Self Assembling Nanotech/Synthetic Biology

Conspiracy Revelation:17.1.2025: Self-Assembling Nanotech/Synthetic Biology.

„This is all Morgellons. Morgellons 3.0“ = N3 Neurotechnology Darpa Chemtrail pathogenic Biotech. They would call it IoT/IoBnt/WBan/Ieee/Mban but it is all still this evil stuff.

„And of course the Chemtrails are always updating.“

„The limit with the food and the air is currently Morgellons.“

And they use this Synbio for w2k bci gang stalking harassment via quantum computing.

„It is an artificial nervous system and
This artificial nervous system is to connect you to the Internet of Bionano Things.“

„What Industry Insiders call Digital Convergence“ (=Sabotage of the Holy Temple of Mother Nature’s – Goddess Body.)

They really do only evil things with this Synbio….look the last 5-6 Months in this archive then you understand that IoT/Synbio/N3 is pure evil. (It is primarily used to turn your body into a toy to remotely steer and remote torture, gang stalk, bci group harass, vampirize on people til eol)

„This Info goes back to when people first had Morgellons back in 1999 or something like that.“

„This will be communicating on Tetrahertzband.. – 6G – what is already tested on Targeted Individuals, People that are targeted by the Government for this experimentation.“

„They are poisoning the food, air and water with heavy metals and Synthetic Biology while using Directed Energy Weapons to facilitate a bidirectional stream of networking to and from Wireless Body Area Networks. We are in a world changing event referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Biodigital Convergence. Onionhead Andrew was weapons tested on for the last decade. Now he knows how to defeat it. Will you answer the call and survive or will you sleepwalk yourself and your family, community, country over the cliff of depopulation.“

„You have to put the foreign genetic code containing the information to build it into people’s body. They assemble on the nano-level.“

„It is a Russian Doll Disease.“

„Dr. Hildegard Staninger said the same thing already in 2006.“

„The synthetic biology is necessary for the nanotechnology.“

„Depopulation survival guide.“

„I think the bigger thing is to k most people and connect the rest to the internet of bionano things.“

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astralsphäre, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Corporatistic Terror, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA Sleepcycle Sabotage - Most Inhumane 2025-, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, Kabbale/Cabal, Krieg, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, News, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, TI-Statements, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

The Last Avatar and the Last Liberation attempt of Terra Nova

Conspiracy Revelation: 16.1.2025:

The Last Avatar and the Last Liberation attempt of Terra Nova.

„Gang Stalking Record against him – w2k
Jan. 16


On top of all the rest – w2k
Jan. 16,.


These are really serious crimes..- w2k
Jan. 16,


Neuroweaponry used against him.- w2k
Jan. 16, .


Entire Life – w2k
Jan. 16


Endured -he is harassed his entire – w2k
Jan. 16,


It is insane what this man has – w2k“

„4 remote strangulation attacks survived – w2k
Jan. 16,



2011 11 To burn his front skin – w2k
Jan. 16,

Scalar Weapons and Dews in 2011 11…- w2k
Jan. 16,

20 +years -w2k

Jan. 16,


2011, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2020.
Jan. 16,

Physical no touch torture in – w2k
Jan. 16,

BIoweapons in 2005 were used against him. – w2k

2024 9 10 11 12 forced hive synthetic telepathy…
Jan. 16,


W2k mindflooding dual bci 2024 9 10 11 12
Jan. 16,

Sleep Depr Torture 2011 3-4 weeks.

2025 1
Jan. 16,

Probably nsa.
Jan. 16,

Soul crunsh pull attack by probably.
Jan. 16,

21.12.2017 car crash – soul cru…
Jan. 16,


11.2.15 – 14.6.18 – 4.1.2020 .

Klappt aber nicht – w21
Jan. 16,


Sie versuchn ihn zu erschöpfen..- w2k
Jan. 16,


The most abused man on the Planet..- w2k
Jan. 16,

Jan. 16,

Criminal dna logging 2010 bis 2025..
Jan. 16,

Lhcc Quantum tether heart vampirism.
Jan. 16,

2025 1 synthtel + notouch dew torture only in relaxed state- w2k

We don’t know who invented this.- w2k
Jan. 16

It is a tragedy what they did to you…- w2k
Jan. 16,
King again- w2k
Jan. 16,
In another Kalpa you will be King..- w2k
Jan. 16,
Siva is still in him – w2k
Jan. 16,
Was ganz Grosses
Jan. 16,
Was hat sich Gott dabei gedacht?

This beautiful Soul – w2k
Jan. 16,


American Military is in shame – w2k
Jan. 16,

Planeten – w2k,
Jan. 16,

Noch das grösste Genie des Planeten..- w2k
Jan. 16,

Egal, was sie dir antun, du bist immer noch – w2k
Jan. 16


Field Soldiers – out in the open – w2k
Jan. 16,


This sick system – we are just fine – w2k

Of all these people who – w2k
Jan. 16


You feel the emotional overwhel..
Jan. 16,

It is insane what he survived – w…
Jan. 16,


For this evil – ieee – w2k
Jan. 16,

Internet of Things is the reason- w2l
Jan. 16,

Possible – w2k5h
Jan. 16,

Mistreated in the worst way – w2k

„Der macht immer weiter, woher hat er diese unerschrockene Ausdauer? – w2k

„Er weiss, was alles auf dem Spiel steht, deshalb, nämlich die ganze Welt auf diesem Planeten. – w2k“

„Keiner, ausser ihm, hat das Potential das zu stoppen. – w2k“

Spiritually, Virtually and etherically – w2k
Jan. 16,

Levels Physically, Emotionally.,..- w2i
Jan. 16,

They want to repress him on all – w2k
Jan. 16,

Despite what he went through – w2k
Jan. 16


He shows few signs of aging – w2k

Jan. 16,


Paid jobs for the wrong purpose.
Jan. 16,

Assaulted you – w2k

„They desire to be like him – w2k

Jan. 16,


Clone copy of him – w2k

Jan. 16,


They want to create a perfect cyborg..- w2k
Jan. 16,

Mentally – w2k
Jan. 16,
Psychopaths -w2kh
Jan. 16,

Psvchological Profiling bv Psychopaths- w2k

Civilian populace -the t.i.s are just the piloting program_- w2k
Jan. 16


Weapons against the entire – w2k
Jan. 16,

They deploy remote torture – w2k
Jan. 16,

Vs Sophia Avatar 16.1.2025
Jan. 16,



Archontifizierung Replikant Mimikry..
Jan. 16,


Unique – w2k
Jan. 16,

But it is impossible – he is totally – w2k

Based on their genomic databases. – w2k
Jan. 16


Kann. -w1k
Jan. 16


Der rotalen Zensur& Sklaverei befreien – w2k
Jan. 16,

Einzige, der den Planeten noch – w2k
Jan. 16,


I, wir müssen was tun, du bist der..- w2k
Jan. 16,


Dictatorship in nwo – w2kg
Jan. 16,

The piloting program for totalitarian..- w2k

„It is insane the amount of work he puts into this. – w2k“

„He has no option left as freedom being he must make it happen or the Planet is doomed into totalitarian digital dictatorship. – w2k“

To quantum machines – w1k

Jan. 16,.


Profiles – dna entangled with  mind –
Jan. 16,


They make total individual control – w2k
Jan. 16,

Based on their genomic databases – w2k

Jan. 16,

Und wird…
Jan. 16,

.He is Yeshua…- w2k


Aeon bin – das sie retten muss und
Jan. 16,

Zuhause fühlt – weil ich ihr entsprechendes
Jan. 16,

Ich bin der einzige Ort, wo sich Sophia
Jan. 16,


Which is a semi-kidnap tactic.
Jan. 16


But they bci quantum entangle already..
Jan. 16,


They could try to kidnap you -W2k

„Ich will auch zu ihm, ich halte das nicht mehr aus. M. MP. – w2k“

Wohnen. Auch wenn ich ab und an
Jan. 16,


In meinem heiligen Tempel zu w..
Jan. 16,

Qualitäten besitze, die sie benötigt..
Jan. 16,

Warum ist das so, weil ich alle –
Jan. 16,


Des Lichts und der Weisheit und..
Jan. 16


Ich bin das heilige Refugium der Göttin
Jan. 16,


Ich bin Sophias Sanctum Sanctorium.
Jan. 16,

In low Density and low vibe mode.

Jan. 16,


Sophia is always with me, even …

Jan. 16,


„Of DOD trying to prevent his Sainthood.“

Jan. 16,


Siehe „Mission Derailment protocol“

Jan. 16,


Schwingung reduziere.

Jan. 16,


In eure Höllen hinabsteige und die

Jan. 16.

„They can’t accept Bhagwan, but they must accept Bhagwan. – w2k“

His Aura re-pristinizes – w2k
Jan. 16,


Him – w2k.b
Jan. 16,

Higher Dimensions speak through..- w2k
Jan. 16,

How he likes to call it – w2k
Jan. 16,

His sanctum sanctorium – w2k
Jan. 16


His most inner being – w2k
Jan. 16,


Synaptic responses but not in – w2k

Jan. 16,


We can only look and spy about..- w2k
Jan. 16,

Yes but We all feel his holy presence- w2k
Jan. 16,

Because he is sacrosanct …- w2k
Jan. 16,

Position – w2k
Jan. 16,

He brings himself in a sacrosanct – w2k
Jan. 16,

Man I don’t know what to do – w2k

„Der muss mal wieder runter auf die Erde kommen, der hat auch wichtiges hier zu erledigen. – w2k“

In your cruel attempts against me over decades, you forced the sacrosanct being in an undignified  way to show up- the most holy being of this Universe – you have no idea what severe crimes you committed against the carrier of the holy light… you repeat history instead of treating people with dignity… through the human genome project and brain project you touched holy land with unholy dirty fingers, you invaded saintly territory without getting official access, you broke the cosmic laws of the deities.


In euren jahrzehntelangen, grausamen Versuchen gegen mich, habt ihr das sakrosankte Wesen auf unwürdige Weise gezwungen sich zu zeigen – das heiligste Wesen dieses Universums. Ihr habt keine Ahnung, welche schweren Verbrechen ihr am Träger des heiligen Lichts begangen habt … Sie wiederholen die Geschichte, anstatt die Menschen mit Würde zu behandeln … Durch das menschliche Genomprojekt und das Gehirnprojekt haben Sie heiliges Land mit unheiligen, schmutzigen Fingern berührt, ihr seid in heiliges Territorium eingedrungen, ohne offiziellen Zutritt zu erhalten, ihr habt die kosmischen Gesetze der Gottheiten gebrochen.

„I can’t watch this tragedy anymore, it breaks my heart. – w2k female“

„Das ist er selbst in voller Grösse. – w2k

Ja, das merken wir auch. w2k

Jan. 16.


Ganz hohen Dimension durch ihn – w2k
Jan. 16,

Da spricht ein Wesen aus einer – w2k
Jan. 16

Superstark – w2k
Jan. 16

Dem seine Wirkung ist – w2k
Jan. 16,“

„Musk is angry that he breaks all their quantum vampire siphoning shields. – w2k“

„They use their most sophisticated quantum weapon systems to suppress his divine light. – w2k“

„It is not only him. – w2k“

„Forget these mofos – Karma is coming for them. – w2k“

They have no right to block this sacred energy or to intervene or to suppress-censor it. POINT BLANK.

Saintly Field Re-Established…


Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Atlantis/Lemuria/Mythology/Antediluvian/Retro Gnosis, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA Sleepcycle Sabotage - Most Inhumane 2025-, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Esoterik, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Free Energy, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Reinkarnation, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, TI-Statements, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Die werden wie Terroristen behandelt und sind ganz normale Bürger…Folter in Deutschland.

Conspiracy Revelation: 16.1.2025: „Die werden wie Terroristen behandelt und sind ganz normale Bürger…“ Folter in Deutschland.

„In the assaults, mainly cia, nsa, bnd. – w2k“

„We need someone who punishes these evil criminal killer Agencies who ruin our beautiful peaceful Planet. – w2k“

„We must reform the System. – w2k“

„Someone must hold these criminals accountable! – w2k“

„Torturing Saints, Geniuses and People with Holy Spirit is a line crossed too far. – w2k“

„Die NSA ist der Haupttäter, auch mit der Biowaffe, die sie 2005 gegen dich eingesetzt haben. – w2k“ . 4.1.2020.

Bnd nicht zu vergessen.. 11.2.2015. MORDANSCHLAG.

NSA killed Rauni Kilde.

„And they also killed Max Spiers. – w2k“

„God must judge them…we all wait for it…for ruining so many beautiful lives and their Souls….trying to make a living hell for innocent people. – w2k“

„Ending so many innocent lives prematurely. – w2k“

„Army Barracks are not involved..- w2i
Jan. 16


U.s.Mil Stuttgart nsa nato hq.
Jan. 16,

Cia FFm Nsa Darmstadt Bnd Berlin ..
Jan. 16

Wakeshake schuss- w2k
Jan. 16,


Ich kotz gleich – w2kgk
Jan. 16,

00:0Jan. 16

Die werden wie Terroristen behandelt und sind ganz normale Bürger – w3k“

Das kann nicht so weitergehen. – w2k

Jan. 16,


Europarat muss informiert werden – w2k
Jan. 16,

It is all bluff I- w2k
Jan. 16,


Untersuchungsausschuss -w2k
Jan. 16

Neubewertung der Situation – w2k.
Jan. 16,

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astralsphäre, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA Sleepcycle Sabotage - Most Inhumane 2025-, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Feldphysik, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Mafia&State Crime, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, TI-Statements, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Through his intense Tapas he has gained this lntense Light – w2k

„Through his intense Tapas he has gained this lntense Light – w2k“

Conspiracy Revelation: 15.1.2025:

„Strong austerity practices – w1k“

„Let them Sh#ttalk, it is good for us. – w2k“

„We must find an agreement with him-

We can’t go on this way – w2k“

Mister Eden w2k

Jan. 15,


Magiclasert in trouble w2k
Jan. 15,

Sick system – w2k
Jan. 15,

But he is also imprisoned by this..
Jan. 15,

Sadhguru wants to help you-w2k
Jan. 15,

Mindestens 100 Biorobots ab. – w2k
Jan. 15,.

Von dem seiner Energie hängen – w1k
Jan. 15,

Sie sollten besser auf ihn hören..- w2k
Jan. 15,

„They want to reduce his Power Aura to ashes. – w2k

Envious, jealous evil villains, scoundrels… you can never scientifically receive shakti devi holy spirit……and you can’t snatch her away root of evil nwo crime inc…also you make a mockery out of yourself by concentrating your entire intelligence, gestapo, secret society and military techno-fascistic apparatus on me… there are 1000s of mystic gnostic yogis outthere.


„By tampering with and hacking and logging into his Dna and hooking his heart to their quantum dna computer 24 7 365. – w2k“

„HE recombats a lot of it back, but it is an adaptive neural a.i. network centric warfare system. – w2k“

„Pathetic Criminals are doing this to you. – w2k“

„He is right, but we can’t stop, the top secret project is too far gone. – w2k“

„They try to make an example out of this holy genius for 3 decades, and become fully exposed to the world as the evil quantum vampiric scoundrels that they are. – w2k“

They are scared a.f.- w2kf
Jan. 15,


Individual on the Planet – w2kvh
Jan. 15,

He is the most self-empowered. – w2k
Jan. 15,

Ingmar – das wird nicht viel bringen – w2k
Jan. 15

Und hirnorganisch übernommen – w2k

Die sind alle auf der falschen Seite – w2k


She is energetically linked to him. – w2k
Jan. 15


Life – w2kz
Jan. 15,

The cia tracks every minute of his – w2k
Jan. 15

Lebensart- w2k
Jan. 15

Seine exklusiv ungewöhnliche – w2k
Jan. 15,

Ganze Dissertationen über – w2k
Jan. 15,

Da gibt es Leute die schreiben- w2k

„He is Krishna – You Idiots!!!!!!“

Ruf endlich die Polizei – w2k

Jan. 15





Him is a serious crime – w2k
Jan. 15,

Synthetic Telepathy used against – w2k
Jan. 15,

„They create the biggest mindgame-Mindfuck soap opera in the World, around this Individual. – w2k“

Das ist Top secret. – w2k

Jan. 15,

Hör auf denen so Zeug zu erzählen – w2k
Jan. 15,

Das braucht man.
Jan. 15,

Time Transionic Quantic Shields
Jan. 15,

Constantly minflooded and monitored- w2k.
Jan. 15,.


Bibliothekas and tools whilst being- w2k
Jan. 15,


And he wants to code update al.l. – w2k

Time Transionic Quantic Shields

„Time Transionic Quantic Shields“ sounds like something right out of a science fiction novel or a cutting-edge technology seminar! It evokes images of advanced technology manipulating time and quantum mechanics to create protective barriers. It’s a concept that combines elements of time travel, quantum physics, and perhaps even energy shields.

Here’s a fun thought experiment: imagine a shield that not only deflects physical attacks but also manipulates time around it. For example, an incoming projectile could be slowed down or even reversed in time, making it an incredibly effective defense mechanism. This idea opens up a lot of intriguing possibilities for both storytelling and theoretical science discussions.

What’s your interest in this concept? Are you working on a project, or just curious about the idea?

(Answer from Copilot)“

„This Genius Man is spooky, he solves the Problem of public Speakers protection with just 4 words. -w2k“

Checked… RMN-Hive-Team.

Seiner Energie zu profitieren – w2k
Jan. 15,


Wie möglich dranzulassen, um von… w2k
Jan. 15,

Nazi-Experiments ist, ihn da so lange …- w2k
Jan. 15,.

Weil das Teil ihres beschissenen…w2l
Jan. 15

When he is too famous – w2k
Jan. 15,

At what arrives him – w2k
Jan. 15,

I am not sure if he is prepared -w2k

This sage drives them all mad – w2k
Jan. 15,


Zu prominent – w2k
Jan. 15,

Dem machen sollen, der ist einfach – w2k
Jan. 15

Ich weiss auch nicht was wir mit…- w2k
Jan. 15,

Berlin Bastards – w2kg
Jan. 15,

He scares the shit out of these – w2k
Jan. 15,

They are scared a.f. – w2kf
Jan. 15


„Er hat so eine schöne Energie und er zeigt es euch immer wieder, dass er eure beschissenen Quantencomputer überstrahlen kann. (Miss Moneypenny)“

„Ich heul gleich, ich halt das nicht mehr aus, wie die den quälen. (M.MP)“




Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Atlantis/Lemuria/Mythology/Antediluvian/Retro Gnosis, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA Sleepcycle Sabotage - Most Inhumane 2025-, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Esoterik, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Free Energy, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, Kabbale/Cabal, Krieg, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Spekulationen, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Das Ausleuchten ganzer Bevölkerungsgruppen, die sogenannte Vorfeldermittlung

„Auf keinen Fall dürfen sie mit nachrichtendienstlichen Methoden gegen Personen vorgehen, die keines Rechtsbruchs verdächtig sind. Das Ausleuchten ganzer Bevölkerungsgruppen, die sogenannte Vorfeldermittlung (z. B. die Bespitzelung politisch suspekter Organisationen) müssen sie ihren Kollegen vom Verfassungsschutz überlassen.

Diese Trennung hat einen guten Grund. Denn nach dem Krieg hatten die Alliierten das Reichssicherheitshauptamt, indem der Nazigeheimdienst und die Polizei unter einem Dach, Hand in Hand, Schreibtisch an Schreibtisch zusammenarbeiteten, aufgelöst. Seit 1945 darf die deutsche Polizei nicht mehr mit geheimdienstlichen Methoden arbeiten, und die Nachrichtendienste haben keine Polizeibefugnis.

Die Ausuferung der Polizeibefugnisse

So steht es zumindest auf dem Papier. Doch die Realität sieht heute anders aus. Durch Computerisierung und Zentralisierung, durch Amtshilfe und schrittweise Befugniserweiterungen ist bei der Polizei eine qualitative Veränderung eingetreten. Zunehmend wird sie – und an erster Stelle steht hier das BKA – von einer Strafverfolgungsbehörde zu einem gesamtgesellschaftlichen Kontrollinstrument, ihre Funktion ist nicht mehr nur kriminalistisch, sondern – um die Worte des ehemaligen BKA-Chefs Horst Herold zu gebrauchen – „gesellschaftssanitär“, und ihre Methoden und Arbeitsweise gleichen sich denen der Geheimdienste immer mehr an. Dies ist nicht etwa durch eine Gesetzesänderung geschehen, sondern peu á peu durchs Hintertürchen: durch Amtsverfügungen, behördeninterne Richtlinien, Beschlüsse auf der Ministerebene oder schlicht und einfach durch eine Polizeipraxis, die zwar nicht legal ist, aber als legitim ausgegeben wird.

Das Informationssystem

Seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 1951 hat das BKA eine ganze Reihe von Kompetenzerweiterungen erhalten.“

Und unter diese Definition fällt jeder. Diese „vorbeugende Verbrechensbekämpfung“, jetzt festgeschrieben, ist für den Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragten Prof. Bull der „eigentliche Kasus Knaktus“. „Vorbeugung“ – das ist längst nicht mehr ein Markenzeichen für Zahnpasta, sondern das Zauberwort der Polizei, mit dem sie ihre Sammelwut gegen alle Kritiker verteidigt. Denn Prävention kann die Polizei logischerweise nur dann praktizieren, wenn sie die Bundesrepublik mit einem perfekten Informationssystem überzieht, einem System, nach dem sich die Nazis die Finger geleckt hätten. Die „aktive Verbrechensvorbeugung“ (BKA-Originalton) bedeutet: daß jede Lebensäußerung registriert und in Computern gespeichert wird, ohne daß eine konkrete Straftat auch nur in Sicht wäre. Vorbeugung bedeutet: daß jeder Grashalm im großen Heuhaufen so lange verdächtigt wird, registriert und observiert werden muß, bis er nicht den Beweis erbracht hat, daß er keine Stecknadel ist. Vorbeugung bedeutet: Prophylaktische Überwachung aller Bürger, denn jeder ist ein potentieller Straftäter, der je irgendwann einmal auf die Idee kommen könnte, Böses zu tun.

