Conspiracy Revelation: 23.10.2017: Good quality writing…hitting the nail on its head…one of the most complete articles of natural, transdimensional and synthetic parasites and the alteration of humanity via biochemical and genetic warfare…and archontic/spiritual/multi-dimensional influences…spread it far and wide if you are enlightened enough and concerned to care about this world.
“Archons And Mind Parasites and Extremophiles, Oh My!”
“I seem as of late to be using the phrase “in their right mind” a lot.
For instance, I often say that nobody in their right mind should be melancholy to what is happening in the world. No one in their right mind should be ok with the fact that the U.S. government in its U.S. Code has an active biological weapons program that makes it “legal” and “acceptable” to test those biologics, radiation, vaccines, and any other thing for “research purposes” on any and every population in the world, including and especially its own. And no body politic of “people” in its right mind would sit back and allow what the United States government has become in all aspects of politics and war.
Yet the deeds are done, and the crime against us is only getting more and more organized and lethal.
And this leads me to believe that my over-use of this declaratory judgement in assumption of the default belief in the state of right-mindedness might very well be misplaced. And so perhaps it is time to consider the very strange and unbelievable reality that maybe, just maybe, the majority of the population is not in fact in their right minds. And if this is the case, well then it might just be possible that they no longer even have the ability to control their own minds…
More and more I contemplate that those who might read this blog and others like it are in fact seeking answers to questions that cannot be found with an “educated” and “entertained” mind. It is not so much that there is no answer to be found, but rather that the answers that can be found do not conform to the reasoning and intent of the asker of the questions. In other words, the questions that seem unanswerable only appear that way because their askers will not look in the places where those answers might so obviously be hiding.
The difference between history (his story) and fiction, and between science and science fiction, has been so divisively blurred and so masterfully intertwined that most of us have been educated through entertainment to ignore anything resembling reality if it has been before musingly portrayed as a story of science or other fiction. Ironically, while the science fiction of yesterday could be considered the uninhibited dream of what the future could hold, today it seems that fiction is dead, and that the rules and science of fiction have been devolved and redacted, fitting only into the defined tenets of today’s real scientific limitations. Today, fiction writers are not dreaming of future possibilities and dystopias, they are describing the planned future of a dystopian science reality. The limits now placed on the imagination of the writer of fiction seem to be solely based on the current but flexible limitations of the practice of modern science. And so the once vibrant dream of utopian philosophers has seemingly also come to its visionary death, for today’s practitioners within the institution of science have taken up not the study of nature but the art of the alteration and control of nature. Anti-nature…
And so those of us who still feel; we who still conform to and therefore know the natural aspects of empathy, logic, reason, virtue, responsibility, and all that makes up the uniqueness and wonder of man are left hopelessly wondering why everything in the world seems somehow, for lack of a better term, just innately wrong. We search for individual answers that, when thoughtfully placed in connective order, we hope might make up the clear summation of the problem at hand. And yet no matter what, the ultimate answer still seems to lay out of sensual understanding. From our sense of reality, we seek a type of knowledge that very likely cannot be obtained through the ordinary processes and facts that otherwise we may find using the traditional scientific method.”
“How can we possibly use this traditional scientific method to find answers when all of nature is being corrupted by the abuse of modern scientific methods?
If science is the study of nature and how it works without the intervention of man, and if at the same time nature itself is being fundamentally altered by the false institution of science, what then should the new definition of modern science be?
More to the point, how can a reasonable researcher use traditional scientific means in logical sequence to accomplish the goals of this new non-traditional science?
What was before the study of the laws of nature is now the study of the destruction of those constants. What was before the craft of benefiting mankind through understanding the natural process is now the craft of overcoming that process to control mankind through control of nature.
So for those who seek provable answers using the traditional scientific method, it is advised that you should go back to watching re-runs of “History Channel Presents.” For today, we are going to delve into what is indeed possible yet seemingly not. And as of yet, there is no proof or test that I can offer you to satisfy your “scientific” curiosity. Instead, for a brief moment, I ask you to consider that what might be the answer to your unanswered questions may very well be so different than you expect that you won’t even wish to bring up the subject to friends and family for fear of ridicule. And honestly, the only reason I am writing this now, with the same contemplation and fear in mind, is that I have a strange feeling that only those of us left out here that are still in our right mind will believe that the following information is perhaps more self-evident than any other explanation.
The great rhetorical mind of the Scottish author and physician Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, a graduate of the University of Edinburgh Medical School no less, might be of import in this endeavor. His character Sherlock Holmes was essentially represented as the crowning authority in the use of forensic science. The word forensic comes from the Latin forēnsis, meaning “of or before the forum (court),” dating to the roman republic. Created in the late 1890’s, detective Holmes was required to use his brain, his logic and his reason to solve the case, for the modern technology of crime scene investigation was not yet in existence, and this allowed many criminals to flee justice.
Today, I ask the same of you, my dear Watson’s…
In the novels based on Sherlock Holmes; those fictional tales about the unorthodox, de-educated, non-conformative detective, it was said of man that, “His ignorance was as remarkable as his knowledge.”
Even more remarkably, the fictional detective stated that, “In solving a problem of this sort, the grand thing is to be able to reason backward. That is a very useful accomplishment, and a very easy one, but people do not practise it much. In the everyday affairs of life it is more useful to reason forward, and so the other comes to be neglected. There are fifty who can reason synthetically for one who can reason analytically.” It is my opinion that if you are reading this blog, you may very well be one in fifty.
Of course, his most famous musing concluded that, “When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
But perhaps in light of our current disposition as sentient beings searching for answers to questions that seemingly won’t be answered, it is this quote we should be romancing: “I fear that if the matter is beyond humanity it is certainly beyond me. Yet we must exhaust all natural explanations before we fall back upon such a theory as this.”
In the spirit of this Holmesian deductive reasoning, I hope that the reader will allow herein a presentation of my own theory on why everything in science and in the actions of the leaders of men seem to be centralized on creating a fictional dystopia of mis-used science rather than on the use of science to realize the dream of fictional utopia.
Warning: This Is Not Science Fiction!
In movies, the monster is usually something that you can see. The alien from Alien. The clown from IT. The Martians from Mars Attacks. The Englishmen from Downton Abbey. And who can forget Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus?
The use of the genre of sci-fi horror movies depicting gruesome monsters and viscously putrefying aliens has created a false dicotomy of left or right opinions regarding what the typical person might be able to believe is possible within the institutional reality of biological science, which today has seemingly crossed the barrier of perception with its primary basis now in the world of the unseen – the less-than-microscopic nano-world of genetic code. “Science” has mapped the genomes of many species, and is now hot on the trail of mapping the epigenetic on/off mechanisms of DNA/RNA encoding that controls gene expression and disease. It is one thing to see how genes are put together to make up life on earth, but an entirely more dangerous thing to have one’s hands on the knowledge and function of turning those gene’s expressions on and off. In this manner, science has become a very frightening brave new world.
The Genome project is now a thing of the past, old news, ancient technology. The Epigenome Project is now where it’s at!
The Human Epigenome Project website explains its surface goals:
The Human Epigenome Project (HEP) aims to identify, catalogue and interpret genome-wide DNA methylation patterns of all human genes in all major tissues. Methylation is the only flexible genomic parameter that can change genome function under exogenous influence. Hence it constitutes the main and so far missing link between genetics, disease and the environment that is widely thought to play a decisive role in the aetiology of virtually all human pathologies. Methylation occurs naturally on cytosine bases at CpG sequences and is involved in controlling the correct expression of genes. Differentially methylated cytosines give rise to distinct patterns specific for tissue type and disease state. Such methylation variable positions (MVPs) are common epigenetic markers. Like single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), they promise to significantly advance our ability to understand and diagnose human disease.
The Human Epigenome Project (HEP) is a public/private collaboration run by the members of the Human Epigenome Consortium. MVPs identified as part of the HEP will be released publicly in accordance with the HEP data release policy.
And just who or what makes up the members of this “consortium?”
Current consortium members:
The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute is a recognised leader in genome sequencing, high-throughput systems, informatics and analysis of gene function using genetic approaches in a variety of model organisms and humans.
Epigenomics AG is a transatlantic biotechnology company with headquarters in Berlin, Germany and its wholly owned subsidiary in Seattle, Washington, USA, pioneering tomorrow’s personalized medicine by exploiting the information of DNA methylation patterns.
The Centre National de Génotypage is a national research institute set up in 1998 by the French Government in anticipation of using the genome sequencing information for the identification of genes and gene function.
Now, if you are not familiar with Margaret Sanger, you really should be. As one of the most famous soft eugenisists, her legacy includes Planned Parenthood and modern birth control. But let’s take a deeper look at this feminist de-populationist, and imagine for a moment if she had her finger on the trigger of modern genetic and epigenetic technology. Planned Parenthood would look a lot differently than it does today.
