Coronavirus: Pastor who decried 'hysteria' dies after attending Mardi Gras

“Coronavirus: Pastor who decried ‘hysteria’ dies after attending Mardi Gras”
“Pastor Landon Spradlin wasn’t worried about coronavirus when he went to New Orleans to preach during Mardi Gras. A month later he was dead.”

“He viewed the festivities as an opportunity, through music, to save the souls of some of the hundreds of thousands of people that would attend.”

“”His mission was to go into pubs, clubs and bars, play the blues and connect with musicians and just tell them that Jesus loved them,” says Jesse Spradlin, 28.”

“”I spoke to him five minutes before he collapsed in North Carolina,” says Landon Isaac.
“I could tell his breathing was getting bad. And I just said that you’ve got to get home. But he didn’t make it.””
“Pastor Spradlin was taken to hospital in North Carolina where they discovered he had developed pneumonia in both lungs and he now also tested positive for the coronavirus.
After eight days in intensive care, Pastor Spradlin died.”
“”I was frustrated with the way that the media was very agenda driven – and it’s on both sides. I feel like the coronavirus issue turned into something that was ‘party against party’ instead of one nation under God,” she says.”
“Jesse said that the longstanding polarisation of the American media made it hard to know what to believe and what is political hype.”

335430cookie-checkCoronavirus: Pastor who decried 'hysteria' dies after attending Mardi Gras
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