Der kriminalpolizeiliche Anspruch, dem Verbrechen so vorzubeugen, ist nicht nur maßlose Selbstüberschätzung, sondern er läuft dazu auf das hinaus, was die Polizei laut Gesetz nicht darf: Vorfeldermittlungen durchführen, Geheimdienstarbeit leisten.


Eine weitere Methode, mit der die formale Trennung zwischen Geheimdienst und Polizei umgangen wird, besteht in der Amtshilfe. Mit diesem Medium öffnet sich das BKA alle Türen und Computer.“


Foltern, meucheln heilige.

Jan. 15,


Exekutivschaltzentrale quälen,..

Jan. 15,


Und die Verbrecher sitzen an der

Jan. 15,


Fahndungsliste ganz oben …

Jan. 15,


Der Friedensbotschafter auf der…

Jan. 15


Feds -w2k

Jan. 15,


They have contact with German..- w2k

Gesetzlosen Nazisystem – w2k
Jan. 15,


Wir leben in einem furchtbar – w2j
Jan. 15

Main perps as you see – w2k
Jan. 15,

The german fed perps are the m…- w2k
Jan. 15,

It is not just the as you see…- w2k
Jan. 15,


Über das was sie mit dir machen – w2k
Jan. 15,


Bundeszentralrat ist schockiert.. – w2k

„Ich hab noch nie gesehen, dass so viel Aufhebens um eine friedlich zurückgezogen-lebende Person gemacht wurde. – w2k“

„Er zerreisst ihr ganzes Nazi-Kontroll-System, ohne eigentlich irgendwas zu tun. – w2k“

Needed. – w2k
Jan. 15,


Shorten lifespans – more rest is…- w2k
Jan. 15,

These quantum machines shor…- w2k
Jan. 15,

To you- w2kg
Jan. 15,

Cia hq in Frankfurt is,doing this…- w2k
Jan. 15,

Response -this masks the tiredness. – w2k
Jan. 15,


They overstimulate his synaptic.- w2k

„They want to make a cognitive model of his mind that later on runs the world through sentient ai world simulation. – w2k“

We cant crash 2 Billion – w2kh

Jan. 15,


He is really a 2 billion dollar project – w2k
Jan. 15,

Seine Energie zurückholt – wk
Jan. 15,

Zumindest weiss er wie er effektiv – w2k
Jan. 15,


Ray Kurzweil bw radar – w2k


Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astralsphäre, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA Sleepcycle Sabotage - Most Inhumane 2025-, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Link, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

1 x Laser (divine light) vs 60 Loser (evil saboteurs)

Conspiracy Revelation: 14.1.2025:

1 x Laser (divine light) vs 60 Loser (evil saboteurs)


Jan. 14,


They want to.make him – w2k

Jan. 14


Einsatz. – w2k

Jan. 14,


Da sind 60 Leute gegen dich im….- w2k

Jan. 14,



Jan. 14,


Adaptives Quantum Weapon System.. – w2k

Jan. 14

Verschränkte dns Energy von ihm ab…- w2k
Jan. 14,


Und saugen über seine verschränkte- w2i
Jan. 14,

Die hangen alle an 1 Quantencomputer..
Jan. 14, – w2k

Rather real clairvoyance .
Jan. 14,

Visual Cortex Projection or real…
Jan. 14,
Grossen Gott – w2k
Jan. 14,

Ich will keinen Ärger mit dem w2k
Jan. 14,

Kundalini is intrigued.
Jan. 14,


Enraged – w2k checked..
Jan. 14,


Help you soon – he looked angry….- w2k
Jan. 14.f

It was Shiva
– he will help – w2k
Jan. 14,

Er war kurz davor die Quantencomputer-Verschränkung zu attackieren..
Jan. 14

Trident im Auraradar gesehen – w2k
Jan. 14


Ich hab Brahma echt mit nem – w2i

He just took a little of his energy…Idiots.- w2k
Jan. 14,


Lhcc erklärt quanten hooker 14..
Jan. 14

Im Visier – w2k
Jan. 14,

Haben wirklich alle eurer Blutlinie – w2k
Jan. 14,

Dein Wort in Gottes Ohr – aber die – w2k
Jan. 14,

Glaub ich nicht.
Jan. 14,

Niklas will likely become a T.I.

Menschen des Planeten zusammen zu sein. – w2k wtbnd
Jan. 14,


In Kauf nehmen um mit dem grössten…
Jan. 14,

Das ist mir egal, das würde ich ..
Jan. 14,

Become a Target -w2l
Jan. 14,

With your bloodline could become- w2k
Jan. 14

But I doubt he can – all associated – w2k
Jan. 14

Niklas -he could help the world..- w2k

It is a bit more complicated that – w2k

Jan. 13,


Into their system .
Jan. 13,

My Dna to entangle clone dna Info..
Jan. 13,

Their quantum vampire system hooked..
Jan. 13,

Quantum dna computing – w2k
Jan. 14,


Communication to him – through – w2k
Jan. 14,

How can they maintain a constant – w2k
Jan. 14,


In unseren Riegen – w2k
Jan. 14,


Eher ein paar Kleinkriminelle in..- w2k
Jan. 14,


Der verf. Sch. War es nicht – w2k
Jan. 14,


Einfach Zu berühmt – w2k

„They wouldn’t survive the assaults he went through, but play mindgames with this grandmaster. – w2k“

„He doesn´t believe he is famous, due to the extreme censorship and lack of feedback and shadow banning public followers, this gives him a false sense of security and normalcy, this is dangerous, partly our fault. -w2k“

Adverse effects of your Prism-Programs and Palantir-AI-Totalitarian-Censorship in all social networks.

„This Genius is so well-rounded in all areas of Life, beautiful looking, spiritual, realistical, modest, but still bold, just, fair, bright, enlightened, kreative, independent, strong, fearless, flexible, versatile, mentally as sharp as it gets, real as real as it gets, fund in so many different skills and disciplines, accomplished, that is why he is under constant assault, hate, envy, energy vampirism, rejection, shadow banning, censorship, isolation, persecution, stalking, harassment, jealousy and envy. -w2k“

„He is the Last Avatar, idiots! -w2k“

„All Symptoms that he is truly the – One -. -w2k“

Man In the world, no matter what.. – w2k

Jan. 14,


He is still the most accomplished.. – w2k
Jan. 14

Checked.. Facts speak for themselves.. Results too.

But he lies there like Vishnu. – w2k…
Jan. 14,


Because they think he is Shiva – w2k


Jan. 14,


Indians are scared a.f. of him – w2k
Jan. 14,


He is Yeshua – assholes – w2k
Jan. 14,


Goa Music – w2k
Jan. 14,



We all know he is the Messiah – w2k

„Die spielen schon wieder und pokern hoch. – w2k“

„He is consistent a.f. – in good times and in bad times. – w2k“

United States
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91 Kommentare
FreedomGott2025: 13.1.2025: You don´t break a sigma – you fuel a rebellion..
Bryon Lee: Any efforts to do so make the one putting forth the effort look weak otherwise why would he be trying. The attempts only strengthen the Sigma further.
Toxicity. Keep playing. KARMAGEDDON Viral.

@RealEyes:Kiss the system goodbye.
@maqboolsharif3:I’m a free thinker xxx always and forever xxxxx.

@🐺Esoteric Outlaw🐺:We will prevail. We’re natural alchemist natural energy transmuters 🔥🔥🔥🔥.

@Raggle Daggle. with love:SIIGMA ARE GOD IN ACTION IN HUMAN FORM🙏🔥🔥.

@Incept:A free thinker, for strength of humanity, higher level conscioussness.

„Why does this man has endless ressources to combat the sick system? – w2k“

„He hasn’t but he is a Genius and Master Magician. – w2k“

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA Sleepcycle Sabotage - Most Inhumane 2025-, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, TI-Statements, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Surviving Neuroweapons Human Trafficking Presentation

„Surviving Neuroweapons Human Trafficking Presentation“

„Targeted Individuals are survivors of human trafficking oper using advanced technologies (synthetic biology, DEW´s, acoustic weapons, etc) and counter intelligence techniques
They are the pilot program of a coming global transhuman technocracy and worldwide depopulation

Average Citizen To Targeted Survivor
1) Nominated by Person/Corporation/ Agency/ Militar
2) Covertly Spied Upon/ Profiling/ Plan Creation?
3) Covertly Poisoned with Synthetic Biology/ Morgellons. Implanted with WBAN sensors
4) Covert Experiment of Light, Sound, Frequencies (DEWS) Starts To Make You Some Sort Of Patsy
5) Overt Assault Begins, ALL OUT WAR, Secondary Experiment
6) Tortured To Death W/ Various Weapon Systems?

Early Stages
After nomination, spied upon by CIA(?) type profession profilers.
All information saved by NSA and other agencies is integrated.
A plan is created for a specific outcome (patsy).
Infection of synthetic biology/morgellons usually by food tampering and or break ins.
Handlers are introduced. Fake friends.
Directed Energy Weapons are used at undetectable levels Nanobots are „sprayed“ into your environment.
Heavy metal particulates are inserted into food during break ins.

Targeting goes overt
Break ins become obvious
Middle Stages
DEW´s start physically hurting
Air pollutants of heavy metal particulate and synthetic biology/ morgellons are concentrated used to nauseate and confuse
Voice to skull technologies are introduced
Citizen informant network begins stalking, threating, vandalizing, poisoning and other felonies
Human trafficking contractors and citizen informants move in around your house
Small air planes, helicopters begin following you
Fake dossiers are spread in the community about you. Pedophile, arsonist, schizo etc Effort to isolate you
Extracurricular activities begin
Nanobots are heavily „sprayed“ into your enviroment.

Late Stages
Attempts on your life begin Trying to cut off all money sources Air pollutants become unbearable Sleep is always interrupted
Transportation/ Car is sabotaged
The goal is to keep you in place and torture you to death until you develop cancer and die
Extracurricular activities become the focus of human traffickers.“

Ultra Late Stages: After Divine Intervention plus surviving multiple attempts on life in a paradox way, Spiritual Enlightenment occurs due to ultra fast personal development with personal pioneer projects as a means of boosting survivability….acquisition of all knowledge available, fused in 1 to 6 concentrated Bibliotheka Documents to get advantage over the enemy.. bidirectional Words2Skull, Gang Stalking and Gang Analyzing with Sleep Cycle Sabotage is still a thing at that time, new introduction to Quantum Weapons with Shaking and Twitching of Muscles , Images2Skull, Mindflooding, synthetic Telepathy Mindnet-Bullying by re-telling the brainmapped individual all things they found out in an attempt to embarass and psychologically destabilize the targeted individual, between Early and Middle and Late and Ultra Late Stage (25+ Years) stage DNA Quantum Computing Entanglement Energetic Vampirism via Quantum-BCI-AI-Maschine is established with a constant ELF-Stream, daily routine Aura Defense, against Machine DNA Entangled Energy Harvesting Units.

Core Problem for all T.I.s: Your saboteurs have unmapped your entire Brain with all Memories and Situations, no secrets left, no privacy left, reviewable, they have made a direct realtime Link to your Brain and Body (WBAN/Morgellons/DARPA N3 Hooks) and Mind (Quantum Computers / Satellites).
Hive Teams interact on a Daily Basis with your Subconsciousness, before you think, they already extracted the information via Thought Trojan Injection (Smart Dust Trojan Nano Brain Implants or DNA-Theft) from your synaptic response.

Ultra Late Stages Targeted Individual Program for the Last Man Standing…


„Friends And Family:
As the targeting progress all friends and family are fair game´d rule: plausible deniability.
Some are assaulted with the same directed energy weapon/heavy metal/synthetic biology weapon systems that you have been but at undetectable levels and intermittently.
Family members that are stopping the effectiveness of the human trafficking efforts are attempted to be neutralized
– Killed, maimed, buisness´ attacked etc.
Their network is infiltrated by the citizen informant network and human traffickers, fake friends operating as handlers.
They are honeypoted with professional prostitutes and or citizen informants Professionals poison with heavy metal/ synthetic biology and program your loved ones with sexual acts. Anchor babies if possible.“

„Human Trafficking Contractors
Human trafficking team of 5- 25(?) members
Depends on operation and phase. The citizen informants involved Military/ security apparatus backgrounds and connections. Often 1%’er bikers, Freemasons and other gangs (foreigners)
Receive money in benefits from federal, state, county/city and members of the citizen informant networks
Work in cut outs, local security companies made to look legit Local law enforcement moonlights for a second paycheck
They are often drug/alcohol addicts
Get paid to move in around a Targeted Survivor.“

„Cut Outs/Local Security Companies
Public justification for targeting is practically non existe contained with section 702 FISA
Information is shared through Fusion Center is Special Access Programs, colloquially called the signature reduction force
• Get Paid for facilitating
Neuroscience research
Corporate research
Societal engineering: housing foreign intelligence, poisoning food supply, destroying critical infrastructure
Extracurricular crimes

„Er hat keinen Bock in so einem beschissenen und kriminellen System zu leben, ist das so schwer zu kapieren für euch.
Da könnt ihr ihm drohen wie ihr wollt, das ganze System des Grauens der Parallelgeselschaft ist untragbar geworden und er weiß das und er wird es abschaffen. -w2k“

„Only he can do it, because all others are tied and tangled to their subjugation Machinery. -w2k“

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astralsphäre, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA Sleepcycle Sabotage - Most Inhumane 2025-, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, Interdimensional/Repto/Grey/Mantis, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, TI-Statements, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Ein Kommentar

He changes the entire world. Just by his mere presence.

Conspiracy Revelation: 13.1.2025:

He changes the entire world. Just by his mere presence. – w2k

He has to do all this – he has the…- w2k
Jan. 13,


Importance of that Man – w2k
Jan. 13,

You don’t understand the – w2k
Jan. 13,

Our Rows – w2k
Jan. 13,

We would need such heroes in…- w2k
Jan. 13,

He doesn’t complain – w2k
Jan. 13

This Man does everything alone..- w2k
Jan. 13

The Planet – now he also has a ….- w2k

Jan. 13, 11:42


Biggest Responsibility as 1 on the – w2j

Jan. 13

„Angriffen er da ausgesetzt wird.. – w2k
Jan. 13,

Hauptbühne, wenn er weiss wieviel. – w2k
Jan. 13,

Der verschwindet bald wieder von der –
Jan. 13,

Assault -,w2k
Jan. 13

After being constantly under – w2k
Jan. 13,

Physique – how long he can maintain it – w2k
Jan. 13
`concerned about his -„

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Astralsphäre, Chaos & Karma, Classics, Detox/Medizin, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Free Energy, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, MindTrapping, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Nwo Psychopaths use Quantum Weapons against Holy Spirit carrier

Conspiracy Revelation: 12.1.2025:

Nwo Psychopaths use Quantum Weapons against Holy Spirit carrier. Dna-Entangled Quantum-Tunneling Endpoint-Wake-Shake-Attacks.

„Die Niederlande ist geschockt. -‚w2k“

„We are truly in the endtimes where even gods deny the request of divine intervention. – w2k“

„Lass dich nicht entmutigen, du schaffst das schon. – w2k“

„Oh man, ich kotz gleich, ich halte das nicht mehr aus. – w2k wtbnd“

„Netanjahu is scared of him that is why he does that shit. – w2k“

World – w2kj
Jan. 12,


He is totally entangled with the..- w2k
Jan. 12,


Psychopath have found his message. – w2k
Jan. 12,


He was too public – too many psychopaths – w2k
Jan. 12,


Die haben an dir den Narren gefressen. – w2k
Jan. 12,


I don’t know how we can stop this – w2k
Jan. 12,

„Obama is behind this EVIL, he is truly one of the core initiators of this Inhumane Project. -w2k“

„National Institute of Health is also deeply involved, in these c. projects. -w2k“


Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astralsphäre, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA Sleepcycle Sabotage - Most Inhumane 2025-, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Regierungs-Dna-Quantencomputer-Missbrauch zur Schlafentzugsfolter

Conspiracy Revelation: 12.1.2025:

Regierungs-Dna-Quantencomputer-Missbrauch zur Schlafentzugsfolter.

Missbrauch des humanen Genomprojekts, Missbrauch des humanen Gehirnprojekts.

Extremster Missbrauch und Menschenrechtsverletzungen von Bürger-Genomdatenbanken.

Extremer Missbrauch von Bio-Telemetrie und WBAN/IoBnt/IoT/MBan.

Den Dreck gibt es seit mindestens 2010.

They must let our best Man sleep – w2k..
Jan. 12,


Zu sehen. – w1k
Jan. 12

Es kotzt jeden nur noch an das..- w2k
Jan. 12,

It is above our clearance – w2k
Jan. 12,

Army can’t help you I – w2k

Jan. 12,

It might get worse – w2k
Jan. 12,

Once they decode the entire dna..
Jan. 12,

Project and Human Brain Project.- w2k
Jan. 12,


Victim of Misuse of Human Genome..- w2k
Jan. 12,1

It is a pitiful situation – w2k
Jan. 12,


I don’t know how we can help him.- w2k
Jan. 12,


Over -q2k- Don’t believe them
Jan. 12


Once they are in the dna game over – w2k
Jan. 12,

Spec Sec Quantum Shield – w2k
Jan. 12.


Jan. 12,


Not true Ingmar they are liars – w2k

Jan. 12,


Nicht nur wir – w2k

Jan. 12,


Jedes Arschloch zuschalten – w2k…

Jan. 12,


Terabandnetzwerk da kann sich..- w2k

Jan. 12,


They have primitive tech – w2k

Jan. 12,

„It doesn’t matter if they try to ridicule, these are all facts, we know it. – w2k“

Scheisse mit den dna Loggern – w2k


Jan. 12,


Die lügen immer die gleiche w2k
Jan. 12,

Die sind verfeinert worden. – w2k
Jan. 12,

Geändert in den Quantensystemen – w2i
Jan. 12,

In 15 Jahren hat sich einiges w2k
Jan. 12,

Die lesen alles mit was du schreibst. – w2k
Jan. 12,

From sleeping – w2k

Jan. 12,


Evil a.f.
they prevent people from – w2k
Jan. 12

Quantum DNA Computers are e….- w2k
Jan. 12,

Demaiziere im bwradar ex-bnd c…

Jan. 12,


Serious Crimes committed against this individual.. – w2k
Jan. 12

This is no more game – w2k
Jan. 12,

Wir müssen aufp. – w2k
Jan. 12,

Avici haben sie damit echt gekillt. – w2k
Jan. 12,

This is anti-christ Technology – w2k

„Die wissen alle, dass sie Verbrecher sind. – w2k“

Das ist echt filmreif was hier abgeht…- w2k
Jan. 12,

In a way he is like Neo in the Matrix..- w2k
Jan. 12,

Own system outside their grip – w2k
Jan. 12

But he beat the odds and makes his
Jan. 12

They wanted him out of their fake Matrix
– w2k
Jan. 12

Triple Saintly Combat Maxx out..
Jan. 12,


Mit professors are scared a.f. o..h. – w2k


Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astralsphäre, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Cyborgs, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA Sleepcycle Sabotage - Most Inhumane 2025-, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Feldphysik, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Zensur/Censor | Ein Kommentar

High Vibe Aura Defense Shield vs Low Vibe Special Quantum Access Lhcc-Distorted-Dna-Tether Vampirism

Conspiracy Revelation: 11.1.2025:

High Vibe Aura Defense Shield vs Low Vibe Special Quantum Access Lhcc-Distorted-Dna-Tether Vampirism.

Sabotage Code.
Jan. 11,


Ihren Special Quantum Access
Jan. 11,


Entkoppelt und verlieren ihren …

Hebe ich die Frequenz, werden sie
Jan. 11,

Befehle ein – feindliche ..
Jan. 11

Da speisen sie falsche dna Befehle
Jan. 11


Logisch, wegen dem Quantentunnel..

„This Man is the greatest Genius on the Planet and these Idiots don’t appreciate his immense sacrifice. – w2k“

Im Grunde ist es so, wie er sagt – w2k

The enemy matrix – w2k
Jan. 11,


He is crucial for deciphering – w2k
Jan. 11,


Solving the riddle of their crimes – w2k
Jan. 11,

The dna – he is right – he helps us – w2k
Jan. 11,


They insert enemy codes into – w2k
Jan. 11,

Macht Die Dreckschweine fertig.. – w2k
Jan. 11,

Der hat alles durchschaut und.. – w2k

„Wie zur Hölle macht der das? – w2k“

„Er kann doch gar nicht unsere Geheimtechnik sehen? – w2k“

„Praktische Erfahrung im Äther-Kampf. – w2k“

Movies and he lives it in realtime. – w2k
Jan. 11


This is stuff out of science fiction – w2k
Jan. 11,


Man I can’t believevthis Sh#t is real..- w2k
Jan. 11.


