Social Stream News, Telegram, X, FB, YT, Synthtel (W2k), Tok and more… 5.8.2024

Social Stream News, Telegram, X, FB, YT, Synthtel (W2k), Tok and more… 5.8.2024

“IEEE J Biomed Health Inform: 2014 Mar”
“Green wireless body area nanonetworks: energy management and the game of survival
PMID: 24608052 DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2013.2293503
Abstract: In this paper, we envisage the architecture of Green Wireless Body Area Nanonetwork (GBAN) as a collection of nanodevices, in which each device is capable of communicating in both the molecular and wireless electromagnetic communication modes. The term green refers to the fact that the nanodevices in such a network can harvest energy from their surrounding environment, so that no nanodevice gets old solely due to the reasons attributed to energy depletion. However, the residual energy of a nanodevice can deplete substantially with the lapse of time, if the rate of energy consumption is not comparable with the rate of energy harvesting. It is observed that the rate of energy harvesting is nonlinear and sporadic in nature. So, the management of energy of the nanodevices is fundamentally important. We specifically address this problem in a ubiquitous healthcare monitoring scenario and formulate it as a cooperative Nash Bargaining game. The optimal strategy obtained from the Nash equilibrium solution provides improved network performance in terms of throughput and delay.
PubMed Disclaimer

“Low-Complex Synchronization Method for Intra-Body Links in the Terahertz Band
Publisher: IEEE”

” Abstract:
Precision medicine applications supported by nanotechnologies enforce designing a communication interface between in-body nanosensors and external gateways. Such a communication interface will enable both a data and a control channel between nanodevices operating within the human body and external control units. In this direction, recent literature focuses on deriving analytic channel models for intra-body links through the human tissues, including the analysis of achievable communication capacities in the terahertz band. A yet missing component, however, is a synchronization module to implement communication schemes in the intra-body link. Such synchronization module will ultimately bound the communication performance regarding the perceived signal to noise ratio (SNR) and bit error rate (BER), for instance. This paper contributes to the state of the art in two directions: (a) evaluating the bounds on the communication performance with the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) for the synchronization symbol timing offset (STO) and (b) designing a low-complex mechanism to synchronize communication. This analysis considers a communication link between external gateways located on the skin and nanosensor devices flowing in the human vessels. Using envelope and slope detectors, we devise a low-complex solution that relies on the received signal strength (RSS) metric to trigger data emissions. The method estimates the peak of the received RSS metric to ignite communication in the most favorable location, i.e., when the nanosensor is located at the shortest distance in the communication range with external gateways. Our findings illustrate the feasibility of such a low-complex synchronization method. Performance illustrates a BER less than 1×10−5 for those nanosensors traveling close to the upper vessel wall.
Published in: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications ( Volume: 42, Issue: 8, August 2024)
Page(s): 1967 – 1977
Date of Publication: 27 May 2024
ISSN Information:
DOI: 10.1109/JSAC.2024.3399255
Publisher: IEEE”

“I. Introduction
Advances in nanotechnologies progressively bridge the boundaries between the human body and the digital world. Battery-free electronics smoothly integrate with the skin as unnoticeable patches, integrating processing units running artificial intelligence (AI) modules, sensors, and radio frequency (RF) interfaces. Inside the human body, nanotechnologies also allow radiating information from sensors to the outside through plasmonic antennas in the THz band. Measurements with human-phantoms demonstrate the communication capabilities through the human tissues. Such promising technologies advocate the paradigm of cell-connected-to-internet, where specific body regions are monitored and treated from remote locations, with impactful applications in precision medicine. Making use of gateway systems, very powerful communication and control applications become possible.”

“Author image of Jorge Torres Gómez
Jorge Torres Gómez
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin), Berlin, Germany”

“A.I. Mind Control Victim
DARPA Advisor admits publicly that #Neuralink is dinosaur tech. #DarpaN3 Program has officially achieved non-surgical brain control via #NanoTechnology.

Neuro-Dust (Nano-Material) is currently in public circulation. We are all consuming it.


