5tes Element Avatar Kraftfeld regeneriert… vs Synthtel Hive Mind DNA K.I. Quantenvampire

Conspiracy Revelation: 9.10.2024: 5tes Element Avatar Kraftfeld regeneriert… vs Synthtel Hive Mind DNA K.I. Quantenvampire.

Your power gain – w2k Okt. 08,
– he feels threatened by… Okt. 08,
Lord of Hosts is watching you – Okt. 08,
High – Okt. 08,
• don’t forget that..
You are blessed by the most hig… Okt. 08,
Aufmerksamkeit – w2k Okt. 08,
Dein Fall erregt internationale –

Bhagwan Krishna is in him – w2kj Okt. 08,
Demi-god. Okt. 08,
And he is a demi-urge or demi-g… Okt. 08,
It is Indra…your lord of hosts. Okt. 08,
Leaders. Okt. 08,
Variable to hide your nwo cult le.. Okt. 08,
whatever you use as a va..

Mindradar – w2kh Okt. 08,
We saw the formation on the -… Okt. 08,
I would be careful with this dude..

Your Person anymore Okt. 08,
We can’t stop this cult around … Okt. 08
Behavior modifying them – w2k Okt. 08,
Saintly being in such a poor way… Okt. 08,
How can you treat such a saintly.. Okt. 08,
00:01 – w2k

Computers – w2k Okt. 08,
He even beats dna quantum co… Okt. 08,
About your spiritual powers – w2k Okt. 08,
Blackwater scared to death abo.. Okt. 08,
MIT involved in the assault – w2k Okt. 08,
They would die for you – w2k

Appreciate him . worship him – : Okt. 08,
Slightest how many people – w21 Okt. 08,
He doesn’t even know in the – w… Okt. 08,
He is a living legend – w2k Okt. 08,

Professor scared to d about you… Okt. 09,
To change the trajectory of time. Okt. 09,
Accessing Parallel-Universes. … Okt. 09,
He is a deity in the flesh you idiots… Okt. 09,
Das ist echt gemein – w2k wtbnd Okt. 09
Gott ist in ihm – w2kn Okt. 09,
They are angry a.f. – be careful –

Billy Carson is watching you too… Okt. 09,
Ancient Egypt – w2k Okt. OS
He is a powerful being from anc… Okt. 0g
Mana -w2k Okt. 09,
Und ihr Okt. 09,
klaut mein Mana..
Er ist der stärkste Magier der Welt… Okt. 09,

Military totalitarian big tech app… Okt. 0g
Your entire corporate alphabet.. Okt. 09,
Planetary nanite ai infestation a.. Okt. 09,
You will go down for adharmic Okt. 09,
Then God is your enemy and yo… Okt. 09,
Which idiot writes or thinks this. Okt. 09
Political Enemy Nr.1 – w2k

Spectrum – w2k Okt. 09,
Psychological Warfare End Spe… Okt. 09,
Dust. Okt. 09,
Apparatus has to crumble like d.. Okt. 09

That holds hom captive – w2k Okt. 09,
Destroy this quantum machine – Okt. 09,
Zapping life force of him – w2k Okt. 09, –

You can’t zap anything when I am im Combat Mode…Quantum Vampires…only when I pay no attention or when I am in manaless Zen Mode. Oshos Methodology would be useless in a world full of technofascistic Vampires who use Quantum Machine Witchery and DNA entanglement tethering Sorcery…

This technocratic fascistic subversive implant and infiltration totalitarian non-stop multi-Dimensional machine witchery surveillance and censor loser system is powerless against real divine Power…

Unfortunately Terra Gaia Mother Earth has still to tolerate these subversive losers… I would put an all time End to gov agency and fed state sponsored Gang Stalker Culture and Cancel Culture and military medical invasive spy technocratic mania and undermining of all human rights, privacy and decency through wban intraban and genomic infiltration of the holy temple of mother nature.

