Seegespräche unterwegs – Interview mit Stewart Swerdlow – Mind Control, Montauk, ET´s, Illuminaten
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I have to say that in the last 20 years Germany has changed a lot. I started to work here before EU took over, so everything is changed. Many of the Scientists at Montauk Project came from Germany,… And in fact there are many bases in the U.S. where there are many German Scientists Underground. The world is not what you have been told, History is
not what you have been told and the news you see now in the media is mostly created to make you afraid.
For the last 15 years U.S. has bombarded the north polse and the south pole with ELF and Microwave and this was to create problems on the tectonic plates…
You know I disappear from Germany for 10 years and they forget me.
//Most People forget everything and everyone in only 10 years…  ;)// was an artificially created quake. They had planted huge atomic bombs in the bottom of the ocean, which was on a very sensitive part of the falk line and then with a laser weapon from satellite they activated the bombs, causing the uplift of the ocean floor and that caused the Tsunami (2004) and now the indian ocean has a lot of radiation poisoning, don´t eat food from indian ocean,.. also you should not eat food from pacific ocean, because ..1960s, 1970s the french and even the americans tested nuclear weapons here… Fukushima…was also artificially generated. I went there twice and there was no radiation!
In fact the town of Fukushima looks like nothing ever happened, so again a staged event to create fear.
What about Hiroshima, Nagasaki..I said if real nuclear weapon was sent there you could not have anyone live there now it would be impossible and they even admitted to me the japanese, that it was not nuclear weapon…a heat pulse was just heat generated.
And there is also interesting information from Japan…that the japanese royal family is the 14th Illuminati family, the other 13 are European… that the Illuminati want to eliminate
and so they try to create earth quakes and floods … The japanese also know that the person that you know as Christ or Emanuel actually they said came to Japan, was his grandson..Christ and his Brother (Isaac). ..The crucifixion was also a staged event. Christ..went to India and you can still see the grave there and the other issue that they don´t talk about is that he was married with Maria Magdalena who was not a prostitue that
the church has changed everything in history the truth that he was married and had 3 children.. (Stewart Swerdlow)

“Veröffentlicht am 24.09.2015

Stewart Swerdlow, ein Insider von geheimen US-Regierungsprogrammen, spricht über Mind Control Programme – und Programmierungen, die Entstehung unseres Sonnensystems und der Menschheit auf dieser Erde und über die Mysterien des Nord- und Südpols.

Stewart Swerdlow, an insider of secret US government programs talks about Mind Control programs and –programming, the birth of our solar system and humanity on our planet Earth and the mysteries of North and South Pole.
Der Vortrag wurde am 11.09.2015 in Frankfurt aufgezeichnet!”
All New Age Information comes from Satellite Transmission. Channelings, Walk Ins, Contactees, Angelic Communication. It´s all Greenstar programming. The idea was to change the philosophy of people so that they believe in love, light and peace…something else going on over here that is not so lovely..When you are listening to Archangel Michael and St.Germaine and all these Satellite Transmissions that you think are real, but this is programmed. (Steward Swerdlow)
“Sven Kasten vor 1 Woche: Auch hier wieder, Frau Rosina Kaiser geht gar nicht. Sie sollte einfach nur übersetzen und nicht eigen Interpretationen reinbringen. aber sie sollte erst mal Englisch lernen – die nervt total. Aber – der Stoff ist auch wieder spannend!! Schön zusammengefasste Fakten!”
“Daniel Mehnert vor 2 Tagen
Teilweise fühlt es sich sehr stimmig an was Herr Swerdlow vermittelt aber das es z.B. keine einzige freundlich gesinnten Spezies im Universum geben soll, glaube ich einfach nicht. Irgendwer da draußen wird schon verstanden haben was uns beispielsweise Jesus, Buddha oder Gandhi versucht haben zu vermitteln. Wie sonst sollten sie es geschafft haben den Weltraum zu bereisen, ohne sich gegenseitig auszurotten. Ebenso das es die geistige Welt (Engel, aufgestiegene Meister etc..) nicht geben soll und es nur eine Erfindung zur Manipulation sein soll ist einfach quatsch in meinen Augen.Die Message der bedingungslosen Liebe ist keine Ablenkung, sondern das Ziel einer langen Reise der Selbsterfahrung, in meinen Augen. Wenn ich Liebe lebe, ziehe ich Liebe an und manifestiere sie in meinem Leben und überall in mir und um mich herum! ich heile mich und meine Wunden und so mein Umfeld um mich herum!”

42380cookie-checkSeegespräche unterwegs – Interview mit Stewart Swerdlow – Mind Control, Montauk, ET´s, Illuminaten
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