Social Stream News, Telegram, X, FB, YT, Synthtel (W2k), Tok and more… 4.8.2024

Social Stream News, Telegram, X, FB, YT, Synthtel (W2k), Tok and more… 4.8.2024

Ingmar Veeck
TikTok shadow bans for saying you have a Reptilian brain…see the idiocy of A.I. Censorship.
Nature is Amazing ☘️
2. Aug.
Baby caiman in a moment of bliss.

Ingmar Veeck
Does posting in virtual concentration camps like X, YT, FB, Tok and Telegram even make sense?

„The beauty of a piece of music is not in its technique but in the Soul of its creator; nor is it in the sound vibrations of the piece but in the silence of the Light from which the sound springs. (Walter Russell) [30379]“

„Berlin is scared of you – w2k
Aug. 04
Brahmadev watching you – w2k
Aug. 04,
Aug. 03,
Neidisch auf dich – w2k x2
Aug. 03
Irritated by Your Strength – w2k…
Aug. 03,
Irritated by your Speed – w2k
Aug. 03,“

@shamfayaDaksha receives an invitation from Parvati Part 136♬ origineel geluid – Sham888

680.1K Personen haben etwas zu diesem Ort veröffentl…
18 Kommentare
den Liedtitel darf ich nicht ausschreiben hier..wird autozensiert…
Traveller Ersteller
Ich weiß.
Hammer mega Song:“

That is what Zionist Regimes try to do with Heroes… / Das ist, was zionistische Regime mit Helden versuchen zu tun…

@musa_38_a #viral #Deutschland #Österreich #Schweiz #fyp #tiktok #palästina ♬ Originalton – 🇦🇱 Musa 🇵🇸

Might work in some cases if they manage to imprison them, but does not work with deities in Flesh….KARMIC RETRIBUTION MUST INEVITABLY COME TO CRUEL COWARDS THAT THINK THEY HAVE CONTROL OVER DEVIS CREATION!!!
Könnte in einigen Fällen funktionieren, wenn es ihnen gelingt, sie einzusperren, funktioniert aber nicht bei fleischgewordenen Gottheiten…. KARMISCHE VERGELTUNG MUSS UNWEIGERLICH ZU DEN GRAUSAMEN FEIGLINGEN KOMMEN, DIE DENKEN, SIE HÄTTEN KONTROLLE ÜBER DIE SCHÖPFUNG DER GÖTTIN!!!

„ConspiracyRevelation2024, [04.08.2024]
@Malmö Landskrona Helsingborg❤️: They are intimidated by your light.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [04.08.2024]
@Lux:So true anf I noticed too the 4 that did this to me in my old congregation were all covert narcissists. Darkness hates the light.“

@southafrican_love♬ original sound – 🇿🇦✌️ ❤️ 🇵🇸🇾🇪🇱🇧🇮🇷🇮🇶

@reehan_95UPDATES!♬ original sound – Reehan🍉ريهان

@geographydailyy So hilft die Türkei Palästina #erdoğan #turkey #hakanfidan🇹🇷 ♬ Hard News – DM Production

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [04.08.2024 00:31]
@Ferris2k:Iran is crucial to Russia and China if Iran , Iran is a wall against the USA in the Middle East.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [04.08.2024 00:32]
@shoucaza:Zionists and their supporters time will come to an end eventually, in the mean time they will just wreak havoc.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [04.08.2024 00:33]
@shechangedme:Russia keeps US/NATO busy in Ukraine, Iran vs Israel. All of this so China can take Taiwan. US forces stretched and unable to defend Taiwan. This is the plan.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [04.08.2024 00:34]
@Ashtar Sheran:America really is the worlds troublemaker. It’s the instigator or all wars on the planet. Finger in every bloody pie.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [04.08.2024 00:34]
@HH:People on social media don’t understand that every nations government plays the same game.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [04.08.2024 00:35]
@freedomgott2024:we understand..