Surprisingly, even Wikipedia must admit to the truth of the easily found history of her motives (citations and sources left in):
Sanger’s 1920 book endorsed eugenics.
As part of her efforts to promote birth control, Sanger found common cause with proponents of eugenics, believing that they both sought to “assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit.”[84] Sanger was a proponent of negative eugenics, which aims to improve human hereditary traits through social intervention by reducing the reproduction of those who were considered unfit. Sanger’s eugenic policies included an exclusionary immigration policy, free access to birth control methods and full family planning autonomy for the able-minded, and compulsory segregation or sterilization for the profoundly retarded.In her book The Pivot of Civilization, she advocated coercion to prevent the “undeniably feeble-minded” from procreating.[88] Although Sanger supported negative eugenics, she asserted that eugenics alone was not sufficient, and that birth control was essential to achieve her goals.
In contrast with eugenicist William Robinson, who advocated euthanasia for the unfit,[note 9] Sanger wrote, “we [do not] believe that the community could or should send to the lethal chamber the defective progeny resulting from irresponsible and unintelligent breeding.”[92] Similarly, Sanger denounced the aggressive and lethal Nazi eugenics program.[87] In addition, Sanger believed the responsibility for birth control should remain in the hands of able-minded individual parents rather than the state, and that self-determining motherhood was the only unshakable foundation for racial betterment.
Sanger also supported restrictive immigration policies. In “A Plan for Peace”, a 1932 essay, she proposed a congressional department to address population problems. She also recommended that immigration exclude those “whose condition is known to be detrimental to the stamina of the race,” and that sterilization and segregation be applied to those with incurable, hereditary disabilities…[86][87][94]
Sanger’s writings echoed ideas about inferiority and loose morals of particular races that were widespread in the contemporary United States.[85] In one “What Every Girl Should Know” commentary, she references popular opinion that Aboriginal Australians were “just a step higher than the chimpanzee” with “little sexual control,” as compared to the “normal man and Woman.”[78] Elsewhere she bemoaned that traditional sexual ethics“…have in the past revealed their woeful inability to prevent the sexual and racial chaos into which the world has today drifted…”[93]
From 1939 to 1942 Sanger was an honorary delegate of the Birth Control Federation of America, which included a supervisory role—alongside Mary Lasker and Clarence Gamble—in the Negro Project, an effort to deliver birth control to poor black people.[100] Sanger wanted the Negro Project to include black ministers in leadership roles, but other supervisors did not. To emphasize the benefits of involving black community leaders, she wrote to Gamble “we do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” This quote has been cited by Angela Davis to support her claims that Sanger wanted to exterminate black people.[101] However, New York University’s Margaret Sanger Papers Project, argues that in writing that letter, “Sanger recognized that elements within the black community might mistakenly associate the Negro Project with racist sterilization campaigns in the Jim Crow South, unless clergy and other community leaders spread the word that the Project had a humanitarian aim.”[102]
One might perhaps laugh at the caption of this article,
promoting birth control while posing with her own two birthed sons.
Of course, birth control was really intended for the “lesser” races…
Ironically, but not surprisingly, Sanger’s racially pure mother Anne Higgins went through 18 pregnancies (with 11 live births) in 22 years before dying at the age of 49. Sanger was the sixth of eleven children. But then, she was apparently gifted with good blood from a good race, so that’s just alright now isn’t it?
So why should you, if indeed you are in your right mind, be concerned that the most prominent organization participating in the Genome and Epigenome Projects honor in their titles this eugenicist that promoted racial purity and depopulation? Are you frickin’ kidding me? Do you think plants, fruits, and vegetables are the only life that can be purposefully, scientifically, and genetically altered from their natural form?
Let’s get more acquainted with the institute celebrating her legacy, shall we?
Embracing a postgenomic era
The Sanger Institute will examine how genomes are implicated in the biology of disease in greater detail, with greater precision and at faster rate than previously thought possible. Genomes are rapidly becoming a part of the essential fabric of biology, rather than an expensive resource.
Our target is to understand the function of genes on a genome-wide scale. The intellectual commitment and drive of our researchers, combined with developments in technology, will allow us to make a contribution to the understanding of how genes work that is as significant as our contribution to the Human Genome Project.
This contribution will be founded in efforts to tackle the basis of common genetic and infectious disease and to build resources and tools that will help others to tackle disease. Our dual role, as researcher and resource provider, has served biology well and we believe it will become more valuable in the future.
In the next two years, we will sequence more than 1000 human genomes. By 2012, we will make stem cells in more than 10,000 genes.
Human genetics
Our research in Human Genetics will harness the power of our improving sequencing and genotyping infrastructure in order to gain a better understanding of the diversity of the human species and how this diversity influences our health and disease. By 2011, the Institute will have sequenced more than 1000 human genomes. As part of the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium and other similar large-scale consortia, we will continue to discover important genetic variants on the scale that is required to give insight into the genetics of common disease.
By 2013, the International Cancer Genome Consortium will have produced comprehensive catalogues of mutations in more than 50 different tumour types. This work, in which we play a leading role, will lay the foundation for clinical research to produce treatments that could help to reduce the global cancer burden.
Building on new technologies, we will help to develop a rapidly growing understanding of diseases including cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Our research outputs and resources, such as the DECIPHER database, will move into clinical practice as our biological understanding becomes clinically essential.
Infectious disease
Our capacity to analyse genomes means that we can examine the diversity of pathogens, both within and between species, on a scale unmatched within Europe. Our future research will lead to new understanding of infectious disease and its development and spread: using new technologies we can map individual organisms and the development of disease in an individual or among a population with exquisite accuracy. Embracing these technologies, our researchers will complete a staggering 10,000 pathogen sequences by 2011.
We will move rapidly to examining the interactions between pathogen and host – a vital meeting point that influences the genetics of both organisms. Our research in malaria will strengthen understanding of genetics of host-pathogen interactions. Our programmes will help to build capacity among researchers in the UK and in front-line countries facing the challenge of infectious disease. Our research into malaria shares the Global Malaria Action Plan’s morbidity reduction targets for 2010 and 2015.
Our research in pathogens will also build on the MRSA and C. difficile sequences in order to help health authorities make rational and considered plans for dealing with healthcare-associated infections.
Model organisms
Working with our collaborators, we will deliver, over the next few years, resources that will transform research using model organisms.
Mice are used as a model organism.
Cloning of genetically created mice justifies total abuse of life, for the
life is created by man and therefore owned by man. How long before
humans are treated merely as model organisms used as resources?
Oops! Too late…
These remarkable resources notwithstanding, it is our research programmes that hold increasing promise.
Our research in the mouse will give a biological understanding of the genes implicated in cancer found through other programmes, such as the International Cancer Genome Consortium. Using mouse models, we will identify and unlock the networks of genes that drive cancer.
We will develop systems to accelerate stem cell research by allowing better manipulation of cell lines and by enhancing the production of embryonic stem (ES) cells.
The resources will support new research in developmental biology, hearing and cognition.
You might say that mice are the gateway drug to human resource cloning as model organisms. For if we don’t protect that which cannot protect itself, then perhaps we deserve a similar fate.
To view this disturbing mouse resource collection, go here:
The Institute is a leading contributor to the European Conditional Mouse Mutagenesis Program (EUCOMM), the NIH-funded Knockout mouse programmes of KOMP and KOMP2, the International Knockout Mouse Consortium (IKMC), and the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC).
We have generated BACs for various mouse strains that are displayed on the Mouse Resources Portal and Ensembl and are available from Source BioScienceLifeSciences and the BACPAC Resources Center. Mouse ES cells are available from MMRC UC Davis.
Data generated at the Sanger Institute is available from our from the Mouse Genomes Project.
Now, those in their right mind should be very concerned with the potential of this type of power. This is like children getting ahold of God’s constructor set and becoming little creators of hell on Earth. This is not just power, but the absolute power of negative creation, undoing the natural mathematical order of the DNA of all things.
But then, no body seems to be in their right mind when considering this. For man is patenting his creation as he goes, using word magic to be the master of life itself…
(CNN) — Here’s a little-known fact: Under current law, it’s possible to hold a patent on a piece of human DNA, otherwise known as a gene.
Some breast cancers… are linked with the genes BRCA1 and BRCA2.
Companies that have acquired patents for genes have specific rights to their use, which may include diagnostic tests based on those genes, as well as future mutations that are discovered.
In a new lawsuit, the American Civil Liberties Union alleges that the policy is unconstitutional.
The targets of the lawsuit, Myriad Genetics and the University of Utah Research Foundation, hold patents to BRCA1 and BRCA2, the genes responsible for many cases of hereditary breast and ovarian cancers.
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is also named in the suit.