DNA-based Nanonetworks:
Realizing the Internet of Bio-Nano Things
Stefan Fischer
Professor, Computer Science, University of Lübeck, Germany
IEEE Ottawa Section: Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society

“Professor, Computer Science, University of Lübeck, Germany
Tuesday, May 7, 2024, 4 pm – 5:30 pm
Carleton University, Mackenzie Engineering 4463 (Maker Lab)
The Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT) is an innovative field of research at the intersection of nanotechnology,
biotechnology and information and communication technologies. It aims to enable the seamless integration of
biological and nanoscale systems into the Internet in order to develop advanced biomedical applications,
environmental monitoring sensors and energy-efficient networks. At the core of IoBNT are biocompatible
nanodevices that can function in living organisms to monitor or modify specific biological processes in real time.
These devices communicate with each other and with the Internet to collect, process and transmit data, opening up
entirely new possibilities for health monitoring, disease control, environmental protection and many other areas.
By merging biology and nanotechnology, IoBNT promises to push the boundaries of what is technically possible
while improving the efficiency and sustainability of technological solutions.
DNA-based nanonetworks are a promising concept and implementation technology for the IoBNT. In this
approach DNA is manipulated to form structures known as tiles, which self-assemble to much more complex
structures such as nano devices and even full nano networks which function autonomously. Such networks
communicate through molecular messages which are, in the very same way, also made of tiles. Such messages are
even able to perform computations which can be used for disease detection and treatment.
In this talk, we will give a brief introduction into the IoBNT, but will then mainly concentrate on DNA-based
nanonetworks. We introduce the basic principles, especially DNA tiles, self assembly, and in-message
computation. We explain, using a few examples, how such networks can be of use in medical applications, e.g. by
dispensing medication exactly at the position in the body where it is needed. Finally we present first ideas for wet
lab experiments and give an outlook on future work.
Stefan Fischer is a full professor in Computer Science at the University of Lübeck, Germany, and the director of
the Institute for Telematics. He got his diploma degree in Information Systems and his doctoral degree in
Computer Science from the University of Mannheim, Germany, in 1992 and 1996, respectively. After a
postdoctoral year at the University of Montreal, Canada, he held positions at the International University in
Germany as an assistant professor and at the Technical University of Braunschweig as an associate professor,
until he joined Lübeck University in 2004. His research interest is currently focused on network and distributed
system structures such as ad-hoc and sensor networks, Internet of Things, Smart Cities and nano communications
in these fields. He has (co-)authored more than 200 scientific books and articles”

“IEEE Ottawa Section: Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
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The EMBS Chapter of the IEEE Ottawa Section was recognized as the Best Ottawa Chapter in 2008, 2010, 2014, 2019, and 2022 and received the Outstanding Chapter Award from IEEE EMBS in 2011!
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Last updated April 3, 2024
Date and Time Event Location
May 7, 2024 16:00-17:30 Dr. Stefan Fischer
DNA-based Nanonetworks: Realizing the Internet of Bio-Nano Things
html version Mackenzie Building Room 4463 (Maker Lab), Carleton University”

>>>>>>>>>>>>> WITNESSING THEIR DOWNFALL – W2k <<<<<<<<


M O N D A Y , 2 7 N O V E M B E R • 1 4 1 5 – 1 5 4 5 • R O O M W 3 0 4 C D G H
Principal Analyst, Southwest
Research Institute and Professor of
Special Programs, DAU
Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation
(NIBS) Team in the Cognitive
Performance Optimization Section,
Applied Neuroscience Branch,
Human Systems Engineer, U.S.
Research Scientist, Enterprise-level
Learning Engineer, SAIC
Program Manager, U.S. Army
DEVCOM SC The idea of having a super soldier in the ranks is a tantalizing prospect for any military. Just imag-
ine, a soldier who could withstand pain, extreme cold or the need to sleep. Although it may sound like
something out of science fiction, emerging technologies capable of augmenting the human body are rapid-
ly evolving and becoming a reality. Injectable night vision, blood engineered for the ability to breathe under-
water,bionic hearing, all these are no longer science fiction. Super soldiers are fast becoming a reality as mili-
taries across the world search for ways to beef up their troops to make them stronger, faster, and more deadly.
The idea of getting our hands on some highly coveted Marvel-Esque superpowers sounds exciting, however, there
are some real-world fears and ethical questions that need to be asked. Just because we can, should we? The same
technology in the hands of an insurgent or terrorist could create super terrorists capable of all kinds of destruction.
This super soldier Black Swan could truly save thousands of lives with a quick decisive win of a war; or the tech
could fall into the hands of a dictator with nefarious intent. The use of Modeling and Simulation can help us better
understand how to manage these new technologies. If you are in any way involved in helping our warfighters get
a physical, or mental edge, then this is a must attend session! We have gathered a team of experts that have done
extensive research into the area and can give us a rundown on the good, the bad and the ugly. Join us!”

