Carnicom Institute Disclosure Project – Overview with Clifford Carnicom
“Carnicom Institute Disclosure Project – Overview with Clifford Carnicom
6.075 Aufrufe•17.11.2020”

“Transparent Media Truth
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Environmental Research Scientist Clifford Carnicom of The Carnicom Institute presents an Overview of His most recent Work. This Presentation was released 11/17/20.

There are 2 Roundtable Panel Discussions that followed where Participants joined Clifford and Host Doug McKenty adding additional insights and questions. It is strongly encouraged to view the Part 1 Overview 1st prior Part 1 or 2.

Dr. Carrie Madej is featured in Part 2 which has been removed by YT but can be viewed via Our URL;

Drs. Judy Mikovits & Robert Young with Attorney David Mieswinkle are featured in Part 3:​

“Worldwide Reveal of New, Destructive SynBio”Cross-Domain Bacteria” Linked to Chem Trails, Morgellons, Now in Everyone’s Bodies “Transforming the Human Species”: The Carnicom Institute Disclosure Project Overview
Posted on April 1, 2021 by Ramola D
Report & Summary, with Transparent Media Truth Video Post

In a series of presentations and round-table conversations at Transparent Media Truth recently hosted by Doug McKenty, environmental scientist, computer scientist, and former government employee Clifford Carnicom revealed the core of his deep research over a period of twenty years into a variety of interlinked phenomena surrounding a highly concerning key finding: that of a strange new microbe isolated first from an airborne filament system in 1999 and found later to exist and affect tissue in lesions reported by Morgellons-sufferers as well as in people’s bodies and the environment.

Image: Screenshot, Santa Fe Conference Transcript/Clifford Carnicom

Image: The CDB Microbe transforming human red blood cells/Screenshot, Carnicom Institute Disclosure Project Overview/Transparent Media Truth

Working closely with this seemingly partially-synthetic microbial organism, subjecting it to various tests and observations, extracting it from multiple environmentally-obtained samples as well as tissue samples from different people, culturing it, finding it transforming the blood and urine of numerous people, observing its effects, Clifford Carnicom concludes that this “cross-domain bacteria (CDB)” as he calls it is “causal to Morgellons,” now ubiquitous in our environment and found post-aerosol, now present inside all our bodies at the cellular level, now distinctly affecting plant life, fungal life, and human life, in short, transforming all life on planet Earth.

Deeply disturbed by his findings but driven by a passionate desire for the truth and a need to help those suffering from a yet-unacknowledged ailment–Morgellons, dismissed by clearly co-opted or complicit doctors as “delusional”–irony profound when physical manifestations in lesions, filament extrusions, tissue damage are clearly visible, Clifford reports that he has written 350 research papers as well as filled numerous notebooks with his observations and findings.”


415340cookie-checkCarnicom Institute Disclosure Project – Overview with Clifford Carnicom
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