Wall of the Absolute vs Tavistock PsyOp

Conspiracy Revvelation: 4.11.2019: Until they hit the Wall of the Absolute…then they will learn their limits.

„Tavistock Institute – Top Secret Brainwashing Think Tank“
„Tavistock Institute was established to wage psychological warfare on the masses.
It was founded by J.Rawl.R. in 1947, 2 days after the birth of the CIA.
Tavistock has reshaped modern society, through an invisible army of shock troops.
Virtually every major Corporation, University, and Think Tank are linked to Tavistock.
Many social movements of the last century have been Tavistock projects, including feminism,
transgenderism, global-warming hysteria…and radical lef-wing ideas. Even more, they invented the Beatles,
the Rolling Stones, Rap and Hip Hop Music. Most Americans have been profiled and brainwashed by Tavistock.“
“It’s a many headed beast right..”
“Yeah. I have identified it and I call it judeo-masonic satanism, you know…The CIA has so many cut outs…all these foundations…These are private businesses that are run by the CIA.. and of course the CIA responds and takes orders from the Council on Foreign Relations and the British, MI6 and Tavistock and serves the 1%, the wall street bankers.”
„We found that when you look at this program and you look at actually what´s happened to Western civilization in the 20th century now in the 21st century it has been pretty much shaken up change and sit back on your course my psychology and psychiatry the father of which I would say is Sigmund Freud who was also a godfather of Tavistock
Institute. The Tavistock Institute… it´s an organization was set up in England in the 1930 tech elite and it´s all about how you used trauma-based mind control to control people to control societies and to control individual people and one of the first things they did as a Institute.“
„“You can´t really attribute all of this control mechanism…to this body or that body. You have to look at those organizations like Tavistock, MI6, the
Bilderbergers.. Mossad, all of these Mind Control Organizations, they are just organizations they use to protect the Big Corporation. Everything is to
protect that corporate structure
and..under that is the legal name and legal tender, which is fiat currency…and harvesting of peoples energy through
the birth certificates. …
We have to say good bye to the Necromancy world and go back to the living…paradise with the Garden of Eden…self-determined governance that we have
as god-like children of light. (Santos Bonacci)”“
„Gesinnungskontrolle war immer im schlimmsten Interesse der Herrschenden, um die Mind-Control Menschen zu ihren gehorsamen und liebenden Sklaven, Soldaten und Steuerzahlern ohne jeden Gedanken an Rebellion zu machen. So ist die Elite daran sehr interessiert, die Zucht spezieller Typen von Menschen in ihrem rassenhygienischen Programm zu fördern – und die schlechten / lästigen Gene in ihrem Entvölkerungsprogramm loszuwerden und hier und hier und hier. Sie haben die Rockefeller-gesponserte Mentalhygiene-Gehirnwäsche – insbesondere ihr Tavistock Institute und seine Untergliederungen – sowie seine kommunistische / faschistische Gleichschaltung der Menschen verwendet. Die Elitisten haben den Westen in Wohlfahrtsstaaten und Reichtum hypnotisiert “

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