in america and operating what’s
„in the U.S. government but he did not see that happening in Freemasonry himself and he… saw it as an apparition… it was just a handful of
people who were trying to overthrow the founding of America and he called it the Illuminati… I think he was right. I don´t think it’s right to attribute to all Freemasonry that which is evil that has crept into it because Freemasonry actually can be traced back to Egypt and in the Egyptian Masonic presence in egypt was based on a astrotheology…This is a fact that the most christians have no idea, that the Christian Church in the world today is a Masonic Order period end of sentence, you would have no Christianity on this earth if it were not for the Masonic orders of the world. Christianity is a Masonic Movement period…not all of Freemasonry is evil or bad. There were very good people in Freemasons who help founding America and give freedom to the world…Going back to Egypt, going back to India, there were secret societies, there is always going to be those who are evil and trying to redirect the good work that others want to do.
I’ve been in the company, I’ve been in the company of many good Masons, high up Masons and they are the same mind that they are very unhappy about
what’s going on in the world today, they are very unhappy about what’s happened to america, they’re extremely unhappy about what the way the world is
going, and they’ve been my friends for many years and so I know it does not apply to masonry across the board, but there is in fact occult
Freemasonry which has to do with something coming out of Europe, which can be traced back to Rome, it can be traced back to good people being taken
over little by little by little by sinister evil plots and sinister evil people with money who are manipulating the masses through these organizations
but I don’t think Freemasonry as a subject is the corporate I’m sure there’s something far far more people behind all secret societies in the
world, there’s no doubt in my mind about that. (Jordan Maxwell)“
„You can´t really attribute all of this control mechanism…to this body or that body. You have to look at those organizations like Tavistock, MI6, the
Bilderbergers.. Mossad, all of these Mind Control Organizations, they are just organizations they use to protect the Big Corporation. Everything is to
protect that corporate stucture and..under that is the legal name and legal tender, which is fiat currency…and harvesting of peoples energy through
the birth certificates. …
We have to say good bye to the Necromancy world and go back to the living…paradise with the Garden of Eden…self-determined governance that we have
as god-like children of light. (Santos Bonacci)“
„Don´t be romanced by the Necromancy.“
Conspiracy Revelation Archive 2012-2025
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- Regierungs-Dna-Quantencomputer-Missbrauch zur Schlafentzugsfolter – bei Regierungs-Dna-Quantencomputer-Missbrauch zur Schlafentzugsfolter
- Brahma mantra – OM BRAHMANE NAMAH – bei High Vibe Aura Defense Shield vs Low Vibe Special Quantum Access Lhcc-Distorted-Dna-Tether Vampirism
- Brahma mantra – OM BRAHMANE NAMAH – bei Devi König vs Kosmischer Gesetzesbruch nwo…
- Hemmungslose w2k bci lhcc Schlafentzugsfolter NSA Bnd Deutschland – bei Hemmungslose w2k bci lhcc Schlafentzugsfolter NSA Bnd Deutschland
- Brian WRIGHT Eng. bei Contact
- Did New Documentation from WW2 Expose Exaggerations? - The Court Victim Community to Network & Support bei The Genocide of 15+ Million Germans by the Jews
- Aura Light Defense – Schlafentzugsfolter durch Geheimdienste – – bei Aura Light Defense January 2025 V2
- Aura Light Defense – Schlafentzugsfolter durch Geheimdienste – – bei Aura Light Defense January 2025 V2
- Aura Light Defense January 2025 | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Mind-Net – Synthetic Telepathy – News & OBJEKTIVISMUS
- Sadashiva, Turiya and the rats… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Homo capensis-The Hybrid Ruling Elite That Enslave Mankind
- Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks. – bei Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks
- Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks. – bei Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks
- Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Internet of People…ARPA´s Chemtrail-NWO-BCI-Corporate Crime Syndicate…
- Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The New World Order is a Virtual World Controlled by Artificial Life inside a Quantum Computer
- Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Kernproblematik der DNA-Genomdatenbanken. Verbrecher des BNDs und anderer Staazigeheimdienste weltweit
- Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Vertuschte Geschichte: Wie US-Geheimdienste Google, Facebook, Amazon und Co. großzogen
- Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei DNA Frequency Bioweapon Links Targeted Individuals to Artificial Intelligence Hive Mind Control Grid
- DoD IEEE DARPA Telehealth attack the entire Planet and all Organic Life Forms through Network Centric Warfare => Psinergy X | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Zensur ist das Zertifikat für unsere heilige Urmacht…
- Impudent sensor open system quantum bci synthtel gang stalk talk.. | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Cursed Traitors of Humanity (IEEE & CO, DARPA & All Biotech BCI Brain Invaders)…
- AdminVI2021 bei Former DOD Contractor Bryan Tew Discusses Conscious Computers & Mind Control
- Impudent sensor open system quantum bci synthtel gang stalk talk.. | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Former DOD Contractor Bryan Tew Discusses Conscious Computers & Mind Control
- bryan tew bei Former DOD Contractor Bryan Tew Discusses Conscious Computers & Mind Control
- abceccbgawsdqc bei New Brain Technology Reveals Past Thoughts And Memories
- داف bei New Brain Technology Reveals Past Thoughts And Memories
- abc8qwec bei New Brain Technology Reveals Past Thoughts And Memories
- The Gene-Factor and The Fed-Watchers… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei DNA Frequency Bioweapon Links Targeted Individuals to Artificial Intelligence Hive Mind Control Grid
- The Gene-Factor and The Fed-Watchers… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei DARPA Avatar Project Links Your Mind To A Digital World Inside A Quantum Computer
- The Gene-Factor and The Fed-Watchers… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei It is just the Lhcc-Heart-Pinch-Tether Vampires… V2
- The Gene-Factor and The Fed-Watchers… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Metamaterial Sensing – Wallace
- The Gene-Factor and The Fed-Watchers… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Eletrically login into your DNA and making changes to Your Genome – DOD AI Project Salus
- The Gene-Factor and The Fed-Watchers… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Kognitive Kriegsführung und die Heimtücke von Feiglingen..
