Defeating the NWO Tech Mafia & their Shadow Cartel

Conspiracy Revelation: 23.10.2024:
Defeating the NWO Tech Mafia & their Shadow Cartel.

“Witnessing their downfall, because of you. -w2k”


Your favor – w2k
Okt. 22


Julian Assange is working in your..- w2k
Okt. 22,


Nwo – he must defeat the nwo. – w2k..
Okt. 22,


He is capable of defeating the nwo – w2k
Okt. 22,


Pseudo Elitären Thron stossen..- w2k
Okt. 22,


Ich werde euch von eurem – w2k

Lhcc Vampires
Okt. 23



Saintly Field Re-Established …
Okt. 23,

To influence, distract and delay…- w2k
Okt. 22,


Synthetic Telepathy used on him.- w2k
Okt. 22,


Literature – w2k
Okt. 22,


They try to erase him from literature – w2k..
Okt. 22

Retaliation – w2k
Okt. 21,


Ieee scared to d about your – w2k
Okt. 21


Bastards -w2kk
Okt. 21,


Retaliatory Strike on all of these..- w2k
Okt. 21,



Foreign human systems remotely..
Okt. 21,


You have no right to access for..
Okt. 21

“He is the Messiah. – w2k”

“Du hast repostet
Starseeds Kingdom
22. Okt.
We are at all here Starseeds.
They have been stealing our source energy for aeons.
Our systems are now becoming jammed.
Let´s hunt for the source energy they stole from us.”


2.Vishnu Purana –
Hari’s discus burned the armies with its energy, even though they knew the use of weapons. Then it burned down all of Varanasi, source of the apparition, Along with its king, his minions, subjects, horses, elephants, men and all its stores and granaries such as even deities rarely see. Until every residence, square and rampart was engulfed by flames, Hari’s discus burned it all.

Chapter 34, book V, Vishnu Purana.
3. Brahma Purana –
After burning that army with its own prowess, the discus went to Varanasi. It burnt citizens, their servants, horses and elephants. It burnt the entire city with all its chambers and forts. Flames of fire surrounded the outer walls and arched gateways of all abodes. It was an unbearable sight even to Devas.

Chapter 98, Brahma Purana.
So whatever was within the city was destroyed, but the overall city was not. By the time of Kurukshetra war, Kashi was back in prosperity again.
4 Upvote. 75

My eternal Goddess is triggered by this…

677490cookie-checkDefeating the NWO Tech Mafia & their Shadow Cartel
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