M O N D A Y , 2 7 N O V E M B E R • 1 4 3 0 – 1 6 0 0 • R O O M W 3 0 5 A B
Executive Vice President, Science &
Technology, Aptima, Inc.
Fellow for Human Systems
Engineering and Integration,
Northrop Grumman
Principal Engineer, Aptima, Inc.
Senior Systems Cognitive Engineer,
Mile Two, LLC
Social Scientist, Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory
To create and maintain an advantage with peer and near peer advisories, it is critical that our warfighters are
equipped with systems that are designed to consider their physical, behavioral, and cognitive needs. I/ITSEC
provides an excellent opportunity for groups such as the government Human Systems COI and industry to reach out
to the larger DoD community and discuss human systems issues as they relate to training, modeling, and simulation.
Research shows that attention to human systems design is critical for the prevention of human error, which accounts
for most accidents and incidents across a wide range of systems. Unfortunately, human performance research is not
routinely transitioned to defense acquisition programs. Also, with no specifications required for human systems
integration in acquisition programs, Requests for Proposals (RFPs) seldom include evaluation criteria for it, and it
is ignored by program managers. Human systems design issues must be considered early during system design to
reduce subsequent operations and maintenance costs, minimize accidents and incidents that negatively impact safety
and costs, and improve the effectiveness of the combined human-system for achieving mission outcomes. This panel
of experts will discuss the importance of recent human systems documentation and guidance, specifically the Hu-
man Readiness Levels (HRL) as they relate to modeling, simulation, education, and training solutions, all of which
include the human. The panel will educate the attendees on what the HRLs are, how program managers can and
should build those requirements into RFPs, and challenges associated with implementing the guidance.”

“From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) is an annual conference in Orlando, Florida organized by the National Training and Simulation Association[1] held at the Orange County Convention Centre, a large conference and exhibition centre located on Exhibition Drive on the south side of Orlando.

Peak attendance at I/ITSEC occurred in 2010 and 2011 (see the table in the next section) with approximately 20,000 attendees. Attendance declined to about 14,000 in 2013 and 2014 due to new restrictions with US military and government travel. As a result, conference leaders are taking steps to attract more international attendees, and they have begun expanding I/ITSEC’s offerings to appeal to modeling, simulation, and training professionals who work in sectors outside of the defense and security sectors, such as healthcare, civil aviation, transportation, and disaster relief.[2]
Growth and Evolution

The ancestor of I/ITSEC was the “Naval Training Device Center/Industry Conference” in 1966. The conference expanded to include land, air and sea systems and in 1980 the title changed to a more general one. Below is the history of I/ITSEC locations and attendance from 1980:[3] ”


“Ryan sikorski
The FCC mandated the MBAN in 2014. MBAN is a Subset of the WBAN
Connect2HealthFCC – Wireless Health and Medical Devices Background

“Connect2HealthFCC – Wireless Health and Medical Devices Background:

The FCC’s Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) conducts many activities relating to wireless medical devices, including equipment authorization (for products such as smartphones, car door remote controls, Wi-Fi devices, baby monitors, and personal computers); testing for radio frequency safety; and regulation of radio spectrum.

OET has a long history of working to enable health and medical devices. Some of its more recent accomplishments include:

MedRadio (Medical Device Radiocommunications Service): In the course of two rulemaking proceedings, the Commission allocated spectrum and adopted technical rules for innovative new body-worn and implanted medical radio devices that can provide a variety of diagnostic and therapeutic functions from diabetes and heart monitors to pacemakers and cardiofribrilators.

Medical Body Area Networks (MBANs): In 2012, the FCC released an Order to allocate spectrum for Medical Body Area Networks (MBANs), making the U.S. the first country in the world to make spectrum available for this specific usage. MBANs are networks of wireless sensors, often no bigger than a Band-Aid, which can transmit data on a patient’s vital health indicators to their doctor or hospital. For more information, see the MBANs Fact Sheet and a listing of Frequency Bands for Medical Devices.