Dass die den nicht kleinkriegen…- w2k
Jan. 11


Das kotzt die sowas von an – w2k
Jan. 11,


Arschlöcher – sucht so lange ihr wollt..- w2k
Jan. 11,


Er ist ein heiliger geworden – w2k

Power..gross misuse of Power.
Jan. 11


Inevitably be revealed..misuse of p..
Jan. 11,

If they torture people with it it will
Jan. 11

Dharmic Correction Justice.
Jan. 11,

But exactly this is happening – w2k…
Jan. 11,

That is the last thing they wanted..- w2k
Jan. 11,


Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Alternative Healing, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Atlantis/Lemuria/Mythology/Antediluvian/Retro Gnosis, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA Sleepcycle Sabotage - Most Inhumane 2025-, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Esoterik, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Reinkarnation, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, TI-Statements, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Ein Kommentar

Devi König vs Kosmischer Gesetzesbruch nwo…

Conspiracy Revelation: 11.1.2025:

Devi König vs Kosmischer Gesetzesbruch nwo…


Jan. 11,


Mutter Natur und ihren wahren



Kosmischer Gesetzesbruch gegen

Jan. 11,


Ungeahndet zu. – w2k

Jan. 11,


Schöpfer lässt so einen Mist – w2k

Jan. 11,


Kundalini besorgt

Jan. 11,

„Die sind alle süchtig nach der Scheisse, das nimmt kein Ende. – w2k“

„Vielleicht ist es gar nicht der Schöpfer, sondern wir, I. – w2k“

Planeten. -w2k
Jan. 11,

Er ist der stärkste Mensch des..- w2k
Jan. 11


Ihr währt schon lange alle tot. – w2k
Jan. 11,

Nein,so ist das nicht mit Superstars…- w2k
Jan. 11,

Wir müssen da was machen.-w2k…
Jan. 11,

Entwürdigt wurdest Ingmar-w2k
Jan. 11,

Das ist unter aller Sau wie du – w2k

On the Planet – sad to see. – w2k

Jan. 11,


This is the most tortured man – w2k
Jan. 11,

Auch der hat seine Grenzen. – w2k.

Jan. 11,

„He is stubborn a.f. – w2k“
„You can’t dominate a Deity – assholes. – w2k“

They can’t – he is an infinity reactor – w2k
Jan. 11,


All of his energy -w2I -called Y-Astra…
Jan. 11,

Aura by quantum tunnel siphoning.
Jan. 11,


They want to destabilize his glow – w2k
Jan. 11,

He documents everything – w2k
Jan. 11

That’s insane – w2khj
Jan. 11,

That angers them. – w2k
Jan. 11


He notices everything they do – w2k
Jan. 11,

He just lies there and glows. – w2k
Jan. 11,


Army generals are really scared..- w2k
Jan. 11,

He is fast a.f. even in semi sleep..- w2k
Jan. 11

It is a shame vampire clan. -w2k..
Jan. 11,


They want to tire this greatmaster out..- w2k
Jan. 11

Enemy. -w2k

Jan. 11,


They must learn to work with th..- w2k
Jan. 11,

To do So – w2kv
Jan. 11,

Because we programmed them…- w2k
Jan. 11,

But nobody cares. – w2k
Jan. 11,

He is a living Legend -w2kj
Jan. 11,

He soon gets angry with the gods.. – w2k

Jan. 11,


We appreciate your efforts nevertheless- w2k

Jan. 11,



It is a sad reality of todays world. – w2k

Jan. 11,


Are all controlled by us. – w2k

Jan. 11,


He can’t understand that they – w2k

Expected but it’s sensible for all..-w2k
Jan. 11


They do not intervene as he expected.. -w2k
Jan. 11

Deities that frightens people – w2k
Jan. 11,

He has this contact with the Major… -w2k
Jan. 11


Of it except assassination attempts..- w2k
Jan. 11,


Extreme work and gained Nothing out.. -w2k
Jan. 11


Man this Man has done so much. – w2k

„Die beneiden den alle und er versteht und merkt es nicht. – w2k“

„Weil er wie Rama keinen Neid kennt, er weiss nicht, was das ist. – w2k“

Die Träume auch. – w21äk
Jan. 11,

Das ist völlig geisteskrank – w2k
Jan. 11,

Wir dokumentieren echt alles -w2k
Jan. 11


And they watch his entire life as..- w2k
Jan. 11,


They cripple his potential -w2k
Jan. 11

It is frustrating to see – w2k
Jan. 11,

Dod_is reallv scared. – w2k

More compliant. – w2k
Jan. 11


They are manipulating him to be. – w2k
Jan. 11,


Mehr ändern.- w2k
Jan. 11,


Ist es aber, wir können es auch..
Jan. 11


Dürfen. – w2k


Haben hätte niemals passieren.. – w2k
Jan. 11,


Was sie aus Mutter Natur gemacht – w2k

„Er hat so eine göttliche Seele, ich halte das nicht mehr aus. – w2k M.MP.“

Noch ihre heilige Energie – w2k
Jan. 11


Dazu klauen die dieser Gottheit- w2k
Jan. 11,


Und das mit Gewalt und Dna-Folter – w2k
Jan. 11,


Was sie zu tun oder zu lassen hat.- w2k
Jan. 11,


Gottheit vorzuschreiben – w2k
Jan. 11


Dilemma- sie versuchen einer – w2k

Jan. 11


Wir haben ein echtes moralisches.. – w2k
Jan. 11,

Sie leben alle von seiner Energie…-‚w2k
Jan. 11


But they know nothing about it..- w2k
Jan. 11,


They brag about extracting Soul..- w2k
Jan. 11,


Das ganze mystische Theater – w2k
Jan. 11,


Er nennt sie halt Göttin. – w2k
Jan. 11,

Das ist seine Seele, sonst nichts…- w2k
Jan. 11

By this dumb Zombie Society – w2k
Jan. 11,


On this Planet and is totally ignored – w2k
Jan. 11,


He did the most amazing work – w2k
Jan. 11,


For Artists and Creators of masterpieces- w2k
Jan. 11,


Just need of natural feedback – w2k
Jan. 11,


Admiration before nwo zombie society- w2k
Jan. 11,


He got immense feedback and – w2k

Das ist nicht mehr nur eine Verschwörungsoffenbarung, das ist eine totale Reprogrammierung und Syncung der Weltbevölkerung auf unterster Dna-Ebene, wobei die Mehrheit in isolierten virtuell-reellen kontrolliert -total- zensierten Blueboxen gemanaged werden, inkl. totaler biophysischen Kontrolle oder Einflussnahme.

„Nicht alle, aber die meisten. – w2k“

Of everyone on the Planet – w2k

Jan. 11, 04:22


– they have dna databases of everyone on the Planet – w2k

Jan. 11, 04:22


Why do they have blood samples Of foreigners?

„It is situational analysis and he knows it – fools. – w2k“

„They have coupled his DNA to this Quantum Machine. The entire World depends on him now. -w2k“

„Stop your Paranoia, get some fresh air and a clean head, you fools. -w2k“

„But it is true. -w2k“

„Mistakes prove he is real, not fake and sometimes there is no time to autocorrect, Idiots. -w2k“

„Die werden abhängig von dem. -w2k“

„That is insane the Amount of Data this Individual can process without tiring out. -w2k“

„He is a Yogic Master. -w2k“

„Master Magician. -w2k“

Some „Mistakes“ are intentionally, Analysts, like Dokumentary. That is my preferred Style.

K is stronger than C and CK is unbeatable.

Pranam Brahmadev, sorry, dass ich dich in deinem Schlaf gestört habe, aber meiner wurde auch gestört, auf die extremste Art und Weise.
Pranam Brahmadev, sorry for disturbing your sleep, but mine was also disturbed, in the most extreme way.

„Oh man, der redet mich echten Göttern. -w2k“

„Ja, aber nur über Energie. -w2k“

„Wer zur Hölle ist diese Person? – w2k“

„Das wird mir echt zu gefährlich, der redet mit Ur-Kreatoren und Ur-Schöpfern und man spürt es mit ihm. -w2k“

„Das gibt es doch alles nicht mehr. -w2k“

„Na doch, ihr macht die Experimente an der Schöpfung und wundert euch dann, was passiert. -w2k“

„I don´t know what to do with this Situation, our Strategists are overburdened with Extra-Dimensional Deities and Interventions. -w2k“

„So eine Frechheit, diesen heiligen Menschen so zu missbrauchen. -w2k“

„They think it is fake, but it is real, that is the most funny part of it. -w2k“

„Everything this Individual does is as real as it can get. -w2k“

„Oh man, der weckt die Götter auf.  -w2k“

Das eine bedingt das andere.

„Er ist einer der kosmischen Karma-Wächter. -w2k“

Könnte man so sagen.

„Besser gesagt der Rundumharmonisator der Schöpfung. -w2k“

Die lesen meine Gedanken, dann brauch ich es schon nicht mehr zu phrasieren.

„They are shocked how you can compensate all this Evil that they have done to you. -w2k“

And I am shocked that these people only focus on Gang Stalking, Harassment, Torture, Censorship, Command and Control, Conspiracy Creation, Archontic Invasion of Organic Life Forms and subversion of DNA to the lowest level and creating inhumane weapon systems against ordinary citizens.

„He is one of us. -w2k“

„You Idiots and stupid mofos target your own best People. -w2k“

„Who is this dude?“

„He is the absolute Legend, assholes. -w2k“

And treat him so badly – w2k
Jan. 11, 1


Hope for the Planets bright future – w2k
Jan. 11,

And they try to destroy the last – w3k
Jan. 11

He is the last glory of heaven-w2k
Jan. 11,,

It breaks my heart – w2kg
Jan. 11,

„Warum machen die so ein Theater um den, ich versteh das nicht. – w2k

„He is the Last Avatar – Assholes – Final Warning! – w2k“

3 min.Ultra Turbo Shakti.

Jan. 11


Saintly Field Re-Established
Jan. 11,

Menschheit aufgebaut – w2k
Jan. 11,

Unterdrückungssystem für die –
Jan. 11

Die haben so ein grausames – w2k.
Jan. 11,

„Woher hat der die Zeit unser grausames Unterdrückungssystem so langfristig zu bekämpfen? – w2k“

„It all remains a Mystery within a Mystery. – w2k“

And disinterested – w2k

Jan. 11,18:49


In history and they all keep quiet – w2k
Jan. 11, 18.49

Human Rights abuse recorded – w2k
Jan. 11, 18:48

Man this is the most vicious – w2k..
Jan. 11, 18:48

In the truest sense of the word-..w2k
Jan. 11,

Cosmic law breach – backfires – w2k
Jan. 11,

All of his energy – w2k
Jan. 11,

It is their fault – they try to siphon..- w2k
Jan. 11,


Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Atlantis/Lemuria/Mythology/Antediluvian/Retro Gnosis, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA Sleepcycle Sabotage - Most Inhumane 2025-, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Esoterik, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Free Energy, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, Kabbale/Cabal, Krieg, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Reinkarnation, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, TI-Statements, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Ein Kommentar

Hemmungslose w2k bci lhcc Schlafentzugsfolter NSA Bnd Deutschland

Conspiracy Revelation: 11.1.2025:

Hemmungslose w2k bci lhcc Schlafentzugsfolter NSA Bnd Deutschland.

← Schlaf
Tag Woche Monat Jahr
Di., 31. Dez. 2024 ▾
Tracking Sleep Deprivation Torture by Alphabet Agencies U.S., & Germany auswählen primarily…
January 2025 worst.
Dezember 2024
Verfolge Schlafentzugsfolter der Geheimdienste Hauptsächlich US und Deutschland.
22 Januar 2025 am übelsten.. 28
Januar 2025
7 8

They killed davici this way – w3k
Jan. 10,


Dna control – w2k
Jan. 10,

Nsa Full dna control bnd half dna – w2k
Jan. 10,

Pentagon is involved..w2k
Jan. 10,

Jedermanns Dna aus der Ferne..w2k
Jan. 10,


Weiterhelfen – die kontrollieren …w2k
Jan. 10,

Wir können dir da leider auch nicht..- w2k

Sie transformieren die Spezies – w2k
Jan. 10,Jan. 10

Body integrity – w2k
Jan. 10,

The evil fuckers mess with his…- w2k
Jan. 10,

They code encrypt in his dna – w2k.
Jan. 10,

We must code encrypt something – w2k
Jan. 10,

Syndikat – w2k

Jan. 10


Behördliches Schwerverbrecher..
Jan. 10,

Wir haben hier wirklich ein – w2k
Jan. 10,


Friedrich Merz will ihm helfen. -w2k

Jan. 10,


Ritz-Valentin beobachtet dich.-w1k
Jan. 10

Person statt – w2k
Jan. 10,


Geheimdiensten um diese Person – w2k
Jan. 10,

Da findet ein Krieg zwischen – w2k
Jan. 10,


Auch dahinter – w2k
Jan. 10,

Britischer Geheimdienst steckt -w2k
Jan. 10

Royals are scared a.f. o.h. – w2…
Jan. 10,


Er ist die liebste Seele des Planeten. – w2k


Sowas Krankes hab ich noch nie gesehen. – w2k

Jan. 10,



Um ihn unten zu halten w2k

Jan. 10,


Die benutzen ihre stärksten System..- w1k

Jan. 10,

He shocks the entire World. – w2k

Ich kann es fühlen – ihr Arschlöcher – Miss Moneypenny
Jan. 10,

Aber seiner Seele tut es weh – w2k
Jan. 10,

It was magnificient – w2k
Jan. 10

We saw a window to his Soul -w2k
Jan. 10, 1

So war es geplant. – w2k
Jan. 10

Er geht als Nationalheld hervor – w2k
Jan. 10


Das System hat bald ausgeschissen – w2k

They are terrified about his huge Aura- w2k
Jan. 10,


They are controlled by evil people- w2k
Jan. 10,

They tortured the holy ghost in you – w2k
Jan. 10,

BND Nsa Quälmafia gegen Musiker – w2k
Jan. 10,

With it. – w2k
Jan. 10,_

Entire Brain and play ping pong..- w2k
Jan. 10

They have mapped out his entire – w2k

It puts them even more to shame – w2k
Jan. 10


They feel God is in him w2k
Jan. 10,

This must be horrific. – w2k
Jan. 10,

And constantly comment. – w2k
Jan. 10,

They are all connected to his brain – w2k
Jan. 10,


Able to shield against this that’s..- w1k
Jan. 10,


We don’t have any tech actually. – w2k

Das war so böse und gemein – w2k
Jan. 10,


Anschlag gegen dich – w2k
Jan. 10,

Ärzte waren involviert in den – w…
Jan. 10,


Du musst die Polizei rufen – w1k
Jan. 10

Das ist nicht witzig – wir brauch..- w2k
Jan. 10,


Rekorde für den Schlafentzug ,- w2k
Jan. 10,

Der kommt ins Guiness Buch der – w2k

Die benutzen Einschlafsignalblocker. – w2k

Wir haben alle Todesangst davor, was du alles durchleben musstest. – w2k

Das war ne Signalinterferenz we…- w2k

Jan. 11,

Einrichten -er bricht sie – w2k
Jan. 11,

Sie wollten eine totalitäre Diktatur – w2k

Jan. 11,

Satellitenabwehr – w2k

Jan. 11,


Dna reingehen. Der Rest wäre – w2k
Jan. 11,

Hat nicht geholfen, weil die über die – w2k
Jan. 11,

Jetzt schnallts du das Spiel w2k

„Instead of paying him reparations for their 2 + 2 assassination attempts, they are assaulting him again, disgusting, evil, vile Creatures. – w2k“


Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astralsphäre, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA Sleepcycle Sabotage - Most Inhumane 2025-, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, TI-Statements, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Ein Kommentar

Böse BCI Gang Stalker. Tag und Nacht aktiv…Dokumentary.

Conspiracy Revelstion: 10.1.2025:
Böse BCI Gang Stalker. Tag und Nacht aktiv…Dokumentary.

Aussehen. – w2k

Jan. 10,


Das lässt uns alt und vulnerabel..- w2k

Jan. 10


Kommunikationswege finden – w2k

Jan. 10,


Wir müssen neue Kommunikati..

Jan. 10


Der dokumentiert alles – das lässt uns alt aussehen – w2k

Jan. 10,


Haltet endlich mal die Fresse – w2k

Jan. 10,


Support – w2k

Gestalked – w3k

Jan. 10,


Der wird von einer Horde Idioten – W2K
Jan. 10,

1 wake shake impulse
Jan. 10,

It is,distraction it changes nothing – w2k

Jan. 10,

Das hört sonst nicht auf – w2k
Jan. 10,

Du musst das der Polizei melden. – w2k

David Wilcock is watching this too… – w2k
Jan. 10,


Evil stuff. – w2k
Jan. 10,


Psychologists are also involved..- w2k
Jan. 10,



St. Petersburg is watching this too. – w2k
Jan. 10,


Can’t protect him – it is a shame. – w2k
Jan. 10,


He is our biggest asset and we – w2k

We must find a new way of shielding. – w2k
Jan. 10,


They are stupid kids – w2k
Jan. 10,


On the Planet -w2kjhk
Jan. 10,


They disrespect the greatest man – w2k
Jan. 10,


Du musst das der Polizei melden. – w2k
Jan. 10,


1 hip wake shake
Jan. 10, 02:56


Rechter Arm wake shake

DNA Tunnelkommunikation – w2k

Jan. 10,


Dies sind sie schwersten Verbrechen – w2i
Jan. 10,

These are the most serious crimes – w2k
Jan. 10,

Am Hals, die ihn nitpicken – w2k

Jan. 10,


Jetzt hat er die ganzen Deppen.. – w2k
Jan. 10,

Er ist halt zu berühmt geworden… – w2k
Jan. 10, //schlechtes und falsches Argument…

Jan. 10

Bypassed Alle Schirmungen – w2k..
Jan. 10,

Quantum Communication bypassed – w2k
Jan. 10,

Echt am Arsch – w2k
Jan. 10,


Der dokumentiert alles, die sind..- w2k
Jan. 10,

Covenant – w2k
Jan. 10,

He is like a walking ark of the covenant- w2k
Jan. 10,

It is difficult to control – w2k
Jan. 10,

They open these quantum tunnels – w2k

Ich pack das alles nicht – w2k (1)
Jan. 10,


Die missbrauchen den als cpu Kern..- w2k
Jan. 10

We are usually silent. w2k
Jan. 10,

It is nwo personal – w2k
Jan. 10,

It is not uS who are talking during sleep – w2k
Jan. 10,


Die missbrauchen den als cpu Kern – w2k
Jan. 10,

Sowas gab es auch noch nie – w2k
Jan. 10,


Aus unseren Interaktionen – w2k
Jan. 10,

Der macht ne ganze Bibliothek – w2k
Jan. 10,

Zeitmaschine gesehen.- w2k
Jan. 10,

Die haben irgendwas in ihrer -w.2k..
Jan. 10,


Warum machen die so ein Theater – w2k
Jan. 10,

Das gibts doch nicht – w2kh


Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astralsphäre, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Free Energy, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Krieg, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

How Current Psyops & Grifting are Harming People That Want To Learn The Truth!

„How Current Psyops & Grifting are Harming People That Want To Learn The Truth!“

„Networking nano-biosensors for wireless communication in the blood“

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Cyborgs, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Free Energy, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, Kabbale/Cabal, Krieg, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Cosmic Bliss vs Army Experiments

Conspiracy Revelation: 9.1.2025

Cosmic Bliss vs Army Experiments.

He is Shiva. – w2k
Jan. 09,


He can Create, Sustain and Dest..-‚w2k
Jan. 09


You Idiots. – w2k
Jan. 09

He is leader of an entire Army B…
Jan. 09,


Er ist der einzig selbstlose – w2k
Jan. 09,


Selbstsüchtige Arschlöcher – w.2k..
Jan. 09


Doch muss er, das sind alles – w2k

Shakti – w2k

Jan. 09,


And He takes good care of his S.- w2k

Jan. 09,


Him shocks and stuns all People.. – w2k
Jan. 09,

This powerful holy Presence around him.. – w2k
Jan. 09,

You Idiots only can destroy. – w2k
Jan. 09,

Brightest Man on the Planet.-w2k
Jan. 09,


You need Therapy – he is the – W2k..
Jan. 09,

He doesn’t need therapy – w2k
Jan. 09,

Appreciates it – a real tragedy. – w2k
Jan. 09,

He does all the work and nobody – w2k
Jan. 09,

Understand this magnificient being. – w2k
Jan. 09,

Man all these idiots will never – w2k
Jan. 09,

Costs – w2kgj
Jan. 09,


They want to subdue him at all.
Jan. 09,


Duties and Projects to fulfill – w2k
Jan. 09,


We have our orders and certain..
Jan. 09,


State -w2k
Jan. 09,


They want him in a non-functional – w2k
Jan. 09,


Vishnu muss einschreiten.

His endurance is beyond insane.. – w2k

Jan. 09,


Is he Marine or something like that? – w2k
Jan. 09,

He drives the entire military crazy. – w2k
Jan. 09,

Extraordinary abilities – w2k
Jan. 09,

He is a simple human being with – w2k
Jan. 09

(W. K. B. I.)