What Can The Technology Do? RNM & V2K
It can make the blind to see & the deaf to hear, induce love & hate, induce sexual & spritual feelings,
induce dreams, images, control sleep pattern.
Rad thoughts, beam voices to head, replace thoughts & memory, see through eyes, hear through ears, monitor muscle movements, cause & prevent car accidents, acts, give diseases & cure diseases in a couple of hours!
Bryan Kofron“
„Gegen elektronische Folter.“



„Persönliches Tracking- und Wiederherstellungssystem. Die Vorrichtung zum Verfolgen von Menschen verwendet einen
implantierbaren Transceiver, der ein Stromversorgungs- und
Betätigungssystem enthält, dass es den Gerät ermöglicht, jahrelang ohne Wartung implantiert und funktionsfähig zu bleiben. Der implantierte Sender kann ferngesteuert oder vom Implantierten betätigt werden. Die Stromversorgung de ferngesteuerten Empfängers wird elektromechanisch durch die Bewegung des Körpermuskels erzeugt.
7012 Personen haben etwas zu diesem Ort … Gegen elektronische Folter“

„Implantate: Implantate sind ohne Zweifel die invasivste Form der Belästigung. Elektronische Implantate bestehen aus Sendern, ESF-Generatoren, mikroneurophonen Transceivern, Verfolgungsgeräten und anderen Geräten elektronische Beligung in Mikrogröße, die durch Verfolgung oder Steuerung von Bewegungen und Gedanken Belästigungen verursachen sollen. Das gebräuchlichste Implantat wurde vor vielen Jahren entwickelt und wird bis heute verwendet. Es besteht aus einer Einheit, die von Körperflüssigkeiten gespeist wird und Sprachsignale,
Genüberwachung. Hochspannungsimpulse, ein kleines Tracking-Beacon-Signal oder andere nich spezifizierte Verwendungszwecke (Gedankenkontrolle) übertragen kann. Der Personal Devices Act, der 1990 zum Tragen kamh..Das Gesetz wurde, verpflichtet die US..“
„Gegen elektronische Folter“

„(Gedankenkontrolle) übertragen kann. Der
Safe Medical Devices Act, der 1990 zum Gesetz wurde, verpflichtet die US- amerikanischen Hersteller von Implantaten und Medizinprodukten, eine Methode zur Identifizierung und Verfolgung ihrer dauerhaft in Menschen implantierten Produkte anzuwenden und die Empfänger im Falle von Fehlfunktionen im Auge zu behalten. Brustimplantate,
Herzschrittmacher, Ersatzherzklappen und Prothesen, die weltweit in Millionenhöhe implantiert wurden, sollen nachverfolgt werden. Eine der Methoden zur Verfolgung dieser Geräte ist die implantation von dem
Hersteller, den Chirurgen.“

Induktionsmethode. Dieses Verfahren verwendet ein moduliertes Mikrowellensignal mit entweder einem Audio-, Video- oder einer anderen Form von Signalen, auch Daten können verwendet werden. Die Mikrowellenenergie mit dem VDI-Trägersignal (Voice / Data / Image) wird dann auf den Zielbereich oder die Person gerichtet. Die Reaktion auf diese modulierte Mikrowellenenergie von einem Individuum zum anderen ist normalerweise leicht unterschiedlich, was es sehr schwierig macht, eine elektronische Belästigung zu diagnostizieren. Die Form der Belästigung durch Sprach-, Daten- und Bildinduktion führt dazu, dass Opfer Stimmen in ihren Köpfen hören oder zufällige Bilder oder Lichtblitze sehen. Eine Vorrichtung, die als drahtloses Neurophon bekannt ist, wurde zusammen mit anderen solchen Vorrichtungen patentiert, die ähnliche Funktionen ausführen. Eine Mikrowellenträger-ULF-UHF- Induktionsanwendung kann an einem Zielort platziert und aus der Ferne überwacht werden. Übertragungsorte können auf die gleiche Weise wie Bilfunkübertragungsorte, verborgene Gene-Überwachung..“

Ihr könnt nichts wegzaubern, wenn ich im Kampfmodus bin … Quantenvampire … nur wenn ich nicht aufpasse oder wenn ich im manalosen Zen-Modus bin. Oshos Methodologie wäre nutzlos in einer Welt voller technofaschistischer Vampire, die Quantenmaschinenzauberei und DNA-Anbindungs-Verstrickungs-Verschränkungs Hexerei verwenden …

