I don’t advocate violence, but I have to be honest and direct. The spraying of the population with known toxins is an act of violence, nothing less. Just as placing people in gas chambers. Just as poisoning someone’s food. Spraying toxins into the air is a violent crime that causes disease and death. As we watch life continue to die on this planet, we must remember that the speed at which murder is committed does not make it any less violent. (Russ Tanner) (2015)

I don’t advocate violence, but I have to be honest and direct. The spraying of the population with known toxins is an act of violence, nothing less. Just as placing people in gas chambers. Just as poisoning someone’s food. Spraying toxins into the air is a violent crime that causes disease and death. As we watch life continue to die on this planet, we must remember that the speed at which murder is committed does not make it any less violent. (Russ Tanner) (2015)

27400cookie-checkI don’t advocate violence, but I have to be honest and direct. The spraying of the population with known toxins is an act of violence, nothing less. Just as placing people in gas chambers. Just as poisoning someone’s food. Spraying toxins into the air is a violent crime that causes disease and death. As we watch life continue to die on this planet, we must remember that the speed at which murder is committed does not make it any less violent. (Russ Tanner) (2015)
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