Chemtrails & Robbed of Immortality by the Depopulation Program
“heman grayskull: Your a very good speaker.Children = immortality!
eXtremeDRvor 14 Stunden: Those who are responsible still reproduce like rabbits. It’s not for the greater good, it’s only for the good of a few – the worst mankind has to offer.”
“shashakeelehvor 16 Stunden (bearbeitet)
I don’t know what makes you think that people don’t die in conventional war anymore; or that a 3rd World War won’t happen?! It’s building now!”
“Roads lead to Langley, VA … MITRE run by CIA James Schlesinger and the Belfor Center … more spooks and Federal Reserve Paul Volcker.”
“Softlywinged : military as in Air Force ”
Former US Airforce Weatherman on Chemtrails – Allan Buckman Global Chemtrail Summit

60950cookie-checkChemtrails & Robbed of Immortality by the Depopulation Program
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