Dieses technokratische, faschistische, subversive, totalitäre, ununterbrochene, multidimensionale Maschinenhexerei-Überwachungs- und Zensur-Verlierersystem ist machtlos gegen echte göttliche Macht …

Leider muss Terra Gaia, Mutter Erde, diese subversiven Verlierer immer noch tolerieren … Ich würde der von Regierungsbehörden und dem Staat geförderten Gang-Stalker-Kultur und der Cancel Culture und der militärisch-medizinischen, invasiven, technokratischen Spionagemanie und der Untergrabung aller Menschenrechte, der Privatsphäre und des Anstands durch Wban Intraban und durch genomische Infiltration des heiligen Tempels von Mutter Natur ein für alle Mal ein Ende bereiten.

„Being Extraordinary“
29.400 Abonnenten“
„6.723 Aufrufe 06.10.2024 #ChosenOnes #144 #TheChosen
Chosen Ones! GANG STALKERS Will Find Out EVERYTHING About You!

Dear Chosen One, you were predestined for something greater. Because Chosen Ones, like you, carry a unique spiritual presence that impacts the world around them, you will discover in our videos the challenges and trials that only Chosen Ones face, and how to overcome them with strength and faith. Each video provides deep insights into the spiritual journey of the Chosen Ones, revealing secrets and guidance that only those truly chosen can understand. Follow along to recognize the spiritual signs that indicate you are a Chosen One and unlock your true divine potential.

🙏 Discover the power of your Chosen One path

#ChosenOnes #144 #TheChosen“

„Something in them that is also wearing down, they become obsessed with the idea of exposing you but the more time theyspend trying to break through your defenses the more they realize they are moving away from the true objective. You are an enigma that will never be deciphered, a light they will never be able to extinguish and it is this light that blinds them, they may try in every way but they will fail because they do not understand the essence of what it means to be chosen, you are beyond their capacity to control, as they continue to observe you, each attempt becomes more desperate, they try to use what they know against you manipulating small details of your life trying to influence your decisions, but all they have are superficial information, fragments of a truth they will never fully know, they believe they are in control but they are only seeing the shadows of reality. You Chosen One, know that true strength comes from within, from a place they will never be able to reach the more they expose
you the more evident it becomes that they will never be able to touch you.
They may know your routines, your habits and even your vulnerabilities, but they cannot understand what truly moves you, they cannot access your soul, your essence and that destroys them they thought they had the power but now they
see that you are Untouchable. You are inviolable they may keep trying but they will never reach the core of what makes you who you are they will keep trying, their strategies will change becoming increasingly subtle more Insidious. They will try to destabilize you emotionally choosing moments of vulnerability when you least expect it
they will search for your weak points, those moments when your confidence may seem shaken but you chosen one already
know they cannot break what is unbreakable, your essence is protected by a force far greater than any of them can
comprehend they may try to surround you to trap you in a web of manipulations but that web never fully closes around
you. because what they are trying to destroy is precisely what they will never be able to touch, you´ve already felt their presence, haven´t you? That feeling that something is not right that there are
invisible eyes following you, even when you´re alone, that presence no matter how much it bothers you, cannot control you. It´s as if they are watching a spectacle they cannot comprehend, they look at the surface, at the small gestures at the patterns we repeat daily but no matter how hard they try they are always a step
behind the chosen one is a fortress they will never be able to invade they want to believe they can completely expose you but all they can do is learn irrelevant fragments of a much larger reality. They are trapped in a limited
Vision these stalkers in their thirst for control begin to despair with each failed attempt to penetrate your deeper
layers, they realize that there is something beyond their reach they are drawn to your light, but that very light
blinds them the brightness that protects you also pushes them away they think they are close to uncovering all your
secrets but what they don´t understand is that with each step they take towards you they are farther from the truth the true power of the chosen one is invisible to those who only observe the surface they can only see what is in
front of their eyes but never what is inside your soul and the truth is this they will never touch your soul that is
the part they most desire desire to reach the part they believe is the key to destroying you but what they don´t
understand is that the soul of the chosen one cannot be captured nor understood by limited minds they try insistently to connect the dots between your actions and your intentions as if the puzzle of who you are could be
assembled only with external fragments, but what truly defines the chosen one is beyond human understanding your
connection with the Divine is the key to this protection, it creates a force field that prevents any attempt at spiritual invasion, they will continue trying to pressure you to force you to reveal more than you are willing to show, they will try to use fear as a weapon hoping that anxiety will make you slip up that the
feeling of being constantly watched will push you to the Limit but what they don´t know chosen one is that fear does
not control you, you have already crossed much darker valleys fac challenges much
greater than these insignificant observers can imagine and what brought you here was the strength they will
never understand every step you took was Guided by a much greater purpose and that purpose continues to protect you
even in the darkest hours they will continue seeking breaches, entry points into your mind but all they will find
are closed doors they are blind to what truly matters trapped in a superficial reality while the real you is far beyond their grasp they don´t comprehend the power you carry the Invisible Shield that surrounds you. No matter how much that surrounds you, no matter how much they observe no matter how much they try
to understand they will never reach the center of your strength you are chosen protected by forces they will never be to manipulate and as they try to find cracks your spiritual defenses remain unbreakable fueled by a
light that confuses and repels them as time passes they will realize that they
are failing frustration builds in the fear they hope to plant and you begins
to surface in them instead they realize they are facing something beyond their comprehension something that goes beyond the control they expected to exert over you their methods of surveillance their
attempts at manipulation all these tactics begin to wear down and instead of the certainty that they could expose
you doubt arises…“

