Rauni Kilde about Covert Harassment & her Assassination by ShadowGov+MedicalPharmaMilitaryMafia

covertharassmentconference summary=Rauni_Kilde

Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde’s last words at the conference:
‘We have to help ourselves. Nobody is going to help us. No institute, no government, because we are under the government. And these are government crimes, crimes against humanity. And it is on the very highest level in every single country. You can go up to the prime minister or the president … and they are behind false flag operations.
So what can we do? First of all it’s awareness, awareness, awareness. Talk about it to anybody. And people who are not victims they will not listen, and they don’t want to listen because they are afraid. Because if they listen they know they may become victims. So they just deny everything. But we have to. Because one thing that helps us, I think. We know there is no death, we have an energy body. And it does keep us going and if it doesn’t keep you going, it keeps me going because you know you cannot die. And that’s why I am not afraid.
Today microchips of the size of 2 micromillimeter (hair diameter is 50 micromm) are inserted into general population without their consent e.g. in vaccinations-like the “swineflu” vaccin for their total control. Medical personel working in the field get different information of vaccine content than researchers and “insiders” who follow UN Agenda 21 for depopulation by 85% of the world population with various means.
All medical schools teach that one is mentally ill if you hear voices in your head, feel that you are surveilled (often by neighbours), poisoned, beamed with microwaves and laserattacks, feel that your thoughts and dreams are read and reacted to by strangers and if you experience contact with the energy of a deceiced relative, which according to European values gallup 1984 already 41% of Icelanders do.
Never do medical schools teach the differential diagnose of MK and the fact that this military technology exists and has been used for over half a century in total secrecy. In military mind control is listed as a “nonlethal “weapon but in psychiatry the whole subject is tabu and considered as sign of mental illness to cover up unethical research on humans. UNIDIR, UN institute for disarmament research in Geneva has yr 2002 listed mind control as a weapon of mass destruction along side with atom bombs! Man is a mind, not a body when our body consists of 70% water and our brain 87% water so our energy holds us together. According to Einstein energy never disappears,but only changes form.

“Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde dead, probably murdered Update 10.2.
Monday, 09 February 2015 11:22
Yesterday medical Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde died in her homeland Finland by severe cancer all over her body, her Finnish cousin told White TV today. White TVs Dr. Henning Witte talked to Rauni about ten days ago on telephone in Finland, not knowing it was the last time. She complained about that she suddenly got cancer as a result of beaming technology, mind control scalar waves. Her complications got so severe that she was forced to leave her home in Norway to a hospital in Finland, where her caring cousin is living.
Rauni Kilde complained over the rude manner of the Norwegian ambulance and that they refused her choice of Norwegian hospital, and over the doctor at the wrong hospital, which wanted to give her morphine against her will. She was allergic against morphine, which she told the doctor. She said to her friend Elisabeth Nyström Barringer that she was afraid, that the Norwegian hospital would kill her, and that she was better in the Finnish hospital and out of danger for her life.
During the last week it was not possible to talk to Rauni any longer and the doctors indicated death.”
Source: Rauni Kilde murdered 8.2.2015 / whitetv.se/en/mind-control-mk-ultra

27620cookie-checkRauni Kilde about Covert Harassment & her Assassination by ShadowGov+MedicalPharmaMilitaryMafia
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