The lawsuit asserts that the patents prevent some people from accessing medical screening for BRCA1 and BRCA2. It also challenges the general patentability of genes, which has been legal since 1980. That year, in Diamond v. Chakrabarty, the Supreme Court found in favor of Ananda Mohan Chakrabarty, who used bacteria to engineer a microbe that dissolves oil. Watch Dr. Gupta explain the lawsuit »
Genes form the basic unit of heredity. With modern technology, researchers have determined that particular genes carry an associated risk of illness.
A striking 20 percent of all human genes have been patented. However, now that all 20,000 to 25,000 human genes have been mapped and sequenced through the Human Genome Project, they are in the public domain, meaning they would no longer be considered “new” for the purposes of patents, said Lee Silver, professor of molecular biology and public policy at Princeton University. Now, patents on human genes must specify a new use, such as a diagnostic test.
If a company wants to patent the purified form of an antibiotic that exists in nature in a fungus, no one challenges that, Silver said. Plant DNA, as well as human DNA, can be synthesized in a laboratory. Distinguishing this case from a patented human gene that is useful in diagnostics would require the ethical argument that the human genome is sacred — and even then, things get murky, considering that about 25 percent of human genes are shared by chimpanzees, he said.”
“Again, it is said that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
So, in reference to this notion of power, what would you consider on a scale of 1-10 the power-base of knowledge in being able to control the entire expression of the human genome within the entire population of Earth – real or synthetic? Would you say that it is a 10 on that scale perhaps if one could wipe out the expression for empathy and religious capacity? How about the expression for logical thinking and reason… would that be a corruption of power? And what about love…?
What about synthetic people, or clones? Who needs the real thing when you can hand deliver the perfect, docile, subservient beast of a patented human?
From its website, the Sanger Institute explains it’s purpose:
What we do
Our research at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute builds understanding of gene function in health and disease as well as creating resources of lasting value to biomedical research.
We study diseases that have an impact on health globally by investigating genomes. Building on our past achievements and based on priorities that exploit the unique expertise of our Faculty of researchers, we will lead global efforts to understand the biology of genomes. We are convinced of the importance of making this research available and accessible for all audiences…
Our research into genetics and disease
Our genomic information has a significant impact on our health. Global health problems including cancer, malaria, diabetes, obesity and infectious disease are partially determined genetically. At the Sanger Institute we are uniquely placed to build on genome sequences and to engage in biomedical research that elucidates the genetic basis of such common diseases as well as rare or neglected diseases.
Why we study genomes
Genomes are the archival instructions upon which an organism is built. The sequence data provided by the Human Genome Project is a rich source of information that drives improved understanding of human health and variation. Studying human sequences, comparing model organism genomes and investigating the effects of pathogens on humans will build knowledge of the diversity of our genomes and how this affects our susceptibility to disease…
From its annual review, we read:
Genomes continue to revolutionise the study of biology. Their contribution to medicine is just kicking off.
In 2011 our sequencing pipeline delivered 200,000,000,000,000 (200 trillion) bases of DNA – more than all the previous years of the Institute combined.
Coupled with the output from our genotyping pipeline, which is using the latest DNA chip technology, our researchers are able to interrogate genomes at a scale and resolution that is many orders of magnitude greater than before. This rich vein of information is enabling our researchers to discover and interpret at ever greater depth the significance of genomic variation within and between species.
Drawing on our vast genomic resources enables us to play a leading role in national and international collaborations. The techniques, databases and software we develop allow us to make vital contributions to research into the spread of infectious disease, the development of cancer, and the epidemiology of malaria, sickle cell disease and metabolic risk factors in Africa.
Our ability to answer new questions is turning received genomic understanding on its head. For example, when the Cancer Genome Project team investigated structural DNA rearrangements in the chromosomes in cancer, they uncovered an entirely new mechanism for cancer development. The team discovered that some people’s cancer genomes bore the scars of a catastrophic event that had driven them a number of steps towards cancer in a single cell cycle. The chromosomes had exploded and incorrect pasting together of the DNA had produced many cancer-driving mutations.
Another convention-busting discovery was made when our researchers sought to complete the genomic picture of the spectrum of Leishmania parasites. Seeking to understand the genomic variations responsible for the differing severity of symptoms caused by the different strains, the team made a surprising discovery. Producing high-quality reference genome sequences showed that the different strains had almost identical genetic codes, but that the strains’ genomes contained different numbers of copies of the chromosomes. This finding suggests that the parasite’s evolutionary development and success is founded on the numbers of particular genes and chromosomes it has – a genetic abnormality that would kill most organisms.
Our Pathogens teams are harnessing our high-throughput sequencing and analysis resources to compare variation between individual bacterial and viral genomes from patients to track and trace precisely the spread of disease. By comparing cholera genomes during the current global pandemic, our researchers have been able to categorically trace its origin back to the Bay of Bengal. Using the same technique, we have mapped the spread of the H1N1 flu virus across the UK during the most recent epidemic and have shown that the disease entered at a number of geographic locations at different times, before the first clinical case was identified.
Our ability to conduct genomic research at high resolution and vast scope enables us to provide the foundations for the global research community to build upon. For example, the fruits of our investment in the 1000 Genomes Project are being harvested by researchers across the globe as they use the data to enhance the resolution of the genome-wide association studies and understand the origins of genetic mutation…
Open source genetic codes for genomes?
Instructional genomic blueprints for cancer offered to the world?
Offering the entire mechanism for the spread of disease on the cellular level to the militaries (governments) of the world?
Sharing the origins of genetic mutation with anyone interested?
20 trillion base DNA sets deconstructed in a single year?
Perhaps my concern is not being completely burned into the readers conscious here, and perhaps that’s because the reader may not be reading this from the point of view of a racially driven, psychopathic purist de-populationist! Get it? The “Sanger” institute? In honor of dear old Margaret? This should make even the roots of your own DNA shake violently with fear and loathing. Satan, if you believe in that sort of thing, could not ask for a better tool as the defined “adversary of man,” with this toolset being the epitome of the model chemistry set to de-construct nature and reform it in man’s own image. This new world order of DNA and genomic expression belongs in no mans hands, for no man is immune from the ultimate disease of unrestrained power. There are no true ethics in the modern notion of what is “science,” because the institution of science today specifically disregards nature’s (God’s) design in order to exploit and alter the intent of that self-evident design. It studies nature only in order to change or destroy it. The diseases it is claiming to be able to treat and cure on the genetic level were of course caused by this very same institution of medical and scientific crimes against man and nature in the first place, and so the placing of our faith in such institutions to cure us from its own self-inflicted ills is fool-hearted at best. Cancer was all but non-existant before modern practices of those who profess to be professors, professionals, scientists, and doctors spread it experimentally as vaccine ingredients, rearing its ugly head according to some in history only after modern vaccination was introduced.
And that brings me to my point. We have all been stung by this beast of medical science. Vaccination is designed to apparently replace what nature has already installed within the expressions of the body as the natural immune response to outside influences. One has no allergy to bee stings, for instance, unless one is stung by the bee, which delivers its disease-causing agents through a stinging injection. Spiders penetrate by a stinging bite, as do dogs with rabies. Tetanus and hepatitis thrive many places, but can only enter the body through a stinging penetration of the skin (or through the penetration of intercourse, i.e. the exchange of bodily fluids). The vaccination needle is the simulated, weaponized sexual appendage of the science of modern medicine. We are violated by it, raped by it; we are injected (stung) with substances and DNA that would never otherwise have the capacity to enter our bodies and mix with our substance. We are literally being grafted like fruit trees with the foundational building blocks of the gene expression and DNA of other life forms, including that of our fellow man as with the injection of cloned human diploid cells (including DNA and proteins) from various aborted fetal tissues, human albumin (from blood), rhesus monkey fetal lung cells, continuous (cloned) line of monkey kidney cells, rhesus monkey fetal diploid cells, simian cancer virus-40 (and at least 79 others), vesicle fluid from calf skins, calf serum, bovine serum, bovine fetal serum, U.S. sourced bovine extract, washed sheep red blood cells (RBC’s), chick embryo, chick embryonic fluid, chicken protein, mouse serum proteins, guinea pig embryo cells, shark squalene, gelatin, hydrolized gelatin, processed gelatin, lactose, and others. These are just a few of the ingredients that you have been infected with by stingers called needles.
Vaccination is, in its most simple description, the purposeful infection of the body with foreign particles and substances. Whether those substances are good or bad, beneficial or harmful, therapeutic or deadly does not remove the fact that vaccination is nothing more than purposeful infection with disease. This is not contagion, for a vaccinated person is not necessarily contagious, though some “shedding” of the vaccine does take place after infection (vaccination). The injection of peanut oils and lactose as ingredients in vaccines, for instance, is certainly linked to localized milk and peanut allergies that are not spreadable as contagious infection to others, but are rather local reactions to otherwise harmless foods, if only they were eaten instead of injected past any natural barriers. Thus, we must think outside of the box we are placed into by media education and realize that infection is a neutral word that actually also represents any forcing of so-called “medicine” into the body.
