TR-3B’s | Wittenberg, Germany / Patent Approved for Anti-Gravity Spacecraft using Mass Reduction & Non-Conventional Propulsion
Conspiracy Revelation: 2.2.2020: PRÄGT ES INS HIRN EIN TR3B MARSFLÜGE / MONDFLÜGE seit Jahrzehnten und ihr laßt euch nicht mehr von einem verblödeten Lesch ins Boxhorn jagen.
“Die künstliche Erzeugung von Gravitationswellen in der Nähe des Gefährtes, kann zur Reduktion von Energiemassen führen… “
“Project Unity: 994 Abonnenten: Like a spark off of a grind-wheel.
TR-3B / Aurora / Mantis / Locust / Black Triangle.
USAF-CIA-NSA-NRO Advanced Aerospace Platform using non-conventional field-induced propulsion
US Navy UFO Patents
“Neiko Berry: vor 3 Wochen: This is real. Nuff said. I saw this exact same object and it dipped out exactly like that.. Queens, NY”
“J: vor 1 Monat: 2013 footage.”
“Brandon Vessell: vor 1 Monat: That orb there is a supervisor.
Brandon Vessell: vor 4 Wochen: The ones I see quite often are orange and follow directly above me. Usually they come out around 2:30am. Grateful to see them regularly. I´m always happy to see them.
Project Unity: vor 4 Wochen (bearbeitet): @Brandon Vessell I also have seen orange orbs, most of the time they are in V or triangle formations of 10 to 20 orbs but I have had one close encounter in which 3 orbs came down from the sky and hovered above my house before moving around abit and floating back up and away… I wish I knew what they truly are.
Brandon Vessell: vor 4 Wochen: I get a Pleiadian vibe off them.”
Conspiracy Revelation: 1.2.2020: Muss man immer wieder posten, dass die Leute kapieren, dass TR3B Ufos seit 70 Jahren von der US-Regierung für Mars/Mondflüge u.v.m. benutzt werden. Die SSP Programme müssen publik gemacht werden. Das Truman-Show Verblödungstheater “Rocket-Science-Nonsens” muss ein Ende haben. Die AMIs haben eine Eisenhower-Keep-Secret-Neurose, die muss abgeschafft werden.
Vor allem auch in deutschen “Ausbildungstätten” (wo es aus ist mit der Bildung)..muss Anti-Gravitation in jeden Physikunterricht, genauso wie Masse-Reduktions-Antriebe..das ist ja nur noch peinlich, schaut euch den Harald Lesch an, der Jesuiten-Desinformant, wie er die Massen weiterhin verblödet.
Álvaro Gonzalez: I saw this object in Las Vegas in 1997 it was called “the Phoenix lights”!!!
Eddie Morales: It was built by the government.
“Patent Approved for Anti-Gravity Spacecraft using Mass Reduction & Non-Conventional Propulsion 12
Words • Tags: alien, anti-gravity, antigrav, antigravity, astra, black manta, electrogravitic, electrogravitics, electromagnetic, ET, lockheed, mass cancellation, non-explosive propulsion, quantum, repulsive gravity, space, space craft, space travel, spacecraft, tr3b, US Navy, vacuum
Warning: This article presents information that sounds like it comes out of a high-tech Hollywood sci-fi production. I suggest you first view the patent filing linked here to verify its credibility before proceeding.”
“Because the patent was filed by the US Navy and is now under an “Active” status, this is the real deal. This is NOT a work of fiction.
The Short Story
The US government approved a patent for a spacecraft that uses anti-gravity (“repulsive gravity”), mass reduction and non-conventional (non-explosive combustion) propulsion. This form of propulsion possibly means no flames or explosions, but perhaps near-silent electromagnetic field propulsion.
The Long Story
As of this writing the US Patent and Trade Office (PTO) on or about July 10, 2019, has granted to the US Department of the Navy an “Active” status to item #US10144532B2. This patent is classified as “B64G1/409 Unconventional Spacecraft Propulsion Systems“.
The abstract for the patent states:
“A craft using an inertial mass reduction device comprises of an inner resonant cavity wall, an outer resonant cavity, and microwave emitters. The electrically charged outer resonant cavity wall and the electrically insulated inner resonant cavity wall form a resonant cavity. The microwave emitters create high frequency electromagnetic waves throughout the resonant cavity causing the resonant cavity to vibrate in an accelerated mode and create a local polarized vacuum outside the outer resonant cavity wall.”