Medical Micropower Networks (MMNs): In 2011, the FCC adopted rules to enable a new generation of wireless medical devices that can be used to restore functions to paralyzed limbs. MMNs are ultra-low power wideband networks consisting of transmitters implanted in the body that take the place of damaged nerves, restoring sensation and mobility.

Retinal Implants: In November 2011, OET granted a waiver of the Commission’s rules to Second Sight Medical Products, Inc. to allow it to obtain FCC certification for and market its Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System which is a medical implant system designed to treat profoundly blind people suffering from advanced retinal degenerative diseases. For more information, see the waiver (

Experimental Licensing Program: In May 2012, the FCC announced a plan to cut red tape and increase spectrum flexibility for testing new wireless health innovations, to speed new wireless health technologies to market. The new experimental licensing regime will create more flexibility and streamlined processes for testing new wireless medical devices.

FCC-FDA Memorandum of Understanding: In 2010, the FCC entered into an unprecedented partnership with the Food and Drug Administration, working together to ensure that communications-related medical innovations can swiftly and safely be brought to market. In June 2012, the FCC issued a letter in response to an inquiry from Reps. Walden, Bilbray, Blackburn, Burgess, Gingrey, and Pitts regarding wireless medical devices and the FCC’s partnership with FDA, providing a comprehensive overview of activities that the two agencies have undertaken since enacting the MOU in 2010.
Frequency Bands for Medical Devices

Medical Radio Communications Service (MedRadio)
Authorized under Part 95, subpart I
Frequency Band – General Usage: medical devices for transmitting data containing operational, diagnostic and therapeutic information associated with a medical implant device or medical body worn devices

– 401-406 MHz

Frequency Bands for Specific Applications:
Medical Micropower Networks (MMNs): wireless medical devices that can be used to restore functions to paralyzed limbs
– 413-419 MHz
– 426-432 MHz
– 438-444 MHz
– 451-457 MHz

Medical Body Area Networks (MBANs): networks of body-worn wireless sensors that transmit patient data to a health care provider
– 2360-2400 MHz

Please refer to the rules to determine specific technical and operational rules for each MedRadio frequency band

Wireless Medical Telemetry Service (WMTS): a short distance data communication service for transmitting patient medical information to a central monitoring location in a medical facility
Authorized under Part 95, subpart H
Frequency Bands:

– 608-614 MHz
– 1395-1400 MHz
– 1427-1429.5 MHz(location specific)
– 1429-1431.5 MHz (location specific)

Please refer to the rules to determine specific technical and operational rules for each MedRadio frequency band

Medical devices may also operate under the rules for unlicensed devices under Part 15 in any frequency band available under that Part.”

“The Internet of bio-nano things in blood vessels: System design and prototypes” (Morgellons-Angiomas as weaponized side-effect from DoD Attacks against innocent civilians, since 2005)

In this paper, we investigate the Internet of bionano things (IoBNT) which pertains to networks formed by molecular communications. By providing a means of communication through the ubiquitously connected blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries), molecular communication-based IoBNT enables a host of new eHealth applications. For example, an organ monitoring sensor can transfer internal body signals through the IoBNT to health-monitoring applications. We empirically show that blood vessel channels introduce a new set of challenges in the design of molecular communication systems in comparison to free-space channels. Then, we propose cylindrical duct channel models and discuss the corresponding system designs conforming to the channel characteristics. Furthermore, based on prototype implementations, we confirm that molecular communication techniques can be utilized for composing the IoBNT. We believe that the promising results presented in this work, together with the rich research challenges that lie ahead, are strong indicators that IoBNT with molecular communications can drive novel applications for emerging eHealth systems.
Published in: Journal of Communications and Networks ( Volume: 25, Issue: 2, April 2023)”


@ch.2281 Leeds Police car #leeds #harehills #incident #18july #2024 ♬ original sound – Uk 🇬🇧 Life

@niktes2 #CapCut #jesus #religion #foryou #fyp #christiantiktok #tiktok ♬ Yeshua – David Souza & chillØut
Jordan Maxwell: Iesus Isis.