But consider how the body then might react to monkey kidney tissue or cow blood being injected into it, bypassing the natural protective barriers for such agents through the deep, penetrating sting of the inoculation needle. It is well known that even the Rh factor of some human blood types prevents negative and positive bloods from mixing to create life. The mother’s body will literally attack the newly formed embryo of a different blood type (Rh) to kill it as a foreign infection. So imagine how incompatible your body and its blood and fluid is to cow, monkey, pig, sheep, insect, and other animal blood and protein products used in vaccines, which have no other way to enter and infect your body but through the penetrating sting of vaccination.
But let’s not stop there. For other ingredients within vaccines also have no hope of forcibly entering past your body’s defenses without the sting of a nurse or pharmacy technician with a couple of weeks of government sponsered training and indoctrination mixed with a healthy dose of cognitive dissonance. The arrogant advocate for vaccination is always one who’s livelihood depends on delivering it, no differently than those animals and insects that sting or bite in protection of their own livelihood… or to spread parasites. And the propaganda machine of fallacy and quack science fills the heads of those who subject themselves and their own children to such violations of the natural law as vaccines are.
Let’s not forget the heavy metals and other extra ingredients also used in vaccines with thinly veiled reasonings and names such as preservatives and adjuvents. Those include such other foreign particles and poisons (medicines) as formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, thimerosal (mercury-based), polysorbate 80 (Tween-80), ammonium sulfate, formalin, sucrose, sorbitol, benzethonium chloride, glycerin, phenol (a compound obtained by distillation of coal tar), beta-propiolactone, 2-phenoxyethanol, polysorbate 20, yeast, chemically defined yeast-based medium, soy protein, phenol red indicator, phosphate buffered saline, monosodium L-glutamate (MSG), potassium glutamate, potassium chloride, potassium phosphate monobasic, potassium phosphate dibasic, potassium monophosphate, potassium diphosphate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium phosphate dibasic, polydimethylsiloxane (silicone), and even the known cancer causing agent aspartame.
It is therefore likely that in yours, and especially in your child’s lifetime, most or all of these listed vaccine ingredients have been injected into your body, along with the various disease causing microbes, antibiotics (anti-life), and other ingredients not listed here. And your body reacts to every one of these ingredients, either in the short or long term as the manifestation of chronic disease states. I can think of nothing else to call this but sheer insanity. The blanket acceptance of the “science” of vaccination in my mind can only be attributed to two things. Ignorance is certinaly a fine-tuned and well oiled machine within the general population. But can we really blame sheer ignorance? What about custom, routine, greed, profits, and medical advice?
But what if there is another factor at play here? What if there is another unseen force that is driving people to promote and commit to actions like vaccination, eating junk food as their main staple, taking pharmaceutical drugs that will knowingly cause more severe disease than what they will treat, and submitting themselves to the unspeakable atrocities of modern and cosmetic medicine – which is by the way the leading cause by far of death in the world, called “iatrogenic” death, or death by medicine/doctor.
Is it possible that mankind could be driven subconsciously by another infective force more powerful than ignorance, more persuasive than propaganda, and more controlling than hypnosis?
And if this possibility may indeed be the case, would man even know he was infected?
This is the theory I’d like to explore herein…
The Parasite Lives By Control
And Knows No Other Path
I ask you now to become a neutral.
As I postulated in the opening of this thesis, I believe that any reader of this work may have only gotten this far due to their uninfected empathy and therefore unvaccinated desire to learn the answers to questions that cannot seem to be answered by merely considering what is known or by what is normal or natural. And so the question to the answer we seek may very well sit in the world of the unseen, and may therefore be hidden in the unknown. For the purely logical thinker, who needs proof of claim to every aspect of reality, I can only try my best to qualify the facts presented herein, for I cannot show you the unseeable. I have not the tools to make proof, and so I cannot prove the unprovable. And so I ask your forgiveness in this regard, and ask that you clear your mind of what you think you know so that your limiting perceptions of reality don’t get in your own way. Yet at the same time, I wish to invoke in you your use of the logic machine, the Trivium, and to examine what I present here with the goal not of belief or disbelief, but with the desire to prove or disprove – what the scientific method once also was designed to do instead of genetically altering everything so as to create falsely created evidence of a genetically altered reality.
The question I propose to answer here to the best of my rational ability is simply this:
Can the actions and inactions for which most of mankind are exhibiting in acting against its own best interest be attributed to a parasitic infection of his brain and DNA?
First, let’s place on the exhibit table the evidence of these actions of man against his own interest.
1) Geoengineering. It is being taught in universities around the world now. It is highly regulated in the codes and statutes of government, permits are required, and international treaties are law regarding its use in war and in peacetime. It is no longer a theory, but a certified and provable current practice. In other words, it is a provable conspiracy (plan between two or more people) to significantly and purposefully alter the environment, and is a highly protected industry by governments around the world, including the United Nations. If this fact is not readily apparent to the reader, then please see the links below. For those who can see it happening in the sky above them, again I can only assume according to my presented theory here that you are not parasitically restricted from recognition and comprehension of these strange happenings. Geoengeneering though, as defined and taught in the University system, is not merely the alteration of the air and atmosphere. It is the alteration of the land and oceans as well. For more factual information on this, please see my sourced research here:”
2) Species Die Offs. As we sit back and watch with a helpless feeling and a bag of Funyons, we are digitally presented with facts and figures that the surface life on planet Earth, on both the land and in the ocean, is dying. We are shown images and videos of mass schools of dead fish washed up on shores or in harbors, of hundreds of birds falling dead from the sky mid-flight, and of statistical realities of millions of species of plants, animals, and insects becoming extinct. Is it at all strange to think that this may be directly correlated with the actions of man, if as above we can see that the organized actions of man are literally altering the entire biosphere of the planet on a global scale through quite purposeful Geoengineering? Where is the logic, the empathy, and the calvary, for we cannot live without the rest of nature? That is, unless man and nature are being fundamentally altered and with genomic precision reconstituted at the cellular level to survive as hosts within such a dystopia as is apparently being created by what is seemingly, if you will, men who may very well be parasitically infected and controlled at the cellular level. And so the question may no longer be who is causing the problems, but what is infecting the brains of the men who are causing these problems?
3) Natural Healthy Foods Are Being Outlawed. “Codex Alimentarius Austriacus,” is a collection of standards and product descriptions for a wide variety of foods developed In the Austrian-Hungarian Empire between 1897 and 1911 as a voluntary effort between “experts” in the food industry and in universities. Though used in legal proceedings for identity and standards purposes, this collection is not legally enforceable. However, the bastardization of this effort was created into what is today known as the international Codex Alimentarius Commission, part of the Food and Agricultural Organization and the World Health Organization of the United Nations, which is employed as the international food codex, or “law.” This integration as a legal overlord of food took place in Austrian law in 1975. The council was created in 1958 under the joint sponsorship of the International Commission on Agricultural Industries and the International Bureau of Analytical Chemistry. And you wonder why the ingredient list on your cereal box looks like a chemistry experiment? Today, Codex Alimentarius (Latin for “Book of Food”) is a collection of internationally recognized standards, codes of practice, guidelines and other recommendations relating to what is food, production of that food, and what is considered safe as food. Food is one of those things in nature that are, well, pretty damn self-evident. And while it’s probably a good thing to know enough about nature to eat from it without being poisoned, the extent of what is now being labeled as “food” and “food ingredients” defies all possible logic… unless of course the parasitic infection of man is taken into consideration!!! Simply stated, if a parasite were hungry for the nutrient diet it needs to survive, it is logical and provable in nature that the parasite would control the actions of its host in order to cause the man or other host to “infect” itself with “food stuffs” that are in actuality harmful, poisonous, and even fatal to the man but promotive of the parasite. Inversely, it would be a logical conclusion to assume that the parasite would do anything within its power to cause the man to cease to ingest anything that might harm the parasite that would otherwise be beneficial to the man, especially those food stuffs that would kill or prevent the growth and viability of parasites. Therefore, the reasonable conclusion to be made if indeed mankind is suffering from an ancient, highly advanced, parasitic intelligence that controls man’s will would be to assume that those men who organize to write laws, alter the environment, and promote or ban certain food stuffs and ingredients would be the ones being controlled by said parasites so as to act against the best interests of man and nature while at the same time promoting the best interests of the parasite. The host only lives to serve the parasite, as far as the parasite is concerned. This is evident all throughout nature, which we will explore the evidence of in depth later in this essay. And so the answer to one of the many questions the reader may be seeking as to ascertain what the hell is happening in the world may rely on the readers ability to contemplate this theory. Why are foods being re-engineered and genetically altered? Why are they being changed in a way that provably causes such harm to man and nature while men in high authority positions pass laws to protect these genetic alterations? If these men are indeed parasitically controlled, then the answer to these questions is quite clear. And this even answers what seemed before to be the great unanswerable preponderance of all who are asking such questions… Why are they knowingly causing harm to their own environment? Don’t they have to live here too? What about their children’s future? Here again the only truly logical answer is parasitic infection. Some may call them psychopaths. But what if they simply have no capability to act in anyone’s best interest but their own, which is now only in the best interest of the parasite controlling their actions? To give a few examples of this subversion of foods that might harm the parasite, we can think back to the half century mark when propaganda was just starting to take flight. Butter, animal fats, and other staples of diets around the world were suddenly being demonized. Soon, synthetic food products like margarine, American cheese, and shortening were being advertised as replacements for fats. What the reader might not know is that cholesterol, that is to say what was demonized as “bad cholesterol,” is listed in many government sponsored research studies as being the essential ingredient in expelling pathogens from the body. No cholesterol means that disease may flourish. Other examples are Cannabis Sativa, which has properties shown to prevent and destroy diseases like cancer. We are currently experiencing the total genetic alteration of this miracle plant by companies like Monsanto seeking to genetically alter it so as to patent and control its use. The therapeutic uses, therefore, are being bred out of the plant and who knows what is being bred into it. Both marijuana and cholesterol are proven to prevent the spread of prion disease, but only in their natural form. Genetically altered stains will be useless for medical purposes, just as margarine is. Though countless examples persist, where the alteration or banning of foods, spices, seeds, and plants that are extremely healthy and more importantly can cure disease, are outrightly being replaced with synthetics, most of us in our right mind cannot even come close to creating a good reason why this is taking place against humanities best interests. And yet, here again, parasitic infection of the minds of those participating in this “food science” is in fact the only plausible answer. Not greed, not profits, and not ignorance. It seems no other plausible reason exists!