- Gemma Covington bei Contact
- DARPA Avatar Project Links Your Mind To A Digital World Inside A Quantum Computer | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei DNA Nanotechnology Mind Control Interface Links Humanity to Digital World Inside a Quantum Computer
- Agrobacterium & Morgellons Disease, A GM Connection? | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei 2013/10/joni-mitchell-on-morgellons-disease
- Agrobacterium & Morgellons Disease, A GM Connection? | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei CDC has confirmed that Morgellons is a real disease / Lyme is a U.S. Bioweapon / NIH and Digital Dermatosis
- Agrobacterium & Morgellons Disease, A GM Connection? | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Morgellons Victims Across the US and Europe (Part 1) & Morgellons and the CIA’s MK/NAOMI Project (Part 2)
- Agrobacterium & Morgellons Disease, A GM Connection? | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei REVEALED – PLAYING GOD – Who is Spraying Us with Chemicals…
- Agrobacterium & Morgellons Disease, A GM Connection? | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei "What YOU need to do now (Stop007)" (CoIntelPro2 Affidavits Stats / T.I. Criminal Zionazi-Alphabet Inc MK Ultra/MK Naomi Program Exposed)
- Agrobacterium & Morgellons Disease, A GM Connection? | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The Main Saboteurs sit in Palo Alto and San Francisco California…
- Agrobacterium & Morgellons Disease, A GM Connection? | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Nano Domestic Quell from the DoD-Morgellon-Criminals – additional Information + revisited.
- Agrobacterium & Morgellons Disease, A GM Connection? | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Morgellons – the untold obvious – Because Pentagon Criminals block all reach – I will just multiply the channels –
- Agrobacterium & Morgellons Disease, A GM Connection? | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Nano-Particle Contamination – Mark Steele
- Nachrichtendienste als Versuch die falsche Macht an der Macht zu halten… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Techno Crime Fighters' Forum 59 (Stop 007)
- Nachrichtendienste als Versuch die falsche Macht an der Macht zu halten… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Total Individual Control Technology
- Nachrichtendienste als Versuch die falsche Macht an der Macht zu halten… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei NSA is more than just a spy network, it’s global fascism. (Post from 17.7.2013)
- Nachrichtendienste als Versuch die falsche Macht an der Macht zu halten… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Frankreichs geheime Operationen in Deutschland – Regierung tötet Zivilisten (Beweisvideo)
- Nachrichtendienste als Versuch die falsche Macht an der Macht zu halten… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Deutscher Geheimdienst als US-Vasall
- Nachrichtendienste als Versuch die falsche Macht an der Macht zu halten… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Der BND hat das Anonymisierungs-Netzwerk Tor angegriffen und warnt vor dessen Nutzung
- Nachrichtendienste als Versuch die falsche Macht an der Macht zu halten… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Geheimdienst-Arbeit ohne Regeln…
- Nachrichtendienste als Versuch die falsche Macht an der Macht zu halten… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Globale Kriminalermittler / Global Crime Fighter
- Nachrichtendienste als Versuch die falsche Macht an der Macht zu halten… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Geheime RNM-Technologie offenbart wie die NSA jeden Menschen tracken oder die Gehirne beeinflussen kann
- Nachrichtendienste als Versuch die falsche Macht an der Macht zu halten… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Elektronische Folter – wie wird das gemacht?