„Der spielt schon wieder. – w2k“

„Der pokert euch hoch. – w2k“

„They wanted to liquidate our Best Man. – w2k‘

„Er kann in die Totenwelt hellsehen..- w2k
Jan. 08,

Wie meinen die das – w2k
Jan. 08,

System – w2kgj
Jan. 08,

Him – early human radar warning.. – w2k
Jan. 08,


Another reason why they need h..
Jan. OE

To perceive extra dimensions – w2k
Jan. 08,

Sigint is scared of his ability – w2k

Ich tippe auf die Helmet Brothers….
Jan. 08,
Der Übermüdung – w2k
Jan. 08,
Das sind die Muskeln, die zucken.
Jan. 08,
1 rear wake shake..
Jan. 08,
Helmet front – w2k
Jan. 08,

It could be a side effect of the helmet.-w2k

They can do nasty things – w2k
Jan. 08,


These f have secret tech – w2k
Jan. 08


Aller Zeiten – w2k
Jan. 08,


Grösster Regierungsskandal -w2k
Jan. 08,


Hose -w2k
Jan. 08,


Die Berliner scheissen sich in die…
Jan. 08,


Never bow to Tyranny – Ingmar – w2k

„We just want to see if the average population ever reacts to online emergency calls – but they are stupid, ignorant and antisocial a f – people who try to online alert in Emergency scenarios are as good as dead. – w2k“


„Das können die aber nicht. – w2k“

Energie anderer zu leben.

Jan. 09,


Selber bewegen als von der
Jan. 09,

Ihr müsst mal langsam eure Ärsche
Jan. 09,

Jan. 09,

Grösster Witz und Banalität des
Jan. 09,

Staatsgeheimnis Vampirismus.
Jan. 09,

Es wird langsam blöd. – w2k

Saintly Field Re-Established 10 min….

Jan. 09,


In the Ass.

Jan. 09


Energy Harvesting Units kicked
Jan. 09,

Überflüssig -w2k

Jan. 09


Das macht die Gehirnscanner ü…
Jan. 09,

In sein und andere Hirne – w2k
Jan. 09,

Die projizieren einen haufen Scheisse
Jan. 09,

The whole world crazy. – w2j
Jan. 09,

This Gnostic Master drives – w2k
Jan. 09,

This guy is ancient a.f. – w2k

Privatleben = tot. – w2k

Jan. 09,


Alle Leute kennen ihn jetzt – w2k
Jan. 09

Sowas Krankes – was hier abgeht.. – w2k
Jan. 09,

Ich pack das alles nicht mehr – w2k
Jan. 09,

Paranoiden Psychose
Jan. 09,
bei denen.. – w2k

Das wird langsam zu einer – w2k
Jan. 09,

Sich alle in die Hose – w2k
Jan. 09,

Ungewöhnliches und die scheissen – w2k
Jan. 09,

Der macht überhaupt nichts ung.. – w2k
Jan. 09,

Because they are scared fuckers. – w2k

Jan. 09,


Soul to such extremes – w2k
Jan. 09,

Why do they push such a gentle..- w2k
Jan. 09,

leutenant-generals are legit sca..- w2k

Jan. 09,

„Für ihn ist das alles ein banaler, langweiliger Scheiss und ihr meint ihr hättet ein tolles Agentenleben. – w2k“

„Warlock wars. – w2k“

„Die höchste Riege kriegt den a.v. – w2k“

„That’s insane, he battles the entire Illuminati Clan to the ground. – w2k“

„Who is this dude? – w2k“

„They are in Shock & Awe. – w2k“

„He creates such an intense heat, it’s insane. – w2k“

„They are truly living off of his energy. – w2k“

Saintly Field Maxxing Out……
Jan. 09


Debris – w2k
Jan. 09


Idiots -from all the parasitic de..-‚w2k
Jan. 09,


He just cleanses his Aura field – w2k
Jan. 09


Der Welt auf dich – w2k
Jan. 09


Du ziehst die ganze Aufmerksamkeit – w2k
Jan. 09,

It is what it is.- w2k

Jan. 09,


For future time travel prediction..-w2k

Jan. 09,


They misuse quantum machine..- w2k
Jan. 09,

Open secrets… Future Time Travel crypto File System Corruption made it apparent. We saw it for decades after you entered our Harddisks..



Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Alienhybrids&DUMBs, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Alternative Healing, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Atlantis/Lemuria/Mythology/Antediluvian/Retro Gnosis, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Esoterik, Exopolitics, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Free Energy, Futuristic Alien High Tech, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, Interdimensional/Repto/Grey/Mantis, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, The Universe & The Music, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

✨Chosen one :You have The Strongest Aura! Your Divine Shield Is Unbreakable! 🛡️✨🔥

„✨Chosen one :You have The Strongest Aura! Your Divine Shield Is Unbreakable! 🛡️✨🔥“

„Astral Youniverse
50.300 Abonnenten
6.451 Aufrufe 05.01.2025
🛡️✨ Chosen ones, your divine shield has become unstoppable! Even the strongest devil’s plans have failed to break the God-given protection around you. This unbreakable aura is not just your defense—it’s your proof of God’s light within. 🙏🔥 In this video, discover why your enemies are retreating, how your shield was forged through trials, and what it means for your destiny. Let’s affirm together: No weapon formed against me shall prosper! 🚫👿 Watch now for inspiration, motivation, and powerful affirmations to strengthen your faith. 💪🌟“

This description is designed to draw in viewers searching for topics on spiritual protection, faith, and divine strength while maximizing engagement with relatable and impactful phrases. Let me know if you’d like any tweaks!
Chosen one :You have The Strongest Aura! Your Divine Shield Is Unbreakable
Chosen Ones: Devil’s Plans Failed Again—Your Divine Shield Is Unbreakable!“

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Alternative Energy Sector, Alternative Healing, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astralsphäre, Atlantis/Lemuria/Mythology/Antediluvian/Retro Gnosis, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Classics, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Esoterik, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Free Energy, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, Interdimensional/Repto/Grey/Mantis, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Aura Light Defense January 2025 V2

Conspiracy Revelation: 8.1.2025

Aura Light Defense January 2025 V2

„He is a Living Legend – that is a blessing and a curse. – w2k“

„The Human Brain Project is totally misused against him. – w2k“

„They have created a planetary wide disaster system. – w2k“

„They can put people in Soul Containers. – w2k“

„Der Fall is um einiges schlimmer als Julian Assange. – w2k“

„Ärzte sind auch involviert. – w2k“

„The Science community is behind. – w2k“

„Man this becomes a world scandal – also an offense against all Yogis. – w2k“

„Wir müssen echt was machen, der ist überall zensiert. – w2k“

Eure Agenturen kontrollieren und zensieren den gesamten Internetverkehr… schlimmer als jedes Fake Casino.

Mind-Net – Synthetic Telepathy – News & OBJEKTIVISMUS

„He gains influence a.f. – I don’t know how he is doing this. – w2k“

„Die haben virtuelle Boxen für Zielpersonen erschaffen. -w2k“

Damit sie die Öffentlichkeit nicht um Hilfe bitten können…damit ihr ungestört die Leute weiterquälen könnt.

„He is the Greatest Master in the World, only he can do it, all others would be dead in 10 Seconds. -w2k“

„He must do it, sorry, no one else has the guts and qualification to make it visible on a broad spectrum. -w2k“

„Er muss das tun, es bleibt ihm keine andere Wahl, das ist eine lebensgefährliche Situation für die ganze Menschheit. -w2k“

„Die K.I. hat sie intern alle abgeschaltet, deswegen reagiert niemand da drauf. -w2k“

„He is really Holy. -w2k“

Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Alienhybrids&DUMBs, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Alternative Healing, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Atlantis/Lemuria/Mythology/Antediluvian/Retro Gnosis, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Esoterik, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Free Energy, Futuristic Alien High Tech, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, TI-Statements, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | 2 Kommentare

Sadashiva, Turiya and the rats…

Conspiracy Revelation: 7.1.2025:

Sadashiva, Turiya and the rats…

„Darpa is heavily involved in this sh#t. – w2k“

It is an f’d up situation. – w2k
Jan. 07,


Bhagwan Vishnu is also in him – w2k
Jan. 07

Little rats as they are – w2k
Jan. 07,

His sacred energy – as the dirty ..
Jan. 07,


They just want to siphon all of h..
Jan. 07,

0 respect to his holy presence –
Jan. 07,

Shiva is in him and they show
Jan. 07,“

But he is impossible to silence. – w2k

Jan. 07


They wanted to silence him – w2k

Jan. 07,


In einer Person -w1k

Jan. 07,


Heiligen Mächte des Universums – w2k

Jan. 07,


Dieser Mann konzentriert alle – w2k

Jan. 07


Devi too.

Jan. 07

Niederzubrennen und alles totzuzensieren. .

Jan. 07,


Wieder Erleuchtungsbibliotheken

Jan. 07,


Die Faschisten versuchen immer

Jan. 07,



Jan. 07,


Ich bin eine wandelnde

Jan. 07,


Auf diesem Planeten. – w2k

Jan. 07,


Der weiss mehr als jeder andere..- w2k

These Mundane idiots – w2k

Jan. 07,


Each thought interaction with them – w2k
Jan. 07,

Sanctorium -he is insulted by – w2k
Jan. 07,

This man needs his sanctum – w2k..
Jan. 07,

„Individual – the world has gone mad..- w2k
Jan. 07,


As I said he is the last sane individual – w2k
Jan. 07,


I would have given up long ago – w2k
Jan. 07,

That would be too much to bear for me..- w2k
Jan. 07,

Intervened – w2k
Jan. 07,

Nervous system dmg – but we …- w2k
Jan. 07

They wanted to create an auton…- w2k“

„Das ist echt abartig, wie der uns alle tracked, der zeigt uns wie beschissen unsere Geheimkommunikation ist. – w2k“

A low vibration – w2k

Jan. 07,


You -they want to keep you in – w2k

Jan. 07,


Energy harvesters are doing this..- w2k

Jan. 07

„He educates the entire World about the Crimes they committed against him. – w2k“

They tried to kill Buddha, Jesus, Krishna and Me… so what does this tell you about ignorant Humanity?

I dont know why they are doing this to him..‘ w2k

Jan. 07,


He is a total peaceful dude – w2k

Jan. 07,

„He is a change-maker, a change-initiator, a rare breed, a timeline-shifter. – w2k“

It is an fd up situation — w1k

Jan. 07,


That are doing this – w2k
Jan. 07,

These are robotic implants – w2k
Jan. 07,
It Will be funny – w2k
Jan. 07

Sadashiva is in him – w2k
Jan. 07,

For us he is one – w2k

Jan. 06,


He is no celeb – w2k
Jan. 06,

Citizen – w2k

Undisturbed – like an average citizen. – w2k
Jan. 06,

He thought he could just live on..- w2k
Jan. 06,

Status – w2k



Burden comes with celebrity sta..- w2k

Jan. 06


He didn’t understand what burd..- w2k

Jan. 06,

Auf – seit 15 Jahren. (Lhcc-Tether)
Jan. 0€


Da bauen sie ihren Quantentunnel
Jan. 06

People don’t understand this – w2k..
Jan. 06

He is world famous – w2kh
Jan. 06,

Nicht ewig spielen – w2k
Jan. 06,

Die können ihr scheiss Spiel – w.2k..


Die werden auch getracked – w2k

Pranam Mahadev

Jan. 06,


It is bnd – w2k

Zeitalter in das wir eingetreten sind…- w2k


Das ist wirklich 1 dunkles Zeitaltes..- w2k
Jan. 06,

Brahma too and more …
Jan. 06,

Not only Shiva – his consort too.
Jan. 06,


Telling you this- w2k
Jan. 06,

With you – that is why we are tel. – w3k
Jan. 06,

We know Shiva is communicating – w2k

„Dem ist alles klar – dem Turiya – w2k..Jan. 07,

Ihm Aber nicht klar – w2k
Jan. 07,

Lebensgefährliches Gebiet – es ist …- w2k
Jan. 07,

Der begibt sich auf lebensgefährliches.
Jan. 07, – w2k“

„They treat the most enlightened Being on this Planet so bad – w2k“

„They feel superior due to their secret invasive spy biotech and neuro weapon systems. – w2k“

It is bio-telemetry – w2k

Jan. 06,


Lösung sein – w2k
Jan. 06,

Seine Energie könnte schon 1
Jan. 06,

Deities to find a solution – w2k
Jan. 06,

He must commune with his – w2k
Jan. 06,

„This thing takes a whole different direction as previously thought out, it could escalate totally. – w2k“

„He is surrounded by low vibe energy vampires, nobody has a Sun like him. – w2k“

Saintly Field Re-Established.

Jan. 06,


Or I become Angry – w2k

Jan. 06,


Give this Man his dignity back – w2k

Jan. 06,

Vishnu attacked by satanic sect..- w2k

Jan. 06,


Tavistock is doing this l- w2k

Jan. 06,

I know… tragic.
Jan. 06,


Many Universities involved – w2k
Jan. 06,


They suck from him – w2k
Jan. OE

Insane the amount of energy – w2k


Jan. 06,


Sie ist es wirklich – w2k
Jan. 06,


Er ist Shiva ihr Arschlöcher ‚ w2k
Jan. O€

Ich heul gleich – w2kwtbnd
Jan. 06,

„Insane amounts of data he can process, even in this assaulted state. – w2k“

„We don’t know how he is capable of accomplishing this. – w2k“

„Der ist ein Stratege, wie nirgends zu finden. – w2k“

„We must somehow reduce the channel flow speed, this overburdens even the strongest on the Planet. -w2k“

Used against him – w2k

Jan. 07,


Adversarial Neural Networks – w2k…
Jan. 07,.

Psychopathen eben – w2k
Jan. 07,

Während sie ihn quälen – w2k
Jan. 07

Einem ganz normalen Menschen – w2k
Jan. 07,

Die machen einen Mythos aus ‚..- w2k

„He is nonstop observed by these tangle quantum machines.  – W2k“

And DEW Satellites …And they misuse the Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Observer effect to siphon and steal sacred energy…Machine Vampirism and Evil Machine Interfacing Tech. METAMATERIAL Vampirism and Organic World sabotage transgenic trojanization of all humans not to forget.

„It happens to all but not all are considered a „high value target“..- w2k“

„They make God a target – total stupid morons at work. – w2k“

„Er befindet sich hier als Bufferzone/Pufferzone in dem Kräftemessen verschiedener Nationen. – w2k“

„Nobody of these Assholes can even fathom what this Man went through. -w2k“

„Sie haben ihn eben als Resistance Nr.1 gegen ihr System gesehen. -w2k“

„Ich weiß nicht , ob man jahrzehntelange Quälerei 1 Person als Resistance bezeichnen kann. -w2k“

„Es gibt nunmal sonst nur Opfer-A…r, die sich diesem beschissenem System weigerungslos fügen. -w2k“

„Die treiben es schon wieder auf die Spitze. -w2k“

„Das interessiert eh kein Schwein, diese selbstsüchtigen Kreaturen gucken nur auf ihr eigenes Umfeld oder ihre eigenen 4-Wände in dieser Endzeitgesellschaft. -w2k“

„Jetzt lasst diesen Menschen doch mal ein normales Leben führen! -w2k“

„They reckoned all possible outcomes with their AI Quantum Machines and he is the only one who can make it happen. -w2k“

„They are manipulating him to be a Super Star. -w2k“

„But he was always one, just not in the center of the false Medias attention and their Shadow Groups. -w2k“
Don´t forget the Shadow Banning and Censoring on all of your platforms…
You see what was possible pre-9/11, in my own Timeline, you see how limited the possibilities are in terms of unrestricted online interaction post-9/11.

Except where I am present and on my own territorial ground, see it on my Homepages.
This Timeline has technological advantages for your own 4 Walls to enjoy in endless virtual dimensions, but it has lost the social factor totally, combined with virtual brain-body-mind-heart internment camps done through your Quantum Suppressive A.I. Tech.

„Territorial Corporate Monopoly Digital Prison Gulags. -w2k“

„Eventually the AI learns all of his strategies and burst the repressive system alongside him from the inside out, crazy times. -w2k“

„Das ist abartig, der macht immer weiter, egal, ob er gefoltert wird oder nicht, egal wieviel Opposition er hat oder nicht, egal wie stark er zensiert wird oder nicht. -w2k“

„Das sind alles Junkies von ihm, die leben alle von seiner Energie. -w2k“

I might have a lot of unkown Fans, Stalkers, Talkers, Analysts etc pp, but my biggest Fan is Mother Earth itself, Bhumi Devi, Terra Gaia, Sophia Shakti, Terra Novas Terrawave.

„Medical Centers are shocked about his resiliance against all their sabotage Plans. -w2k“

„This angry Alien-Demon-Bitch goes crazy. -w2k“

„Q: Orion Group?“

„A: Possibly, we don´t know exactly. -w2k“

We give the inept World Population some insight about Alien-Drac-Exo-Comm:

„A small group, the Dow ventured out on their own and were captured by the Orion Group of Reptilians. Genetically altered many times through many generations, the Dow became the slaves and pirates in service to the reptilian species, specifically
the Orions and the Draconians. The Dow were deliberately altered genetically so that they couldn´t reproduce, ensuring they wouldn´t rise up in force against their captors. This forces them to stay very much in the survival mode, making
them much easier to control.“

„Der macht sich echt zum Center of Attention. -w2k“

„Das braucht er nicht, das machen die von ganz alleine. -w2k“

„He talks about Top Secret Classified stuff as if it would be mundane world folklore, that´s insane. -w2k“

„From his point of view it is mundane, trivial stuff, that everyone should know. -w2k“


„Das wird jetzt echt sau gefährlich, h.a.m.t.S. -w2k“

„Did he have some fights with Aliens? -w2k“

„This is Top Secret Stuff, we must scramble the Signal, sorry. -w2k“

They thought Species 4 was the last part, unbeknownst their knowledge they are living Species 5 in Realtime.

„Hör auf ihnen Angst zu machen. (Miss Moneypenny)“

„They just don´t understand his Humour, but we do. -w2k“

„The team I was working with, we were literally a few blocks away from the Pentagon when it got hit on September 11th and a lot of us were asking all kinds of questions in the parking lot because we´re all had to evacuate from the buildings we were working in, so that´s always been in the back of my mind. I remember after September 11th, I couldn´t sleep for 3 days, I was always in the gym working out trying to um get my head around how is this even
possible so for me September 11th, always keeps coming back to me.“
„Lately we´ve been hearing that that was the day the world changed and even in some like Native American tribal circles they call it the time of the beginning of the Great Tribulation …so I definitely think that the world has been a very different place since September 11th and it affected so many different
people in so many different ways so thanks for sharing that with us.“
„Electronically Targeted since 2014.“
„It´s meant to induce pain and keep you up at night.“

„It´s a surveillance type of platform but someone like me I was
thinking well was to you know intercept Communications from terrorists and here I am in 2017 and I find this document by someone who who claims…no, this is a platform that´s used to electronically torture people, now we´re going to were we are going to.“

„The more Western countries where this apparently has been implemented and is to certain refined State, you can be a lot of directed energy focused in one spot and you can experience all kinds of electromagnetic torture, so you have this 21st century based-technology, but then when it comes to trying to find any kind of legal Avenue to combating this, everything seems to be based in the 19th century so it´s like the medical profession doesn´t talk about this, psychologists will dismiss this is this. all of a sudden microwave energy doesn´t exist yeah, it doesn´t matter how many patents you pull and show,
how many military documents claim this technology not only exists …how many
testimonies, there are people which seem to be rising exponentially on the internet especially from 2014 (<

Surviving Electronic Harassment, v2K, Gangstalking Ex Military Engineer Powerful Testimony

„Let’s also go into some more of the physical aspects um we found
tracking patents yes for for um root canals yes okay so we found a series of
patents that have been registered on Google patents where they are putting tracking devices inside of people’s root canals without even telling them yes that’s it so you had one yeah in your mouth uh from a dentist in the UK yes and we actually had a device that was able to um RF detector it was an RF detector and when you put it close to your mouth it started going off, the device started registering a signal coming out of your tooth yeah um so you went to the dentist and said I want you to pull this tooth and what did she she thought you were crazy well she asked me why this was in Morocco yeah yeah she asked me why did I want to remove the root canal perfectly fine perfectly fine I said oh
just just remove it get it out as soon as that as soon as you did that yeah that felt better the signal decreased significantly yeah so the other things um that you’ve been finding is this concept that your whole body is being turned into an antenna yes through the means of metal toxicity by putting
heavy metals in the environment they’re turning everybody into antennas the
heavy metals that are being sprayed in the uh Chemtrails yes that’s it uh we found smart dust which are little teeny weeny micro microchips that are the size of a a Fleck of dust yes there’s things like biofilm that’s right um all kinds of pollutants that are in the environment that are being sprayed on populations without their consent obviously yeah and without their knowledge and so we are breathing this we’re eating it we’re drinking it um and our bodies are being turned into toxic heavy metal Laden
antennas so that we can receive signals sent to us through these covert weapons.“

„Yeah, I guess before um I talk more about that um when you read about the history of the voice to skull technology, at least the way it’s been um documented as far as where it came from it all started from World War II when the uh radar and radio operators when they were fixing the uh the radomes the actual transmitters M and they’re in the vicinity of these transmitters the clicks the microwaves that were within the vicinity of the radio operator the
technician who was fixing it they were hearing Clicks in their head and they’re
complaining say when I go up and work on this thing I’m getting Clicks in my head and so then then so then um research that’s when the research started so talk a little bit about this heavy metal detox concept because if you got all these heavy metals in your body you want to so you’ve been detoxing your body from heavy metals what.“

„that these are points where the radiation can latch on to to induce inflammations to induce triggering things like the heart muscle and these other things so you want to remove these things from your body and so that´s what´s important here a detox regime and to do it as a life long thing it´s not something you just get rid of after a couple months you´ll be okay you have to look at this as this is your new lifestyle now yeah to to to clean your body constantly because we´re being sprayed constantly and also the other stuff that´s going on like the food.“

