We are gonna kick the parasites out. The Alien Agenda is the complete take over of this Planet and the killing of 50, 60 to 70% of the worlds population by the year 2029. US Military has known about this for 45 years, they told no one. AFAIK I am the only person standing before a crowd talking about the alien agenda secretly. I am the only living survivor talking about world wide. The New World Order and the Alien Agenda is one and the same! I was picked because I was very strong mentally, we were picked because we don´t crack under pressure, we don´t freak under pressure. (Phil Schneider statements (1995)

We are gonna kick the parasites out. The Alien Agenda is the complete take over of this Planet and the killing of 50, 60 to 70% of the worlds population by the year 2029. US Military has known about this for 45 years, they told no one. AFAIK I am the only person standing before a crowd talking about the alien agenda secretly. I am the only living survivor talking about world wide. The New World Order and the Alien Agenda is one and the same! I was picked because I was very strong mentally, we were picked because we don´t crack under pressure, we don´t freak under pressure. (Phil Schneider statements (1995)

24890cookie-checkWe are gonna kick the parasites out. The Alien Agenda is the complete take over of this Planet and the killing of 50, 60 to 70% of the worlds population by the year 2029. US Military has known about this for 45 years, they told no one. AFAIK I am the only person standing before a crowd talking about the alien agenda secretly. I am the only living survivor talking about world wide. The New World Order and the Alien Agenda is one and the same! I was picked because I was very strong mentally, we were picked because we don´t crack under pressure, we don´t freak under pressure. (Phil Schneider statements (1995)
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