With regards to what is known as “anti-gravity” in the general public, the patent language uses the term “repulsive gravity” in the following context:
“It is possible to reduce the inertial mass and hence the gravitational mass, of a system/object in motion, by an abrupt perturbation of the non-linear background of local spacetime (the local vacuum energy state), equivalent to an accelerated excursion far from thermodynamic equilibrium (analogous with symmetry-breaking induced by abrupt changes of state/phase transitions). The physical mechanism which drives this diminution in inertial mass is based on the negative pressure (hence repulsive gravity) exhibited by the polarized local vacuum energy state (local vacuum polarization being achieved by a coupling of accelerated high frequency vibration with accelerated high frequency axial rotation of an electrically charged system/object) in the close proximity of the system/object in question.”
Disclaimer: While “repulsive gravity” used in the patent filing is not an exact match to “anti-gravity”, it is legitimately up to debate as to whether these are similar or wholly unlike concepts. Assuming gravity is a quantum field phenomenon (as mentioned later in this article), then it is entirely possible that the “repulsive gravity” discussed in the patent can be connoted to what is commonly known in public lingo as “anti-gravity”. Because much of the tone and wording in the patent filing sometimes speaks in theoretical terms, any portion is legitimately up to debate.
The Universal Quantum Field Connection
The content starts with background information striking a chord of a philosophical or existential nature:
“Everything that surrounds us, ourselves included, can be described as macroscopic collections of fluctuations, vibrations, and oscillations in quantum mechanical fields. Matter is confined energy, bound within fields, frozen in a quantum of time.”
Highly Intriguing Technologies
The patent content is of a highly technical nature, yet discusses some intriguing technologies not generally known to the public. Some of these concepts sound like they come from a high-tech Hollywood science fiction movie production.
Mass Reduction – There is mention of mass reduction, which builds the case that the spacecraft in question would be able to accelerate at incredible speeds:
“It is possible to reduce the inertial mass and hence the gravitational mass, of a system/object in motion, by an abrupt perturbation of the non-linear background of local spacetime (the local vacuum energy state)…Therefore it is possible to reduce a craft’s inertia, that is, its resistance to motion/acceleration by polarizing the vacuum in the close proximity of the moving craft…As a result, extreme speeds can be achieved.”
Classical Disk Shaped Craft – The patent also mentions a “disc configuration” without going into further detail. This may correlate to the classical “flying disc” shaped space phenomena of recent decades and UFO lore.
Reduced Field Resistance – Basically the statement below builds on background information provided early in the patent content, which asserts that there are four known fundamental forces (strong nuclear forces, weak nuclear forces, electromagnetic force, and gravitational force) that manifest in the form of fields that control matter.
“Local polarization of the vacuum in the close proximity of a craft equipped with an HEEMFG (high energy electromagnetic field generator) system would have the effect of cohering the highly energetic and random quantum vacuum fields’ fluctuations, which virtually block the path of an accelerating craft, in such a manner that the resulting negative pressure of the polarized vacuum allows less labored motion through it…”
Faster-Than-Light Speeds – The discussion mentions the term “superluminal”, which by conventional dictionary definition means the spacecraft in question may possibly achieve faster-than-light travel.
“A recent paper, by the inventor, published in the International Journal of Space Science and Engineering (Pais, S. C., Vol. 3, No. 1, 2015) considers the conditional possibility of superluminal craft propulsion in a Special Relativity framework.”
The patent suggests this speed may be achieved through the previously mentioned mass reduction, termed here as “negative mass/negative energy density”.
“This involves the instantaneous removal of energy-mass from the system (craft) when the craft’s speed reaches (v=c/2). The author discusses the possibility of using exotic matter (negative mass/negative energy density) to bring about this effect…The artificial generation of gravity waves in the locality of the craft, can result in energy-mass removal…”
Flying through an Artificially Created “Void” – People who ride in cars and motorcycles, or pilots who fly aircraft, all know that as the speed of their vehicle increases, so too increases air resistance striking the front of the vehicle. One need merely to place their hand outside the window at speed and feel the resistance that the wind presents against one’s hand. With this in mind, we may also know that traveling at such high speeds consumes more fuel than at lower speeds.
