The price of technological progress: Human experimentation. It may be observed that there is no way to put an end to development and implementation of high-tech in our society. Therefore it is of great importance to keep oneself as informed as possible in the area of new scientific developments. This is especially true when it comes to mind & brain related technologies and advanced military warfare methods. He will continue to be an unwanted part of research and development and a constantly returning issue. (Gina Rydland)

The price of technological progress: Human experimentation. It may be observed that there is no way to put an end to development and implementation of high-tech in our society. Therefore it is of great importance to keep oneself as informed as possible in the area of new scientific developments. This is especially true when it comes to mind & brain related technologies and advanced military warfare methods. He will continue to be an unwanted part of research and development and a constantly returning issue. (Gina Rydland)

25740cookie-checkThe price of technological progress: Human experimentation. It may be observed that there is no way to put an end to development and implementation of high-tech in our society. Therefore it is of great importance to keep oneself as informed as possible in the area of new scientific developments. This is especially true when it comes to mind & brain related technologies and advanced military warfare methods. He will continue to be an unwanted part of research and development and a constantly returning issue. (Gina Rydland)
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