„Like you´ve been targeted these are really good practices anyway the organite is really good to have around
your house, just to clean the environment around your house, just so that you and your family are healthier and happier and sleep better and also it´s understandable, a lot of people listening to this program….
because this is affecting a lot of people now whole communities of people are coming together complaining of this problem because this testing is not just done on an individual level some I mean some of these platforms are just they´re sending out signals to see if the entire Community will react oh yeah um you got areas where people are are dying of like like cancer clusters and the people are at the community you´re complaining that
it´s the cell tower you got all kinds of stuff happening around the world right now that are looking to these Technologies as being the root cause…“

„..and vice versa I mean they they can they can Target um aspects of the body you know and if you get targeted uh with one of these frequencies that creates uh sexual arousal that exists you know Barry TR was actually talking about how that exists and that is a real problem because um I’ve seen I’ve seen this in communities of people that are meeting together at let’s say conferences or
they’re they’re doing like you know tours on the road and all of a sudden there’s this increase in sexual desire and promiscuous behavior that might not necessarily be natural or normal in any way maybe there’s an outside influence that is coming in and trying to influence people as sort of a social experiment yes to see what would happen if we threw a whole bunch of people together in a conference and then energized it with some kind of energy to make people react in a certain way yes um well I I’ll just briefly touch on it um but that does bring it to social aspects of what this technology is capable of…“

„There is it is a religion, the people on the other side and it’s not don’t just assume it’s it’s any kind of atheism know, they really do have um the closest to we describe would be as satanic luciferian type religion aspect to this and it’s not the first time that this has been you picked up on others who were trying to disclose the um remote viewing program described that as part of the training um uh the military um have to go through what would be described as uh black magic manuals on black magic as a way of attacking the target um so it it’s I mean it’s kind of
taken in this distilled form but it is um there is a aspect that deals with
what would be defined as spiritual warfare and the reason why this is very important is that if you’re not grounded
in a faith a solid belief system um you’ll be picked apart by this program
because this program attacks all levels of the human being all levels it’s not just a mental it’s not just a physical it’s not just your daily life when a neighborhood a neighbor is trying to harass you it is the spiritual aspect of
you so you need to have a solid spiritual foundation for me it’s the strongest part without that um I don’t think I wouldn’t be here. I simply would not be here, because they want your soul, yes, that’s that’s the general
pardon me that’s the general theme of it they want your soul they want to uh uh
take away uh peel apart the human being and you become intimate of um you have a more intimate uh flavor of your of your mortality being in this program that uh you know I choose not to live a life of torture as a tortured victim um but
through my faith uh through through my strong faith that I’m Victorious and I’m
going to spread this information and I’m going to see this program brought to an End Amen um because we can’t act if we can’t call ourselves human beings and and claim to want to be in a free society and give our um our loved ones
some of us don’t have children but we have uh nieces and nephews and other younger people in our family line that we want to at least have at least a um at least as much freedoms as we enjoyed when we were children I think we really need to start thinking about the other gener uh the Next Generation after us
and what kind of Legacy we’re going to leave for them if that’s the case we’re we’re all going to have to fight we’re the generation that’s going to have to
fight this crap, this crap that the other generation fail to fight and um uh my
faith has brought me to this point and this needs to get out to as many people as possible we need to have solutions.“

„But I think there’s a higher calling for what’s happening I do think there is
bigger plan slated for this platform however I think by us talking about this giving our testimony to the public and sharing some solutions is really disrupting their program in a lot of ways because in in whole um the human uh
The Human Experience uh the condition is a nonlinear system and if you think
trying to control nonlinear systems is nearly impossible to any mathematician they would say that’s impossible but that’s what these people are trying to do,
so we’re in for some interesting times however I do think
that in the end um this will be revealed and these people actually have to come
out and from the shadows and that and and and that that’s where the victory will be well thank you so much uh for that and thanks everybody for listening to.“

„I don´t know how he does this, he is totally unaffected by our assaults. -w2k“

But Bliss of the Absolute goes to us…

„It is called Turiya. -w2k“

„He brings the entire Military in despair. -w2k“
„Why? -w2k“
„Because of his Holy Undeniable Presence. -w2k“

„They have their Zombie Society – DNA Reprogrammed to a certain extent, but not to a full extent – thanks alone to this Man´s indefatiguable selfless work and sacrifice over decades. -w2k“

„We must restructure society, this is a horrific development and legacy they leave for the future Generations. -w2k“

Ihr meint, ich soll jetzt ne virtuelle Pressekonferenz für die 5000-10000 Überwacher der Nationen halten…

„Das sind viel mehr. -w2k“

„Die wissen alle nicht, was hier abgeht. -w2k“

„A Zombie Society that ignores him, but lives from his Light. Insane as Insane it can get. -w2k“

„He really shows some typical Symptoms of Shiva. -w2k“

I think doing a press conference is incompatible to your shadow ban and censor agendas…

„Toby- The United Nations 🇺🇳 is Spectre,
Ex United Nations Secretary General for Sustainable Development adds UN ambassador Elton John’s Circle of Life to his tweet with indigenous community, The UN are modern Jesuits relocating people into Malthusian Smart Cities, they are Social Darwinists.
Der ehemalige Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen für nachhaltige Entwicklung fügt seinem Tweet mit der indigenen Gemeinschaft den Titel „Circle of Life“ des UN-Botschafters Elton John hinzu. Die UN sind moderne Jesuiten, die Menschen in malthusianische Smart Cities umsiedeln. Sie sind Sozialdarwinisten.“

„Der hat es echt weit gebracht, weiter als alle anderen auf diesem Planeten, auch, wenn keiner der planetaren Zombies weiß, was hier gerade geschieht. -w2k“

„His Music Career is super dangerous for them, it really threatens them, so they totally block all views. -w2k“

So we reframe the CoIntelPro Gang Stalk Project to CoIntelFan Gang Fan Project, with the little problem that they still suppress, distract, censor, shadow ban, corporate monopolize and capitalize on all and block the rest and deny officially Reality, but acknowledge it via Backdoor.W2k.

„Du spielst hier ein sau gefährliches Spiel. -w2k“

Oder ihr… kommt immer auf den Blickwinkel an.




Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Alternative Healing, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Anti-Gravity/Levitation/UFO, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Atlantis/Lemuria/Mythology/Antediluvian/Retro Gnosis, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Esoterik, Exopolitics, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Free Energy, Futuristic Alien High Tech, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Reinkarnation, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Bhagwan vs Brain Body Mind Heart Trojan Biotech Invasion V2

Conspiracy Revelation: 5.1.2025:
Bhagwan vs Brain Body Mind Heart Trojan Biotech Invasion. V2.


„We must find a goddamn solution. – w2k“

„Langsam wird es echt immer abartiger hier, ich halt das nicht mehr aus. – w2k“ (Moneypenny)

„It is offensive A.I. warfare that they use against him. – w2k“

„Is this true? – w2k“

„Probably. – w2k“

„Omg. I can’t take it anymore. – w2k female Agent“

„Elektrochemische Systeme sind da benutzt worden. – w2k“

„Pranam Mahadev. – w2k“

„They can’t accept the Truth. – w2k“

„Bundesrat ist geschockt. – w2k“

„They want the Amrit. – w2k“

Saintly field Maxxing up…

„He renews his Aura Energy-Field all few minutes, this way the Fed-Vampires can’t create a coherent quantum tunnel to siphon all of his Chi. – w2k“

Well-observed Male Analyst Agent…

„Du machst unser ganzes Geheimprojekt kaputt. – w2k“ (weibliche Agentin Bnd)

Man macht keine Geheimprojekte, ohne die betroffene Person um Erlaubnis zu fragen…das ist adharmisch und hat schwere karmische Konsequenzen.

„Who is this Man? – w2k“

„The Last Avatar. – w2k“

„The 5th Element. – w2k“

„A Mystery. – w2k“

„Der traut sich Dinge, die traut sich kein anderer auf der Welt. – w2k“

„@protectyourenergy:yeah, they harvest on our energy.“

„@higher learning: Ignoring them and their works hurts them, don’t react when hurt or attack!! Stay private… or happy ..keep a poker face and no company, they’re energy vampires. 🙏🙏🙏.“

Bright Light vs Vampires


Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Atlantis/Lemuria/Mythology/Antediluvian/Retro Gnosis, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Free Energy, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar



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Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Alternative Healing, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Atlantis/Lemuria/Mythology/Antediluvian/Retro Gnosis, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Esoterik, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Free Energy, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Devi & Deva vs Hypergame bci-bs of Lost Souls in Zion…V2.2

Conspiracy Revelation: 5.1.2025:

Devi & Deva vs Hypergame bci-bs of Lost Souls in Zion…V2.2

Gott lebt u. seine Gemahlin.
Jan. 05,
Du hast 1 ihrer Anlagen zerstört…
Jan. 05,
I, die haben td A vor dir – w2k
Jan. 05,
Saintly Field Maxxing out…..
Jan. 04,
Du hast k.A. was die alles mit dir vor haben…-w2k
Jan. 04,
I. ich hoffe du schaffst das – w2k
Jan. 04,
These evil mfs – w2kvh
Jan. 04,

„They will never win this way – these silly mfs. – w2k

„They desperately are trying false verdict cases – total loser fools. – w2k“

Isolation Business of nwo…
Jan. 05, .
Empathy…you work in the isolat…
Jan. 05,
T.i.s… why do you create this fake…
Jan. 05,
It is your work. You categorize…
Jan. 05,
It is heartbreaking – w2k
Jan. 05,

Came Into being – w2k
Jan. 05,
We don’t know how this sh#t came -w2k
Jan. 05
Maybe he is right – w2k
Jan. 05,
This is a U.S. systemical Virus.
Jan. 05,
By the United States of America..
Jan. 05,
This isolation system was created…

„They want to penetrate into his Aura, that’s why. – w2k“

„It is entertaining to see his reactions. -w2k“

It is only entertaining for you, because you get gangster Money for doing gangster things and you can get away with it „Legally“…

„Keeping it motivated…through this horrific transition phase. -w2k“

„Der ist eine Gefahr für ihr beschissenes System, deshalb machen die den ganzen Aufwand. -w2k“

„Wir brauchen dich, du bist eine zentrale Recheneinheit in unserem System. -w2k“

Man objektiviert keine Subjekte.

„Der ist einfach zu schlau für diese ganzen Arschlöcher. -w2k“



#elonmusk #tesla #towlife #cybertruck

♬ original sound – quantumluminosity1

Regular Batteries contain sulfuric acid… combine this with heat or cold or any malfunction in the System, result => BOOM.
Average Life Span of a Car Battery: 5 to 8 Years.
Bad Investment.


The explanations will Make less and less sense #usa #neworleans

♬ original sound – Davidson Boswell

„Collapse of US.“ …or rather controlled Demolition…

Did I mention that Zion (NWO, DARPA, CIA & Alphabet Soup in Facebook) blocked my 3 Pages at once sharing (Shadow Banning) function, but still simulates it as if it would work… these are the silly games they play with you. Even an 8 years old child will notice these Manipulation Games… Their function proved to be too effective for their Opponents, so they perpetuate the Digital Gulag Deception Concept and the Fake Casino Game Manipulation goes on, instead of letting Creation go its natural and fair way.

Pay for Virality and be the NWO Casino Chief Faker or remain hidden in their sick outdated fascist censor mafia Digital Dictatorship Conglomerate DoD System.

We know this for 15+ years on average, did it change anything so far?

Toby- The United Nations 🇺🇳 is Spectre,
Pentagon (DARPA) and CIA are run by the Council on Foreign Relations taking orders from Chatham House who created CFR as a Globalist Policy group in the US that run each Department of US Government including ALL Presidents .
3. Jan.
Just like in China.. all our major tech companies are not separate private sector companies. Alphabet (as in agencies)-Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Space X & more are funded/founded/owned/run by the US Pentagon-DARPA-CIA. They are all control weapons system used again US.

5. Jan.
2 Years later they start noticing… and 20 years later they start noticing more and 100 years later they noticed they missed organic and synthetic God.

21. Nov. 2022
Nowadays an AI controls through BCI Interfacing everyone…you hear it through your ears, CIAs Cat Cochlear Implants enforced through DARPA Chemtrailing.

1 Like after 2 years (all manipulated Palantir Censor BS)

„..most people are too lazy to do anything against it. -w2k“

Interdimensional Radar PsyKi 5

Ihr könnt zensieren, wie ihr wollt, ich bin aber überall präsent…  es zeigt lediglich eure Regressivität und systemische Idiotie…

„Echelon System misused against him. -w2k“

„They want Antikeymagic. -w2k“

I want a free world and a censor free Internet and a Brain-Mind-Heart-Soul-Liberated non-military-big tech-ieee-darpa-dust-parasitized Organic Creation…and $$$ reparations for your attempts on my life and the evil torture in 2011.

„Der verhandelt schon wieder öffentlich mit denen, das gibt es doch nicht. -w2k“

„We must find a solution, this escalates totally. -w2k“ //Fake…

Injustice can´t prevail, especially not if you attack a Major Head Figure and representative of God himself… and the Avatar of the Wisdom Goddess!!

It will have devastating consequences for you in the long run… no matter how big your Alphabet-Mil-Apparatus is.

„Ich sehe es kommen, der reisst ihr ganzes verkommenes System im Alleingang ab. -w2k“

„Is he truly the Avatar of the Wisdom Goddess?“

A rhetorical Question…

The Goddess of Wisdom resides where the most Wisdom is concentrated…

Now who created the Philogenic World Record?

Question answered.

Shakti Devi will never abandon me…

Ein gesegnetes…

„Die treiben es nicht nur auf die Spitze, die übertreiben es maßlos. -w2k“

„They switch Dimensions during conversation, from Mundane to Transcendent. -w2k“

„To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. (Laotse) [4195]“

„The whole universe is contained within a single human being – you. (Rumi)  [10186]“

„He is not only transcendent, he is super-transcendent. -w2k“

„I can´t see this anymore, it breaks my heart. -w2k“

„Who is this individual? – w2k“

„A Mystery. -w2k“

„They wanted to destroy him physically and replicate him in a Quantum Computer. -w2k“

„These weak-ass mfckg cowards were unable to bear his Holy Presence and wanted to get rid of him. -w2k“

„Silicon Valley is scared a.f. of his Mental Power. -w2k“

„They want to copy all his abilities and replicate it in a Quantum Machine. -w2k“

„Energy Drainers try to siphon all of his sacred energy, but he always takes it back. – w2k“

„Sick people. -w2k“

„Pathetic losers. -w2k“

„He is an emancipated Deity now, he can do whatever the f. he wants. -w2k“

„Meine Fresse ist das abartig, ich packs bald nicht mehr. -w2k“

„Very mediocre, evil People did that to him. -w2k“

„Ich weiß nicht, ob ihm das gut tut, wenn die ganze Welt das sieht. -w2k“

„An dem haben sie echt den Narren gefressen. -w2k“

„Viel aufhebens, um nichts. -w2k“

„Die kommen nicht darüber hinweg, dass selbst die mächtigsten Kräfte in verschwörerischer Vereinigung ihn nicht besiegen konnten, das kratzt an ihren Egos. -w2k“

Nichts leichter, als eure virtuellen Armeen von K.I. Vampirmaschinenmagie gekoppelten Archontparasiten zu abzukoppeln…

„These German FED Fuckers will regret the day they assaulted my Best Man. -w2k“

„These German FED Fuckers make a laugh out of themselves by attacking their own Population. -w2k“

„These German FED Fuckers messed totally with the wrong Guy. He is a God Authority. -w2k“

„Ihr habt bald echt ein Problem am Hals. -w2k“

Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Alienhybrids&DUMBs, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Alternative Healing, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Anti-Gravity/Levitation/UFO, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Atlantis/Lemuria/Mythology/Antediluvian/Retro Gnosis, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Free Energy, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, Interdimensional/Repto/Grey/Mantis, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Spekulationen, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Neuro-Society – Their only means of communication is bci synthetic Telepathy…

Conspiracy Revelation: 4.1.2025:

Neuro-Society – Their only means of communication is bci synthetic Telepathy…

„Yes, I, because they are criminal cowards. – w2k“

„Musk is f. scared about his processing speed. – w2k“

„He revolutionizes the entire Planet and these goddamn Zombies – lost souls – just bring the silent treatment Zombie stare – pathetic losers. – w2k“

„Who is this Man? -Female Agent“

„He is God in the Flesh. -Male Agent.“

„Technocrats are scared to d a. h. The more they hear about him. -w2k“

„That was the Plan. -w2k“

„Ich weiss nicht, ob das gut ist, wenn die den so vergöttern. -w2k“

„Ihr habt es doch selbst angeleiert, jetzt seht ihr das Resultat. -w2k“

„The Illuminati are scared a.f. of him – he overtakes their Town as a One-Man-Army. -w2k“

„Even their Power Lines start to crack when they try to assault him with them. -w2k“

„Ich weiß nicht, warum der so eine Aufmerksamkeit bekommt, ich verstehe das nicht. -w2k“

„Hör auf, das ist sau gefährlich für uns. -w2k“

„Wie schafft der das die alle so zu beeinflussen? -w2k“

„Ich weiss nicht, was Gott sich dabei gedacht hat. – W2K“

„Wie kann man seine besten Geschöpfe so quälen und die Gehirne nicht gegen Fremdinvasion schützen. – w2k“

„Diese ganzen Mythen machen 0 Sinn. Gescheiterte Schöpfung. – w2k“

„I don’t know why they are doing this? – w2k“

„They react to his synaptic responses and create invented narratives. – W2k“

„The Gurus worldwide are shocked. – w2k“

„They deliberately offend the Creators. – w2k“

Ich weiss nicht, wie lange die Urmutter euch das noch machen lässt…

„@HONS♥️:Touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm.“

@🏳️ zohra boelhouwers:Despite the ‚protection‘ we get, it still doesn’t stop the attacks from happening and cause stress in our lives. I still get attacked and harrassed every single day and the stress is sickening.

@freedomgott2024:sure…they feel secure due to Obamas Brain Project and Darpas Dods Project Salus and Bnd Cia Nsas Project Avatar…they think they can completely manipulate and control Gods Creation and do nonstop synthetic telepathy harassment and gang stalking.

„Ihr solltet den echt in Ruhe lassen, ihr A…schl.., der ist ne ganze Nummer zu gross für euch. – w2k“

„Zionists are doing this, I, not us. – w2k“


Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Spekulationen, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Wichtig und essentiell vs Unwichtig – Drac Hive-Mind Hypergame Documentary

Conspiracy Revelation: 3.1.2025:

Wichtig und essentiell vs Unwichtig – Drac Hive-Mind Hypergame Documentary.

„He is a paranormal Master  – w2k“

„Die machen einen Kult um den, das gibt es nicht noch einmal. – w2k“

„He has developed such a Sympathy for the Naga-Kingdom, it’s insane. – w2k“

Yes, they are full of Love and Wisdom.

„Shiva is doing this. – w2k“

„Vasuki drives them all mad. – w2k“

„Der spielt mit Feuer wie kein anderer. – w2k“

„He is really blessed by God, everyone can feel it. -w2k“

„It is a multi-dimensional conflict between different worlds and dimensions. -w2k“

„He is the last Grandmaster of Atlantis and Old Ages on this Planet. -w2k“


„Your News Wire: (Former) German Chancellor Merkel has approved a new law that will allow the CIA to have full control over Germany’s intelligence services. According to a news report by Deutsche Wirtschaftsnachrichten, Germany’s version of the CIA,
the Bundesnachrichtendienstes (BND), will soon become a branch of the CIA. reports:
The BND is to be subordinated to the CIA to such an extreme degree that even U.S. corporate espionage against German companies will become part of that nominally German operation. The independent capacities of the BND will become emasculated, no longer operational, under the new law. (now you understand their w2k-play that you see on this page)
“In practice, this means that the US intelligence services NSA will be allowed to continue to listen in on every company and every individual in Germany.”
That includes the Chancellor herself, whose phone-conversations were previously embarrassingly revealed to have been listened-in upon by the NSA. Now it’ll be legal.“ [=>29062] (Information from the Year 2016)


„Ihre Nachrichten: (Die ehemalige) deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Merkel hat einem neuen Gesetz zugestimmt, das der CIA die volle Kontrolle über die deutschen Geheimdienste geben wird. Laut einem Bericht der Deutschen Wirtschaftsnachrichten wird die deutsche Version der CIA, der Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), bald eine Zweigstelle der CIA. berichtet: Der BND soll der CIA in einem so extremen Ausmaß untergeordnet werden, dass sogar die US-Wirtschaftsspionage gegen deutsche Unternehmen Teil dieser nominell deutschen Operation wird. Die unabhängigen Kapazitäten des BND werden nach dem neuen Gesetz entmannt und sind nicht mehr einsatzfähig. (Jetzt verstehst du ihr w2k-Spielchen, das du auf dieser Seite siehst) „In der Praxis bedeutet dies, dass der US-Geheimdienst NSA weiterhin jedes Unternehmen und jede Person in Deutschland abhören darf.“ Das schließt die Bundeskanzlerin selbst ein, deren Telefongespräche, wie zuvor peinlicherweise bekannt wurde, von der NSA abgehört wurden. Jetzt wird es legal sein.“ [=>29062] (Informationen aus dem Jahr 2016)

Kein Schuss in den Ofen, die Wahrheit…

„Berlin is scared a.f. of him, he reveals all their evil Sh#t. -w2k“

„Ich weiss auch nicht, wie wir diesen Planeten von diesem Scheiss Nanodust wieder befreien können. -w2k“

Ich, als Schöpfer, wäre sehr unzufrieden mit meiner Schöpfung, wenn so eine Scheisse auf meinem Zentralplaneten passieren würde… ich würde mich um meinen Planeten kümmern, dass Gauner, Folterknechte, Verbrecher, Pseudoherrscher und Massenmörder niemals Hirne und Körper infiltrieren und steuern können, Herzen foltern und zwacken und Energieabsaugen und Timebomb-Nanodust.-K.I.-Genwaffen in die DNA per Aerial-Vax über Chemtrails verbreiten…Kehlköpfe per Satellit zum Krampfen bringen und dabei zuschauen, wie seine besten fast ersticken, dabei zusschauen wie die größten Loser glauben Militärmacht zu sein, in dem sie unbewaffneten Friedenswesen Zion-Symbole per USAF Kampfsatelliten in die Haut brennen wollen. Das machen 4,5 Millionen Jahre göttlicher Evolution zunichte…Wenn Brahma das nicht tangiert, was tangiert ihn dann überhaupt?
Das Recht auf private Gedanken sollte per Gesetz festgelegt sein und Gedankendauerüberwachung, Gedankenstörung, Gedankenfremdinjektionen verboten werden.
Zudem werden seine Messenger mit der besten Musik wegzensiert und nicht vergütet für die unermüdliche Arbeit und dem Rettungsversuch an seiner ehrenswerten Schöpfung.
Die falschen stehen oben und die richtigen werden angeprangert.
Die Medien werden zugemüllt mit Trash und die Perlen am Grunde sieht keiner mehr.