The patent’s language purports that air resistance may be significantly reduced or effectively cancelled altogether by artificially generating a vacuum inside which the vehicle travels. In effect this means the vehicle would not experience wind resistance, or at least not as much.
“…local vacuum polarization, namely the coherence of vacuum fluctuations within the immediate proximity of the craft’s surface (outside vacuum boundary) is achieved, allowing for ‘smooth sailing’ through the negative pressure (repulsive gravity) of the ‘void’ (the void within the vacuum). It may be stated that the void ‘sucks in’ the craft.”
By reducing or eliminating air drag, this means the spacecraft mentioned in the patent would not need to use any (or as much) fuel through a medium (such as the Earth’s atmosphere) for sustained travel.
Fantastic Question regarding the Artificially Created “Void”
The drag elimination concept posited in the “void” discussion above brings to mind an extremely interesting question.
We always assume a spacecraft can fly through the air and the near-vacuum of space. We assume air is made of matter and is subject to the “quantum vacuum fields” mentioned in the mass reduction section above. So if enough power is artificially generated, then would the spacecraft be able to fly through solid matter also? Fly through walls and mountains?
What if we were to apply this same concept to another craft such a submarine, then would the submarine – now free of the extremes of water pressure and drag – be able to travel much faster than the lumbering speeds we see them traveling in Hollywood movies?
Resembles a Previous Patent Filing for “Triangular Spacecraft”
Our now “Active” status US Navy patent seems to bear an uncanny resemblance to an “Abandoned” status patent filing from 2004, item #US20060145019A1 entitled “Triangular spacecraft” with the accompanying diagram.
(diagram accompanying the “Triangular spacecraft” patent filing.)
This older filing is summarized as:
“A spacecraft having a triangular hull with vertical electrostatic line charges on each corner that produce a horizontal electric field parallel to the sides of the hull. This field, interacting with a plane wave emitted by antennas on the side of the hull, generates a force per volume combining both lift and propulsion.”
The mention of “electrostatic line charges” seems to correspond to our US Navy’s filing (#US10144532B2) discussion here, with bolded emphasis below on the relevant content:
“An artificially generated high energy/high frequency electromagnetic field (such as the fields an HEEMFG can produce) can fulfill all three conditions simultaneously (especially in an accelerated vibration/rotation mode), when strongly interacting with the local vacuum energy state. These interactions are induced by the coupling of hyper-frequency axial rotation (spin) and hyper-frequency vibration (harmonic oscillations/abrupt pulsations) of electrically charged systems (high energy electromagnetic field generators), placed on the outside of the craft in strategic locations.”
While the terminology may not be the same, the concepts for both patent filings can theoretically be likened to one another.
An Already Existing Triangular Spacecraft?
For many years already, there has been vigorous informal discussion online regarding a possibly already existing triangle-shaped TR3B “Black Manta” spacecraft. Some posit this was developed as a collaborative effort by some of the larger defense contractors such as Lockheed Martin and Douglas Aerospace.
Purported photo of the Black Mantra spacecraft
The TR3B Black Manta aka Astra
(Purported photo of the Black Manta spacecraft)
Upon doing a web search for phrase “TR3B black manta”, one sees plenty of active discussion on this spacecraft.
The New US Space Force? Disclosure of Advanced Technologies?
Assuming special interest groups have long had the funding to develop such technologies, is the recent open and “Active” filing for the US Navy’s spacecraft here an incremental step for the disclosure to the general public of the existence of an already existing Space Force?
This article discusses only several of the many intriguing concepts the Navy patent filing offers. Certain terms seem not fully defined, and the accompanying graphic is likewise not fully explained. From the way the patent language has been constructed, it’s obvious the filing was the work of many people of various backgrounds, and there is some evidence of (possibly inadvertent?) repetition in the content that was cut and pasted. In some cases the tone of the wording necessarily waxes philosophical when discussing more abstract assumptions. Elsewhere the content is highly technical.
Hopefully in short time the world may become privy to the real-world manifestation of what this patent really means, perhaps to be seen winging its way throughout the skies above us.”

316620cookie-checkTR-3B’s | Wittenberg, Germany / Patent Approved for Anti-Gravity Spacecraft using Mass Reduction & Non-Conventional Propulsion
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