FED Gov Agency Energy Vampires on a rampage Month 9-2024

FED Gov Agency Energy Vampires on a rampage Month 9-2024 against Lightworkers and key Avatar Figures.

BCI AI DNA Quantum Entanglement Quantum Computer Gov-Sponsored Vampirism and Global Privacy Breach through Biotech-Mind-Interfacing Technology. Medical, Military and Big Tech Sector included.
(Unfair illicit Quantum Body Parasitism and intrusion and subversion of Humanity)

Energievampire der Bundesregierungsbehörde wüten im Monat 9-2024 gegen Lichtarbeiter und Schlüssel-Avatarfiguren.

Von der Regierung geförderter BCI K.I DNA Quantenverschränkungs- Quantencomputer-Vampirismus und globale Privatsphärenverletzung durch Biotech-Geist-Schnittstellentechnologie. Medizin, Militär und Big-Tech-Sektor eingeschlossen.
(Unfairer, illegaler Quantenkörperparasitismus und Eindringen und Untergrabung der Menschheit)

@freedomgott2024: 30.9.2024:
They can steal energy, not destiny.

They use your dna to quantum entangle to your heart… it is your government.

@freedomgott2024:and their Agencies…I am fighting for 15 years against 1000s of them, they tether to your heart..

@freedomgott2024: They can’t surpass me, I am world record holder…energy can’t replace skills.

@freedomgott2024:your blood from the doc goes to the alphabets, they use vampire machines with mind interfaces..

Key.Guidance.Wisdom @ Tok;

“Energy Vampires are consumers, not Creators, they cannot create unique ideas of their own.”

“They are walking mini-blackholes.”

“They need other peoples energies and they absorb other peoples characteristic traits.”

“These Energy Vampires will never admit that they have got these traits from you.”

“They will make you feel less them…”

@flawlessdollstargoddess:Can you make a video explaining how to protect ourselves from destiny swappers?

@Alien Blazin Ai Music ET.:Yup that’s why I created my own shield.

freedomgott2024: 30.9.2024:
Sie können Energie stehlen, aber nicht das Schicksal.

Sie verwenden deine DNA, um sich quantenmechanisch mit deinem Herzen zu verbinden … es ist deine Regierung.

@freedomgott2024: und ihre Agenturen … ich kämpfe seit 15 Jahren gegen 1000nde von ihnen, sie binden sich an dein Herz …

@freedomgott2024: Sie können mich nicht übertreffen, ich bin Weltrekordhalter … Energie kann Fähigkeiten nicht ersetzen.

@freedomgott2024: Dein Blut vom Arzt fließt in die Alphabet Agenturen, sie verwenden Vampirmaschinen mit Gedankenschnittstellen …

Key.Guidance.Wisdom @ Tok;

„Energievampire sind Konsumenten, keine Schöpfer, sie können keine eigenen einzigartigen Ideen schaffen.“

„Sie sind wandelnde Mini-Schwarze Löcher.“

„Sie brauchen die Energien anderer Menschen und sie absorbieren die charakteristischen Merkmale anderer Menschen.“

„Diese Energievampire werden nie zugeben, dass sie diese Eigenschaften von dir haben.“

„Sie werden dafür sorgen, dass du dich weniger als.. fühlst …“

@flawlessdollstargoddess: Kannst du ein Video machen, in dem du erklärst, wie wir uns vor Schicksalstauschern schützen können?

@Alien Blazin Ai Music ET.: Ja, deshalb habe ich meinen eigenen Schild erschaffen.

“Humanoid-Robots doing this to you. – w2k”


“They treat him like garbage – w2k Sept. 30,
Genius again on this Planet and.. Sept. 30,
There will never be such a great.. Sept. 30,
6th time resist – w2k Sept. 30,
Sie weiss auch was abgeht – w2k Sept. 30,
Hausärztin hat Angst vor dir – w… Sept. 30,
Saintly Field Re-Established – w… Sept. 30,

He resists a 5th time Sept. 30,
– W…
We inserted them – w2k Sept. 30,
It wasn’t your thoughts – w2k Sept. 30,
Millions of People – w2k Sept. 30,
He is influecing potentially milli.. Sept. 30
Ich raste gleich aus – w2k wtbnd Sept. 30,
He is attractive – They are attractive – w2k

“Utah Data Center scared a.f. – w… Sept. 30,

German Nazis doing this to him… Sept. 30
Technologies – w2k Sept. 30
Misuse of advanced Quantum T… Sept. 30,