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [04.08.2024 00:35]
@Ashtar Sheran:No they’re not. US has 180 bases in 80 countries around the world. US has instigated regime change in countless countries. US delegitimizes govts it disagrees with. US uses sanctions to manipulate.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [04.08.2024 00:36]
@hamaskhan120:This is exactly what USA and Israel wanted,Israel never wanted ceasefire that’s the reason they assassinated Hamas leader,this was planned over 75 years ago,free Palestine.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [04.08.2024 00:36]
@user756555238679:Izrael is the root of all evil.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [04.08.2024 00:37]
@Wiki.Whistle:Israel playing with fire since the time of Pharaos. 😏

@freeformpolitics #🇮🇷 #🇷🇺 #middleeast #news #geopolitics ♬ original sound – 📚

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.08.2024 21:08]
@freedomgott2024: Wer viel zu verlieren hat, kümmert sich um das Wohl von Mutter Erde.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.08.2024 21:08]
@user2203597811814: China will nicht, dass Putin seinen Handel stört.

@yotimonews China warnt Russland 😱! #china #russland #fyp #news #yotimonews ♬ Blade Runner 2049 – Synthwave Goose

@totoflh76600 #🇱🇧🇮🇱🚨 ♬ Urgent News – The News

@anthonybmansaray♬ original sound – ANTHONY B MANSARAY

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.08.2024 20:40]
„German Special Forces“
//@dt.verfassungsschutz (NWO-CIA-Mafiaschutz)/photo/7398661338605571361?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.08.2024 20:40]
@X-gen / august legend born:Sie sind keine Polizisten mehr, die das Volk verteidigen. Hierbei handelt es sich um Spezialkräfte zur Unterdrückung des Volkes und insbesondere zur Verteidigung von Politikern 😡😡😡.

„Routing through your tissue professionally – FDA & FCC ~ 2015 and MBAN To 6G 2024“

„CBD Focus Area – Biosurveillance / FGOR: Flow-Guided Opportunistic Routing for Intrabody Nanonetworks (Senior Members IEEE) (Misusing the Tech for Remote Torture, Remote DNA Sabotage and Remote Killings, Chronic Remote A.I. Stalking and A.I. BCI Terror (NANOMAFIA – NO ONE WAS ASKED = ADHARMIC ASURA FELONY CRIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)“

„William Ramsey Investigates
Advanced Soviet Research on Cybernetics, Biofield Energetics, and Cognitive Restructuring with Dr. Hans Utter.“

„Soviet MKULTRA:
„No limitations of human subjects (including children)“
MKULTRA was no different then or now in present day iterations“




„Neural Dust for Extracellular Recording of Neural Activity
Später ans…
Neural Dust: An Ultrasound, Low Power Solution for Chronic Brain-Machine Interfaces By Talha Agcayazi“

„Again, what makes this system possible is the piezo electric crystal inside the Neural Dust.“
„When the interrogator sends a carrier message to the Neural Dust, the Neural Dust vibrates.“

„Neural Dust implanted in the body without surgery …monitors or stimulates internal muscles, organs, nerves or brain in real time. (AKA NO TOUCH TORTURE!!!)
Rajesh Uppal May 29, 2017 BioScience Comments Off on Neural Dust implanted in the body without surgery could monitor or stimulate internal muscles, organs, nerves or brain in real time 2,681 Views
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UC Berkeley engineers have built the first dust-sized, wireless sensors that can be implanted in the body, bringing closer the day when a Fitbit-like device could monitor internal nerves, muscles or organs in real time.Because these batteryless sensors could also be used to stimulate nerves and muscles, the technology also opens the door to “electroceuticals” to treat disorders such as epilepsy or to stimulate the immune system or tamp down inflammation.“ (THEY CAUSE THESE SYMPTOMS IN THEIR ADVERSARIES (PRECISELY IN GOD´S REAL FREEDOM PEOPLE)!!! 6th Gen Warfare of ALPHABET INC!!!)

Du hast repostet
„Eleventhstar ✨
2. Aug.
A remote control for neurons _
“This will allow us to control and affect tissue functionality using light remotely with high precision and low needed energies…”“

„A remote control for neurons
ElectrophysiologyFeaturedNeuroscienceOpen Neuroscience Articles
·June 2, 2020

Summary: Researchers synthesized 3D fuzzy graphene on a nanowire template to create new material for photothermally stimulating cells.

