Social Stream News, Telegram, X, FB, YT, Synthtel (W2k), Tok and more… 24.8.2024

Social Stream News, Telegram, X, FB, YT, Synthtel (W2k), Tok and more… 24.8.2024

“Dey Kim:
I’ve been diving deep into the incredible potential of scalar energy and wanted to share some thoughts on how it might be at the core of how healing actually works.
Imagine this: there’s a hierarchy of energy and information that starts from the most subtle levels of existence and moves all the way down to the physical reality we experience every day. This hierarchy connects everything—from the Akasha (that deep, cosmic source of all information) to the scalar fields we work with, right down to our DNA, electromagnetic fields, and finally, the biochemical reactions in our bodies.
Here’s a quick breakdown:
1. Akasha: The Source
– Think of the Akasha as the ultimate information field—a cosmic library where everything is stored, waiting to manifest into reality. It’s where all the frequencies and signals start.
2. Scalar Fields: The Carriers
– Scalar fields are like the next step from the Akasha. They carry all that foundational information, even before it becomes electromagnetic energy. These fields could be the subtle carriers that influence everything else—kind of like the “missing link” in how energy flows.
3. DNA: Our Quantum Antenna
– Our DNA isn’t just a biological structure; it might actually be a quantum antenna. It interacts with scalar fields, picking up and transmitting subtle information. This information then flows through our biofield and impacts everything from our cells to our overall health.
4. Electromagnetic Fields: The Manifested Energy
– When we talk about electromagnetic fields, we’re looking at the more tangible side of things—energy we can measure and work with. These fields could be the way scalar energy and information from our DNA show up in the real world.
5. Biochemical Reactions: The Physical Manifestation
– Finally, all this energy and information flow leads to the biochemical reactions in our bodies—the stuff that keeps us alive and healthy. This is where scalar energy and electromagnetic fields come together to actually make things happen on a physical level.
What’s really cool is that this isn’t just a one-way street. There’s a two-way communication happening here:
– Feedback Loops: Changes in our cells can influence our biofield, and vice versa.
This idea ties together so many things—from quantum physics (hello, non-locality and entanglement) to ancient spiritual teachings about vibration and resonance. Even the patterns we see in sacred geometry, like the Flower of Life, might be showing us how scalar fields organize information across different levels of reality.
So, what if scalar fields are the key to unlocking a whole new level of healing? By understanding how DNA acts as a quantum antenna, connecting the subtle and the tangible, we might be able to optimize how we use scalar energy for health and consciousness.
Would love to hear your thoughts! How do you think scalar fields could be influencing our bodies and our health in ways we’re just starting to understand?”



Der unsichtbare Krieg gegen unsere Umwelt und Gesundheit:
Bilder, die allenfalls die Ausnahme sein sollten, häufen sich in den letzten Jahren in einem erschreckenden Ausmaß: Flutkatastrophen, Tornados, Hitzewellen, Trockenheit und Erdbeben. Stecken hinter dem „menschengemachten“ Klimawandel Geoengineering-Maßnahmen und lassen sich diese auch mit Fakten belegen? Wie wirken sie sich auf unsere Gesundheit und Umwelt aus? Diese Sendung geht all den Fragen nach und berichtet über die Existenz der Dokumente, Programme und Wetterkontroll-Operationen, die weit zurückreichen und eine deutliche Sprache sprechen [weiterlesen]”

How can these morons think they can get away by conspiring against a Bhagwan?