Targeted Individuals Unite – w2k Sept. 30,
Appreciating him-ok – w2k Sept. 30,
Humiliating him and then appre. Sept. 30,
On this Planet – w2k Sept. 30,
You are one of the leading force. Sept. 30,
We appreciate your efforts – w2k Sept. 30,
Schwab – w2k”

“The most impossible things – w2k Sept. 29,
Even without chi field he can do Sept. 29,
Being to an energy field – w2k Sept. 29,
They trivialize such a complex Sept. 29
Dimensionally active – w2k Sept. 29,
Not exactly like heat, it is multi Sept. 29
It acts like a heat sensor – w2k Sept. 29,

“Constant Aura Monitoring – w2k Sept. 29,
Change in your Aura, they use C… Sept. 29
Ingmar, they notice every change… Sept. 29,
They lack energy – w2k Sept. 29,
Entered -w2k Sept. 29
Holy Ghost never leaves once -.. Sept. 29
No… they deplete him..holy gho… Sept. 29

And you don’t even know – w2k Sept. 30,
You are the center of attention – Sept. 30,
Wretched Low life slave existences.. Sept. 30,
Could never create due to their.. Sept. 30,
They steal all his energy that they Sept. 30
German Fed Bastards – w2k Sept. 30
You better stop criticizing him -… Sept. 30,

“Planet – w2k v Sept. 29,
The most studied man on the PL.. Sept. 29,
With many different aspects – w.. Sept. 29
He iS a complex being – w2k Sept. 29
Trials and Tribulations for chos.. Sept. 29,
Don’t forget that – w2k.. Sept. 29,
We are in the End Times Sept. 29,

“Spiritual war – w2k Sept. 29
For peace but is forced to spiri.t.. Sept. 29,
He wants to use his spiritual gif. Sept. 29,
Go in a simulation scenario – w2k Sept. 29,
We want to see how far this can.. Sept. 29 –
Cla officer is scared to death – Sept. 29,”

” bestärken ihn auch noch – w… Sept. 29
Justified as karmic retribution -.. Sept. 29,
To you – Your reaction is totall… Sept. 29,
They know what they have done.. Sept. 29
Dich auch nicht – w2k Sept. 29
Aber in Ruhe lassen wollen sie d… Sept. 29,
Die wollen keinen Krieg mit dir. …”

“Debt soon too – w2k Sept. 29,,
Yes, they will have to pay karmic… Sept. 29,
Against you -. w2k. Sept. 29,
They also use this evil biotech a… Sept. 29,
Ottoman Empire is terrified of you… Sept. 29

“Wahnsinn, wie schnell der ist. – w2k”

“Backscatter Radar used on you. – w2k”

“You leave a mark in this world, like no one else, greatest Psy Warrior of all time. – w2k”

He energizes the entire Planet. – w2k


“You will bring their Empire to fall, without a Shadow of a Doubt, only you can do it, you, only you have the eternal strenght, required for it. – w2k

“As if nothing has happened – w2k Sept. 30,
Endured and he walks around… Sept. 30,
Unbelievable what this Man… Sept. 30,

“Toby- The United Nations 🇺🇳 is Spectre,
29. Sep.
We can’t even see who likes our posts anymore, we can’t see who follows other people or who they follow, we can’t see what they like or what anyone else likes…Twitter is being used to isolate us into our own echo chamber so we never know who is molding our thoughts. Awful.”

Historical Reference Comparison: Quantum Computers and Quantum Vampirism, Ruthless Evil Governmental Agency Misuse of Quantum Computers:


Skynet rising – technologically accessing parallel universes via quantum mechanics.

“When groundbreaking new technology is developed by smart people, it almost immediately gets turned into a weapon. Quantum computing will be no different. This technology grants God-like powers to police state governments that seek to dominate and oppress the People.

Back in the 1990’s, all this could be viewed as entertaining science fiction. But that’s only because quantum computers didn’t exist,…

• 2009: First universal programmable quantum computer unveiled.
• 2010: Optical quantum computer with three qubits calculates the energy spectrum of molecular hydrogen to high precision.
• 2011: D-Wave claims to have developed quantum annealing and introduces their product called D-Wave One. The company claims this is the first commercially available quantum computer.”
>>>Remark Conspiracy Revelation: 30.9.2024: At that Time their Left Hook Chest Chainer Heart-Tethering-Special Quantum Access Vampirism started to occur, meaning your stolen DNA had been integrated into their Quantum Systems to siphon Energy and Torture or suppress and monitor or control and spy on people remotely with it….<<<<

657520cookie-checkFED Gov Agency Energy Vampires on a rampage Month 9-2024
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