@atlantis.official2 #nature #discovery #knowledge #science #explore #explain #fyp ♬ original sound – Atlantis.Official

Alaska Black Pyramid. Erdogan: We will not tolerate co-operation with Israel within NATO #newsaroundtheworld🌎 #news #fyp #viral #trending #breakingnews #usa🇺🇸 #worldnews #updatenews #fastnews #nato #aboradnews ♬ original sound –


@islamic._motivatio2 Islamic//Motivation. What is Zionism #Allah #allahuakbar #foryou #fypシ #muslim #muslimtiktok #foryoupageofficiall #palestinef #world #zionism #zionist #warcrime #tiktok #islam #muslim ♬ original sound – Dawah_Student

@elysianfalcon #iranmilitary #iranmissile #foryoupage #foryou #tiktok #viral #fyp #fy #fypage #fypageシ ♬ original sound – Elysianfalcon
“British Monarchy – Stolen from”

@mrbreaking2 #fyp #fypツ #foryou #news #usa ♬ World War X – Kevin Teasley

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [05.08.2024 13:15]

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [05.08.2024 13:15]
@freedomgott2024:ist alles schon passiert .. die brd Mafia ist zionfanatisch.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [05.08.2024 13:16]
@Yasser el chapo:Der brasilianischer Präsident hat alles mit Israel abgebrochen.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [05.08.2024 13:17]
@AlphaWolf.z:In Deutschland hat eh schon wer aufgeräumt.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [05.08.2024 13:18]
@enterracion:ce n’est pas possible que cela arrive.
@freedomgott2024:France est Zion deux..

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [05.08.2024 13:18]
@:Regarde la France ! 70 ans d’occupation maghrébine.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [05.08.2024 13:20]
@Shhhh…:findet bereits in Europa statt.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [05.08.2024 13:20]
@VibeWithMo28:il pose vraiment la question en Allemagne 🤣😂.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [05.08.2024 13:21]
@izzyk522:C’est déjà comme ça avec les gouvernements.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [05.08.2024 13:21]
@ليث:This is already happening to all in the world 👍

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [05.08.2024 13:22]
@Hasan Ruzgar:🤣🤣c’est déjà le cas.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [05.08.2024 13:22]
@دحمان 🇩🇿:c’est déjà le cas en France et aux États-Unis

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [05.08.2024 13:23]
@freedomgott2024: et Allemagne.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [05.08.2024 13:23]
@user2890906636588:Apart from Brazil and Mexico, that’s already happened.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [05.08.2024 13:24]
@eiectrue:the US is already like that

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [05.08.2024 13:50]
@freedomgott2024: They tortured the holy spirit in 2011…they will be destroyed..

@knowledge_always #भाग_part_394 #रामायण #knowledge_always #🕉️🕉️🕉️🙏🙏🙏🇳🇵🇳🇵🇳🇵❣️❣️❣️ #राम_लक्ष्मण_भरत_शत्रुधन_हनुमान #Follow_Like_Comment_Share_Viral_😍🇳🇵❤️ ♬ reality_show_2080 – Reality Show 2080

@cper6141splrt61416 #new #news #breakingnews #foryou #war #russia🇷🇺 #usa #usa_tiktok #iran ♬ original sound –🫶

@holistichealer111 Medusa finished corruption #archangelmichael #archangelraphael #archangelgabriel #ancesteralmagic #attorneygeneralandrewbailey #fypシ #jesus ♬ Medusa – Amanati


Joy shree ram 🙏🙏🙏pat 75

♬ original sound – nipendas 🌹🌹 প্রবাসী 🌹🌹



Joy shree ram 🙏🙏🙏pat 117

♬ original sound – nipendas 🌹🌹 প্রবাসী 🌹🌹

“Sheshnag Lakshman vs Indrajit”

@truth_conquer Abraham and Sarah never existed!😳 – Download ebook in the profile Bio 🕊📜 – #secret #knowledge #abrahamandsarah #bible #christianity #mindblown #hinduism #christiantiktok #ancientknowledge #spiritualawakening ♬ Solitude – ¥ves

Jordan Maxwell – Christianity came from Hinduism.

@ufoakh #ufo #technology #otcx1 #tesla #alientech #fy #antigravity ♬ Star Eater – 艾力哒哒


608080cookie-checkSocial Stream News, Telegram, X, FB, YT, Synthtel (W2k), Tok and more… 5.8.2024
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