- Nachrichtendienste als Versuch die falsche Macht an der Macht zu halten… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Vertuschte Geschichte: Wie US-Geheimdienste Google, Facebook, Amazon und Co. großzogen
- Nachrichtendienste als Versuch die falsche Macht an der Macht zu halten… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Strahlenfolter durch Nachrichtendienst…
- Nachrichtendienste als Versuch die falsche Macht an der Macht zu halten… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Völkermord EGMR 75529/01 durch Stasi – Fassadenschmutz und Nachrichtendienst – beschlossen Bundestag
- Saintly-Field 30 Min. Medium Siege Rise – Combat Mode… – bei Saintly-Field 30 Min. Medium Siege Rise – Combat Mode
- Confessions of the Alphabet Agencies… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Artificial Intelligence Hijacking Your Spirituality | Swami Sarvapriyananda
- Saintly Field Re-Established…Individual Aura Protection | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Eletrically login into your DNA and making changes to Your Genome – DOD AI Project Salus
- Saintly Field Re-Established…Individual Aura Protection – bei Saintly Field Re-Established…Individual Aura Protection
- Saintly Field Re-Established…Individual Aura Protection – bei Saintly Field Re-Established…Individual Aura Protection
- Saintly Field Re-Established…Individual Aura Protection | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Mind-Net – Synthetic Telepathy – News & OBJEKTIVISMUS
- Mind-Net Realtime Tratsch… Quantum Spies… – bei Mind-Net Realtime Tratsch… Quantum Spies…
- Mind-Net Realtime Tratsch… Quantum Spies… – bei Mind-Net Realtime Tratsch… Quantum Spies…
- Karla Levvy bei Contact
- NEWS – SynthTel – Mind-Net – 2.11.2024 – bei Mind – Net – Bci – News – OSINT
- You can censor me on your FED-Nets, but not on my countless Private Networks… – bei Mind-Net – Synthetic Telepathy – News & OBJEKTIVISMUS
- You can censor me on your FED-Nets, but not on my countless Private Networks – bei Mind-Net – Synthetic Telepathy – News & OBJEKTIVISMUS
- You can censor me on your FED-Nets, but not on my countless Private Networks – bei Mind-Net – Synthetic Telepathy – News & OBJEKTIVISMUS
- Mind-Net – Synthetic Telepathy – News & OBJEKTIVISMUS | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei C.I.A. Data Show 14‐Year Project On Controlling Human Behavior
- Still Think the Mahabharata is a Myth? Watch This. | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Akashic Records, The 7th Dimension & Sacred Soul Energy
- Still Think the Mahabharata is a Myth? Watch This. | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei DIE DUNKLE SEITE DER BHAGAVADGITA – KASTENWESEN UND KRIEG!
- Still Think the Mahabharata is a Myth? Watch This. | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Did Mahabharata really happen? Is Mahabharata Real?
- SW explains how NWO converted the Aura into a controllable, hackable, programmable network node… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Covid load balancing for the bankers human husbandry – Sabrina – November 4, 2023
- Mixxed Retroactive Reminders – 19.10.2024 – Retroactive Retunneling… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Remote Neural Monitoring for Covert Control of Society
- Mixxed Retroactive Reminders – 19.10.2024 – Retroactive Retunneling… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Eletrically login into your DNA and making changes to Your Genome – DOD AI Project Salus
- Mixxed Retroactive Reminders – 19.10.2024 – Retroactive Retunneling… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Summary Tiktok – 2 – 2024 + synthtel report
- Mixxed Retroactive Reminders – 19.10.2024 – Retroactive Retunneling… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Amazon, Google and Facebook Have Taken Over The World And Are Now A Threat To Our Very Existence
- Mixxed Retroactive Reminders – 19.10.2024 – Retroactive Retunneling… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Notes from Dystopia, Transhumanist Manifesto from Hell, Biosensors, WBAN, IEEE 802.15.6, BCI’s, Brain Initiative mechanisms, 5G-7G
- Mixxed Input – 11.10.2024 – At the Pulse of the Continuum – Am Puls des Kontinuums… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Eletrically login into your DNA and making changes to Your Genome – DOD AI Project Salus
- Mixxed Input – 11.10.2024 – At the Pulse of the Continuum – Am Puls des Kontinuums… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Kernproblematik der DNA-Genomdatenbanken. Verbrecher des BNDs und anderer Staazigeheimdienste weltweit
- Cursed Traitors of Humanity (IEEE & CO, DARPA & All Biotech BCI Brain Invaders)… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei WBAN MBAN IEEE AI DNA SUBVERSION MAFIA – THE NEXT EPISODE…
- News, Tok, Synthtel, Mindnet-BCI-DNA-Intrusion & Quantum Vampirism and more. 3.10.24 | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Kernproblematik der DNA-Genomdatenbanken. Verbrecher des BNDs und anderer Staazigeheimdienste weltweit
- Kernproblematik der DNA-Genomdatenbanken. Verbrecher des BNDs und anderer Staazigeheimdienste weltweit | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei FED Gov Agency Energy Vampires on a rampage Month 9-2024
- Kernproblematik der DNA-Genomdatenbanken. Verbrecher des BNDs und anderer Staazigeheimdienste weltweit | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Skynet rising – technologically accessing parallel universes via quantum mechanics.