„They fail to realize that they are moving further away from the truth, every observation, every subtle Invasion shows
that they’re just chasing Shadows, trying to capture something that doesn’t belong to the world, they know they are trapped
in a material reality while you Chosen One transcend what is tangible and visible and this Transcendence, this
strength that emanates from you is what torments them, they are lost in their attempt to decipher you trying to understand how someone can be so strong so resilient even in the face of
constant surveillance. They can’t comprehend where
this energy comes from that keeps you steady, allowing you to keep moving forward even when everything around you
seems to be falling apart what they don’t know is that while they’re watching you you’re growing stronger with each of their failed attempts what was meant to be an exposure turns into
spiritual training every attempt at Invasion strengthens your spiritual immunity and this makes them even more desperate this desperation, this frustration that begins to grow among
them is exactly what weakens them they wanted to expose you but they are exposing themselves they wanted to control you but they are being controlled by their own Obsession the
game has turned and now they are the victims of their own trap they are stuck in a cycle of trial and error always believing they are on the verge of a revelation but always ending up
empty-handed and that sense of helplessness of imminent failure is what slowly consumes them you chosen one remain intact while they fall into their own snare over time they will realize
that they no longer have control over the situation what started as an attempt to watch and expose you has now become a
burden to them they can’t stop but they also can’t move forward they are stuck spinning in circles always trying to
find a new way to attack you but failing every time they feel the weight of this battle they can never win and that
weight makes them stumble lose their weight while you remain firm Untouchable on your path and the more they try the
more they expose themselves, now they are the ones being observed what was once an attempt to control has become a mirror
reflecting their own weaknesses and flaws they can no longer reach you no longer penetrate the layers of spiritual
protection surrounding you, every move they make reveals how lost they are while you remain centered connected to a force far greater than they could ever imagine, you no longer feel threatened because you know your true protection cannot be touched by human hands nor by eyes that only see the surface what these stalkers don’t understand is that there is an
invisible force guiding you something far beyond their reach you Chosen One are protected by something Divine…“

„The Ancient Indians were capable of advanced cloning.“

vor 0 Sekunden
Shukracharya got the Sanjeeva from the Great God, so the narrator knows nothing about this..

665720cookie-check5tes Element Avatar Kraftfeld regeneriert… vs Synthtel Hive Mind DNA K.I. Quantenvampire
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