How Do Frequencies Harm Health and Why isn’t Everyone Sick?

“How Do Frequencies Harm Health and Why isn’t Everyone Sick?”
“Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., Ph.D., answers this question. Dr. Klinghardt founded the Sophia Health Institute and sees patients in Seattle, Washington. The institute specializes in the treatment of chronic illness.
The typical patient that he and his colleagues treat has been seen by 23 other physicians before coming to his clinic. They have found that the foundational causes of illness are now quite different than they were thirty or forty years ago.
He explains that electromagnetic radiation such as microwave radiation permanently destroys and alters the manufacturing of proteins within the cells. “Meaning this completely changes the human organism permanently!”
These are a few of the important points made by Dr. Klinghardt in a video entitled, “SMART METERS & EMF RADIATION ➜ The Health Crisis of Our Time!” (His remarks have been slightly edited for brevity.)
Dr. Klinghardt stated:
From a medical perspective, there are two kinds of illnesses. There are the illnesses that have a name, traditional illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, fractures, and appendicitis. And then there is the much larger amount of illness that goes without a name, where people feel they have lost their zest, they lost their enthusiasm, they lost their sex drive, they have lost their joy – they don’t dance any more, they don’t sing any more. They are still living, but they are sort of living a half-life. This fits every patient we see.
About 80% of health problems that we see now are caused or contributed to by the exposure to man-made electromagnetic fields … all the studies that were correctly done show that they are not safe.
We know cancer rates are going up. There was a famous study in Germany – the Niehler Study – which showed cancer rates in a community where there was no cell phone tower. When the cell phone industry came in, there was no increase in cancer rates for 5 years. After 5 years the cancer rate goes up. After 10 years it’s about 4-fold [higher]. This has now been confirmed by other studies.
The difference between people being more or less electrosensitive is explained by the antenna function of the human body. [Sensitivity is determined by] the composition of minerals, the density of minerals, electrolytes, water content of the system, and even the body size. It has been shown that people with bigger bodies tend to be more electrosensitive. Smaller people are likely to be less sensitive. The most severe electro-allergic (electrosensitive) people that I have seen were large people.
The primary strategy we have used for the last twenty years to move people out of [their condition] is to detox them for heavy metals – to reduce the amount of mercury, lead, nickel, and cadmium that is in the bone marrow and in the fascia membranes and in the connective tissue – to remove as much of that as possible. This has been very successful.
And then there is part two. The shielding of the electric wiring in the body is the myelin sheath around the nerves. This is greatly diminished in chronic infections – especially in Lyme’s. The surface of the Lyme’s spirochete has the same surface markers as the myelin. So, when the immune system looks for the Lyme’s spirochete it also attacks the person’s own myelin and nibbles away at it, so the insulation wears thin. The chronic Lyme’s patients are the same as electrosensitive people. If someone watches this video and you are highly electrosensitive, then please have yourself checked out for Lyme’s disease, because most likely you are positive.
The treatment begins by successfully treating the chronic infection. The second step is to rebuild the myelin.
The set of procedures that we do also involves the use of fungal products. The mushroom extracts have a unique property for protecting people from electrosensitivity. Why this is we don’t know exactly, but we do know that mushrooms thrive in electrically polluted environments.
Healing from Microwave Radiation – Success with Autism
Dr. Klinghardt requires his patients to take three steps to clean up their living spaces.
1. Get rid of cordless phones – replace with corded phones.
2. Get rid of wireless Wi-Fi routers – replace with wired ethernet connections and a wired router.
3. Measure the density of microwave radiation in the bedroom. If the density is above 5, then look for a sleeping location in the house where there is microwave density at or below this level.
If this cannot be found, then protection will need to be installed to prevent microwaves from entering the sleeping space.
About half of Dr. Klinghardt’s patients are autistic children. He describes the requirements for their successful treatment.
Dr. Klinghardt stated:
There are two kinds of autistic kids – the ones that recover and the ones that don’t recover. The ones that recover are the ones that follow exactly this set of instructions. [the 3 points summarized above – eliminating cordless phones and Wi-Fi routers, and sleeping in a low microwave density bedroom]
[Recovery] is hardly done with the vitamins and the other things we do with behavioral therapies. [These things] have a minor effect. The moment we protect the sleeping location of autistic children, the children start recovering.”
Conclusion: Smart Meters are a Huge Threat to Our Lives
Smart meters are one of the most invasive technologies invented thus far.
They invade our health by exposing us to radiation that we cannot avoid, and they literally threaten our long-term survival.
They invade our privacy, because when they are fully implemented along with smart appliances, they will essentially be monitoring everything we do.
They are invasive, because they can be used to control our use of electrical power and make choices for us, or be used to deny us access to electric power to “encourage” us to submit and conform to the plans that major corporations and government are making for us.
Every analog meter that remains in place stands as a beacon of freedom for those who are concerned about their health and wish to preserve independent thinking.
Yes, the smart meter system is that serious of a matter!”

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