- Kernproblematik der DNA-Genomdatenbanken. Verbrecher des BNDs und anderer Staazigeheimdienste weltweit | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei New Brain Technology Reveals Past Thoughts And Memories
- Kernproblematik der DNA-Genomdatenbanken. Verbrecher des BNDs und anderer Staazigeheimdienste weltweit | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Remote Neural Monitoring for Covert Control of Society
- Kernproblematik der DNA-Genomdatenbanken. Verbrecher des BNDs und anderer Staazigeheimdienste weltweit | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Eletrically login into your DNA and making changes to Your Genome – DOD AI Project Salus
- Kernproblematik der DNA-Genomdatenbanken Verbrecher des BNDs und anderer Staazigeheimdienste weltweit | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei DNA Frequency Bioweapon Links Targeted Individuals to Artificial Intelligence Hive Mind Control Grid
- Kernproblematik der DNA-Genomdatenbanken Verbrecher des BNDs und anderer Staazigeheimdienste weltwei | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei DNA Frequency Bioweapon Links Targeted Individuals to Artificial Intelligence Hive Mind Control Grid
- 30 Days Overkill Agency BCI DNA Qantum Vampire Intrusion Stats…Synthtel-Mindtech | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei DNA Frequency Bioweapon Links Targeted Individuals to Artificial Intelligence Hive Mind Control Grid
- FED Gov Agency Energy Vampires on a rampage Month 9-2024 | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Skynet rising – technologically accessing parallel universes via quantum mechanics.
- unblocked bei Deep Underground Military Bases and Americas 14,000 mph secret transit system
- io games unblocked bei Deep Underground Military Bases and Americas 14,000 mph secret transit system
- Rita Geiger bei Remote Neural Monitoring : A Technology Used For Controlling the Human Brain
- unblocked games bei Deep Underground Military Bases and Americas 14,000 mph secret transit system
- Wilbert Anivitti bei Contact
- Felicity Sauncho bei Contact
- Alisa Zoll bei Contact
- Epstein–Barr virus turns 60… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Inside the CIA's cancer weaponry program 2013
- Vishnu Orion bei Report # 101: "Max, a White Hat Insider" On ELF Signals in South Africa, Neural Influence Tech
- Cheryle Lefebvre bei Contact
- TIKTOK BUNDESFASCHOZENSUR DER WAHRHEIT MIT VERLEUMDUNGEN UND LÜGE ALS ZENSURGRUND #2 | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Magnetic Localization for In-body Nano-communication Medical Systems
- TIKTOK BUNDESFASCHOZENSUR DER WAHRHEIT MIT VERLEUMDUNGEN UND LÜGE ALS ZENSURGRUND | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Magnetic Localization for In-body Nano-communication Medical Systems
- Military and Intelligence Expert: Who is behind the 5th Gen Warfare with Dr. Kirshnan | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Energy Weapons: Prominent People Being Targeted
- Nano-Particle Contamination – Mark Steele | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei MILITARY-GRADE NANOTECHNOLOGY ~ USED IN EFFORTS TO SILENCE INFORMANT
- Nano-Particle Contamination – Mark Steele | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Notes from Dystopia, Transhumanist Manifesto from Hell, Biosensors, WBAN, IEEE 802.15.6, BCI’s, Brain Initiative mechanisms, 5G-7G
- Nano-Particle Contamination – Mark Steele | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Morgellons is a military-grade entomological terror weapon…/Morgellons ist eine entomologische Terrorwaffe in Militärqualität..
- Nano-Particle Contamination – Mark Steele | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Nano Domestic Quell from the DoD-Morgellon-Criminals – additional Information + revisited.
- Putins Geheim-Einheit »29155«: Attacken auf Agenten und Diplomaten | SPIEGEL TV | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Elektronische Folter – wie wird das gemacht?
- Rita Geiger bei Gang Stalking and Remote Neural Monitoring of Local Officials aka Traitors of Humanity
- camiseta tottenham bei New Brain Technology Reveals Past Thoughts And Memories
- Advanced Materials To Enable Wireless Brain-Machine Interface (we did not consent, it is still a violation of cosmic law, because of clandestine criminal infusion) | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Magnetism Plays Key Roles in DARPA Research to Develop Brain-Machine Interface without Surgery
- Advanced Materials To Enable Wireless Brain-Machine Interface (we did not consent, it is still a violation of cosmic law, because of clandestine criminal infusion) | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Notes from Dystopia, Transhumanist Manifesto from Hell, Biosensors, WBAN, IEEE 802.15.6, BCI’s, Brain Initiative mechanisms, 5G-7G
- Advanced Materials To Enable Wireless Brain-Machine Interface (we did not consent, it is still a violation of cosmic law, because of clandestine criminal infusion) | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Xenobot SynBio SHOCK!