Source: Carnegie Mellon University

A team led by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University has created a new technology that enhances scientists’ ability to communicate with neural cells using light. Tzahi Cohen-Karni, associate professor of biomedical engineering and materials science and engineering, led a team that synthesized three-dimensional fuzzy graphene on a nanowire template to create a superior material for photothermally stimulating cells. NW-templated three-dimensional (3D) fuzzy graphene (NT-3DFG) enables remote optical stimulation without need for genetic modification and uses orders of magnitude less energy than available materials, preventing cellular stress.

Graphene is abundant, cheap, and biocompatible. Cohen-Karni’s lab has been working with graphene for several years, developing a technique of synthesizing the material in 3D topologies that he’s labeled “fuzzy” graphene. By growing two-dimensional (2D) graphene flakes out-of-plane on a silicon nanowire structure, they’re able to create a 3D structure with broadband optical absorption and unparalleled photothermal efficiency.

These properties make it ideal for cellular electrophysiology modulation using light through the optocapacitive effect. The optocapacitive effect alters the cell membrane capacitance due to rapidly applied light pulses. NT-3DFG can be readily made in suspension, allowing the study of cell signaling within and between both 2D cell systems and 3D, like human cell-based organoids.

Systems like these are not only crucial to understanding how cells signal and interact with each other, but also hold great potential for the development of new, therapeutic interventions. Exploration into these opportunities, however, has been limited by the risk of cellular stress that existing optical remote-control technologies present. The use of NT-3DFG eliminates this risk by using significantly less energy, on a scale of 1-2 orders of magnitude less. Its biocompatible surface is easy to modify chemically, making it versatile for use with different cell types and environments. Using NT-3DFG, photothermal stimulation treatments could be developed for motor recruitment to induce muscle activation or could direct tissue development in an organoid system.

“This is an outstanding collaborative work of experts from multiple fields, including neuroscience through Pitt and UChicago, and photonics and materials science through UNC and CMU,” said Cohen-Karni. “The developed technology will allow us to interact with either engineered tissues or with nerve or muscle tissue in vivo. This will allow us to control and affect tissue functionality using light remotely with high precision and low needed energies.”
This shows neurons
Nanowires are able to stimulate neurons from outside the cell membrane. Image is credited to Carnegie Mellon University College of Engineering.

Additional contributions to the project were made by Maysam Chamanzar, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering. His team’s core expertise in photonics and neurotechnologies assisted in developing the much-needed tools to allow both the characterization of the unique hybrid-nanomaterials, and in stimulating the cells while optically recording their activity.

“The broadband absorption of these 3D nanomaterials enabled us to use light at wavelengths that can penetrate deep into the tissue to remotely excite nerve cells. This method can be used in a whole gamut of applications, from designing non-invasive therapeutics to basic scientific studies,” said Chamanzar.

The team’s findings are significant both for our understanding of cell interactions and the development of therapies that harness the potential of the human body’s own cells. Nanostructures created using NT-3DFG may have a major impact on the future of human biology and medicine.

Other team members involved in the research included Biomedical Engineering Ph.D. student Sahil Rastogi; Materials Science and Engineering Ph.D. students Raghav Garg and Daniel San Roman and master’s student Nicholas Johnson; ECE Ph.D. student Matteo Giuseppe Scopelliti; the University of Chicago’s Francisco Bezanilla and Bernardo Pinto; the University of Pittsburgh’s Jane Hartung and Michael Gold; and the University of North Carolina’s Seokhyoung Kim, Corban Murphey, and James Cahoon.

About this neuroscience research article
Carnegie Mellon University
The image is credited to Carnegie Mellon University College of Engineering.
Original Research: Open access
“Remote nongenetic optical modulation of neuronal activity using fuzzy graphene”. by Tzahi Cohen-Karni et al.
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases doi:10.1073/pnas.1919921117

