„Intel, AMD Reportedly Suspend Chip Shipments To Russia – Report“
„Intel und AMD haben Lieferungen nach Russland ausgesetzt….“
„Semiconductor firms Intel Corporation, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc (AMD) and NVIDIA Corporation have reportedly suspended chip sales to the Russian Federation in the wake of the ongoing crisis in Europe according to a report from the Russian publication RBC. The report quotes two sources in the Russian information technology industry to claim that representatives of Intel and AMD have informed Russian manufacturers that their products are not temporarily being shipped to Russia.
This report follows the United States Department of Commerce’s decision earlier this week to broadly expand the scope of its entity list to add Russia and Russian entities. The Entity List is the Commerce Department’s tool for sanctioning governments and firms that have been deemed as acting contrary to U.S. national security and foreign policy interests.
The publication reports that the two companies have suspended shipments, and it goes on to add that Intel’s office in China has also reached out to companies in the country to inform them to not ship to Russia.“