The Coming War of Gog and Magog – The Russian Invasion of Israel – the next event prophetically?

“The Coming War of Gog and Magog – The Russian Invasion of Israel – the next event prophetically?”
“37.766 Aufrufe – Premiere am 01.03.2022”
“#Ukraine #magog #UrgentPropheticUpdate”

“Many get confused on the Gog Magog war as there are two of them. Plus then there is the battle of Armageddon. In this episode, we will help explain the differences and explain why we are seeing the stage set for this war.”

“In that speech that he made he turned back to a soviet mindset,
calling that he wants to restore the soviet union. as you look at the armies,
you see the tanks that are invading, you will see that they don’t all have
Russian flags, but have soviet union flags and they have the Z on them,
pointing back to the soviet union days, this is concerning,
because this means, this man is reckless, he’s made statements regarding nuclear war
and firing nuclear weapons, that He’s okay with it, because he feels, I will
just get go straight to heaven. He’s talked about the uh radiation of
chernobyl just allowing it blow into Europe…”

“Look, we can go to Israel and get gas and and the reports are that Israel could sell
at a tenth the cost of Russia, so you’re putting sanctions on,
Russia’s feeling the pain, Putin’s feeling the pain,
he wants the pain on Europe.”

473440cookie-checkThe Coming War of Gog and Magog – The Russian Invasion of Israel – the next event prophetically?
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