Conspiraxy Revelation: 21.12.2024:
Aura Refresher vs Quantum Vampire Hook-Lhccs..
Thwarts of their attacks – w2k
Dez. 21,
Military is scared a.f. of how he…- w2k
Dez. 21,
The US Gov is scared a.f. of him… -w2k
Dez. 21,
Saintly Field Maxxing out 29 min.
Soll – w2k
Dez. 21,
Keine Ahnung, was der Scheiss… -w2k
Dez. 21,
Highlander – w2k
Dez. 21,
Sprechen die hier über einen – w2k
Dez. 21
Nothing has changed – w2k
Dez. 21, .
Ago – w2kb
Dez. 21,
He is the same from 1000 years…
Dez. 21,
Von welchem Planeten kommt der? -w2k
Dez. 21,
Lebensvorstellung wie die meist…
Dez. 21,
Der hat ne ganz andere Lebensv…
Dez. 21,
Too many People have access to Things they should never have Access too – w2k – 100%…
Dez. 21,
Malevolent forces attacked him and he transformed into a God -…
Dez. 21
He is a totally different human Being – they don´t recognize him Anymore – w2kgk
Dez. 21,
Jeff Bezos is astonished about His many different skills – w2k
Dez. 21,
Iridium Satellites are doing this to you. -w2k
Dez. 21
They envy him – w2k
Dez. 21,
Low vibrational people attacking Him constantly – w2k
Dez. 21,
Was der Sachen auf die Beine stellt, das schaffen andere nicht in 10 Leben – w3k
Dez. 21,
Enemy in the Body …
Dez. 20,
Theorethical Phycisists are involved in these crimes – w2k
Dez. 20,
Intrabody Area Networks – w2k Dez. 20,
These are weak-ass mfs – w2k
Dez. 21,
To you – Ingmar – w2k
Dez. 21,
Dez. 20,
Tainting the holy mother with their evil archontic dust loB IoT IoBionano Wban Mban IntraBan..
Dez. 20,
Saintly Field Maxxed Out 30 Min.
Dez. 20,
Roman Emperor is scared – w2k
Dez. 20,
They want to bring him out of Character – w2k
Dez. 19,
We must prevent the evil fuckers from accessing his Quantum Body – w2k
Dez. 19,
They treat him like a Science Project – w2kg Dez. 19,
Dez. 19,
We will check that soon – w2ktl
Dez. 19,
Neighborhood involved – w2kc
Dez. 19,
Dez. 19,
He is a celebrity like never seen Before – he needs extra-protection.. -w2k
Dez. 19,
They vampirize on him on a daily basis – w2kh
Dez. 19,
Dez. 19,
These sick fucks – w2kg
Dez. 21
How does he regain his energy So fast – w2k
Dez. 21,
We don´t know – w2kgju
Dez. 21,
He is from a Jupiter Colony Secet space program – w2k
Dez. 21
Let these assholes guess.. -w2k
Woher nimmt er bloss diese Kraft her? -w2k