4. Unprecedented Technological Advancement. In 1946, ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was unveiled as the supposed first true all-purpose electronic computer. Weighing in at 30 tons, the size of two semis, and consisting of 19,000 vacuum tubes, 6,000 switches, and requiring many human attendants to answer to incredible amounts of blinking lights. It had the capability in unheard of marvel to add 5,000 numbers in a single second! And it could predict through this powerful computation the trajectory of an artillery shell before it landed. Naturally it was government (military) funded! Just 20 years later, “the hand-held pocket calculator was invented at Texas Instruments, Incorporated (TI) in 1966, following their invention of the first integrated circuit in 1958, subsequently patented in 1964. In 1974, the miniature electronic calculator came into being along with the Texas Instruments’ patent for personal-sized, battery-operated calculators using a single integrated semiconductor circuit array or “one-chip” calculators. 12 years later, in 1986, calculators still represented an estimated 41% of the world’s general-purpose hardware capacity to compute information. Flashing forward only 21 years to 2007, calculators had reportedly been replaced by personal computers to the point that calculator use diminished to less than 0.05% use by 2007. And here we are today, with the 30 ounce computer replacing the 30 ton ENIAC in less than 70 years. Let’s compare that to the invention of the light bulb. In 1801, British inventor Humphry Davy invented an incandescent light bulb, and later created the “arc lamp” in 1809. Though many similar inventions were created over the years, it was not until 1880 (79 years later) that Joseph Wilson Swan became the first man with a house lit by a lightbulb at the same time Edison was plagiarizing his own patents for profit of what should be free energy. 78 years… And yet in today’s high tech world we are seeing technology double every few months or years. Many theories have been attributed to this impossible race of technological breakthroughs, including the reverse engineering of alien technology and even aliens themselves doing the work. But what if the aliens were merely parasites? What if the question is not which man is inventing things today so rapidly in succession, but instead we should be asking how is such sudden knowledge possible? Is it ancient knowledge? Is it parasitic infection that is driving the intent of men to create nuclear bombs, biological weapons, Geoengineering designs, genomic subversion and mapping, and the host of other inventions that go so far against nature and the self-interest of mankind that no other explanation makes any logical sense? In one year, 200 trillion bases of DNA catalogued… which was more than all previous years put together. Does that seem reasonable to you? Does anything our leaders and organizations or corporations are doing today seem reasonable or logical to you? Have you ever talked to anyone who is capable of inventing such super-advanced technology, or just the people who put the parts together and operate the machinery? Do they really know how it works? Could they re-create the technology that machines are programed to produce and manufacture today, or are they just worker bees for the parasite hive-mind? And let’s not forget to mention the strange advent of transhumanism, i.e. the genetic alteration of humans to interface with machines or synthetic biologic technologies.
–Clint Richardson (
–Wednesday, February 4rth, 2015
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- io games unblocked bei Deep Underground Military Bases and Americas 14,000 mph secret transit system
- Rita Geiger bei Remote Neural Monitoring : A Technology Used For Controlling the Human Brain
- unblocked games bei Deep Underground Military Bases and Americas 14,000 mph secret transit system
- Wilbert Anivitti bei Contact
- Felicity Sauncho bei Contact
- Alisa Zoll bei Contact
- Epstein–Barr virus turns 60… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Inside the CIA's cancer weaponry program 2013
- Vishnu Orion bei Report # 101: "Max, a White Hat Insider" On ELF Signals in South Africa, Neural Influence Tech
- Cheryle Lefebvre bei Contact
- TIKTOK BUNDESFASCHOZENSUR DER WAHRHEIT MIT VERLEUMDUNGEN UND LÜGE ALS ZENSURGRUND #2 | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Magnetic Localization for In-body Nano-communication Medical Systems
- TIKTOK BUNDESFASCHOZENSUR DER WAHRHEIT MIT VERLEUMDUNGEN UND LÜGE ALS ZENSURGRUND | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Magnetic Localization for In-body Nano-communication Medical Systems
- Military and Intelligence Expert: Who is behind the 5th Gen Warfare with Dr. Kirshnan | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Energy Weapons: Prominent People Being Targeted
- Nano-Particle Contamination – Mark Steele | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei MILITARY-GRADE NANOTECHNOLOGY ~ USED IN EFFORTS TO SILENCE INFORMANT
- Nano-Particle Contamination – Mark Steele | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Notes from Dystopia, Transhumanist Manifesto from Hell, Biosensors, WBAN, IEEE 802.15.6, BCI’s, Brain Initiative mechanisms, 5G-7G
- Nano-Particle Contamination – Mark Steele | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Morgellons is a military-grade entomological terror weapon…/Morgellons ist eine entomologische Terrorwaffe in Militärqualität..
- Nano-Particle Contamination – Mark Steele | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Nano Domestic Quell from the DoD-Morgellon-Criminals – additional Information + revisited.
- Putins Geheim-Einheit »29155«: Attacken auf Agenten und Diplomaten | SPIEGEL TV | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Elektronische Folter – wie wird das gemacht?
- Rita Geiger bei Gang Stalking and Remote Neural Monitoring of Local Officials aka Traitors of Humanity
- camiseta tottenham bei New Brain Technology Reveals Past Thoughts And Memories
- Advanced Materials To Enable Wireless Brain-Machine Interface (we did not consent, it is still a violation of cosmic law, because of clandestine criminal infusion) | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Magnetism Plays Key Roles in DARPA Research to Develop Brain-Machine Interface without Surgery
- Advanced Materials To Enable Wireless Brain-Machine Interface (we did not consent, it is still a violation of cosmic law, because of clandestine criminal infusion) | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Notes from Dystopia, Transhumanist Manifesto from Hell, Biosensors, WBAN, IEEE 802.15.6, BCI’s, Brain Initiative mechanisms, 5G-7G
- Advanced Materials To Enable Wireless Brain-Machine Interface (we did not consent, it is still a violation of cosmic law, because of clandestine criminal infusion) | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Xenobot SynBio SHOCK!
