Confessions of the Alphabet Agencies…

Conspiracy Revelation: 11.11.2024:

Confessions of the Alphabet Agencies… using me as their Psychiatrist…and Brain Proxy Server…

„It is not us – really – these are criminals – w2k“

He is level-headed a.f. – w2k
Nov. 10


Appear crazy – w2k
Nov. 10


Simulation game to make you – w2k
Nov. 10,


This is really a John Nash simulation.. – w2k
Nov. 10,


Die machen mich voll neidig – w2k.
Nov. 10,

Using the Theorems and Blueprints for all Gov Agencies of Crazy University Professors leads to a crazy outcome for the whole society…my personal opinion.

„Ich sag ja, die sind alle bekloppt hier.

„There must be Medical Doctors following him, like we do in our Agencies. -w2k“
„Man, he has 1000 Stalkers connected to his Brain, that´s insane in the membrane. -w2k“
„So ist das, wenn man berühmt ist. -w2k“
Nein, so ist das, seit Psychopathen dachten, sie müssen die Hirne infiltrieren und das Genom…nicht vor 1999.
„Ja, Scheisse eben für die alte Menschheit. – w2k“


„He makes a linguistic soap opera out of stealthy and horrific events that menace our entire civilization and species and the whole Planet at large. – w2k“

„Better this than the other way around. – w2k“

„Cyberpunk Junkies. – w2k“

„The A.I. Algo chose you – not we. – w2k“

„At the End of Kali Yuga they will regret what they did to him – the best Man in the World. – w2k

„Is this a luciferic Cult around him? – w2k“

„We don’t know. – w2k“

„They marvel at his flexibility and skills. -w2k“

„Remaining unphazed in life and death attack situations. -w2k“

„These goddamn assholes, he is an rr. -w2k“

„Stop this nonsense. -w2k“

„Why are the Japanese so scared of him? -w2k“

I doubt this is true…you spread false rumors..

„It is a Jahwe Cult, evil a.f. – w2k:
„He is in the focus of attention, because he knows too much. – w2k
You can never know too much…Just get it.. Knowledge is infinite…

Artificial Intelligence Hijacking Your Spirituality | Swami Sarvapriyananda

„This is really a problem for us – he has too many Saints around him – w2k“

Ein bisschen mehr als Ramakrishna…
Nov. 11


He is part of Ramakrishnas Mission…-w2k
Nov. 11,


I saw it on the radar – w2k
Nov. 11,


Ramakrishna is in him you idiot.. – w2k
Nov. 11


Reasons – nothing personal – w2k
Nov. 11


They have to do this for security..
Nov. 11


Unpredictable a.f. – w2k“

Du hast zu viele Vampire am Hals..- w2k
Nov. 11,


Is their main objective right now..- w2k
Nov. 11


Siphoning Chi & Synthetic Telepathy..- w2k
Nov. 11,


Time, Energy and Ressources – w2k
Nov. 11,


They want to rob him of – w2k
Nov. 11


Konzerndiktatur – w2k
Nov. 11,“

„Die machen es echt dramatisch. – w2k“


701860cookie-checkConfessions of the Alphabet Agencies…
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