Thinking coffee ~ DARPA N3 Lobotomy – Zombie World – Sabrina W

Thinking coffee ~ DARPA N3 Lobotomy – Zombie World – Sabrina W

“Thank God my personality is still intact, because most humans seem like they have been lobotomized. Non-Invasive N3 DARPA.
It is a Nano-Lobotomy, it is non-invasive, because you are not laying in a bed in a hospital… You are lobotimizing people with Nanotechnology, you call it the black awakening, because of the Graphene and synthetic biology.”

“You with your Mason friends, you are lobotomizing your loved ones.”

“A little Nano-Lobotomy…a dna sequence change.”
“We are playing SIMS with Human Beings. It is all pay for play, the databases have been curated for 30 years.”

“I hit..into the CIA Spooks… VPN for the Metamaterials,.. it makes sense.
They arehave been using your bodies for fck 25 years, bare minimum, to route their own data.”

“The CIA handlers get in there with their network,… to them it is secure set of BiFi, Biological Networks. Now you are re-arranging people´s neurons, their veins and arteries, their vascular pressure in the body, no,.. it is Network Nodes, we are decentralized,.. using computing networks that no one understands, …here comes the DIA.”

“Artificial Neural Networks, Vectors are pretty important…I come to find…not only did my ex and my dad tried to kill me multiple times, just, just to make money and not only is it a job, but our own people, 2/3 of the fck country, because they were in little towns playing SIMS, you piss them off, you are tortured lifelong for fun. You are just traumatized.”

“Then the Internet of Behaviors kicked in. In December 2022 the last of the good military people were told you are on the biophotonic kill list now, the ones that wouldn´t comply, good by.
Got E-Mails from Men dying in the ICU, cussing me out: There is nothing you can do….
They are electrocuting you again, having seizures, having strokes, they don´t care.”

“They were that far ..when I was born in 1979 with the Internet of Bodies, I know how to read CISCO.., it was my Job when I was 19…She is angry all the time.”

Conspiracy Revelation: 28.2.2024: It is normal to become “angry” (Anger Flashback episodes for SRA/TBMC/NDE survivors, even when enlightened) at those who tried to remote kill you or remote tortured you. Only those who experienced this can relate.

“I am a natural Telepath. I could see things exploding, I was there with the Scientists, they have been doing horrible shit, the physical scars are all over my body. DARPA N3. IITSEC, 2023… The Metamaterials now are so prevalent, the NIST, in 2016 initiated a 6 year competition for the new quantum cryptography.”

“Synchron is a company, Brain-to-Brain-Interface, they don´t need a chip, they don´t even need a CNT (Carbon Nanotube), they have got your body, body-to-body…literally no doctors and no nurses would admit.., they have to do this for work, they don´t give up their control structure…”

“Non-Invasive N3 is a Nano-Lobotomy.”

“They tethered everyone to the cloud, back in the 70s, ..nobody wanted to be attached to the cloud…These are value-chain-partners, they own it, Trump included…noticed, I didn´t say Agenda 2030, that is way done… Antarctica is just a way of testing the phase arrays, that are in midrange security etc… and bouncing that signal back into the atmosphere for optogenetic networks.”

“You will not stop these people, we will be lucky to save whoever we can, a nano-lobotomy followed by a nano-toxin, they are so far along, NIST…they have got vpn for themselves made out of your body.”

“Absolute Power corrupts absolutely.”


“You need situational awareness.”

“They are rather obsessed with Gizah.”

“It´s our own friends and neighbors, that have been doing this over 40 years, 40 years, they know what they are doing and you are all out there just couldn´t get the emotional gumption up to hold them accountable at your own kitchen table,..betrayal can be lethal when you realize what really went on.”

“They sent more assassins to me.”

“Most people, right now, are heavily involved with nasty stuff by desperation and it is getting worse all the time, now there is a lot of them who enjoy it…human skin boots,… Ariana Grande and all those people are into…it grows, like turbo cancer.”

Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Cyborgs, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Krieg, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Goliath Has Big Plans for Social Media and World Domination

“Goliath Has Big Plans for Social Media and World Domination”

“David Icke
Why Musk, other tech oligarchs, and the Global Cult are buying up social and ‘alternative’ media and putting trillions into AI – they are building a global AI digital prison cell for your mind and body. Don’t say you weren’t warned: Goliath Has Big Plans for Social Media and World Domination.”

“Lua Vulcana
Elon Musks Links to Pentagon & Deep State:one of my followers shared this podcast a few days ago.”

“Musk is not some crusading rebel railing against the establishment; he’s one of the key drivers of the U.S. surveillance state. That is the message that Alan MacLeod gave Lowkey in this latest episode of “The Watchdog.””