- Advanced Materials To Enable Wireless Brain-Machine Interface (we did not consent, it is still a violation of cosmic law, because of clandestine criminal infusion) | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Sp00K¥ Wallace porch chat – WBAN DARPA Biotech from Chemtrails…
- Advanced Materials To Enable Wireless Brain-Machine Interface (we did not consent, it is still a violation of cosmic law, because of clandestine criminal infusion) | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The Pentagon Bio-weapons
- Advanced Materials To Enable Wireless Brain-Machine Interface (we did not consent, it is still violation of cosmic law, because of clandestine criminal infusion) | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The Pentagon Bio-weapons
- Advanced Materials To Enable Wireless Brain-Machine Interface (we did not consent, it is still violation of cosmic law, because of clandestine criminal infusion) | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei DARPA's History of Research into Mind Control…
- ហ្គេមអនឡាញស្លុតនៅកម្ពុជា bei Deep Underground Military Bases and Americas 14,000 mph secret transit system
- Sp00K¥ Wallace porch chat – WBAN DARPA Biotech from Chemtrails… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Block, shock, shunt and shield – Sabrina – Anti-DOD – Metamaterial-Defense
- Sp00K¥ Wallace porch chat – WBAN DARPA Biotech from Chemtrails… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei WBAN, Global Information Grid & Biosensor architecture: hiding a human body part successfully
- Sp00K¥ Wallace porch chat – WBAN DARPA Biotech from Chemtrails… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei WBAN Part2 – Cisco control plane for E.B.Es – Engineered Biological Entities –
- Sp00K¥ Wallace porch chat – WBAN DARPA Biotech from Chemtrails… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Eletrically login into your DNA and making changes to Your Genome – DOD AI Project Salus
- Sp00K¥ Wallace porch chat – WBAN DARPA Biotech from Chemtrails… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Human Computation and Heart Problems (WBAN and the Left Hook Chest Chainer?)
- Sp00K¥ Wallace porch chat – WBAN DARPA Biotech from Chemtrails… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Internet of bio-nano things (IoBNT) (NIH.GOV) => NWO Crime Inc.
- Sp00K¥ Wallace porch chat – WBAN DARPA Biotech from Chemtrails… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Sabrina D. Wallace – cmts network architecture (Illicit criminal health monitoring and remote torturing and dna-rna and biotech skin intrusion and skin mutation)
- Interdimensional Synthetic Telepathy Report (Synthtel) – 31.3.2024 | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Interdimensional Synthetic Telepathy Report (Synthtel) – 20,19,18,17,16.12.2023
- Interdimensional Synthetic Telepathy Report (Synthtel) – 31.3.2024 | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Interdimensional Synthetic Telepathy Report (Synthtel) – 28.12.2023
- Interdimensional Synthetic Telepathy Report (Synthtel) – 31.3.2024 | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Summary Tiktok – 2 – 2024 + synthtel report
- Interdimensional Synthetic Telepathy Report (Synthtel) – 31.3.2024 | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Interdimensional Synthetic Telepathy Report (Synthtel) – 19.1.2024
- Grey Goo and the Rigel Case Scenario…. | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei University Deletes Bizarre Press Release of Alien Insects Living on Mars
- Grey Goo and the Rigel Case Scenario…. | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Meier Predictions come True
- Grey Goo and the Rigel Case Scenario…. | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The Short Life of EBE1 (Zeta Reticuli Small Grey – Serpo)
- Russisches Gesetz gegen Elektronische und Skalare Kriegsführung (Psychotronik) gegen die Zivilbevölkerung. | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Elektronische Folter – wie wird das gemacht?
- Brother Nathanael sets the Record Straight… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Brother Nathanael – Real Talk – Zionazi-Infiltration of Executives around the Globe
- Elektronische Folter – wie wird das gemacht? | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Deutschland ist ein elektronischer Polizeistaat…
- Der Gott – ohne Allmacht – der die Morgellongenwaffentäter noch nicht bestraft hat… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Iesus • König der Germanen / Annunnaki Connection
- WBAN Part2 – Cisco control plane for E.B.Es – Engineered Biological Entities – | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei WBAN, Global Information Grid & Biosensor architecture: hiding a human body part successfully
- Darlene Knowles bei Contact
- bei Deep Underground Military Bases and Americas 14,000 mph secret transit system
- SPAMMER bei Deep Underground Military Bases and Americas 14,000 mph secret transit system
- AdminVI2021 bei Homo capensis-The Hybrid Ruling Elite That Enslave Mankind
- Internet of Bodies (IoB) – Criminally coerced forced invasion through Chemtrails for 20+ years | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The Rand Corporation: The Think Tank That Controls America
- Tony bei Homo capensis-The Hybrid Ruling Elite That Enslave Mankind
- Tony bei Superhumans, Consciousness and ET Contact: An Interview with Caroline Cory
- Tony bei Targeted Individual Kathleen Watterson Discusses Her Electronic Harassment Court Case Win
- Windows Ghost is also hidden in Windows 11 Design…. | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The Biggest Bug that nobody laments. Windows 10 Design Terror Ghost / Der größte Fehler, den niemand beklagt: Windows 10 Design-Terror-Geist
- Megan Atkinson bei Contact
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Vladimir Terziski / NWO / Antarctica, Nazis And The Grays
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Deep Underground Military Bases and Americas 14,000 mph secret transit system
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei William Cooper – UFO cover-up Full Length
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The Underground War ,Happening Now..
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The New World Order Agenda is the Alien Agenda
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Blue Planet Project – Alien Technical Research
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Alien-Agenda-VI-the-worm-has-turned
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei NWO/Strauss & The Deep State Gets its Blueprints From Chicago Communists & Americas Alien Invasion
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Project Mannequin, Age Regression, NWO, Part 2 The Return of the Watchers, 2008
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Project Looking Glass, SSP & Johan Fritz w Xan John November 27th 2020
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Corbomite (Element140) & Moscovium (Element 115)
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Steven D Kelley, former CIA/ NSA contractor talks…
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei DUMBs: Die Klon-Basen der Kabale – Doppelgänger auf Bestellung
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei 34 Years in a Deep Underground Military Base at Diego Garcia
- Dulce Base | Mystery Beneath the Mesa | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The 4th Reich, Dulce and the Moon Soul Catching Machine, Anu, Timeloop- Max Spiers
- U.S. bioweapon lab … source of lyme disease: expert | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The US government has admitted that Lyme disease is actually a bioweapon that was designed by the military
- Patrick Birk bei Contact
- Transhumanism and genetic super soldiers | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei DARPA is funding Nanoparticles that permeate Brain to read Neural Signals
- An den Zentralrat der Juden: Wann kriege ich mein Schmerzensgeld? | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei "The Nazis Were Sabbatean-Frankist (Crypto-)Jews"
- GERAL SOSBEE bei Twitter users run into service issues after Elon Musk imposes daily limits on reading tweets
- AdminVI2021 bei Fake-Bioscan: "Teste deinen Bioscan oder Robert Franz "Spiel mit deiner Gesundheit" Skalarwellengeräte prüfen"
- AdminVI2021 bei Fake-Bioscan: "Teste deinen Bioscan oder Robert Franz "Spiel mit deiner Gesundheit" Skalarwellengeräte prüfen"
- The nanomafia: nanotechnology’s global network of organized crime | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The nanomafia: nanotechnology’s global network of organized crime
- AdminVI2021 bei Bioprinting personalized tissues and organs within the body: A breakthrough in regenerative medicine…
- Max Spiers keskustelee Danuta Anna Sharman kanssa – 09.08.2015 | bei Max Spiers in conversation with Danuta Anna Sharma 09.08.2015
- Silvia Betas bei Fake-Bioscan: "Teste deinen Bioscan oder Robert Franz "Spiel mit deiner Gesundheit" Skalarwellengeräte prüfen"
- Zwei deutsche Freiheitskämpfer tot. Bin ich der nächste? | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Deutschland ist ein elektronischer Polizeistaat…
- AdminVI2021 bei Strahlenfolter: Mittlerweile bin ich im Krankenhaus (mein Blog:
- Escape from Communist Romania, Portals to Inner Earth, Bucegi Hall of Records & ET Contact | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Time Spirit Extra vom 02.12.2015 (Geheimnis der Bucegi-Berge)
- Escape from Communist Romania, Portals to Inner Earth, Bucegi Hall of Records & ET Contact | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Anunnaki Alien Untergrundbasen in Bucegi Altar entdeckt
- Escape from Communist Romania, Portals to Inner Earth, Bucegi Hall of Records & ET Contact | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei The CIA Warns Archaeologists That Found Giant Skeletons – “You Are Playing A Very Dangerous Game”
- Ancient Draco Reptilian vs Negumak Insectoid Conflict – Earth Joining the Galactic Federation | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Alien Races KGB book
- AdminVI2021 bei Mind Control, Predatory AI, Archons, Implants, Alien Implants, Nephilim Grids, Negative Alien Agenda, Suppressor Parasite Entity.
- AdminVI2021 bei Mind Control, Predatory AI, Archons, Implants, Alien Implants, Nephilim Grids, Negative Alien Agenda, Suppressor Parasite Entity.
- AdminVI2021 bei Mind Control, Predatory AI, Archons, Implants, Alien Implants, Nephilim Grids, Negative Alien Agenda, Suppressor Parasite Entity.
- Müde nach Corona – Spike-Protein-Nachweis im Plasma und in Immunzellen – Befundpräsentation! | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Durchgesickertes DARPA-Dokument, DRASTIC-Analyse bestätigt Angriff auf die Menschheit mit aerosolisierten, in die Haut eindringenden Nanopartikel-Spike-Proteinen.
