News, X, Tok, YT, FB, Synthtel, Mindnet-BCI-DNA-Intrusion & Quantum Vampirism and more…Sri Ramayana..

News, X, Tok, YT, FB, Synthtel, Mindnet-BCI-DNA-Intrusion & Quantum Vampirism and more….& Sri Ramayana..

„They are preventing him from flourishing, these goddamn bastards. -w2k“
„He is the Greatest Master of All Time. – w2k“
„Hopefully the Wrath of God will destroy them all. – w2k“
„Destroy the NWO. – w2k“
<<<<< They notice something is goddamn wrong on this Planet…
Watch the Injustice rise… until their karmic punishment knows no end…

FB, YT, X, TOK, TELEGRAM and all FED NETWORKS it is better to not shadow ban, a.i. cancel and censor me. You just will create more tension until your entire NWO Totalitarian CENSOR INSANITY

„We have the best analysts, Ingmar, trust us, we know exactly what is going on, their totalitarian tyranny won’t last forever. – w2k“

Holy Spirit likes it.

Imagine that they are committing all these heinous acts while they know exactly that the Mother of this Universe is witnessing all of their wretched ways through me.


„Du solltest dein Erlebnis wirklich den Behörden mitteilen, könnte dir viel Ärger ersparen. – w2k“

„Don’t do it, we know the procedure, they can do nothing to help you. – w2k“

„Man, this Movie seems to play out in Realtime, as we speak. – w2k“

„Insane in the Membrane. – w2k“

„The more he is in Saintly Mode, the better for him. – w2k“

„Er durchlebt ähnliches, wirklich komisch diese Synchronizitäten im Universum. – w2k“

„They are scared… – w2k“

@Faridadanko,Collection: First time seeing Lord Rama angry😎.

@Edet Beauty🥰💙: Same here oo.

@thandazah2:Hail shree ram, my lord is angry today, next please Sir.

„We must Save this Planet, really, you are the only hope. – w2k“

Sophia is triggered…

„They see him as World Savior, omg, I don’t know how this ends. – w2k“

„I wouldn’t want the burden of this Man. – w2k“

The Evil Quantum DNA Computer from Bnd Berlin, searching for my dna entanglement Signal…likely… //Der böse Quanten-DNA-Computer vom BND Berlin sucht nach meinem DNA-Verschränkungssignal … wahrscheinlich …

„No, it’s us. – w2k“

This system can make people tired… it is a sabotage system…
„Not necessarily, but it is possible. – w2k“
And I mean tired during daily performative tasks, not when lying in bed… You irradiate whole city blocks with it …
„Nein, wir machen das anders, die benutzen Satelliten, wir nicht. – w2k“
„They also use Satellites, they are bluffers, Ingmar. – w2k“
Passwords are obsolete, due to subretinal Biotech Implants in all of Humanity…
New security mechanisms needed..or Eye Implant Protection Glasses to prevent spy agencies or covert mil intel from accessing your private data and personal environment..

„Der macht uns richtig fertig. – w2k“

„It is too late, Ingmar, there will never be any privacy anywhere in the world anymore. – w2k“
Kundalini does not like that…
„His Cobra is furious about it, for our Understanding. – w2k“

653030cookie-checkNews, X, Tok, YT, FB, Synthtel, Mindnet-BCI-DNA-Intrusion & Quantum Vampirism and more…Sri Ramayana..
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