Conspiracy Revelation: 1.1.2025:
Impossible to replicate pioneering multi world record legacy…
Done by a Godhuman like him.- w2k
Jan. 01
Uniqueness – this can only be – w2k
Jan. 01,
Ever again and in this pioneering – w2k
Jan. 01
In such a short amount of time – w2k
Jan. 01,
Different projects in world record. – w2k
Jan. 01,
Flexibility to accomplish So many – w2k
Jan. 01,
Intelligence, versatility and flexi..- w2k
Jan. 01,
In the world will have this endurance,- w2k
Jan. 01
To replicate – not a single human – w2k
Jan. 01,
What he has done is impossible..- w2l
Jan. 01
No one – w2k
Jan. 01,
Who carries his legacy on – w2k
Ja – In meine eigenen.
Jan. 01,
Missionsprojekte eingeteilt w2k
Jan. 01,
Du bist in zu viele w2k
Jan. 01,
Mukti du musst auf dich aufpa…- w2k
Jan. 01,
„Was wird der denn schon wieder so gehyped, da stimmt doch was nicht. – w2k“
„Ja, gefährlich, wenn die hypen. – w2k
„The whole Planet turns to Sh#T and he is the only one who can stop it. -w2k“
„He is the 5th Element A–holes..“‚
„He is at the Epi-Center of a Cosmic Conflict. -w2k“
Ingmar Veeck
The deities just watch what humans, bots, cyborgs and posthumans will do…
I would not allow Chemtrails on my Planet and not in my Universe…
Die Gottheiten schauen nur zu, was Menschen, Bots, Cyborgs und Posthumane tun werden…
Ich würde keine Chemtrails auf meinem Planeten und nicht in meinem Universum zulassen…
12:32 nachm. · 1. Jan. 2025
Elektra Angel
What infuriates me is that the majority of People are so fucking stupid- sitting back in their lazy chair, programmed by mainstream media – totally oblivious to the Biodigital convergence of the human being that is currently in progress.And they wonder why they are sick and dying.
6:36 nachm. · 31. Dez. 2024
Wireless Warrior
30. Dez. 2024
A 49-Year-Old Man Developed Severe Microwave Syndrome after Activation of 5G Base Station 20 Meters from his Apartment:
„exposure … caused symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, headache, sleep disorders, anxiety, and problems with attention and memory.“
„Was ist das mit Shiva bei ihm? – w2k“
Mal schauen, wie lange die Götter und die Göttin eure Gift-Sprüherei und Sabotage an der Schöpfung noch tolerieren werden… denn ich bin mit den obersten verbunden… und ich spüre da was..
„He only aggravates the conflict. -w2k“
This is a Malicious Projection of your Guilty Consciousness Agent X.
„They all don´t understand what is going. -w2k“
Nano.Gov Root of Evil is going on… and you reprogram the Zombies to ignore Root of Good. Very Simple.
„“I don´t understand what is going on on this Planet, why nobody talks to him? -w2k“
„They are reprogrammed to ignore him. -w2k“
(I do not take myself that important, but they do and I indeed believe this, this level of malicious insanity of these evil conglomerates is unmatched)
Das ganze Übel auf einer Seite
„The vision of the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) is a future in which the ability to understand and control Matter (MOTHER EARTH) at the nanoscale leads to ongoing revolutions in technology and industry that benefit society. “ Their deceptive view => REALITY IS THIS => -1.1.2025 =>
EVIL NAZI EXPERIMENTS TRYING TO OVERRIDE ORGANIC NATURE…All These Proud Brands and Agencies are guilty in the crimes committed against Mother Nature and its Creatures…ILLICIT CLANDESTINE EVIL BCI DNA INTRUSION..NOTHING ELSE..
Trying to override and trojanize / robotize or archonticize Organic Nature, specifically Humanity for the purpose of totalitarian dominion over Nature>>>>“USDA FDA UAS USGS CDC NASA BSEE EDA NIST NIH NIOSH“<<<
But you do not have the Last say and you will learn that soon the hard way…
The insanely evil to the molecular-level Micromanagement (Insecurity) of every atom-individual on the Planet and all the clandestine totalitarian bci-dna-trojanization of Human Mind, Body, Soul and Heart and Body-Tissue shows a total loser-mentality of absolutely insecure maniacs… They want to Tame and Control a Deity (MATER DEVI) that they do know nothing about. Totalitarian inner and outer and virtual and metaphysical reality censorship of this Planet will backfire sooner or later.