- Müde nach Corona – Spike-Protein-Nachweis im Plasma und in Immunzellen – Befundpräsentation! | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei Studie: Schädliche Impf-Spikes verbleiben Monate im Körper
- Deutschland ist ein elektronischer Polizeistaat… | ConspiracyRevelation.Com bei How social networks became a ´subsidiary´ of the FBI and CIA
- AdminVI2021 bei Mind Control, Predatory AI, Archons, Implants, Alien Implants, Nephilim Grids, Negative Alien Agenda, Suppressor Parasite Entity.
- Rebecca bei Mind Control, Predatory AI, Archons, Implants, Alien Implants, Nephilim Grids, Negative Alien Agenda, Suppressor Parasite Entity.
- Monika Hirt bei Sektenentmachtung/Cult Disempowerment
- AdminVI2021 bei Erster Corona-kritischer Arzt festgenommen und in Psychiatrie eingeliefert!
- AdminVI2021 bei Elon Musk is worried he was Vaccine-Injured!
- AdminVI2021 bei Eburd grantelt und vernichtet die Wissenschaft und erklärt woher wir Menschen wirklich kommen.
- AdminVI2021 bei 1,6 Milliarden Einwegmasken sind im Jahr 2020 in unsere Ozeane gelangt
- AdminVI2021 bei Crematoriums Overburdened, Million Deaths Forecast: China’s Covid Woes Ring Alarm Bells Globally
- AdminVI2021 bei Contact
- AdminVI2021 bei Contact
- AdminVI2021 bei Contact
- Test bei FBI and NSA outsource soft kill murder of targeted individuals and watchlisted individuals to private security firms
- Tim XY bei The Official Warning of Armageddon has been announced – Shunyamurti Teaching
- Tim XY bei All(e) CKats
- Tim XY bei Contact
- Tim XY bei COVID-19 Day by Day Symptoms Timeline: My First Seven Days of Coronavirus Symptoms
- Tim XY bei COVID-19 Day by Day Symptoms Timeline: My First Seven Days of Coronavirus Symptoms
- Tim XY bei Crematoriums Overburdened, Million Deaths Forecast: China’s Covid Woes Ring Alarm Bells Globally
- Tim XY bei Erster Corona-kritischer Arzt festgenommen und in Psychiatrie eingeliefert!
- Tim XY bei US Troops Find Mahabharata Vimana,Disappear
- Tim XY bei 1,6 Milliarden Einwegmasken sind im Jahr 2020 in unsere Ozeane gelangt
- Tim XY bei Ein großer Freimaurer gibt zu: “Die ‘Geimpften’ werden innerhalb der nächsten drei bis zehn Jahre sterben.” (NEIN ZUM IMPFSTOFF)
- Tim XY bei Elon Musk is worried he was Vaccine-Injured!
- Tim XY bei Eburd grantelt und vernichtet die Wissenschaft und erklärt woher wir Menschen wirklich kommen.
- Olav P. bei Mk Ultra Q
- martin lacey bei Targeted Individuals program exposed by whistleblower Bryan Kofron (mirrored)
- Biba bei He’s EXPOSING the most suppressed UFO and Alien evidence of all time | Redacted Conversation
- AdminVI2021 bei The Role of the Grey Species #reptilianhunter #reptilian #greyalien
- Who Cares bei Interview mit Whistleblower Alexander Laurent Teil 1,2,3,4
- Who Cares bei The Role of the Grey Species #reptilianhunter #reptilian #greyalien
- Gisela bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- AdminVI2021 bei How-the-CIA-made-Google-Why Google made the NSA-The shadow network-Pentagon-DoD
- AdminVI2021 bei Merkels Jugend in Rothschilds Kaderschmiede Tavistock Institut
- David bei Merkels Jugend in Rothschilds Kaderschmiede Tavistock Institut
- soldier bei How-the-CIA-made-Google-Why Google made the NSA-The shadow network-Pentagon-DoD
- Ursula Klappert bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- AdminVI2021 bei Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust 2014 Revisited 2020
- AdminVI2021 bei Russland ist ein sterbendes Imperium…
- Heiri Kugler bei Russland ist ein sterbendes Imperium…
- Jerome F. Jenny bei Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust 2014 Revisited 2020
- AdminVI2021 bei Virtual 90.10. MedBed Quantum Technology
- Ellen Calsbeek bei Virtual 90.10. MedBed Quantum Technology
- AdminVI2021 bei FESIG Randy Cramer and Ileana Star Traveler Interview Holographic Medical Pods & SSP
- Alisha Kopleck bei FESIG Randy Cramer and Ileana Star Traveler Interview Holographic Medical Pods & SSP
- Stung bei The Secret Allies of Targeted Individuals
- Tenzing Kägi bei Ein großer Freimaurer gibt zu: “Die ‘Geimpften’ werden innerhalb der nächsten drei bis zehn Jahre sterben.” (NEIN ZUM IMPFSTOFF)
- Aki Thunderpaw bei We don´t forget your silent weapons for quiet wars..2 days Chemtrail assault…
- Ania Mueller bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- AdminVI2021 bei Judas Watch: Documenting anti-White traitors, subversives, and highlighting Jewish influence.
- John Ross bei Judas Watch: Documenting anti-White traitors, subversives, and highlighting Jewish influence.
- Confirmation par expert d'occultisme et exemples de signes occultes - Hidden Luciferians bei Bertrand Russell the mediocre Fabian Society atheist NWO-Puppet Philosopher…
- kathy washington bei Virtual 90.10. MedBed Quantum Technology
- AdminVI2021 bei Targeted2Free Keri Burnor Interviews her Uncle Kevin Burnor 7 August 2018
- MIRIAM SNYDER bei Targeted2Free Keri Burnor Interviews her Uncle Kevin Burnor 7 August 2018
- Annie bei Mind Control, Predatory AI, Archons, Implants, Alien Implants, Nephilim Grids, Negative Alien Agenda, Suppressor Parasite Entity.
- Karlheinz Venhoff bei The Secret Allies of Targeted Individuals
- Uwe bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- AdminVI2021 bei Reitschuster ist falsch-kontrollierte Opposition oder gehört zu den Bösen, sie auto-zensieren mich auf Telegram.
- G. Lasse Klaar bei Reitschuster ist falsch-kontrollierte Opposition oder gehört zu den Bösen, sie auto-zensieren mich auf Telegram.
- AdminVI2021 bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- AdminVI2021 bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Waltraud jakupovic bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- AdminVI2021 bei Strahlenfolter: Mittlerweile bin ich im Krankenhaus (mein Blog:
- Kamil Grech bei Strahlenfolter: Mittlerweile bin ich im Krankenhaus (mein Blog:
- Karlheinz Venhoff bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- AdminVI2021 bei Contact
- AdminVI2021 bei Vid-Links
- Meny bei Vid-Links
- Joseph Cronin bei Targeted Individual Reward Fund $1,009,100
- stung bei The Secret Allies of Targeted Individuals
- Virginia Peffekoven bei Interview mit Whistleblower Alexander Laurent Teil 1,2,3,4
- fishvdcfw475 bei Psychiatry – Techno Crime Fighters Forum 8 (Stop 007)
- AdminVI2021 bei CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS on NANO DOMESTIC QUELL Kill Switch Program RELEASED by Dr Bill H. Weld
- Melanie Taylor bei CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS on NANO DOMESTIC QUELL Kill Switch Program RELEASED by Dr Bill H. Weld
- Vaibhav bei Surviving Electronic Harassment, v2K, Gangstalking Ex Military Engineer Powerful Testimony
- пузырьковый фонтан bei "The Nazis Were Sabbatean-Frankist (Crypto-)Jews"
- Kurt Handlhofer bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Zimmermann bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- AdminVI2021 bei UPSA: Public Order 2020-12-11.2 Closing The Rockefeller Foundation
- ZqzarttaPync bei Russland nutzt "Freie Energie" …. rausrücken tun sie diese aber nicht…
- nonense pete bei UPSA: Public Order 2020-12-11.2 Closing The Rockefeller Foundation
- AdminVI2021 bei Contact
- Mel (SCAMMER TACTIC BUSTED 6.3.2021) bei Contact
- пузырьковые панели в интерьере bei A.I., BLACK GOO, ARCHONS, & NASA’s DEEP DARK SECRET
- Kallweit Gisela bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- wolfgang. bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- AdminVI2021 bei Cybercrime auf erschreckendem Niveau
- Re-Link zum Rekord-Topic (2020/7): Med-Bett – bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT – bei Holographic Medical Pods (Med Beds)
- Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT – bei Med Beds and Future Healing Through Alien Technologies
- A WordPress Commenter bei Hello world!