Abstract: Remote nongenetic optical modulation of neuronal activity using fuzzy graphene
The ability to modulate cellular electrophysiology is fundamental to the investigation of development, function, and disease. Currently, there is a need for remote, nongenetic, light-induced control of cellular activity in two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) platforms. Here, we report a breakthrough hybrid nanomaterial for remote, nongenetic, photothermal stimulation of 2D and 3D neural cellular systems. We combine one-dimensional (1D) nanowires (NWs) and 2D graphene flakes grown out-of-plane for highly controlled photothermal stimulation at subcellular precision without the need for genetic modification, with laser energies lower than a hundred nanojoules, one to two orders of magnitude lower than Au-, C-, and Si-based nanomaterials. Photothermal stimulation using NW-templated 3D fuzzy graphene (NT-3DFG) is flexible due to its broadband absorption and does not generate cellular stress. Therefore, it serves as a powerful toolset for studies of cell signaling within and between tissues and can enable therapeutic interventions.
Feel Free To Share This Neuroscience News.“

„Du hast repostet
Eleventhstar ✨
2. Aug.
Antwort an
Yes. No one signed up for this. If you wanted to book an actual life saving surgery it takes months and thousands of dollars. Yet, they have put all this money into the intra body networks, sensors, bio cyber interface, brain cloud interfacing, etc etc free of charge? 😆“

„BoereRasta ✨🌞✨
2. Aug.
Absolutely! Covert projects, with covert budgets and a covert manufactured global rollout, without anyone’s concent is NOT for the benefit of humanity…“

„Du hast repostet
BoereRasta ✨🌞✨
They are not developing this technology only for medical purposes, it’s simply too tempting to use it as a weapon against us. This is why the military is driving it.“


@serhat_tsmErdogan verteidigt cheistliche Werte und kritisiert die Doppelmoral des Bundesregierung / Bundeskanzler.♬ Endeavour – Azaleh

@shamfayaSrimad Ramayan 222♬ origineel geluid – Sham888

Dr Andreani Odysseos | Bionanomachine Diagnostics and Nanonetwork Therapeutics in Brain Malignancies
Molecular Communication Research
Converging with Nanobiotechnology and Bio-nanomachines
(Modified from: Nakano, T. IEEE Trans MBMSC. Vol 3, no2, June 2017)
Molecular Communication
is proposed
Information theoretical
Research begins
The Internet-of-NanoThings Is proposed
Additional models/systems begin to emerge (e.g. bacterial nanonetworks
Physical layers research Begins to expand
Higher layer research begins to emerge (e.g synchronization, localization, rate control)
Applications research (e.g drug delivery) begins
The Internet of BioNanoThings Is proposed
IEEE standards are published
A layered architecture Is proposed
2005 2007
Feasibility studies begin using:
Calcium signaling systems
Microtubule systems
Molecular motors
Experimental test-bed of Bacterial nanonetwork is demonstrated
Tabletop Molecular Communication System Is demonstrated
DNA molecules
Liposomes (i.e synthetic
The first experimental Molecular
Communication System is demonstrated
External interfaces are developed
A mobile molecular communication network
is evaluated based on endothelial cells
Experimental test-bed is demonstrated based on artificial cell systems
A.D. Odysseos-BICT 2020
5:52/45.48 – Molecular Communication Research Converging with Nanobiotechnology and Bio-nanomachines >“


Q D .
Jealousy – w2k x2 Aug. 03,
They want your energy – w2k Aug. 03,
Pleural effusion – w2k Aug. 03,
\ + 88%.
Von der Leyen – w2k (gestern) Aug. 03
Scholz = Zionist (Erdogan) Aug. 03
They pretend to not know you Aug. 03
Millionaire soon – w2k Aug. 03
You have the God Gene – w2k Aug. 03
Berlin Mafia – w2k x2 Aug. 02
Clinton – w2k Aug. 02
48 4 88%
The Deity is in you – w2k – x4 Aug. 02
Occultists are scared of you – w.. Aug. 02
Retaliating for you – w2k x4 Aug. 02
Blaming you for their faults – w2k Aug. 01,
Remodelling the Time Space continuum.. Aug. 01,
Altering Reality to their needs Aug. 01.
Worshipping you as a God – w2k Juli 30
DoD is scared of your potential – Juli 30“
>>> Verräter an Mutter Juli 30
Euch gehört dieser Planet nicht, Juli 30

606430cookie-checkSocial Stream News, Telegram, X, FB, YT, Synthtel (W2k), Tok and more… 4.8.2024
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