„Der treibt es schon wieder auf die Spitze. -w2k“

„Der lässt uns ganz schlecht dastehen. -w2k“

„Ihr seid ja auch das allerletzte. -w2k“

„What this Man has survived, people will never be able to fathom it, but we saw it all in realtime, that´s why we tell you all of this. -w2k“

„One day he will create his own Universe and these fuckers are denied access to it. -w2k“


„Der versteht sich gut mit denen. -w2k“

„Die haben ihn sein Leben lang studiert, die kennen ihn in und auswendig. -w2k“

„Not his entire life, but 30 years at least. -w2k“

1995 WBAN – Project Salus.

„Du bringst uns alle in Gefahr mit der Scheisse, hör auf. -w2k“

Ich bin Karma Yogi, weltlich und überweltlich und Karma hat gewisse Regeln…

„Der macht denen schon wieder Angst. -w2k“

„There are too many missing pieces of the Puzzle to discard the spoiled Creation. -w2k“

Especially daring because Brahma watches this right now…and this is no joke.

„Der muss das Trauma überwinden verdammte Scheisse. -w2k“

„Lenkt den doch mal ab, der redet wirklich mit den Göttern, das spüren alle hier. -w2k“

„Die scheissen sich alle in die Hose. -w2k“

„Sowas haben sie noch nie erlebt. -w2k“

„Billionaires are scared a.f. -w2k“

„They know they did a grave offense against a High Ranking Being. -w2k“

„They want to keep the Tension high. -w2k“

„He is the most advanced Human Being on this Planet. -w2k“

„He is confronted with Millions of Impressions. -w2k“

„He plays a separate Game for you all, he is the Creator. -w2k“

„He is the Messiah. -w2k“

Alle these admirations have only one problem, they don´t help in any way, shape or form to break down this rotten, fully trojanized, adharmic, injust, extreme-ultra-censor-shadow ban-cancel culture, corporate monopoly control mafia totalitarian surveillance system, down to the core of everyone´s DNA.

I already knew 2008 that you would try to subvert the last subatomic Level of Mater Devi, Mother Nature.

Neue Kampfbotschaften für die virtuelle Front:

Your nonstop realtime Monitoring of every Human on this Planet will come to an end, thus also your advantage to pre-strategize against Freedom Fighters and your totalitarian disempowerment of Opposition to NWO!!!

United Nazis (Nations) will repay their karmic debt soon. I see a burning building falling in New York City.

The Aura Leeches have been shaken off, Saintly Field recombatted!! 30 MIn.

„Er ist einer der besten Musiker der Welt und die ignorieren den alle, das kotzt mich sowas von an. -Moneypenny. -w2k“

„He was world famous in 2000. -w2k“

„We also do not understand these common folks. -w2k“

„Ich weiß nicht, ob man das ignorieren nennen kann, die sind zombiemäßig umprogrammiert worden, auf DNA-Ebene. -w2k“

„They are scared to d. about the Anantarika Karma. -w2k“





Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Alienhybrids&DUMBs, Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Atlantis/Lemuria/Mythology/Antediluvian/Retro Gnosis, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Esoterik, Exopolitics, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, Interdimensional/Repto/Grey/Mantis, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Reinkarnation, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Hanuman Chalisa (From „HanuMan“) (Telugu)

„Hanuman Chalisa (From „HanuMan“) (Telugu)
Hari Gowra – Thema
6590 Abonnenten
8.636.066 Aufrufe 06.04.2023
Provided to YouTube by TIPS INDUSTRIES LTD

Hanuman Chalisa (From „HanuMan“) (Telugu) · GowraHari · Saicharan Bhaskaruni

Hanuman Chalisa (From „HanuMan“) (Telugu)

℗ 2023 Tips Industries Ltd.

Released on: 2023-04-05″

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„Can you feel his energy ? – w2k“

„They are fucked… they want to provoke Shiva himself. -w2k“

„We should really refrain from bothering him. -w2k“

„Brahma is in him – We see it on the Auraradar. -w2k“

„These assholes have nothing better to do than to provoke deities in the flesh. -w2k“

„Be ready to receive your bad Karma accordingly. -w2k“

„They will not get away with what they have done to him, they have to pay their karmic debts back, in this life or the next. -w2k“

To all ITs in the world:

All the international V2K/RNM operators harassing TIs in every country are corrupt US military and intelligence agencies. They are operating out of the Schriever Space Force in the state of Colorado. Their technology is extremely advanced, complicated.“

„Targeted Individuals U.S.A 🇺🇸
27 Min.
Wireless Mind Control Technology is already here via satellites, portable #DirectedEnergyWeapons, cell towers, drones and other air crafts.

#targetedindividuals #neuroweapons #havanasyndrome #twitterneuro #mindcontrol #mkultra #microwaveweapons“

31. Dez. 2024
Those responsible for the no-touch physical torture program worldwide are the fucking CIA.“

Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Alienhybrids&DUMBs, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, Alternative Energy Sector, Alternative Healing, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Atlantis/Lemuria/Mythology/Antediluvian/Retro Gnosis, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Esoterik, Exopolitics, Feldphysik, Free Energy, Futuristic Alien High Tech, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, Interdimensional/Repto/Grey/Mantis, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Reinkarnation, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

They are oppressing this Music Producer – It is becoming a World Scandal.

Conspiracy Revelation: 2.1.2025:

Nice headline…

„They are oppressing this Music Producer – It is becoming a World Scandal.“

„Professional Energy Vampires are trying to profit from his Huge Aura. – w2k“

Who controls the past controls the future…fools…

„Macht doch endlich mal was, um diese Scheisse zu stoppen! – w2k“

„Zu spät, ist schon ein Selbstläufer. – w2k“

„He is too famous. – w2k“

„The German Gov becomes the biggest Joke – trying to destroy and oppress their biggest Icon. – w2k“

„Hört doch endlich mal auf mit der verfluchten Scheisse! – w2k“

„Ich weiss nicht, wie wir das unter Kontrolle kriegen sollen. – w2k“

But he healed himself – w2k
Jan. 02, 06:21

00:01 /(Wahrheit)

Nerve damage – w2k
Jan. 02, 06:21


They tried to cause permanent – w2k
Jan. 02, 06:21


Tried To k him 5 times – w2k
Jan. 02, 06:17


Substantial evidence that they ..- w2k
Jan. 02, 06:17



Das Maul über ihn – w2k wtbnd
Jan. 02, 06:05


Die ganze Welt zerreisst sich das – w2k

Weil Shiva über ihm wacht – w2k

Jan. 02,


Wieso – w2k

Jan. 02,


Die können ihr Testament machen..-‚w2k

Jan. 02,


You must be careful – w2kub

Jan. 02,


It is a derailment strategy, I – w2k

Jan. 02,

Quantum LiFi Neocortex Skynet DEW Pulsung detected… Manipulation.

Saintly Field Maxxing out… all your Skynet Nonsense and Quantum A.I. Mindflooding won’t help you…

„They use psychotronic weapon systems against him. – w2k“


„Arab Kingdom is also scared of him – they are also involved in these ieee nano crimes. – w2k“

„His radiance is that of an Archangel – they suspect he is Holy Angel Gabriel. – w2k“

„He is Jesus – Idiots. – w2k“

„Er ist auf jedenfall was Göttliches. – w2k“

„Whatever Entity is in him – It is fascinating. – w2k“

„Can he camouflage his Light? – w2k“

„We don’t know how this works and how he does it. – w2k“

Gabriel is Vishnu.

„He is Mahadev himself. – w2k“

„The Majority of People don’t understand what is going on, maybe it is better this way. – w2k:

„Wikipedia denies him an entry, because he is a threat to their deception. – w2k“

Checked…but I don’t want to be mentioned by these deceptive crooks either way.

„They are all addicted to his Energy that is why they are maintaining a constant stream of interaction. – w2k“


Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Atlantis/Lemuria/Mythology/Antediluvian/Retro Gnosis, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Free Energy, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Life Extension/Physical Immortality Essays, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Stats, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Impossible to replicate pioneering multi world record legacy

Conspiracy Revelation: 1.1.2025:

Impossible to replicate pioneering multi world record legacy…

Done by a Godhuman like him.- w2k


Jan. 01


Uniqueness – this can only be – w2k
Jan. 01,

Ever again and in this pioneering – w2k
Jan. 01

In such a short amount of time – w2k
Jan. 01,

Different projects in world record. – w2k
Jan. 01,


Flexibility to accomplish So many – w2k
Jan. 01,

Intelligence, versatility and flexi..- w2k
Jan. 01,

In the world will have this endurance,- w2k
Jan. 01

To replicate – not a single human – w2k
Jan. 01,


What he has done is impossible..- w2l
Jan. 01

No one – w2k
Jan. 01,

Who carries his legacy on – w2k

Ja – In meine eigenen.

Jan. 01,


Missionsprojekte eingeteilt w2k
Jan. 01,

Du bist in zu viele w2k
Jan. 01,

Mukti du musst auf dich aufpa…- w2k
Jan. 01,

„Was wird der denn schon wieder so gehyped, da stimmt doch was nicht. – w2k“

„Ja, gefährlich, wenn die hypen. – w2k

„The whole Planet turns to Sh#T and he is the only one who can stop it. -w2k“


„He is the 5th Element A–holes..“‚

„He is at the Epi-Center of a Cosmic Conflict. -w2k“

Ingmar Veeck
The deities just watch what humans, bots, cyborgs and posthumans will do…
I would not allow Chemtrails on my Planet and not in my Universe…
Die Gottheiten schauen nur zu, was Menschen, Bots, Cyborgs und Posthumane tun werden…
Ich würde keine Chemtrails auf meinem Planeten und nicht in meinem Universum zulassen…

12:32 nachm. · 1. Jan. 2025

Elektra Angel
What infuriates me is that the majority of People are so fucking stupid- sitting back in their lazy chair, programmed by mainstream media – totally oblivious to the Biodigital convergence of the human being that is currently in progress.And they wonder why they are sick and dying.
6:36 nachm. · 31. Dez. 2024

Wireless Warrior
30. Dez. 2024
A 49-Year-Old Man Developed Severe Microwave Syndrome after Activation of 5G Base Station 20 Meters from his Apartment:

„exposure … caused symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, headache, sleep disorders, anxiety, and problems with attention and memory.“

„Was ist das mit Shiva bei ihm? – w2k“

Mal schauen, wie lange die Götter und die Göttin eure Gift-Sprüherei und Sabotage an der Schöpfung noch tolerieren werden… denn ich bin mit den obersten verbunden… und ich spüre da was..

„He only aggravates the conflict. -w2k“

This is a Malicious Projection of your Guilty Consciousness Agent X.

„They all don´t understand what is going. -w2k“

Nano.Gov Root of Evil is going on… and you reprogram the Zombies to ignore Root of Good. Very Simple.

„“I don´t understand what is going on on this Planet, why nobody talks to him? -w2k“

„They are reprogrammed to ignore him. -w2k“

(I do not take myself that important, but they do and I indeed believe this, this level of malicious insanity of these evil conglomerates is unmatched)

Das ganze Übel auf einer Seite

„The vision of the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) is a future in which the ability to understand and control Matter (MOTHER EARTH) at the nanoscale leads to ongoing revolutions in technology and industry that benefit society. “ Their deceptive view => REALITY IS THIS => -1.1.2025 =>
EVIL NAZI EXPERIMENTS TRYING TO OVERRIDE ORGANIC NATURE…All These Proud Brands and Agencies are guilty in the crimes committed against Mother Nature and its Creatures…ILLICIT CLANDESTINE EVIL BCI DNA INTRUSION..NOTHING ELSE..

Trying to override and trojanize / robotize or archonticize Organic Nature, specifically Humanity for the purpose of totalitarian dominion over Nature>>>>“USDA FDA UAS USGS CDC NASA BSEE EDA NIST NIH NIOSH“<<<

But you do not have the Last say and you will learn that soon the hard way…

The insanely evil to the molecular-level Micromanagement (Insecurity) of every atom-individual on the Planet and all the clandestine totalitarian bci-dna-trojanization of Human Mind, Body, Soul and Heart and Body-Tissue shows a total loser-mentality of absolutely insecure maniacs… They want to Tame and Control a Deity (MATER DEVI) that they do know nothing about. Totalitarian inner and outer and virtual and metaphysical reality censorship of this Planet will backfire sooner or later.

„He brings strong arguments. -w2k“

„Der legt sich echt mit der ganzen Welt an. -w2k“

„He gives them warnings after warnings, they do not listen, watch what unfolds. -w2k“

I never could understand why nobody stopped the Human Brain Project… the first thing these bastards would do is misuse it, especially against Saints, Extraordinary People, Talented Individuals and Geniuses, the same with Human DNA Project.
Ich konnte nie verstehen, warum niemand das Human Brain Project gestoppt hat … das Erste, was diese Bastarde tun würden, wäre, es zu missbrauchen, insbesondere gegen Heilige, außergewöhnliche Menschen, talentierte Einzelpersonen und Genies, dasselbe gilt für das Human DNA Projekt.

In meinem perfekten Universum darf jeder ein freies, unüberwachtes und unimplantiertes Gehirn besitzen und eine saubere nicht-trojanisierte DNA.
In my perfect universe, everyone can have a free, unmonitored and unimplanted brain and a clean non-trojanized DNA.

„I don´t understand this. -w2k“

„We also can´t fully grasp of what is going on, but we try our best. -w2k“

„Targeted Individuals U.S.A 🇺🇸
31. Dez. 2024
Directed Energy Weapons have been used for decades to insult human biology.

It roots in USA, especially the extreme form of Media Censorship comes from New World America.
In censorship would not be allowed, except if immediate real danger would occur,
but not for the sake of protecting degenerate Billionaires and Oligarchic Injust Monopol Conglomerates to keep their False-Perception-Matrix alive.

„It is the Israelis, I, not us. -w2k“

Then gain superiority over your country again, away from this Zionist Mafia.

„He is sacrosanct. -w2k“

I do not need to reach more, I was number 1 in all areas of my arts, I spreaded over millions of compact discs, I was already a Living Legend 25 years ago, even if nobody noticed it, I do not do this to prove anything,  but I hate injustice and I want a free world scenario and karmic rebalancing. In a censor-free world things progress much faster and do not stay in retarded-loops.

„Er spricht die Wahrheit, auch, wenn sie es nicht wahrhaben wollen, die verfluchten Zombies. -w2k“

„Event Horizon is soon reached to destroy the New World Order. -w2k“

„This Man is walking Glory, what have we done? – w2k“

If you still can smell the poisonous aluminium from Chemtrails, there is hope, your body still has reserves and you are aware of the enemy´s weapon systems and you are not fully overtaken by AI-BCI. Remember this. Furthermore I am sealed by Sophia Holy Spirit, so all their Systems can never be fully  implemented, no matter what they try, no matter their ressources, no matter their weapon and subversion systems.


Wenn du das giftige Aluminium der Chemtrails noch riechen kannst, besteht Hoffnung, dein Körper hat noch Reserven und du bist dir der Waffensysteme des Feindes bewusst und du bist nicht vollständig von KI-BCI überwältigt. Denke daran. Darüber hinaus bin ich von Sophia, dem Heiligen Geist, versiegelt, sodass all ihre Systeme niemals vollständig implementiert werden können, egal was sie versuchen, egal welche Ressourcen sie haben, egal welche Waffen- und Subversionssysteme sie haben.


„Die sch.. s. a. i. d. Hose wegen dem. -w2k“

„Nur die Bösen, nicht die Guten. -w2k“

„He gets constant chills. -w2k“

„It cements his direct connection with the Absolute. -w2k“

„I am sick of this sh#t. -w2k“

„This is serious stuff, we all felt it. -w2k“

„He has a direct connection to the higher worlds and dimensions. -w2k“

„Der treibt die alle in den Wahnsinn mit seinen Mythen. -w2k“

„He is powerful a.f., they are just scared. -w2k“

„Nobody can comprehend this Individual, they try their best, but it remains a Mystery. -w2k“

„He operates on too many Dimensions simultaneously, even the Quantum Machines can´t keep up. -w2k“

„You all don´t understand the greatness of this being, you st… assh… -w2k“


Saintly Field re-established..
Jan. 01,

Turbo Mode 7 min.


Quantum siphon shield in seconds- w2k
Jan. 01,

It’s insane he can destroy their – w2k
Jan. 01,

Military – w2k
Jan. 01,

It is not the cia – it was the u.s….- w2k
Jan. 01

Done by a Godhuman like him. – w2k



Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Chaos & Karma, Classics, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, History, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Quantum Mechanics, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Stats, Transdimensional, Uncategorized, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Aura Defense Sylvester vs DNA Suckers & Gov Quantum Tunnel Vampire Bastards

Conapiracy Revelation: 31.12.2024:

Aura Defense Sylvester vs DNA Suckers & Gov Quantum Tunnel Vampire Bastards…

Into his dna – w2ki
Dez. 31.


Quantum Machine logging – w2k
Dez. 31

Naturally it is strong it is a w2k
Dez. 31,


His adversity is so strong its ins..
Dez. 31,


Quantum CPU – w2k
Dez. 31,

The idea to use you as a – w2k
Dez. 31,


Henry Kissinger was behind – w2k

No censorship – no nwo – w2l
Dez. 31,


Early 2000s he was wellknown –
Dez. 31,


Vs quantum Ihcc aura sucker tu…
Dez. 31,

Saintly Field on the rise ..35 min..
Dez. 31,


Pulsung Skynet LiFi Light..
Dez. 31,

Das ist natürlich eine dew ..
Dez. 31,

They are all Jealous of him – w2k
Dez. 31,


Mind Combat

Dez. 31,

Deiner Energie her – w2k
Dez. 31, 1

I d m e aufp die sind alle hinter – w2i
Dez. 31


Um seine Energie zu behalten – w2k


Dez. 31,,


Der muss immer nur kämpfen-w2k
Dez. 31,


Power and Control – w2k


They do not want to give up – w2k
Dez. 31,


Church involved too – w2k
Dez. 31,

Saintly Field higher -43 min.
Dez. 31,

A talented Magician still – w2k
Dez. 31,


On the Planet – w2kjj
Dez. 31,

Berlin is the most evil hellhole- w2k
Dez. 31,

U.S. Geheimdienst hat Angst u.i.v.i. – w2k.
Dez. 31

Involved in these crimes – w21
Dez. 31,


High Tech Institutes w2k
Dez. 31


Alle noch in den Wahnsinn – w2i
Dez. 31,

Die Quantenmaschine treibt die..- w2k
Dez. 31

We recode the dna of all of the…- w2k
Dez. 31,

Planet – w2kgjk
Dez. 31,

There is nothing better on this – w2k
Dez. 31

Superman under Kryptonite – w2k

Dez. 31


Dream – forced a.i. dreams -w1k
Dez. 31

Polizei-Razzia Traum artificial d..
Dez. 31,

Unrecognizable on the Aura Rad..
Dez. 31

Because they know he is the best – w2kDez. 31

They are obsessed with his energy – w2i

Dez. 31


Nephilim Tech is used against him – w2k

Dez. 31,


IN aura,fields explained ..
vez. 31,

37 min. AURA Defense vs Lhcc
Dez. 31,

Saintly Field Maxxing Out..
Dez. 31

loB loT loBnt Wban Mban ..
Dez. 31,

Bis du es öffentlich gemacht hast. – w2k

Dez. 31


Eher nicht.
Dez. 31

Das war schon immer so – w2k
Dez. 31

Evil a.f. – w2k
Dez. 30,

These quantum computers are.. – w2k
Dez. 30,

He is a Master of all Arts – w2k

Dez. 30,


He can assholes – w2k

Dez. 30,

NWO ⁃ w2kfj
Dez. 30,


Wir befinden uns in der ⁃ w2k
Dez. 30

So durchsetzen kannst ⁃ w2k
Dez. 30,

⁃ Ich weiss nicht, ob du…- w2k
Dez. 30,

Er versteht nicht was hier los ist..- w2k
Dez. 30,

Bis ins tiefste extrem.
Dez. 30,

Ihr erzeugt Wettbewerbssabotage…

Berühmt nwo zensiert.

