“Breaking News & Call to Those DEW/Neuro Targeted in Germany: German Police Have Finally Started Investigating 70 DEW-Attack/Torture Cases in Germany, Send In Your Case”
“Posted on August 11, 2021 by Ramola D | 1 Comment
News Alert | Ramola D | August 11, 2021
Breaking news from Patrick Alavi of Germany of police waking up finally after decades of silence to begin investigation of cases of EMF/Neurotech targeting in Germany: The police and Public Prosecutor of Düsseldorf, Germany finally have started investigating 70 cases, inclusive of Patrick Alavi’s, of Directed Energy Weapon attacks.
Image: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Intentional-EMI-The-coupling-of-the-HPM-radiation-can-occur-either-via-antennas-and_fig2_228873981
Patrick Alavi, a young German musician who recently stepped forward to reveal Neuro/DEW attacks on himself and his partner, as well as family dog, posting compelling video on Facebook of the dog suffering DEW-induced convulsions which metallic Reflectix shielding helped to halt, was interviewed recently at my channel, his interview can be found now at Odysee here:
Patrick sends this message:
“If you are German or know any German reporters of DEW crime, please share this information immediately on social media or directly with them.
The more cases are uncovered and reported, the more pressure can be brought by the people on police and government.
Please send all your cases to Ursula at: info@opfer-elektromagnetische-strahlung.com (She is a DEW “TI” herself.) Please include address and contact details.
The leading police investigator (Leiter aller Kriminalkommissariate, Mr. M. Brusdeilins) has already suspected a military project behind these attacks.
If this works out, it can serve as a precedent for any “TI” (“Targeted Individual”) worldwide.”
One can only hope this is the start of a needed worldwide cleansing of the extreme crime of DEW & Neurotech targeting which has been unlawfully used by governments, militaries, Intelligence agencies, and yes, also law enforcement and Sheriffs and continues to be reported by thousands of suffering victims worldwide.
Coverage at this site of this situation–denied by governments and derided by media in clear propaganda efforts to conceal these crimes for Mil/Intel–has been extensive and will continue.
FBI and CIA whistleblowers have helped reveal the extent of the crime as well as a number of writers, researchers, journalists, doctors, and founders of organizations set up by targeted professionals to help reporting victims.
DEW/Neurotech Targeting Has Been Dismissed as Fanciful by Corrupt and Criminal Media, Concealed by COINTELPRO, Suppressed as Delusional by Psychiatrists
Anumber of factors have helped conceal the facts of EMF weapon and Neuroweapon assault on innocent civilians worldwide as well as those in every nation brutally singled out by a war-mongering “elite” profiting by the corporations and contracts of war/uber-surveillance and seeking to crush the voice, work, and lives of activists, journalists, whistleblowers, and community leaders who have dared to speak out against war or against any kind of crime and corruption in any venue.
These factors include control mechanisms created by the Weapons-Makers in the military and intelligence running these programs of torture and assault with remote-access energy weapons, including the creation of wheel-spinning “support organizations” and the planting of COINTELPRO infiltrators in the midst of those targeted yet working to raise awareness and seek help–as reported frequently at this site including in The Consequences of Infiltration.
Media from the corporate sphere has held back the exposure of these horrific crimes for several decades not by omission but by active commission of publishing false information on reporting victims, naming them delusional and paranoid. Psychiatrists and physicians have aided the unholy assaults on the innocent run by Mil/Intel/LE, naming them delusional, paranoid, schizoid, schizophrenic–and thereby helped turn families against reporting victims. Both have been complicit in the targeting killings and injuring of thousands of people worldwide.
Several serving and retired police, FBI, NSA, CIA employees and whistleblowers have however revealed they are very aware of the unlawful targeting and trafficking (into non-consensual “covered research” and weapons-testing) going on.
Those targeted report being non-consensually RFID (radio frequency identification chip) and BCI (brain computer interface) implanted, hit 24/7 with energy weapons and neuroweapons, hit with nanotechnology attacks, and treated as pariahs in their neighborhoods by neighbors “contacted” by badge-flashers such as FBI and fed smears and lies about them. Many report being comprehensively blacklisted, losing jobs, careers, homes and becoming bankrupt, often forced to get onto “Disability” or enter homeless shelters to survive.
Local governments facilitate these Mengele captivity and torture programs. (If they did not, they would not exist.)
This writer’s most recent expose of atrocious DEW-attacks by organized Mil/Intel/Biomed Research criminals in Quincy, Massachusetts was published yesterday.”