- Advanced Materials To Enable Wireless Brain-Machine Interface (we did not consent, it is still a violation of cosmic law, because of clandestine criminal infusion) | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Sp00K¥ Wallace porch chat – WBAN DARPA Biotech from Chemtrails…
- Advanced Materials To Enable Wireless Brain-Machine Interface (we did not consent, it is still a violation of cosmic law, because of clandestine criminal infusion) | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The Pentagon Bio-weapons
- Advanced Materials To Enable Wireless Brain-Machine Interface (we did not consent, it is still violation of cosmic law, because of clandestine criminal infusion) | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The Pentagon Bio-weapons
- Advanced Materials To Enable Wireless Brain-Machine Interface (we did not consent, it is still violation of cosmic law, because of clandestine criminal infusion) | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei DARPA's History of Research into Mind Control…
- ហ្គេមអនឡាញស្លុតនៅកម្ពុជា bei Deep Underground Military Bases and Americas 14,000 mph secret transit system
- Sp00K¥ Wallace porch chat – WBAN DARPA Biotech from Chemtrails… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Block, shock, shunt and shield – Sabrina – Anti-DOD – Metamaterial-Defense
- Sp00K¥ Wallace porch chat – WBAN DARPA Biotech from Chemtrails… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei WBAN, Global Information Grid & Biosensor architecture: hiding a human body part successfully
- Sp00K¥ Wallace porch chat – WBAN DARPA Biotech from Chemtrails… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei WBAN Part2 – Cisco control plane for E.B.Es – Engineered Biological Entities –
- Sp00K¥ Wallace porch chat – WBAN DARPA Biotech from Chemtrails… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Eletrically login into your DNA and making changes to Your Genome – DOD AI Project Salus
- Sp00K¥ Wallace porch chat – WBAN DARPA Biotech from Chemtrails… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Human Computation and Heart Problems (WBAN and the Left Hook Chest Chainer?)
- Sp00K¥ Wallace porch chat – WBAN DARPA Biotech from Chemtrails… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Internet of bio-nano things (IoBNT) (NIH.GOV) => NWO Crime Inc.
- Sp00K¥ Wallace porch chat – WBAN DARPA Biotech from Chemtrails… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Sabrina D. Wallace – cmts network architecture (Illicit criminal health monitoring and remote torturing and dna-rna and biotech skin intrusion and skin mutation)
- Interdimensional Synthetic Telepathy Report (Synthtel) – 31.3.2024 | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Interdimensional Synthetic Telepathy Report (Synthtel) – 20,19,18,17,16.12.2023
- Interdimensional Synthetic Telepathy Report (Synthtel) – 31.3.2024 | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Interdimensional Synthetic Telepathy Report (Synthtel) – 28.12.2023
- Interdimensional Synthetic Telepathy Report (Synthtel) – 31.3.2024 | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Summary Tiktok – 2 – 2024 + synthtel report
- Interdimensional Synthetic Telepathy Report (Synthtel) – 31.3.2024 | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Interdimensional Synthetic Telepathy Report (Synthtel) – 19.1.2024
- Grey Goo and the Rigel Case Scenario…. | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei University Deletes Bizarre Press Release of Alien Insects Living on Mars
- Grey Goo and the Rigel Case Scenario…. | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Meier Predictions come True
- Grey Goo and the Rigel Case Scenario…. | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The Short Life of EBE1 (Zeta Reticuli Small Grey – Serpo)
- Russisches Gesetz gegen Elektronische und Skalare Kriegsführung (Psychotronik) gegen die Zivilbevölkerung. | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Elektronische Folter – wie wird das gemacht?
- Brother Nathanael sets the Record Straight… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Brother Nathanael – Real Talk – Zionazi-Infiltration of Executives around the Globe
- Elektronische Folter – wie wird das gemacht? | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Deutschland ist ein elektronischer Polizeistaat…
- Der Gott – ohne Allmacht – der die Morgellongenwaffentäter noch nicht bestraft hat… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Iesus • König der Germanen / Annunnaki Connection
- WBAN Part2 – Cisco control plane for E.B.Es – Engineered Biological Entities – | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei WBAN, Global Information Grid & Biosensor architecture: hiding a human body part successfully
- Darlene Knowles bei Contact
- bei Deep Underground Military Bases and Americas 14,000 mph secret transit system
- SPAMMER bei Deep Underground Military Bases and Americas 14,000 mph secret transit system
- AdminVI2021 bei Homo capensis-The Hybrid Ruling Elite That Enslave Mankind
- Internet of Bodies (IoB) – Criminally coerced forced invasion through Chemtrails for 20+ years | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The Rand Corporation: The Think Tank That Controls America
- Tony bei Homo capensis-The Hybrid Ruling Elite That Enslave Mankind
- Tony bei Superhumans, Consciousness and ET Contact: An Interview with Caroline Cory
- Tony bei Targeted Individual Kathleen Watterson Discusses Her Electronic Harassment Court Case Win
- Windows Ghost is also hidden in Windows 11 Design…. | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The Biggest Bug that nobody laments. Windows 10 Design Terror Ghost / Der größte Fehler, den niemand beklagt: Windows 10 Design-Terror-Geist
- Megan Atkinson bei Contact
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Vladimir Terziski / NWO / Antarctica, Nazis And The Grays
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Deep Underground Military Bases and Americas 14,000 mph secret transit system
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei William Cooper – UFO cover-up Full Length
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The Underground War ,Happening Now..
