The CIA time travel apparatus using advanced quantum access, interdimensional technology, which the rest of the population does not know and which the media is conveniently controlled, we attempted to make this public in a major newspaper article in november 2011… and the result was that my contract franchise with that newspaper was illegaly broken. (Alfred Lambremont Webre)

The CIA time travel apparatus using advanced quantum access, interdimensional technology, which the rest of the population does not know and which the media is conveniently controlled, we attempted to make this public in a major newspaper article in november 2011… and the result was that my contract franchise with that newspaper was illegaly broken. (Alfred Lambremont Webre)

25510cookie-checkThe CIA time travel apparatus using advanced quantum access, interdimensional technology, which the rest of the population does not know and which the media is conveniently controlled, we attempted to make this public in a major newspaper article in november 2011… and the result was that my contract franchise with that newspaper was illegaly broken. (Alfred Lambremont Webre)
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