@shamfayaSrimad Ramayan 238♬ origineel geluid – Sham888

Kundalini is intrigued…. FOR REAL!
This is not just a Myth and Movie, it unfolds as we speak…

He is Indra in another costume…

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [22.08.2024 12:32]
@freedomgott2024: Ärzte werden von Zioregimes immer für Genozid instrumentalisiert..das mindert nicht ihre Schuld.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [22.08.2024 12:33]
@BalouNetti:Eine Ärztin mit Mut, Rückrad und Gewissen ❤️.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [22.08.2024 12:34]
@user6922267561913: Das ist staatstreue der Anwälte und Richter 😢.
@freedomgott2024:Völkermordtreue…Gott guckt mit. Schonfrist für das Böse bald um.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [24.08.2024 16:12]

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [24.08.2024 16:13]
@Diccey:Zionazisis Netanyahu and Blinkin are the Controller’s of all the Crap.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [24.08.2024 16:14]
@derleh2: This is a warning! Repent or perish! Times up!Endtimes!Jesus is coming soon!Jesus Christ is the only Way! Get baptized in Jesus name by immersion!
@freedomgott2024: That happened 7 years ago…

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [24.08.2024 16:15]
@UltraFun:It’s not alarmism. There is no coming back from this. Thank you for being one of the few to talk about this.

@1948nakba.p UNRWA says more than half of Gaza’s buildings have been destroyed “The destruction in Gaza is indescribable,” said the agency. “Clearing the rubble will take years. Healing from the psychological trauma of this war will take even longer.” Reiterating its call for a ceasefire, UNRWA insisted that “the suffering must end”. The UN has indicated previously that removing the rubble in Gaza may take 14 years. According to the Palestinian government media office in Gaza on 24 May, at least 87,000 homes were completely destroyed in Gaza, with 297,000 homes damaged and rendered uninhabitable. It added that the so-called Israel Defence Forces have used 77,000 tons of explosives against the Palestinians in Gaza since last October. More than 40,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since then, most of them women and children, and much of the territory lies in ruins amid a crippling blockade of food, clean water and medicine. Israel stands accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice, whose latest ruling ordered Tel Aviv to immediately halt its operation in the southern city of Rafah, where over a million Palestinians had sought refuge from the war before it was invaded on 6 May. Israel has ignored the ICJ rulings. Source: Al Jazeera + 21. 08. 2024 #news #usa #uk ♬ original sound – 1948

@mrnews970 #fyp #foryou #news #usa ♬ original sound – Mr News 2

@toktokworl #اوكسيد_الجرافين #الجرافين #المؤامرة_حقيقة_وليست_نظرية #تسونامي_البحر_الابيض_المتوسط #فيروس_الزومبى #الزواحف_البشرية #النظام_العالمي_الجديد ♬ الصوت الأصلي – المؤامرة حقيقة وليست نظرية

@sachsoleg #erschaffedichneu #ängste #transformation #unglaublich #meditation #wissenswert ♬ Last Hope (Over Slowed + Reverb) – Steve Ralph

@dr.rabbit.hole Entertainment and educational purposes only. #fyp ♬ Sci-Fi Horror, Quiet and Disturbing Ambient:L(1244633) – cowaii – Fear music encyclopedia

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [24.08.2024 15:16]
@freedomgott2024: This guy will be destroyed by mahadev personally…
CConspiracyRevelation2024, [24.08.2024 15:20]
@jo:🙏😇Father God I call JUDGEMENT on these sick 😈 WEF.

@king.menelaos Usa vs Russia #ukraine #war #nuke #bomb #bombs #nuclear #europe #usa #destroyed #usa_tiktok #end #missile #nato #biden #ww3 #scottritter #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #viral #russia ♬ Stargazing (Slowed + Reverb) – Marcelo De Carvalho

Omolola Oluwadamilola: Being stubborn and perish are working in the same way, that’s what is going to end Ravana.
freedomgott2024: Not always…but he just should not have provoked the King of Gods…by doing foolish things like hijacking Mahadevi.
Ngo zi chukwu: Ravana is trying to impress Sita 😅😅😅, next please.
Wife of C.E.O 👩‍⚖️👨‍⚕️: Next please 🙏.

619620cookie-checkSocial Stream News, Telegram, X, FB, YT, Synthtel (W2k), Tok and more… 24.8.2024
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