- Admin2020VI bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- D. Hadasch bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- SANDRA bei Johan Fritz: Structure of the SSP, Corporations, Psychology, Mind Programming, Genetics, Experiments
- Admin2020VI bei Cybercrime auf erschreckendem Niveau
- Ben Ting bei Cybercrime auf erschreckendem Niveau
- Susi bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Elke bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- plum bei Germany: Several arrested at unregistered Berlin rally against coronavirus restrictions
- _ADMIN_ bei Morgellons and EMP
- jim bei Morgellons and EMP
- _ADMIN_ bei Russischer Oberst über Corona – Vorboten des 4. Weltkrieges – Kopie Impfkritisch
- Inge Trauth bei Russischer Oberst über Corona – Vorboten des 4. Weltkrieges – Kopie Impfkritisch
- _ADMIN_ bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Franz Sternbald bei Contact
- Fr.Karaca, Ayten bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- _ADMIN_ bei The global targeted individual movement has begun: August 29 worldwide rally
- Gisela bei The global targeted individual movement has begun: August 29 worldwide rally
- Gerald bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Margarete Fayfer bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Christel Singer bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- _ADMIN_ bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Franz Hochberger bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- HK bei Fake-Bioscan: "Teste deinen Bioscan oder Robert Franz "Spiel mit deiner Gesundheit" Skalarwellengeräte prüfen"
- HK bei Fake-Bioscan: "Teste deinen Bioscan oder Robert Franz "Spiel mit deiner Gesundheit" Skalarwellengeräte prüfen"
- Franzi Pi bei Ist Liebe eine Art Firewall gegen Strahlenterror …
- Franzi Pi bei Ist Liebe eine Art Firewall gegen Strahlenterror …
- Evi Reinhardt bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- _ADMIN_ bei Nanobots und Bewusstseinskontrolle: Neuronale Steuerung und Nervenschädigung
- Ungläubiger bei Nanobots und Bewusstseinskontrolle: Neuronale Steuerung und Nervenschädigung
- Ralf Freese bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Klaus Tiegs bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- S. Schneider bei Med Beds and Future Healing Through Alien Technologies
- Klaus Tiegs bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Anna bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- FU bei US-Behörde (NIH) bestätigt: 5G-Strahlung kann Corona-Erkrankungen verursachen!
- _ADMIN_ bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Anna bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- _ADMIN_ bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Anna bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- _ADMIN_ bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Anna-Sigrid bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Julia Raphaela bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- _ADMIN_ bei BRiD seit 1. Mai 2020 nicht mehr existent…
- Kälber Luise bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Franz Rathmann bei BRiD seit 1. Mai 2020 nicht mehr existent…
- _ADMIN_ bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- R. Freese bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Miha bei Super Soldier Talk – Penny Bradley – SSP Dark Fleet Pilot
- Christine Pfau bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- _ADMIN_ bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Christine Pfau bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Silvia Heydemann bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- I.Maria Langer bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Heide Brose bei REKORDBESUCHERTAG HIER IM ARCHIV 3.7.2020..Server ist 3 mal kurz eingeknickt.
- _ADMIN_ bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Emma O bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- _ADMIN_ bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- _ADMIN_ bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Stefan Vinzberg bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Romy Hochberger bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- ingrid sator bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Luise Kälber bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Kerstin Hummer bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- _ADMIN_ bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Alex bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Sylvia Sturm bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Astrid bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- _ADMIN_ bei Nanobots/Chemtrails
- Andrea Wagner bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Burkhard Augustin bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Wolf bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Susann Frischmuth bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Christiane bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Martina Stolzenbach bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Sisu bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Marika Scholz bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Freese bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- I.Maria Langer bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Harald Bernd bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Diethild Medina bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- _ADMIN_ bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Renate Zwicker bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- Gitta Kießling bei Heil-Technologien – Unsere Gesundheits-Zukunft kommt bald mit dem MED-BETT
- property hunter bei The Archons are here. Grey-Hybrids and the Nuclear Chemtrails.
- X bei Surviving Electronic Harassment, v2K, Gangstalking Ex Military Engineer Powerful Testimony
- Franz Sternbald bei Contact
- Hanna bei Äußerst brutale Festnahme von Youtuberin Lisa Licentia in Köln. 16.05.2020
- Maria bei Polizei nimmt Mutter den Sohn weg wegen "Social Distancing" / Police takes mother away from son for “social distancing”
- _ADMIN_ bei Contact
- Linda Williams bei Contact
- HL bei Polizei nimmt Mutter den Sohn weg wegen "Social Distancing" / Police takes mother away from son for “social distancing”
- Martina bei Robert F. Kennedy Jr. findet klare Worte zu Bill Gates
- Ferdinand Fleischli bei Robert F. Kennedy Jr. findet klare Worte zu Bill Gates
- _ADMIN_ bei Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust 2014 Revisited 2020
- _ADMIN_ bei PLAN der Neuer Weltordnung ist veröffentlicht
- Claudia bei PLAN der Neuer Weltordnung ist veröffentlicht
- mofoso fistos bei Stop snitching on your neighbors…unless you want a police state
- j. bei Contact
- _ADMIN_ bei Contact
- j bei Contact
- _ADMIN_ bei Contact
- j bei Contact
- j. bei Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust 2014 Revisited 2020
- j. bei Contact
- j. bei Contact
- j. bei Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust 2014 Revisited 2020
- j bei Contact
- _ADMIN_ bei Contact
- j. bei Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust 2014 Revisited 2020
- j. bei Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust 2014 Revisited 2020
- j. bei Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust 2014 Revisited 2020
- j. bei Contact
- _ADMIN_ bei Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust 2014 Revisited 2020
- j. bei Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust 2014 Revisited 2020
- _ADMIN_ bei Contact
- j. bei Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust 2014 Revisited 2020
- j. bei Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust 2014 Revisited 2020
- j. bei Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust 2014 Revisited 2020
- j. bei Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust 2014 Revisited 2020
- j. bei Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust 2014 Revisited 2020
- j. bei Contact
- _ADMIN_ bei Contact
- _ADMIN_ bei Warum Bill Gates NICHT 7 Milliarden Menschen impfen wird.
- U .Ernst bei Warum Bill Gates NICHT 7 Milliarden Menschen impfen wird.
- j. bei Contact
- james sidaway bei Secret Societies and their Computer Brain Interface…
- Matthias bei Erster Corona-kritischer Arzt festgenommen und in Psychiatrie eingeliefert!
- Undine Eugen bei Robert F. Kennedy Jr. findet klare Worte zu Bill Gates
- _ADMIN_ bei Dr. Charles Lieber – inventor of CORONA virus arrested / Erfinder des CORONA Virus verhaftet
- Saa bei Dr. Charles Lieber – inventor of CORONA virus arrested / Erfinder des CORONA Virus verhaftet
- svetlana randle bei Morgellons and EMP
- Dana mikesova bei US Government Accidentally Releases Electromagnetic Mind Control Documents In FOIA Request
- _ADMIN_ bei Dokument BEWEIST! Coronavirus war geplant! – Prof. Dr. Walter Veith & Ernst Wolff
- Das Coronavirus bei Dokument BEWEIST! Coronavirus war geplant! – Prof. Dr. Walter Veith & Ernst Wolff
- Hilde Jutta bei HOW COVID-19 KILLS–I'm a Surgeon–And Why We Can't Save You
- _ADMIN_ bei Richard Lighthouse – Targeted Justice Update (Stop 007)
- Olbert bei Richard Lighthouse – Targeted Justice Update (Stop 007)
- Gino bei Die BRD vernichtet tonnenweise Geburtsurkunden, Taufscheine, Familienstammbücher u.s.w.!
- _ADMIN_ bei Italy Under Lockdown As Coronavirus Death Toll Jumps Dramatically | TODAY
- Nicola Beer bei Katherine Horton’s 2019 Plan & NWO Breakdown
- _ADMIN_ bei Tony Pantalleresco: avoid silica (dietary grains) and titanium dioxide (deodorant)
- _ADMIN_ bei Tony Pantalleresco: avoid silica (dietary grains) and titanium dioxide (deodorant)
- _ADMIN_ bei Coronavirus ‘worse than a bomb’ on Italy, says doctor coordinating response
- Christian Anders bei Italy Under Lockdown As Coronavirus Death Toll Jumps Dramatically | TODAY
- Christian Anders bei Coronavirus ‘worse than a bomb’ on Italy, says doctor coordinating response
- Christian Anders bei Coronavirus ‘worse than a bomb’ on Italy, says doctor coordinating response
Actual Stats
- 2
- 639
- 98
- 1.349
- 435
- 15.180
- 50.869
- 122.224
- 123.453
- 427.788
- 460
- 0
- 4.208
- 13
- 491
- 0
- 3
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 19. September 2024
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