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The New World Order Agenda is the Alien Agenda
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Blue Planet Project – Alien Technical Research
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Alien-Agenda-VI-the-worm-has-turned
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei NWO/Strauss & The Deep State Gets its Blueprints From Chicago Communists & Americas Alien Invasion
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Project Mannequin, Age Regression, NWO, Part 2 The Return of the Watchers, 2008
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Project Looking Glass, SSP & Johan Fritz w Xan John November 27th 2020
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Corbomite (Element140) & Moscovium (Element 115)
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Steven D Kelley, former CIA/ NSA contractor talks…
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei DUMBs: Die Klon-Basen der Kabale – Doppelgänger auf Bestellung
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei 34 Years in a Deep Underground Military Base at Diego Garcia
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The 4th Reich, Dulce and the Moon Soul Catching Machine, Anu, Timeloop- Max Spiers
- U.S. bioweapon lab … source of lyme disease: expert | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The US government has admitted that Lyme disease is actually a bioweapon that was designed by the military
- Patrick Birk bei Contact
- Transhumanism and genetic super soldiers | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei DARPA is funding Nanoparticles that permeate Brain to read Neural Signals
- An den Zentralrat der Juden: Wann kriege ich mein Schmerzensgeld? | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei "The Nazis Were Sabbatean-Frankist (Crypto-)Jews"
- GERAL SOSBEE bei Twitter users run into service issues after Elon Musk imposes daily limits on reading tweets
- AdminVI2021 bei Fake-Bioscan: "Teste deinen Bioscan oder Robert Franz "Spiel mit deiner Gesundheit" Skalarwellengeräte prüfen"
- AdminVI2021 bei Fake-Bioscan: "Teste deinen Bioscan oder Robert Franz "Spiel mit deiner Gesundheit" Skalarwellengeräte prüfen"
- The nanomafia: nanotechnology’s global network of organized crime | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The nanomafia: nanotechnology’s global network of organized crime
- AdminVI2021 bei Bioprinting personalized tissues and organs within the body: A breakthrough in regenerative medicine…
- Max Spiers keskustelee Danuta Anna Sharman kanssa – 09.08.2015 | bei Max Spiers in conversation with Danuta Anna Sharma 09.08.2015
- Silvia Betas bei Fake-Bioscan: "Teste deinen Bioscan oder Robert Franz "Spiel mit deiner Gesundheit" Skalarwellengeräte prüfen"
- Zwei deutsche Freiheitskämpfer tot. Bin ich der nächste? | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Deutschland ist ein elektronischer Polizeistaat…
- AdminVI2021 bei Strahlenfolter: Mittlerweile bin ich im Krankenhaus (mein Blog:
- Escape from Communist Romania, Portals to Inner Earth, Bucegi Hall of Records & ET Contact | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Time Spirit Extra vom 02.12.2015 (Geheimnis der Bucegi-Berge)
- Escape from Communist Romania, Portals to Inner Earth, Bucegi Hall of Records & ET Contact | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Anunnaki Alien Untergrundbasen in Bucegi Altar entdeckt
- Escape from Communist Romania, Portals to Inner Earth, Bucegi Hall of Records & ET Contact | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The CIA Warns Archaeologists That Found Giant Skeletons – “You Are Playing A Very Dangerous Game”
- Ancient Draco Reptilian vs Negumak Insectoid Conflict – Earth Joining the Galactic Federation | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Alien Races KGB book
- AdminVI2021 bei Mind Control, Predatory AI, Archons, Implants, Alien Implants, Nephilim Grids, Negative Alien Agenda, Suppressor Parasite Entity.
- AdminVI2021 bei Mind Control, Predatory AI, Archons, Implants, Alien Implants, Nephilim Grids, Negative Alien Agenda, Suppressor Parasite Entity.
- AdminVI2021 bei Mind Control, Predatory AI, Archons, Implants, Alien Implants, Nephilim Grids, Negative Alien Agenda, Suppressor Parasite Entity.
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- AdminVI2021 bei Vid-Links
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- _ADMIN_ bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
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Actual Stats
- 0
- 139
- 77
- 1.715
- 865
- 12.453
- 70.581
- 302.172
- 408.388
- 575.908
- 637
- 0
- 4.418
- 13
- 619
- 0
- 3
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 17. Februar 2025
More Deborah Tavares hoaxes here.
VIDEOS (Jeff Rense is not involved in the hoax) (at 11:10-20:00)–FC_oQ (at 1:05-3:40) (at 27:20-30:10)
In the FAKE PG&E Email Hoax, Deborah Tavares claims to have obtained emails which effectively prove that PG&E caused the recent fires in California by beaming energy beams from satellites in space at California. But, her claims about these emails are lies. They are FORGERIES.
Pacific Gas & Electric („PG&E“) is a California electrical utility company. Over the next few years, PG&E is required by law to generate an increasingly higher and higher percentage of its electrical power without producing any carbon emissions. So, PG&E has increasingly resorted to wind, solar and thermal technology to generate electrical power.
But, PG&E’s conventional, ground-based, solar panels can only collect energy from the Sun during the middle of daylight hours in good weather. So, in 2009, PG&E announced that in the future, solar panels on satellites in space might be used to generate energy from the Sun 24 hours a day. These satellites might then beam the power to Earth in the form of laser beams or radio frequency beams. The power might then be received at receptor stations on Earth and then converted to electricity for use by its customers.
