What Is Going On? Bees Are Spinning, Dropping Dead In California and UK

„What Is Going On? Bees Are Spinning, Dropping Dead In California and UK“
„PATRICIA DAVIS: vor 14 Stunden: No BEE’S..no pollination..NO FOOD.“
„Jubes S: vor 14 Stunden: I’m in Colorado and witnessed bees here doing the same yesterday (7/6/19).“
„Sacred Earth Happy Life: vor 14 Stunden (bearbeitet)
I wonder if there is frequency manipulation going on messing with them and lord knows what else or whom else it’s effecting 😳
Sacred Earth Happy Life: vor 14 Stunden (bearbeitet):
I wonder if there is frequency manipulation going on messing with them and lord knows what else or whom else it’s effecting 😳
Serpentaria: vor 14 Stunden: Poor bees 🐝
Lindsey Yah: vor 14 Stunden: That 5 G Demon Technology going on line.
games guitars and gore
vor 14 Stunden
Magnetism effects everything…we just got grazed by an x class flare,our magnetosphere is weakened and has reversed several times…just like birds flying south will be disrupted by the magnetic pole shift.
John Ganshow: vor 14 Stunden: Stratospheric aerosol injections, or Chemtrails to the layman. Soon we will be spinning around in circles and dropping dead…
ivan sequeira: vor 14 Stunden: THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING….repent repent.
t.c 802: vor 14 Stunden: The frequencys are so bad rite now in Vermont people feel like there being pulled apart.
Shane Asa: vor 13 Stunden: Their sense of direction is gone. Something has thrown them out of control !!! Bees have amazing sense of direction!!!!
Fran Marie: vor 14 Stunden: It’s all signs to Jesus return and beginning of sorrows.
Ant Silk: vor 14 Stunden: Bees are getting dementia from the chemtrails just like humans.
DJ GOTT: vor 12 Stunden (bearbeitet): 5G Bird Box activated !!
Humans are next.
ban youtube: vor 12 Stunden: Magnetosphere. Whales, birds, fish, bees all affected by changes.
Better TV Reception WITH Foil Fedoras! vor 14 Stunden:
get rid of the bees, and the food can’t be pollinated.
Imagine that.
Missty Miss: vor 13 Stunden: Einstein said it best no bees no pollination no plant no human, only 4 yrs after bees die.
hundredtoone: vor 12 Stunden (bearbeitet): Ah it’s just the Satan Flakes using 5 G…they want to kill us all…better get rid of 5 G or it will get rid of us…
Pure Huwhite Man: vor 10 Stunden (bearbeitet):
5g death, aluminum from chemtrails or combination of both.
Kenneth Lawrence: vor 10 Stunden: Louise cypher= Lucifer= ..Cyber internet artificial intelligence.
Jode Eye: vor 12 Stunden: Electro-magnetics interference…..from an exoplanet?,,,,G-5?….other?….
Sarah: vor 13 Stunden: The magnetic field is changing because if the GSM.
10papermaker: vor 14 Stunden: It’s the frequencies killing our precious creatures!
Esfandyar Mulligan: vor 11 Stunden: Poisoned atmosphere, thus dead bees, thus humanity becomes history. All according to plan.
buffalopatriot: vor 8 Stunden: Electromagnetic anomaly. Earthquake coming.
Steven Sessions: vor 7 Stunden: We lost. Over 20 good hives this last winter here in Texas.
Von Vomit: vor 12 Stunden: Possible effects from magnetic pole shift.
Mad Max: vor 11 Stunden: It’s Sulfer Dioxide coming from the cracks in the ground prior to a major earthquake.
Iama monkey: vor 10 Stunden: In California, people doing it too. Chemtrails.
mr. T: vor 11 Stunden: We are in a world of 💩 if we lose the Bees..
Kevin Lewis: vor 9 Stunden: It’s frequencies. Frequencies can cause bee’s to fly in circles.
Reverse Universe: vor 12 Stunden: If I lived in the UK I would do the same thing.
ShaeD 1z: vor 9 Stunden: Magnetic reversal.
Andrew Hacking: vor 14 Stunden: we have our own bee hive and everything seems normal.
mike blackford
vor 10 Stunden
Precursors to DEW’s. What/who/how/where do you think the CA quakes are from??? Look for this to increase until election day 2020. This is the same „deep state“ that turned the twin towers to dust on 911. How do you fight someone/something like this?mike blackford
vor 10 Stunden
Precursors to DEW’s. What/who/how/where do you think the CA quakes are from??? Look for this to increase until election day 2020. This is the same „deep state“ that turned the twin towers to dust on 911. How do you fight someone/something like this?
mw izzie: vor 13 Stunden: They are connected to the earth so that says it is coming from the earth. Sad to see suffering from innocent ones.
Biblical Mysteries Revealed: vor 13 Stunden: Babylon is cursed.
Jim Quade: vor 56 Minuten: aluminum. it’s a neurotoxin.

211340cookie-checkWhat Is Going On? Bees Are Spinning, Dropping Dead In California and UK
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