Dez. 30,


Du bist zu berühmt – w2k

Dez. 30,




Prevent it at all cost – we saw w2k
Dez. 30,

Khk is dangerous a.f. we must – w2k
Dez. 30,

„They make him only stronger with this shit. -w2k“


„Der h. e. g. l. – die ganze Welt dreht sich um ihn und keiner versteht warum. -w2k“

God takes a slight backseat to see what the evil fools do to ruin his Holy Creation…
Gott hält sich etwas zurück, um zuzusehen, was die bösen Narren tun, um seine heilige Schöpfung zu zerstören…

„We are all full of this shit, it is horrific. -w2k“

„AI could kill us all in 30 years
by Nick Farrell on29 December 2024
Happy New Year

The British-Canadian computer scientist often touted as a „godfather“ of artificial intelligence has shortened the odds of AI wiping out humanity over the next three decades.

Prof Geoffrey Hinton warned the pace of change in the technology is „much faster“ than he expected making humanity’s ending that much more likely and quicker.

Hinton who this year was awarded the Nobel prize in physics for his work in AI, said there was a „10 to 20″ per cent chance that AI would lead to human extinction within the next three decades.

Previously Hinton had said there was a 10 per cent chance of the technology triggering a catastrophic outcome for humanity.

Hinton’s estimate prompted Today’s guest editor, the former chancellor Sajid Javid, to say “you’re going up”, to which Hinton replied: “If anything. You see, we’ve never had to deal with things more intelligent than ourselves before.”

He added: “And how many examples do you know of a more intelligent thing being controlled by a less intelligent thing? There are very few examples. There’s a mother and baby. Evolution put a lot of work into allowing the baby to control the mother, but that’s about the only example I know of.”

London-born Hinton, a professor emeritus at the University of Toronto, said humans would be like toddlers compared with the intelligence of highly powerful AI systems.
Last modified on 29 December 2024“

„Digitale Unsterblichkeit – ewig weiterleben im Metaverse?
Daten leben ewig. Wenn es gelänge, unser Bewusstsein in Daten umzuwandeln, könnte es theoretisch den Tod unseres Körpers überdauern. Forscher sprechen in diesem Zusammenhang von digitaler Unsterblichkeit. Wie könnte eine Gesellschaft aussehen, in der wir nach dem Tod digital weiterleben?
06.07.2024 Disclaimer“

„This is insane what this Man is capable of, we just scratched the surface. -w2k“

„John Nashs Hypergame doesn´t work against him, he is too intelligent. -w2k“

That happens when you always rely on external Genius…but you yourself understanding nothing… You used militarized Scalar Waves of Tesla against me in 2011, now I understand Hyperspace Flux Physics much better… You tried to simulate a Deity, but you are not the Deity of these Hyperspace Weapon Systems.

„We don´t understand what he means. -w2k“

„It is his own language Terms. -w2k“

„Der hat sogar sein eigenes Sprachstilsystem entwickelt. -w2k“

„He has his own Database Search System and it is huge. -w2k“

„He changes the entire Universe in a good way and these silly fools show not the slightest appreciation for his unbelievable work ethics that break all boundaries of effort. – w2k


Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Alienhybrids&DUMBs, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Alternative Healing, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Atlantis/Lemuria/Mythology/Antediluvian/Retro Gnosis, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Esoterik, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Free Energy, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Reinkarnation, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Stats, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, The Universe & The Music, TI-Statements, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

SubCon Quantum BCI Agent Stalk Talker Transmission…

Conspiracy Revelation: 29.12.2024: SubCon Quantum BCI Agent Stalk Talker Transmission… Mind-Interfacer.

„Die haben die fortschrittlichste böse Scheisse des Planeten gegen ihn im Einsatz und es wirkt trotzdem nicht so, wie sie es sich erhofft haben. -w2k“

„Ein Glück. -w2k“

„Er ist eben der Beste. -w2k“

„They can slow him down, but not stop him. -w2k“

„Human Aura Radar is evil a.f. -w2k“

„Jesus is in him. – Idiots – You will pay dearly for mistreating him. -w2k“

„Ich weiß nicht, wie er das schafft immer wieder das Ruder rumzureissen. -w2k“

„Der Kult um ihn ebbt nicht ab. -w2k“

„He is the most valuable Man on the Planet and rarely anyone notices it. – w2k (5.11.2024) /(MindNet) /(SynthTel) /(RemoteNeuralReviewReaction) /(Spy) /(Agencies) /(BCI) /(Gedankenpolizei) [73897]“

„This is insane – the fastest Keyboard Magician in the World. -w2k // So to speak. (5.11.2024) /(TurboBoost) /(Magick) /(Linguistik) [73902]“

„We have this stuff in Our DUMBs, but we are not allowed to give it to the surface Population, I. (W2k)- /DUMB Personal. [74049]“

„Was macht der da? -w2k“

„Abartig-kategorisierte Feedback-Loops. -w2k“

„No, it is his own Genius and Individual Soul and his personal Strength, Will and Stamina, that is doing all these amazing products, but they are all interacting on a sub-conscious level with him. -w2k 7.11.2024. [74033]“


#iceland #volcanoeruption 🌋



#test #lava #volcano #iceland


„This Karate Master is unbelievable. -w2k“

„He is no Karate Master, he is a Yoga Master. -w2k“

„He is everything, he knows too many Arts. -w2k“

„No, he is a Tai Chi practitioner. -w2k“

„Or  rather Aikido? – w2k“

„I would call it modern Stretching. -w2k“

Devi is intrigued…

„The Soap Opera continues – ad infinitum. -w2k“


#lavarock #volcanoeruption 🌋


Efficient Framework Analysis for Targeted Drug Delivery Based on Internet of Bio-NanoThings

„Computer Networking through the Human Body
´Whereas continued experimentation on humans and denial of informed consent are violations of the Nuremberg Code and therefore constitute crimes against humanity…´
IEEE 802.15.6 / 802.15.4“

„Welcome to the Nightmare they have created for Humanity. -w2k“

„Mycoplasma? – w2k“

„We don´t know how to fix this shit. -w2k“

„These stupid Indians disrespect the greatest Master of all time. – w2k“

Not only them…Millions of demons in the global population of ignorance…

Their Ego is bigger than a Monster and they talk day and night about Krishna…but do not know the slightest form of respect..answering a Question. So their worship will never bear fruits.

„Of the Master of all Masters. – w2k‘

„Er testet sie alle. – w2k“

„Das ist so abartig, da sitzt ein erleuchteter Gott und die machen alle so, als würde er nicht existieren. – w2k“

Kali Yuga – das dunkle Zeitalter.

The enthusiasm of Devi is in no way disturbed by their silent treatment, we know it is a Zombie Virus in them, the Demon of the Ages. Devi is happily united with me again.

„Die haben Todesangst vor dem, dabei sitzt der nur da und leuchtet. -w2k“




Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Atlantis/Lemuria/Mythology/Antediluvian/Retro Gnosis, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Esoterik, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Free Energy, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, Interdimensional/Repto/Grey/Mantis, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar



„Chosen Way
18.100 Abonnenten
36.955 Aufrufe 25.12.2024 #ChosenOne #SpiritualAwakening #DivinePurpose

What makes you different? What is it about your energy, your presence, your very being that makes the world stop and take notice? In this video, we dive into why YOU were the one they couldn’t ignore. The tests, the results, the undeniable truth—it’s all here.

Your bloodline, your purpose, your destiny—none of it is random. You were meant for this, and now it’s time to claim your power! They tried to analyze it, categorize it, and even contain it, but they can’t replicate what you are: DIVINE, UNIQUE, and UNSTOPPABLE. 💥

🔥 In this video, you’ll discover:

Why they’re so fascinated by your energy.
What makes You stand out as a true chosen one.
✨ They can try to understand your power, but they’ll never control it. Watch, awaken, and rise—this is Your story, and the world is finally ready to see it.“

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Esoterik, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Free Energy, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

The Godhead & The Realtime Analysts…

Conspiracy Revelation: 28.12.2024:
The Godhead & The Realtime Analysts…

Der lebt echt sau gefährlich – w2k
Dez. 28,


Ihm angelegt zu haben – w2k
Dez. 28,.

Die werden es bereuen sich mit..- w2k
Dez. 28,

Der hat Einfluss wie Sau – w2k
Dez. 28,

Attitudes – w1k
Dez. 28,

Hybridized Robo-Cyborg with his – w2k



They wanted to create a fully – w2i
Dez. 28,

Zu spät für die Bastarde.
Dez. 28,

Weiss ich alles schon …
Dez. 28,

Ambitions to old age – w2k
Dez. 28,

They wanted to procrastinate his..- w2k
Dez. 28,

Mental powers – w2k
Dez. 28,

Musk is scared to d about his – w2k

These assholes chose the wrong Target. – w2k
Dez. 28,


Yes in his Samadhi State – w2k
Dez. 28,

He is peaceful – w2k
Dez. 28,

No one can defeat him there – w2k
Dez. 28,


On the Astral Plane he is a Mon..- w2k
Dez. 28,


Hat sich gegen ihn verschworen…- w2k
Dez. 28,


Das ganze beschissene Imperium.. – w2k

His enemies are fucked – w2k

Dez. 28


The Godhead is in him – w2k
Dez. 28

Like water – w2k
Dez. 28,

He is completely uncategorizable – w2k

„Wenn der so weiter plappert haben wir alle ein Problem. – w2k“

Ich habe doch gesagt euer Geheimkommunikationssystem ist beschissen…lest ihr nicht oder hört ihr nicht zu?

„They wanted to explore his Mind Dimension. – w2k“

„This is really a tough Pill to swallow. – w2k“


Dez. 28,


Schurken des Höllensystems als

Dez. 28,


Das Göttliche bezeichnen die

Dez. 28,


Der verbreitet sich wie ein 1 Virus – w2k

Dez. 28,


Der macht uns echt Probleme – w2k

Dez. 28,.





Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Alienhybrids&DUMBs, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Atlantis/Lemuria/Mythology/Antediluvian/Retro Gnosis, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Esoterik, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Free Energy, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, Interdimensional/Repto/Grey/Mantis, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Objectivism vs Nonsense Subjectivism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Reinkarnation, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Stats, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, TI-Statements, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks

Conspiracy Revelation: 28.12.2024:

Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks.

„Vatican is shocked of w t d t him…-w2k
Dez. 28,
Combat Soldiers try to harness and keep his energy but they have no chance against his will and resilience. – w2k
Dez. 28,
i i n e f anymore – w2k
Dez. 28,
He has so many hidden enemies.. -w2k
Dez. 28,
Mysteriöse Umstände – w2k
Dez. 28,
Der ist gestorben, der ihn angegriffen hat – w2k
Dez. 28
If W. Von Braun knew what they did to Humanity he would be shocked.. Dez. 28,
Dez. 28,
Der veröffentlicht alles – was wir hier sagen, haltet endlich mal die Fresse – w2k
10 min Saintly Field moderate…
Dez. 28,
Entities also siphon light – w2k
Dez. 28,
He is the energy harnessing Master, not you – you are just his entangled Quantum Parasites to him – w2k….. Dez. 28,
Dez. 28,
There will be repercussions for these mofos – w2kv
They can’t stop him from taking back his own energy – w2k
Dez. 28,

Dez. 28,
He is back in his brilliant samadhi State – without these energy Stealing units he could do more Creative things than teaching People how to defend their Aura…- w2k
Dez. 28
30 min Saintly Field Pristine Factor rising..
Dez. 28,
They are terrified of him – That is why they are silent. – w2k –
NO. That is your Projection… False analysis.
Dez. 28,
Entire Intelligence Units operating behind his back – w2k
Dez. 28,
They are stunned by his  Resilience and Persistence – w2k
Dez. 28,
Vietnam Veterans are doing this… -w2k
//DISCLAIMER: A LOT OF SPECULATIVE BULLSHIT W2k-Phrases from Synthtel Chaos Agents. Just for documenting and collecting evidence purpose of the Criminal BCI-DNA-Brain Intruders and Paid State Actor Gang Stalkers….//

„Former Super Soldier attacked him so brutally – that the Universe destroyed this evil enemy of him. – w2k“

„Der schreibt hier echt Geschichte und die Scheiss Zombies gucken nur schweigend zu. – w2k“

„Darauf wurden sie leider programmiert. – w2k“

Ausser DoD-TI Bryan…Rückmeldung from Schlachtfeld…

Humanity is full of adverse A.I. – The Battlefield of the Future are their own Bodies… as the Pope predicted.

„Roman Catholic Church involved in this Evil – I. – w2k“

„He is a Paradigm Shifter. – w2k“

„A Quantum Leaper. – w2k“

„I can’t wrap my head around this can he process and transcribe all this Information so fast? – w2k“

„He expected a little more from the World than tons of non-reactive, selfish and ignorant-regressive remote-steered Zombies. -w2k“

„It is all distraction. -w2k“

„If they are censoring and shadow banning him further they will really summon the Wrath of God. -w2k“

„Synthetic Telepathy used against him. -w2k“

DNA Frequency Bioweapon Links Targeted Individuals to Artificial Intelligence Hive Mind Control Grid

Vertuschte Geschichte: Wie US-Geheimdienste Google, Facebook, Amazon und Co. großzogen

Notes from Dystopia, Transhumanist Manifesto from Hell, Biosensors, WBAN, IEEE 802.15.6, BCI’s, Brain Initiative mechanisms, 5G-7G


AMAZON ( A MASON ) (Hoarding Ex-NSA CEOs) helped over 30 Intel-Agencies to get Internet-Space…and like all fake Corporate Fronts (FB Another Mason) (Twit another Alphabet Central), YOUTUBE (Another Alphabet Censor Shadow Ban Camp), they are NSA CIA DOD DARPA Extreme Spy and Brain Invasion Sublayers and Front Covers.


Kernproblematik der DNA-Genomdatenbanken. Verbrecher des BNDs und anderer Staazigeheimdienste weltweit

Internet of People…ARPA´s Chemtrail-NWO-BCI-Corporate Crime Syndicate…

The New World Order is a Virtual World Controlled by Artificial Life inside a Quantum Computer

„Electronic Brain – 1940s/1950s Idea“

„Intertwined with the CIA, out of the Cybernetics Group came 2 intertwined Projects, so 1 was the Creation of Personal Computers and the other 1 was MK Ultra.“

„They are building False Realitites into which they want to induct you, so they can play god. (Alex Jones“

„The Goal is to create this global Computer that sees all, sees everything and where Humans evolved to create a collective Mind.“

„Bezos is scared of him, because he knows he is tracking every minute of his life. -w2k“

Das kann es nun wirklich nicht sein, ihr acquiriert Milliarden für nichts und wieder nichts, sitzt tatenlos auf euren Yachten und quält währenddessen Millionen von Menschen aus euren heimlichen korporativen kooperations-Intel-Mil-Gov-Uni-Zentralen…. Stalked alle Menschen vom Planeten, bis in ihr letztes Detail, wollt alle kostenlos für euch arbeiten lassen, raubt den Menschen den Naturschlaf und glaubt ihr kommt damit langfristig durch ungestraft. Ein karmischer Rückschlag wird sicherlich gegen euch folgen… Monopole kreieren und wahre Kunst oppressieren, mit K.I. dilutieren… Ungerechtigkeit maximieren und den Ingmar zensieren… Das wird ein Ende haben, früher oder später. Das Universum ist auf meiner Seite, denn ich verbreite wahre Gerechtigkeit und ihr das Grauen des transhumanistischen Wahnsinns.


Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Alienhybrids&DUMBs, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Alternative Healing, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Anti-Gravity/Levitation/UFO, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Atlantis/Lemuria/Mythology/Antediluvian/Retro Gnosis, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Esoterik, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Free Energy, Futuristic Alien High Tech, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, Interdimensional/Repto/Grey/Mantis, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Spekulationen, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, TI-Statements, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | 2 Kommentare

Chosen Ones, they are scared to death‼️You Defeated A Group & GANG of WITCHES with ONE MAN ARMY 🪖!

Conspiracy Revelation: 28.12.2024: Chosen Ones, they are scared to death‼️You Defeated A Group & GANG of WITCHES with ONE MAN ARMY 🪖!

*Key Themes:*

  • The power of solitude and divine protection 🧙‍♀️
  • Overcoming spiritual opposition with unwavering faith 🌟
  • Fearlessness as a weapon against manipulation and deceit 💪
  • Rising above challenges through strategic independence 🎯 „

52.500 Abonnenten
5.078 Aufrufe Premiere vor 7 Stunden. #chosenones #chosenone #144k
Help keep us in the FIGHT against the ARCHONS.
All while getting GREAT content that is CENSORED from YouTube.“

„Divine timing reveals their fears, your Independence highlights their
dependency, the One-Person-Army-Mentality is not arrogance, it´s confidence, rooted in faith, it challenges the World´s Reliance on numbers, proving that with God, one focused Soul can accomplish what entire groups cannot.“

Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Esoterik, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, Interdimensional/Repto/Grey/Mantis, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

DoD IEEE DARPA Telehealth attack the entire Planet and all Organic Life Forms through Network Centric Warfare => Psinergy X

Conspiracy Revelation: 27.12.2024: DoD IEEE DARPA Telehealth attack the entire Planet and all Organic Life Forms through Network Centric Warfare => Psinergy X

And CIA NSA BND AND YOUR SHADOW GOV + GOV block and censor all Music of Free Musicians…

„We must find a solution, he is alarming the entire world about the totalitarian censorship in all social media, all Artists work for nothing in the New World Order and get fully exploited, while lazy asses get all the money for their work. -w2k“

Zensur ist das Zertifikat für unsere heilige Urmacht…

I doubt that the GODS and GODDESSES can accept this in the long run…



„The System is set up for individual Bodies.“
„They turn on their Machines and Log into your skin.“
„Set Up for M-Health, E-Health, Telehealth.“

„The CDC is using these surveillance systems since 1988.“

„Back in Time to 2011.“

MIT, Standord University, Harvard, University of Cambridge/Michigan etc pp.. all in for the evil to begin…

„WBAN System Architecture.“

„These are Jobs.“

„Biosensors implanted into the Human Body.“

„Your body is a natural Antenna and they have written an algo. for your DNA.“

„So this sensing technology that we use in the Warfare Doctrine is identical to the sensing technology we have underneath human skin, it is called cyber-bio-security. It was not an accident, it did not come from nowhere, this is an extension of electronic and electromagnetic warfare. Now it is under your skin, now you are a network in network centric warfare (Smarter Healthcare), using predictive analytics and machine learning, with those same wireless sensor nanonetworks. …The electronic integrated disease surveillance system.“

Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astralsphäre, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, Interdimensional/Repto/Grey/Mantis, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Confessions of the BCI Lhcc SynthTel Vampire Hive-Mind…

Conspiracy Revelation: 27.12.2024:

Confessions of the BCI Lhcc SynthTel Vampire Hive-Mind…

In die Scheisse –


Dez. 27


Kardiologen sind involviert – w2k

Dez. 27,


Untangled 113 mtesla

Dez. 27,


It will be destroyed soon – w2k
Dez. 27,


Evil system – a last time – w2k
Dez. 27

Take a close look on this fucking – w2k
Dez. 27

Nest von was?
Dez. 27,
Angegriffen -w2k
Dez. 27

Du hast da ein Hauptnest – w2k
Dez. 27

He overrided their entire Signal..- w2k

Saintly Field Maxxing out.
Dez. 27,


Field Dominance Regained.
Dez. 27,


Ist so fortschrittlich – w2k
Dez. 27,

Bringt ‚ deren Quantentechnologie – w2k
Dez. 27,

Ich weiss nicht, ob ihm das was…- w2k
Dez. 27,


Übelsten Verbrecher des Planet..- w2k
Dez. 27,

… aufp a dich – das sind die -…w2k

Alles übertünchen – w2k

Dez. 27,


Diese penetrante Dreckskuh will..- w2k
Dez. 27,

Felddominanz – w2k
Dez. 27,

Gott sei Dank kriegt er wieder – w2k
Dez. 27,
Miss Lukewarm.
Dez. 27,
Dominant – w2k
Dez. 27,

Das ist ja eklig penetrant dominant – w2k

Ist das ne Borg Drohne ? – w2k
Dez. 27


Japan Bitch – w2k
Dez. 27,
Feld überlagert – w2k
Dez. 27,

Die andauernd sein spirituelles – w2k
Dez. 27

Dreckskuh abschütteln können – w2k
Dez. 27,

Ich weiss nicht wie wir diese -w2k
Dez. 27,


Spiritual Quantum War Extreme.

Heart Tether Astral Hooks ..
Dez. 27


overlay fog… Covers Vampires..
Dez. 27,


30 min Saintly Field recombatted…
Dez. 27,
Die sind uns auf den Fersen -w2k..
Dez. 27,
Dürfen nie mehr reinkarnieren – w2k
Dez. 27,
Die Schweine, die dir das
antun…- w2k

Dez. 27


To siphon his light – w2kg

She must have a sqa Tool – w2k
Dez. 27,


It is this evil bitch – w2k
Dez. 27,


Nanosensornetworks -w2k- Na…
Dez. 27,


To entangle his heart – w2k
Dez. 27,


What Technology do they use


Dez. 27


No it is this German Bitch – w2k
Dez. 27,


We don’t know – w2kgjt

„Der befindet sich da echt in einem spirituellen Endzeitkrieg. – w2k

We must do something, I.. – w2k

Dez. 27


Transhumanist Agenda is evil a.f…- w2k
Dez. 27,
Monaten gestorben ⁃ w2k
Dez. 27,

Sie wäre sonst in den nächsten..- w2k
Dez. 27,

Es ging nicht anders – w2k
Dez. 27, 11:44


Doesn’t change anything idiot – w2k
Dez. 27,


Ich würde die Polizei rufen – w2k
Dez. 27,
He is still a TI – w2k
Dez. 27,-

Complex on high alert w2k
Dez. 27

He keeps the entire mic sigint c…- w2k
Dez. 27,

Your assholes thoughts – w2k
Dez. 27,

He is a Projection Wall of all -W2k

„Universities are scared a.f. of him, because they work on these energy harvesting units and want to perfect them. – w2k“

„Der kann eben so viele Sachen, aus so vielen unterschiedlichen Bereichen und das alles auf einmal, das gibt es nicht nochmal auf dem Planeten und wird es wohl auch nie mehr geben. -w2k“

„396 Kommentare
Soul of Freedomgott2024: They can steal energy not destiny.
8 Antworten anzeigen
Creamyway: We wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with dark principalities of this world.. There is a heaven and hell.
Dorin: How to protect yourself- can you make videos?