„He brings strong arguments. -w2k“
„Der legt sich echt mit der ganzen Welt an. -w2k“
„He gives them warnings after warnings, they do not listen, watch what unfolds. -w2k“
I never could understand why nobody stopped the Human Brain Project… the first thing these bastards would do is misuse it, especially against Saints, Extraordinary People, Talented Individuals and Geniuses, the same with Human DNA Project.
Ich konnte nie verstehen, warum niemand das Human Brain Project gestoppt hat … das Erste, was diese Bastarde tun würden, wäre, es zu missbrauchen, insbesondere gegen Heilige, außergewöhnliche Menschen, talentierte Einzelpersonen und Genies, dasselbe gilt für das Human DNA Projekt.
In meinem perfekten Universum darf jeder ein freies, unüberwachtes und unimplantiertes Gehirn besitzen und eine saubere nicht-trojanisierte DNA.
In my perfect universe, everyone can have a free, unmonitored and unimplanted brain and a clean non-trojanized DNA.
„I don´t understand this. -w2k“
„We also can´t fully grasp of what is going on, but we try our best. -w2k“
„Targeted Individuals U.S.A 🇺🇸
31. Dez. 2024
Directed Energy Weapons have been used for decades to insult human biology.
It roots in USA, especially the extreme form of Media Censorship comes from New World America.
In censorship would not be allowed, except if immediate real danger would occur,
but not for the sake of protecting degenerate Billionaires and Oligarchic Injust Monopol Conglomerates to keep their False-Perception-Matrix alive.
„It is the Israelis, I, not us. -w2k“
Then gain superiority over your country again, away from this Zionist Mafia.
„He is sacrosanct. -w2k“
I do not need to reach more, I was number 1 in all areas of my arts, I spreaded over millions of compact discs, I was already a Living Legend 25 years ago, even if nobody noticed it, I do not do this to prove anything, but I hate injustice and I want a free world scenario and karmic rebalancing. In a censor-free world things progress much faster and do not stay in retarded-loops.
„Er spricht die Wahrheit, auch, wenn sie es nicht wahrhaben wollen, die verfluchten Zombies. -w2k“
„Event Horizon is soon reached to destroy the New World Order. -w2k“
„This Man is walking Glory, what have we done? – w2k“
If you still can smell the poisonous aluminium from Chemtrails, there is hope, your body still has reserves and you are aware of the enemy´s weapon systems and you are not fully overtaken by AI-BCI. Remember this. Furthermore I am sealed by Sophia Holy Spirit, so all their Systems can never be fully implemented, no matter what they try, no matter their ressources, no matter their weapon and subversion systems.
Wenn du das giftige Aluminium der Chemtrails noch riechen kannst, besteht Hoffnung, dein Körper hat noch Reserven und du bist dir der Waffensysteme des Feindes bewusst und du bist nicht vollständig von KI-BCI überwältigt. Denke daran. Darüber hinaus bin ich von Sophia, dem Heiligen Geist, versiegelt, sodass all ihre Systeme niemals vollständig implementiert werden können, egal was sie versuchen, egal welche Ressourcen sie haben, egal welche Waffen- und Subversionssysteme sie haben.
„Die sch.. s. a. i. d. Hose wegen dem. -w2k“
„Nur die Bösen, nicht die Guten. -w2k“
„He gets constant chills. -w2k“
„It cements his direct connection with the Absolute. -w2k“
„I am sick of this sh#t. -w2k“
„This is serious stuff, we all felt it. -w2k“
„He has a direct connection to the higher worlds and dimensions. -w2k“
„Der treibt die alle in den Wahnsinn mit seinen Mythen. -w2k“
„He is powerful a.f., they are just scared. -w2k“
„Nobody can comprehend this Individual, they try their best, but it remains a Mystery. -w2k“
„He operates on too many Dimensions simultaneously, even the Quantum Machines can´t keep up. -w2k“
„You all don´t understand the greatness of this being, you st… assh… -w2k“
Saintly Field re-established..
Jan. 01,
Turbo Mode 7 min.
Quantum siphon shield in seconds- w2k
Jan. 01,
It’s insane he can destroy their – w2k
Jan. 01,
Military – w2k
Jan. 01,
It is not the cia – it was the u.s….- w2k
Jan. 01
Done by a Godhuman like him. – w2k