SW – The Cointel Clowns…

Conspiracy Revelation: 11.10.2024:

#Signal Scramblers….TFT Monitor Interruption…

„You make it super-dangerous to interact with you.“


„We have no clue with whom he is interacting, must be super stealth communication systems. -w2k“ <<< Let me guess NSA Sigint is clueless..HAHAHA. They thought they had everything under control!


„Why is he doing this? – w2k / We have no clue, as he stated. -w2k“

„It wasn´t NSA, it was CIA and it is super-dangerous. -w2k“


„Sabrina Wallace RE: The Cointel Clowns…“



„If you want to actually survive and if you want to help people..then the Number 1 thing you are talking about is this bio-medical Telemetry and that is why they call this Occult…the secret human trafficking system..those products will not protect you from intrabody communications….in actual Killbox Scenario.“

„Photonics and Human Augmentation…“ >>>it is not going to help people…

„You are way behind the industry curve for what is really going on here.“

„This entire System has been built around what your tip of the counterintelligence spear calls a BREAKAWAY CIVILIZATION.
Is that what we call the Illuminati and Freemasons and DARPA Biohybrid Program or is this the Super Soldier Program of the Airforce Research Laboratory.“

„When you lie to people for 60 years in electronic warfare and Lockheed and BAE-Systems are doing great…“

„60 years of DARPA and DOD“

„TactSats = Tactical Satellites“

„They have better equipment than you or their mercenary status would be worthless and they have better connectivity than you with the TactSats, tactical Satellites.“

„They can cleanse Biosensors out of them, that is a boldface lie, if that were true, Lockheed and Northrup and all of them and Rand they would all be broke and the Secretary of Defense wouldn´t have signed off a network centric warfare, well over 10 years ago…our international community would have been able to stop everything.“

„We have genetic suppression that works only by sound.“

„So, we don´t understand Biosensors, because there is like 40 different kinds, not just Nano, so any Nano-Prroduct or Nano-Technology Product that you claim is cleansing the Biosensors out…“

„They are turning humans into something less human, but more synthetic, that is a fact.“

„Optogenics, no nano needed, none, molecular communication…NANO.COM..
Selling Fake Products that connect them to the Internet of Medical Things…It is now the Back-End for Electronic Warfare under your Skin for Bio-Cyber-Security or Cyber-Bio-Security. That is surveillance under your Skin, 30 Years btw, Command & Control, by Our Government, it´s a warfare doctrine…Quantum Dots…40 types of Biosensors…SOSA, Sensors Open System Architecture.“


„Bio-Cyber Interfaces for Intrabody Molecular Communications Systems IoBnT 6G Funded by Science Foundation Ireland and the Department of Agriculture

„PANACEA: An Internet of Bio-NanoThings Application for Early Detection and Mitigation of Infectious Diseases – Genetically Engineered Cells ITU-IEEE“


„National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) – Nanotechnology – Nanosensors – nanoscale network – Molecular nanotechnology – Intrabody Molecular Communication – The Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT) 6G“

„Market $ize & Growth 2030: Nanotechnology, nano-Medicine, Nanonetworks (IOnT)(IOBNT), nano sensors, Body Area Networks, 6G, Optogenetics! – Money Talks & Bullshit Walks!“


„Nanotechnology: A Revolution in Modern Industry – PMC – Nano In Literally Everything!“

„Nanotechnology for Biosensors“

„MINERVA: Communication Theoretical Foundations of Nervous System Towards Bio-Inspired Nanonetworks – SYNTHETIC BIOENGINEERING IN Vivo with SMART MATERIALS“

„The Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT) represents a transformative convergence of computer science, communication, nanotechnology, bioengineering, and medical science IEEE-ITU 6G July 6, 2024“

„Nanonetworking in the Terahertz Band and Beyond From Nano-Bio Interfaces to Quantum Communications UN-LAB North Eastern University ITU-IOBNT 6G“

„visible light communication (VLC) LED-based lamp to send a message to the human brain using the eye retina as a relay node. In fact, the eye and the brain can be seen as a natural VLC receiver“

„6G WORLD: Can you imagine your body’s cells connected to the internet? What about not only measuring your health but literally taking control of it?“

„Exploring the Role of 6G Technology in Enhancing Quality of Experience for m-Health Multimedia Applications: A Comprehensive Survey“

„Envisioning 6G Molecular Communication for IoBNT Diagnostic Systems“

„Smart Body Area Network (SmartBAN)
Relay Functionality for SmartBAN
Medium Access Control (MAC) 2024“

„Nano communication, often referred to also as molecular communication, has the potential to complement classic radio-based telecommunication networks and, eventually, become an integral part of 6G+ solutions. A keynote on this topic will be held at EuCNC.“

„DroPlo Verified 1 day ago:

I had my visit with my physician the other day and I presented this professional with my findings on the Biodigital convergence. Physician had no idea what I was talking about. It was quite a lengthy discussion with me rattling off terms that I had written on an index card. Again – had no idea. I also tossed in the notion that medical personnel (according to the people I listen to) who „have no idea“ what I am talking about would be lying.
Again she had no idea.

I’ve been going to this person for ten years – I stopped consenting to a yearly physical ever since the scamdemic. This physician now knows what I know and I think we as a society are heading for terminal times.

I ran out of time after the 20 minutes of showing my IEEE books and 5G books which I carried to the exam – physician never heard of the IEEE.

I suggest that those in the know stop getting examined by these quacks and instead hold them to the available information as I did – and will continue to do until my last breath. And don´t consent to their scumbagged exams whenever possible – unless of course it is needed for a something that is troubling you and not troubling them because of a make believe piece of paper with numbers on it from the lab.

In other words – open your mouth and defend yourself!“

„Exploring biodigital convergence : what happens when biology and digital technology merge?: PH4-185/2019E-PDF – Government of Canada Publications

Part 1 Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance NANOTECHNOLOGY, BIOTECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COGNITIVE SCIENCE NSF/DOC-sponsored report Mihail C. Roco and William Sims Bainbridge, National Science Foundation 2002
Part 2. https://rumble.com/v5eqp2d-327091045.html

Yo Grok: Is the Human Body connected to the Internet of Nano Things at the Physical Layer under 6G IoBnT?

Wirelessly Hacking Gene to Reprogram Human Genome Alumni University at Buffalo – Scientists Are Using The Human Body As The Antenna In 6g IMT-2030

668300cookie-checkSW – The Cointel Clowns…
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