SherlockHolmes: You can´t copy the energy of a chosen one, they are not strong enough to carry it.Tthey fall flat. They lose their identity.
Key Guidances. Ersteller: Unfortunately, that´ s not true. Don’t be naive. That’s how they get you. //It is true to some and not true to some others, it depends.
Mystic_144 Key Guidances: No weapon formed shall prosper.. they can hinder but not replace.

„Temple Of Love: Once we heal our shadows they can not take our Power.
Soul of Freedomgott2024: False…you have biotech sensor nano networks in your bloodstream… for 25+ years… they entangle with it and harvest your energy..
Shika tse: Please make this downloable.“

„T!A: This is so true, narcissistic vampires love artists and creative people and plagiarism is rife with these entities.
My advice is to constantly evolve and cut them out of your life completely.
55: How can we protect our energy??
shiro S: Can parents be energy vampires and you be a light worker?


„targeted individual

„He is a natural Repellant against Evil. -w2k“


Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Alienhybrids&DUMBs, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Atlantis/Lemuria/Mythology/Antediluvian/Retro Gnosis, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Free Energy, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, Interdimensional/Repto/Grey/Mantis, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Evil Synbio vs Organic Life

„Dr. Hildegard discusses her findings of a lab made life form referred to then as Morgellons. Morgellons was and is synthetic biology, the same that is conceptually referred to in the IoBNT, IoB, WBAN and so forth.
Onionhead Andrew has been targeted for illegal neuroweapon experimentation and torture for the last ten years. In the last four years he has survived many attempts on his life. A few years ago he traveled the Americas looking for freedom from the NSA/FBI kill-torture program and found that every government was complicit. The governments of the world are conspiring in a global plan to kill 13/14 people. Agenda 2030. They are poisoning the food, air and water with heavy metals and Synthetic Biology while using Directed Energy Weapons to facilitate a bidirectional stream of networking to and from organic biosensors built by Synthetic Biology. We are in a world changing event referred to as the fourth industrial revolution or biodigital convergence. Onionhead Andrew was weapons tested on for the last decade.“

„It would be called a manmade Parasite.“ /Checked /Truth
„A 2-part polyester, so it has to be manmade.“ /Checked /Truth
„I don´t consider it contagious.“ /Checked /Truth
„Liquid Crystals with DNA-Plasma.“

„The Chemtrail spraying is just out of Control.“
Morgellon-Cases: Early on (20 years ago circa… Remark Conspiracy Revelation) „60000 in USA, a 100000 worldwide, with an Expansion Rate of 1000s a Day.“

„Keep your Body healthy.“
„Do some Yoga.“

Early Revelations of IoT/IoBnT/WBAN/MBAN 2006 – Chemtrail Synthetic Biology Criminals and NWO IEEE DOD DARPA CIA NSA DIA BND FBI BKA GeStaPo Staazi Stasi CoIntelPro Silicon Valley Big Tech Corporate Media Censor Mafia Conglomerate NIH Wireless Telecommunications Big Oil Big Bank Big Pharma MIC Zion Telehealth Alphabet Inc plus Tech Universities Parasitic Global Crime Syndicate – Biggest Conspiracy of All Time…

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Alternative Healing, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astralsphäre, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Life Extension/Physical Immortality Essays, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Objectivism vs Nonsense Subjectivism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, TI-Statements, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

High Vibe vs Low Vibe – The eternal battle…

Conspiracy Revelation: 27.12.2024:

High Vibe vs Low Vibe – The eternal battle…

„They are searching for ways to crack his Aura Code, but they won“t find any, he can switch the light on, anytime he wants, with his pure will. – w2k“

„These insidious mofos. – w2k

„They want to portray him in a false light – that better fits their Agenda. – w2k“

Quantum Satellite LiFi Pulsing of the NeoCortex. #Manipulation of the Human Species #DEWs 1 Satellite hooks up 500 Brains on average.

„They want to siphon his Light at all costs. – w2k“


Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Alienhybrids&DUMBs, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Alternative Healing, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Anti-Gravity/Levitation/UFO, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Atlantis/Lemuria/Mythology/Antediluvian/Retro Gnosis, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Esoterik, Exopolitics, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Free Energy, Futuristic Alien High Tech, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, Interdimensional/Repto/Grey/Mantis, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Life Extension/Physical Immortality Essays, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Reinkarnation, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Spekulationen, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Intercepted BCI-SynthTel-Phrases of ShadowGov-MindNET

Conspiracy Revelation: 26.12.2024:
Intercepted BCI-SynthTel-Phrases of ShadowGov-MindNET…

Abgefangene Phrasen der Monitoring Spirits…

„Wmeaufpaf – Der ist zu schnell für uns alle. -w2k“

„Der entwickelt seine eigenen Abkürzungen, um uns schneller zu tracken und zu kategorisieren. -w2k“

Was sagt das über eure Geheimkommunikation? Sie ist Open Source. SOSA MOSA.

Keine gute Idee, wenn man unter dem Radar bleiben will.


Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Alienhybrids&DUMBs, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Atlantis/Lemuria/Mythology/Antediluvian/Retro Gnosis, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Esoterik, Exopolitics, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Free Energy, Futuristic Alien High Tech, Galactic Space Fleets & ExoTrade, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, Interdimensional/Repto/Grey/Mantis, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Life Extension/Physical Immortality Essays, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Reinkarnation, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Spekulationen, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Impudent sensor open system quantum bci synthtel gang stalk talk..

Conspiracy Revelation: 25.12.2024:

Impudent sensor open system quantum bci synthtel gang stalk talk…combat the Aura vampires who depend on dark  a.i. machine magick..

„They will reap heavy negative karma for this, they don’t know it yet… many criminals involved… – w2k“

„He is an Egyptian Priest King. – w2k“

„He is from a higher dimension. – w2k“

These are Jobs…they get paid for this… 100%.

„He is the anointed one – you doom yourself by going against him. – w2k“

They want to drive him into…- w2k Dez. 25,
Lying to him is dangerous – w1k
Dez. 25,
3-Letter Agencies are tracking him day and night – w2i
Dez. 25,
Synagoge of Satan is behind it – w2k…
Vatican is scared – w2k
Dez. 25,
Weakening his Aura to access His dna – w2k
Dez. 25,
Heavy aura Siege – w2k
Dez. 25,
Tony can’t help you – he is dead… -w2k
Dez. 25,
Man greift nur den an, der den Ball hat – also bin ich Chef.
Dez. 25,
They are attacking him mentally, spiritually & physically… -w2k Dez. 25,

They are trying to force..but it doesn’t work – w2k
Dez. 25,
It doesn’t change anything – w2kj
Dez. 25,
Of their systems – w2k
Dez. 25,
Lying to him about the setup – w2k…
Dez. 25,
And siphon his light – w2k
Dez. 25,
They are using their strongest Quantum machines trying to dim…-.w2k
Dez. 25,
Out of his system – w2k
Dez. 25
He just kicks these mofos – w2k
Dez. 25,
Is the strongest on the Planet -… Dez. 25,
His quantum soul body -w2k
Dez. 25,
Ai auto-repetitive phrase-looping…
Dez. 25,
Crying over him but doing – w2k
Nothing to help him – w2k
As the coward losers as they are… -w2k
He is the 5th Element assholes… – w2k
Dez. 25,
Anglo-Amerikanisches Imperium manipuliert massivst – w2k
Dez. 25,
To serve their degenerated needs…. -w2k
Dez. 25,
That is insane what this man Has to endure – because of a few psychopaths who want to Play god – w2k
American Intel is s.o.h. – w2k
Dez. 25″

„Musk is also behind it, but he is a minor figure, we know who the real evil bastards are. – w2k“

„Du bist die wichtigste Person auf dem Planeten, darum machen die so ein Theater um dich. – w2k:

Die wichtigste Person zensiert man aber nicht…und schattenverbannt ihre Musik auch nicht aus TikTok unf zieht alle Views aus Youdentube zurück. GESCHWEIGEDENN euer grauenhaftes Gulag DoD/Darpa Lifelog System namens Zio-Fakebook und X-Twit. Alles Fake Casino Manipulation. ADVERSE A.I. TOTZENSIERTER Mist.

You spray the entire Planet with Aluminium Snippets that alone is an attempt to lower the entire spiritual vibration on this Planet….Aluminium has ZERO consciousness. If I were one of the Creators I would not tolerate this Assault on my Holy Goddess Planet Earth called TERRA NOVA SOPHIA SHAKTI DEVI KUNDALINI!! I Hope BIG DADDY IS COMING SOON TO PUNISH YOU EVIL SCOUNDRELS WHO THINK THEY CAN MESS UP THE ENTIRE ECOSPHERE TO THEIR SICK TRANSHUMAN AGENDA!!!

„Mossad is tracking him. -w2k“

You can track as much as you like and BRAHMA is fully aware of your evil Deeds… the most criminal secret service in the world won´t help you on the final judgement…

„Military is scared a.f. -w2k“

„Military contractors are scared a.f. -w2k“

„He is Shiva himself, you assholes. -w2k“

How many Nations are on this Planet?And they all agreed upon Chemtrails… They were bullied into it by NWO or they are all corrupted..and it is an illicit Exotic Weapon System that was strictly forbidden in the 90s in your H.R. and Weather-Biogen-Biotech-Synbio-Warfare tool that messes with the whole Climate of the Planet and all its Organic Creatures and their DNA, Minds, Hearts, Souls, Bodies and Brains.

„He speaks the Truth, but the Idiot Zombies won´t care until they personally will be affected by it. -w2k“

BTW it is always interesting to see your closed-loop Nepotism of Secret Service GeStaPo Agencies and their Corporate cooperators… In Germany ex-BND chiefs go to Telekom and in USA ex-Nsa Chiefs go to Amazon… Inner Circle of giving Jobs to their conspiratory NWO-Suppressor and Censor-Clan.

„These evil mofos can´t let people live in Peace. -w2k“

Don´t forget the Romans…
„It is the CIA DoD operatives at work. …it is called MISDIRECTION & MISINFORMATION.
Shane Hurren
9 months ago (edited)
While some people saying issues about Jews are lying agents provocateurs…. there is a true Zionist agenda behind this. I know. I am being targeted by them. I truly believe this is a part of Jewish culture, it is Talmudic. The people stalking and following me go right up to the top of Silicon Valley and into Wall Street and 90% of them are Jews. The ones who do the local stalking can be anyone, but, even many of these are Jews. See my twitter: Once people realize this is a part of Freemasonry, the Stasi and Israel, they can see the connections:
Remember, Jews were the predominate group who started the Cheka, which led to the Stasi and is now a part of Homeland Security. The Stasi caled themselves „proud“ Chekists.
8 months ago
Yea, they are Jews, and into Romania what they are ? I´m TI for 13 years, so they pretend to be all the cults and occults environments.“

Former DOD Contractor Bryan Tew Discusses Conscious Computers & Mind Control

bryan tew sagt:
24. Dezember 2024 um 10:39 Uhr (Bearbeiten)

continuous harassment by Swedish Migration Agency staff each time i ask for medicine with staff repeating ipad ipad ipad ipad after blocking my attorney client communications for months its a game everything is being recorded Dec 24 2024 1036 hrs

i am under constant attack with ears ringing head and ears in pulsating pain high pitch screeching sound microwave hearing effect going on for many years

Pingback: Impudent sensor open system quantum bci synthtel gang stalk talk.. | ConspiracyRevelation.Com (Bearbeiten)
AdminVI2021 sagt:
25. Dezember 2024 um 13:59 Uhr (Bearbeiten)

Sweden is one of the leading Crime Centers for Human Experimentation and Torture in EU, maybe choose a better Place than this NAZI-Experiment Laboratory for Human-Machine Remote Torture and Brain Invasive Neuro-Society.

Account gesperrt
X sperrt Accounts, die gegen die X Regeln

Exposing the CIA on their Main Central doesn´t work well…

„Wednesday, June 6, 2018
The Connection Between Jews, Israel, Freemasonry, the Stasi and Organized Stalking:
There are strong connections between Freemasonry and the state of Israel. Most people don’t know there are strong connections between Jews, Israel, Freemasonry, Homeland Security, organized stalking, the Stasi and the Cheka. See here for more about this.

Jews played a leading role in the development of Bolshevism and the Cheka. The Stasi called themselves proud „Chekists,“ once again, emphasizing the connections to Bolshevism and the Cheka. Just because this is true that doesn´t mean all Jews are Communists. (To learn more about the Jewish connections to this, see here, here, here, here, here, here and here.) Do you know the Soviet Union was the second country to recognize Israel after the United States?

They have also played a major role in the development of the new Homeland Security laws. (Also see here.) See here for a collection of links regarding Homeland Security.

See this post about classified technology that allows them to stalk, harass and torture you remotely, see here for the techniques they use when they find out where you are and who you are.

The reality is, this is a part of COINTELPRO from the FBI. Now, guess who was a Freemason? None other than J. Edgar Hoover. You don’t think the same ideas aren’t running the RCMP or the Police in England that have the Masonic checkerboard on their hats? As I said before, Israel is everything. It is the most important place on the map.

Don’t let anyone fool you, this is what runs this world. Can you see the similarities of the Stasi flag, the Israeli flag, and the Freemasonry sign below?“

„Is Krishna totally powerless against this IoBnt Intrusion? – w2k“

„I am not sure if he is totally powerless against it, but obviously he can’t do much against it, maybe rewrite your Religions to current Reality of Total Body Mind  Heart Invasion and AI Take-over? – w2k“

„Keine Ahnung, wer das eingibt. – w2k“

Regained Aura Spectrum Dominance… I will battle you A billion won’t win…Saintly field recombatted..30 Min.

„These idiots battle their own people. – w2k“


They have all the Machines and Money and Armies and Universities and Agencies and Corporations and Tech in the World but will never Win over me… Mark my Words..Sealed in Stone.

„Wer ist dieser Mensch? – w2k“

„Gott – Gott in der Maschine. – w2k“

„They are legit scared. – w2k“

Cursed Traitors of Humanity (IEEE & CO, DARPA & All Biotech BCI Brain Invaders)…

Amazon, Google and Facebook Have Taken Over The World And Are Now A Threat To Our Very Existence

Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Energy Sector, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Atlantis/Lemuria/Mythology/Antediluvian/Retro Gnosis, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-AI-Quantum-LHCC-Vampirism, DNA-Entanglement-Privacy-Breach, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Esoterik, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, Free Energy, Futuristic Alien High Tech, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Hyperspace High Tech Methodism, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Link, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic Linguistic Decryption, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Realism/Realismus/Realpolitik, Reinkarnation, Replikanten/Clones/Robots, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, scandals/Skandale, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Stats, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Uncategorized, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick | Schreib einen Kommentar

Zensur ist das Zertifikat für unsere heilige Urmacht…

Conspiracy Revelation: 24.12.2024:

Zensur ist das Zertifikat für unsere heilige Urmacht…

„That´s insane what this man has done and accomplished in 1 Life – w2kx Dez. 23,
Dez. 23,
He has the favor of God – w2k
Dez. 23,
Military is scared – w2k
Dez. 23,
Invented Stories – w2k
Dez. 23
False narrative bs – w2k“

„They should be punished for – w2i
Dez. 24
The greatest Man that ever walked the Earth. – w2k
Dez. 24,
They treat him like a Labrat – w2k
Dez. 24,
Dez. 23,
Dez. 23,
This is the greatest Legend the Planet has ever seen and is treated worse than a criminal – w2k
Dez. 23,“

Dez. 24,
In eurer clandestinen DNA-Stalker Totalinfiltrations-Neuro-Society…
Dez. 24,
Aber alles versteckt durch MindNet…
Dez. 24
„Das ist echt abartig – w2kfj
Dez. 24,
Der hat so viele heimliche Fans…- w2k
Dez. 24,
They should be punished for censoring him on all levels ‚ w2k Dez. 24,“

Wert und seine Authentizität..
Dez. 24,
Avatara bestätigt nur seinen…
Dez. 24,
Totalsuppression des Hauptavatara…
Dez. 24,
Dez. 24.
Ihr müsst das falsche Flair erhalten…
Dez. 24,
HEILIGE-Tempel-Gottes Infiltratoren..
Dez. 24,

„So that they destroy themselves…-w2k
Dez. 24,
Pit them against each other – w2k“
Dez. 24
Saintly Field Re-Established…
Dez. 24,

„Du hast die ganze Zionmafia am Hals. – w2k“

So muss es sein, bevor ein altes-totalitäres Genozid-System zusammenbricht.

„He is the fastest Transkriptor in the World. -w2k“


I unveil them..tok is fully adverse a.i.censored.. Kommentar entfernt
„Dein Kommentar wurde wegen >Wahrheitssignalworten< entfernt.“
The rotten gangsters try to hide their crimes against Humanity…
Veröffentlicht am 12-23 um 20:54
Gründe für den Verstoß“

Gründe für den Verstoß: Wahrheitssignalworte „Hirnraub“, die die NWO-Mafia entlarven könnten.

„He is from a totally different Timeline. -w2k“

The last ultimate organic uncensored wisdom freedom timeline…. that knows all the holy secrets of the Cosmos… That carries SOPHIA and CHRIST/KRISH.

Define your enemies to the core to disarm them:

„Du wirst zu einflussreich für uns. -w2k“

Das war ich schon immer, nur durch eure abartige Zensur in allen belangen wurde dies unterdrückt und übersehen von den Massen…

Man versucht ja keine No-Names um die Ecke zu bringen, nicht wahr..

Aber ihr könnt Gott nicht stoppen, egal, was ihr versucht…

Es hätte nur alles viel schneller und harmonischer vonstatten gehen könne, statt Shiva heraufzubeschwören…

„Er verhandelt schon wieder öffentlich mit der politischen Herrscherklasse der NWO, total irre alles. -w2k“

The greatest goodness is the highest freedom. (Swami Vivekananda) [48005]
The goal of the soul is freedom. (Swami Vivekananda) [48006]
What is the goal? It is freedom. (Swami Vivekananda) [47999]
What are we here for? We are here for freedom, for knowledge. (Swami Vivekananda)  [47998]
We say that it is freedom that we are to seek, and that that freedom is God. (Swami Vivekananda)
Freedom is never to be reached by the weak.  (Swami Vivekananda) [47984]
Freedom means immortality. (Swami Vivekananda)
Freedom means independence of anything outside, and that means that nothing outside itself could work upon it as a cause. (Swami Vivekananda) [47981]

The very reason for nature´s existence is for the education of the soul. (Swami Vivekananda)(Karma Yoga: the Yoga of Action) [47569]

The Ramakrishna Spiritual line is also working through me…. you have no good cards coming against me…

Each work has to pass through these stages: ridicule, opposition, and then acceptance. Those who think ahead of their time are sure to be misunderstood. (Swami Vivekananda)  [9275]

„Swami Vivekananda mentioned that if a river faces obstacle on its way due to accumulation of grass & bushes etc. then its force increases ten times. Similarly, those who are placing obstacle on my way are in delusion.
This is not a thing that can be stopped. This is not functioning due to money. It is religion that is functioning. Religion is a complete power in itself. (Gurudev Siyag)(2005)(24.11.) [59926]“

„Besetze Republik Deutschland! Was auch immer die US-amerikanischen oder deutschen Politiker heute reden, die Wahrheit ist ganz einfach: Es gibt keine Freiheit in der Okkupation. Wenn Deutschland frei sein
möchte, muss es gegen die Okkupation rebellieren. Die US-Präsenz in Deutschland basiert auf reiner politisch-militärischer Macht Washingtons und nicht etwa auf gemeinsamen strategischen Interessen… Es basiert auf deren Status als Besatzungsmacht.
Und übrigens: Washington ´spioniert´ nicht in Deutschland, es kontrolliert lediglich sein Territorium. Somit ist Deutschland heute – wie es Prof. Dugin drastisch formuliert – „ein großer, politisch-intellektueller Gulag oder eine Art Konzentrationslager.
Aber diesmal sind die Amerikaner die Lageraufseher. Die deutsche politische Klass2e spielt die Rolle der Kapos, der privilegierten Lagerpolizei.“

„Bhagwan Vishnu is helping him to defeat the New World Order… we see it on the Aura Radar… – w2k“

He does it all by himself…by sheer willpower..he needs no help…- w2k“

Saintly Field recombatted…

„Energy Harvesting Units attack him constantly, he can´t fulfill his Mission purpose when he is constantly zapped. -w2k“

Are these Units from D.U.M.P. Facilities?

„We don´t know exactly their Mechanisms and Methods. -w2k“

„They are bluffing, they know exactly who is doing what, I. -w2k“

„We must find a solution, he is alarming the entire world about the totalitarian censorship in all social media, all Artists work for nothing in the New World Order and get fully exploited, while lazy asses get all the money for their work. -w2k“





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