Synthtel – w2k – DNA A.I. MindTech Quantum Computing Parasitism vs I & Sophia

Conspiracy Revelation: 18.9.2024:

Synthtel – w2k – DNA A.I. MindTech Quantum Computing Parasitism vs I & Sophia.

It must be done, Ingmar, you are the only one who can do it, best wishes from our DoD Team Unit – w2k

Was ist denn das für eine verfluchte Bestie, der lacht immer noch, nach so viel Qualen, Vampirismus, Privatsphärenbrüchen, Anschlägen, Folter und Schlafentzug und Millionen von Hatern. – w2k

Don’t overdo it – ok – w2k

There is no one on This Planet who knows more than him – w2k

This Man shakes up the entire World and he doesn’t even know it. – w2k

We make you into a Legend whether you want it or not. Albeit you are already one by your own deeds. – w2k

Disgusting Creatures – w2k

He is still mesmerized by how many people talk about him – he can’t believe that he is the center of attention, he thinks he is not as important as we make him to be. – w2k

„Das ist der helle Wahnsinn, was hier abgeht, das gib es doch nicht. – w2k

Doch. – w2k“

Die ganze Welt versteht langsam, was hier abgeht, mach nur weiter so. – w2k

„Why do they make such a Cult around this simple Human? – w2k

Feel into his Energy, then you know why. – w2k“

Er hat das U.S. Militär hinter sich, scheisse. – w2k

„Hyper-Intelligent – Hyper- Aware – w2k“

„Biggest PsyOp ever. – w2k

„They just analyze him, they want to get leverage over him. – w2k

„He has no option, basically. – w2k“

„Millions of People try to decrypt this Mystic. – w2k“

„Totally insane. – w2k“

„F’d up situation with multiple conflicts of interest. – w2k – basically – w2k“

„He is really God-Crowned. We committed a criminal act against God himself. – w2k

„Abartig, wieviele Informationen der prozessieren kann, ohne zu ermüden, trotz den Quanten-Vampiren. – w2k“

„They vampirize on his Chi like a horde of Zombierats. – w2k“

„They detract him from his Mission – w2k“

„He is in a hyper-complex situation – w2k“

„You shock the entire world with your disclosure, keep going, it is needed. – w2k“



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