WHAT PG&E ANNOUNCED IN 2009:…se_link-energy
Solaren is a private California company which has patented the technology described above. In 2009, PG&E entered into a contract with Solaren to buy finished electricity from Solaren if Solaren is ever successful in generating electrical power using this technology. Under the contract, Solaren would own, operate and control all its satellites, rectennas and all the receiver stations. Originally, Solaren promised to provide PG&E with finished electricity by 2016. But, it ran into financial problems and still has not provided any electricity, even at this late date. The California Public Utilities Commission („CPUC“) approved the contract on the condition that no money from PG&E customers ever be used to develop this technology.
THE CONTRACT:…/#.XHRAB1KFPIU (at paragraphs 1-5)…closer-reality(at paragraphs 8, 9 & 10)…-light-of-day/(at the final two paragraphs)…r-earth-2014-7(at the final two paragraphs)
Deborah Tavares lives in Sebastopol and has publically opposed PG&E because of its „smart meters“. So, when the recent forest fires burned northern California, Deborah Tavares wanted to blame PG&E and the technology described above for starting those fires. But, there was a problem. The scientific and economic literature indicated that this technology did not yet exist.
This technology will not be in use until the end of the decade. See the last 3 paragraphs and the final sentence here.…r-earth-2014-7
This technology did not exist in 2017. Beginning at the bottom of page 16 here.…olar-Power.pdf
This technology is not in use in 2019. See the last paragraph.…ospaceforpower.
This technology did not exist in 2018. See the FIRST and LAST paragraph here.…ser-to-reality
This technology will not be in use until at least 2019. See page 62…e_12-14-16.pdf
This technology did not exist in 2018. See the final paragraph. http://www.alternative-energy-news.i…ls-into-orbit/
SO, TO REBUT ALL THOSE FACTS, Deborah Tavares FORGED a series of FAKE emails (purportedly between the CPUC and PG&E) indicating that this beam technology already existed, that it was already in use and that it could be used to kill us all.
Afterwards, Deborah Tavares created more FORGED emails reflecting imaginary responses from imaginary experts to which Deborah Tavares allegedly forwarded her FORGED emails above. Not surprisingly, these imaginary experts agreed with Deborah Tavares that this beam technology already existed, that it has long been in use and that it could be used to kill us all.
Thus, Deborah Tavares herself actually created the very FORGERIES which she fraudulently claims CONSTITUTE „PROOF“ that PG&E used this future beam technology to start the recent fires in California to kill us all in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind.
1. Tavares did not know what „space weather“ actually was (something a REAL PG&E executive would know). „Solar flares“ on the surface of the Sun erupt about every 11 years or so. These solar flares extend millions of miles into space and emit extremely high amounts of radiation into space. This radiation is called „space weather“ (like a „rain“ or „storm“ OF RADIATION in space). (It is the Earth’s atmosphere which protects all life on Earth from this radiation.). The radiation emitted during such „space weather“ is so powerful that it can damage or destroy electrical power transformers here on Earth if they are linked to earth-based solar panels. Such damage can result in power outages. That is why „space weather“ would be of concern to PG&E. During „damaging space weather“, PG&E has to protect its transformers linked to earth-based solar panels because some such transformers provide electrical power to nuclear power plants and to hospitals which cannot afford power outages for obvious reasons.
But, Deborah Tavares did not know any of this. She mistakenly believed that „space weather“ was WEATHER HERE ON EARTH (like drought and fire) that was artificially created and controlled by lasers, radio frequencies or microwaves beamed at the Earth from satellites IN SPACE (a stupid mistake that a REAL PG&E executive WOULD NOT MAKE).
In FORGING the phrase „…then have its lawyers BLAME ITS CUSTOMERS, AKA EARTHLINGS, FOR ANY ADVERSE CONSEQUENSES RESULTING [FROM DAMAGING SPACE WEATHER]“ in the 9:50 email above, Deborah Tavares was referring to the adverse consequences of FIRES WHICH PG&E CAN BLAME ON ITS CUSTOMERS (not realizing that „damaging space weather“ is actually radiation in outer space caused by solar flares on the surface of the Sun every 11 years). Unknown to Deborah Tavares, the consequences resulting from „damaging space weather“ is actually power outages, NOT FIRES! AND, PG&E CANNOT POSSIBLY BLAME ITS CUSTOMERS FOR ITS OWN POWER OUTAGES CAUSED BY RADIATION FROM SOLAR FLARES ON THE SURFACE OF THE SUN EVERY 11 YEARS. So, in creating this FORGERY, Deborah Tavares did not know that PG&E customers can NEVER be „blamed“ for the „consequences“ of „damaging space weather“, WHICH IS ONLY POWER OUTAGES (something a REAL PG&E executive would know). This mistake proves that this email is a FORGERY.
2. Likewise, Deborah Tavares did not know the terms of PG&E’s contract with Solaren (something a REAL PG&E executive would know). So, Deborah Tavares did not know that PG&E would never own, operate, manage or control any such satellites, rectennas, receiving stations or have any say in how, when or where energy from satellites in space would be directed. Instead, Solaren would be solely responsible for all of that. Under the contract, all PG&E would ever do would be to buy finished electricity from Solaren if Solaren was ever successful in generating electricity using this technology. Under the contract, PG&E is simply a future customer of Solaren. Nothing more. But, Deborah Tavares did not know this.
