Christ, Krishna and Lucifer according to Rudolf Steiner

„Spirit Triumphant! Flame through the impotence of faltering, fainthearted souls! Burn up egoism, kindle compassion, so that selflessness, the lifestream of humanity, may flow as the wellspring of spiritual rebirth! (Rudolf Steiner)“
Sunday, October 18, 2009: Jesus: Krishna, Redeemed by Christ: According to Rudolf Steiner, Jesus was the reincarnation of Krishna, the unfallen Twin Soul of Adam.
„Christ took sin upon himself. He gave to humanity what reconciles the two one-sided tendencies [of Krishna and Lucifer]. He took upon himself the sin of Krishna, the sin of self-consciousness, which would close its eyes to the world outside. He took upon himself the sin of Krishna and of all who would commit his sin. On the other hand he also took upon himself the sin of Lucifer and of all who would commit the sin of fixing their attention on externalities. By taking both extremes upon himself he makes it possible for humanity by degrees to find a
harmony between the inner and the outer world, because in that harmony alone is the salvation of humanity to be found….
So many people today have little understanding left of our environment. Therefore it is just in our time that an understanding of the Christ impulse must break in upon us.
The Christ path must be added to the Krishna path. The path of one-sided striving for perfection has become too strong….Many souls now feel how little they can escape from this enhanced self-consciousness, and this creates an impulse to know the divinity of the outer world. It is such souls as these who in our time will seek the understanding of the Christ impulse that is opened up by true Anthroposophy, the force that does not merely strive for the one-sided perfection of the individual soul but belongs to the whole progress of humanity. To understand the Christ means not merely to strive toward perfection, but to receive in oneself something expressed by Saint Paul: „Not I, but Christ in me.“ „I“ is the Krishna word; „Not I, but Christ in me“ is the Christian word.“ (Rudolf Steiner)*52*(from a lecture in Helsinki June 5, 1913)
“We find the Sun still as a planet among the seven planets, we find Venus with Lucifer as her ruler [Christ is the ruler of Sun]; and these two, the Sun Spirit and the Venus Spirit – in other words Christ and Lucifer – appear at first sight like brothers. Only by straining to the utmost our powers of perception are we to mark out the difference between them.
(Rudolf Steiner)“
“Lucifer’s proud greatness, Lucifer’s pride in his majestic figure of light …”Unmanifest light,” light that does not shine outwardly, but has immense strong power in itself – that Lucifer has in full measure … The Christ figure in the time of old Sun – the Lord and ruler of the Sun planet – is a picture of utmost devotion, entire devotion to all that is around Him in the world. Whereas Lucifer looks as one who thinks only of himself – we are obliged to cloth it all in human words, notwithstanding the fact that they are quite inadequate – Christ appears as wholly given up, in devotion, to all that is around Him in the great world.”
“ And whilst Lucifer alone — I must now begin to speak more in pictures; human words do not in the least suffice —
whilst Lucifer had the impulse to let stream out upon all things the light that was present in him and therewith
come to a knowledge of all things, the Christ on the other hand, gave Himself up to the Impression of this Word of the Worlds, received It in its fullness and entirety into Himself, so that this Christ Soul was now the Being that united in Himself all the great Secrets of the World that sounded into Him through the inexpressible Word.“
„Vishnu represents Christ, but yet not very visible on Earth, Shiva was the absolute power, longer could man, at that time, not reach up into the spiritual worlds. Vishnu or Christ incarnates in etheric form as Krishna. Krishna shows his superiority over Shiva through many symbols, including his victory over the demon bull.“
„Steiner writes this on the relation between Lucifer and Christ:
We learn how Christ already on the old Moon overcame Lucifer, and in the scene that is given us in the Gospels
we have to see, as it were, a recurrence of the fact that Christ attained to victory over Lucifer. On Earth Christ repels Lucifer from the outset. This is because on the Moon, when He was Himself less highly evolved — for Christ also undergoes evolution — He had repelled, through the uttermost devotion of His Being to Highest Powers, all the attacks of Lucifer which at that time still meant something to Him.“
„Already on old Moon Lucifer approached Christ. On Earth he was no longer dangerous to Him: on Earth Christ repels
Lucifer at once. On the Moon, however, Christ had to exert all the forces at His disposal in order to repel Lucifer. This is then the added experience that comes to us when we cast back the gaze of higher consciousness into the remote time of Moon.
(“Man in the Light of Theosophy, Philosophy, and Occultism”, Rudolf Steiner Press, 1964, lectures 8, 10)
The fight between Lucifer and Christ, on the Old Moon, is described in the story about the Fight between Vishnu and Shiva. It’s of course described differently from the Vishnu and Shiva tradition. Here Vishnu only barely wins over Shiva, as described with Christ and Lucifer.“
„On Earth the fight between Christ and Lucifer is described in the fight between Krishna and Shiva, where Krishna
wins without any problems.“

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