So, in FORGING the sentence, „WE [referring to PG&E] have changed OUR receptor site from the Mojave desert (sic) to Sebastopol“ in the 10:03 email above, Deborah Tavares sought to create the illusion that she was so important to PG&E that it actually „targeted“ her with radio frequency waves beamed from satellites in space in retaliation for her opposition to PG&E „smart meters“. See PROOF here. (at 18:40-19:20). Are you kidding me?! What a narcissist!
Regardless, Deborah Tavares did not know that PG&E had no ability to aim Solaren’s energy beams or to move Solaren’s receptor station from one place to another (something a REAL PG&E executive would know). This mistake proves that this email is a FORGERY.
Further, Deborah Tavares did not know that Solaren’s actual receptor site is in Fresno, hundreds of miles away from the Mojave Desert (something a REAL PG&E executive would know).
PROOF THAT FRESNO (NOT SEBASTOPOL) IS THE REAL RECEPTOR SITE:…/#.XHRAB1KFPIU (at the 3rd paragraph)…-light-of-day/ (at end of 2nd paragraph)…ospaceforpower (at the 16th paragraph)
Moreover, Deborah Tavares did not know that such receiver rectennas are up to six miles in diameter (which would make it obvious to every person living in Sebastopol if it had actually had been relocated there as Deborah Tavares fraudulently claims).
Finally, a REAL PG&E executive would not refer to Solaren’s receptor site as „OUR“ receptor site, would know that Solaren’s receptor station was in Fresno (not in the Mojave Desert) and would know that PG&E had no power or ability to change Solaren’s receptor site. The foregoing mistakes prove that this email is a forgery.
3. Use your own common sense. As to the 10:03 email, how likely is it that a PG&E executive would open an email to the CPUC with a „reminder“ of the ACTUAL INTERNAL MECHANICS of exactly how Solaren’s technology worked? The CPUC had just approved of PG&E’s use of Solaren’s technology provided that PG&E never invested any of its customer’s money to finance the project. The CPUC did not need a „reminder“ of the ACTUAL INTERNAL MECHANICS of Solaren’s technology in which PG&E played no part and could claim no credit. This „reminder“ serves NO PURPOSE.
4. Use your own common sense. How likely is it that the CPUC would refer to PG&E’s customers as „EARTHLINGS“ in connection with an email about a „COVER UP“ of „damaging space weather“ which can cause nothing but power outages?
1. The sentence, „You as a California resident have every right to know what your „public utilities“ are doing with their (sic) „RATE DOLLARS“, was not written by an expert, as Deborah Tavares fraudulently claims. Unknown to Deborah Tavares, no „rate dollars“ from any PG&E customer has or will ever be used to finance the research and development of Solaren’s technology (which will be financed, owned and operated solely by Solaren). Under the contract, PG&E would merely be a future customer of Solaren and buy finished electricity from Solaren if Solaren is ever successful in generating electricity using this technology. Again, no PG&E customer money will ever be used to develop Solaren’s technology. But, Deborah Tavares did not know this when writing this FORGERY. That mistake proves that this email is a FORGERY.
2. The term, „EARTH, INC.“ in „comment ONE:“ a „signature“ term ACTUALLY CREATED, COINED and REPEATEDLY USED BY Deborah Tavares.…iz.42h9ExblMs8
3. The phrase, „very disturbing“ in „comment TWO:“ is a „signature“ Deborah Tavares phrase.…71.ld2pLLtGq-c
4. The term, „FOIA“, in „comment TWO:“ is a „signature“ Deborah Tavares term.…71.MsKCoGqM1QE
5. The term, „iceberg“, in „comment TWO:“ is a „signature“ Deborah Tavares term.…71.brv_lDgjd1o
6. The term, „footprints“, in „comment TWO:“ is a „signature“ Deborah Tavares term.…71.6jJyS4QOIyw
7. The term, „assessment“, in „comment TWO:“ is a „signature“ Deborah Tavares term.…iz.VQSLXAWgla8
8. BOTH „comment ONE:“ and „comment TWO:“ contain hyphenated terms (“ – „), a writing custom rare in today’s world, suggesting that BOTH comment ONE and comment TWO were written by the same person, which of course, they were.
PG&E may actually be using laser or radio frequencies beamed from satellites in space to kill us all in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, THESE PARTICULAR FORGED EMAILS THEMSELVES (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) provide no support for that proposition, because they are FORGERIES!
Snoop4truth is a legal expert and whistle blower who exposes online hoaxes. Snoop4truth did not reveal this information to harm Deborah Tavares. Instead, Snoop4truth revealed this information solely to reduce the CATASTROPHIC DAMAGE that such intentional fraud inflicts upon the American people every single day. Had it not been for Deborah Tavares‘ role in the „Judge DALE Hoax“, Snoop4truth would not have revealed this information here.
The message to all charlatans and hoaxers? Just tell the truth. The truth does not fear investigation. Only lies fear investigation. The truth can be supported by using the truth. Only lies must be supported by using hoaxes (other lies). There is no such thing as a „good reason“ to intentionally defraud the American people, not even to make a popular (and sensational) conspiracy theory appear to be true.