How Musk, Thiel, Zuckerberg, and Andreessen-Four Billionaire Techno- Oligarchs-Are Creating an Alternate, Autocratic Reality
… four of the projects they are pursuing to address their visions will need tens of trillions of dollars of (mostly public) investment capital over the next two decades. The first project, supported by Andreessen, Thiel, and Zuckerberg, is Web3, a virtual world (the Metaverse) accessed by virtual reality (VR) headgear, which, despite all of the clear benefits that it promises, may end up converting the free web into an online theme park in which every door requires a crypto token to open.
The second project is the support of crypto currency. As Adam Fischer, Israel’s top- ranked venture capitalist, has pointed out, “Crypto is not so much an investment idea that aligns with the libertarian political ideology, as it is a virulent strain of libertarian political ideology leveraging human greed through the blockchain.”
The third project involves supporting Elon Musk’s $10 trillion pipe dream of sending humans to live on Mars.
But of all the myths the Technocrats peddle, none is more far-fetched than transhumanism, a concept dear to the heart of Peter Thiel. And to understand what could well be the Biggest Lie of Big Tech requires a deep dive into this social movement, which is focused on R&D for “human-enhancement technologies” that might someday allow people to live to the age of 160 or more.”

Conspiracy Revelation: 27.2.2024: When Mister Palantir-CIA enters the game, everything will be censored for the standard Population.

Rumble-Canada taken over by Mister Palantir = Totalitarian Injustice – CIA Crooked A.I. Censorship.

“Bringing in Techno-Communism via Techno-Fascism.”

“Biotech is largely unregulated.”

“Sequoia almost Paypal-Mafia, Musk is Paypal-Mafia, Thiel is Paypal-Mafia, Sachs is Paypal-Mafia.”

“Biotech Startups, they are investing in Sensors, Cloud Biology, Bioinformatics, Phone Diagnostics, Patience compliance Monitoring, Doctor tracking, Cameras, Surveillance in Hospitals.”

“He is really exited about the notion of patient compliance with patients taking their medicine.
Why should he care if patients take their medicine or not?”
“…Burla, from Pfizer, got really exited about that at the World Economic Forum: Now we have these pills with trackers in them, now we can tell if people take their medicine or not. What crazy level of control freaks are these people?”

“Bio-surveillance, no privacy, meddling to the tiniest little part of everybody´s existence.”

“New Breakthroughs in regenerative Medicine.”

“AI, Bio-Hacking, Gene-Editing, why this might be the best time to be alive.”

Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional/Repto/Grey/Mantis, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Das globalistische System sei jedoch eine Mischung aus Kapitalismus und Kommunismus. Totalitarismus verschmelze in diesem System mit dem Materialismus…

“„Sie wollen, dass jeder völlig isoliert und nicht durch Sprache, Kultur, familiäre Bindungen oder ein Heimatland, in dem man sich zu Hause fühlt, verbunden ist.“ Das alles wollten sie zerstören. Sie wollten, dass alle „atomisiert werden, ohne kulturelle und religiöse Wurzeln und Identität“.

Der Klimawandel und die „grüne“ Bewegung dienten dabei als „Ersatzreligion“, der viele anhängen, „anstatt das ursprüngliche [Christentum] zu verbreiten“. Das globalistische System sei jedoch eine Mischung aus Kapitalismus und Kommunismus. Totalitarismus verschmelze in diesem System mit dem Materialismus. „Und wer das meiste Geld hat, ist an der Macht und kontrolliert und bezahlt die Medien.“”

“Epoch Times Deutsch
Kardinal Müller warnt vor dem „Great Reset“: Demnach wollen Eliten mit Technik einen „neuen Menschen“ erschaffen. „Geschaffen nach dem Bild von Schwab, Gates, Soros? Nein, danke“, sagt er. Ein Aufruf zur Wachsamkeit gegenüber den Risiken einer technokratischen Zukunft.”

“Allerdings „leitet sich der Respekt vor der Kreatur aus dem Glauben an den guten Schöpfer ab und braucht keine katastrophale Weltsicht“, erinnerte der Kardinal in dem exklusiven Interview mit der gemeinnützigen amerikanisch-kanadischen Pro-Life-Seite.”


Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Feldphysik, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Anti-NWO-IV-Mix 2: Synthetic Infiltration and Absolute Violation of Privacy, Violation of Body Integrity, Violation of Thoughtsphere and Violation of the Aura

Anti-NWO-IV-Mix 2: 27.2.2024: NWO Criminal – non-consensual- clandestine – evil – Synthetic Infiltration – Government legitimized (yet 100% criminal and illegal) and Absolute Violation of Privacy, Violation of Body Integrity, Violation of Thoughtsphere and Violation of the Aura-Sphere and Violation of the Spiritual Sphere.
Anti-NWO-IV-Mix 2: 27.2.2024: NWO-Verbrecherische – nicht einvernehmliche – heimliche – böse – synthetische Infiltration – Regierungslegitimiert (trotzdem 100% sträflich und unerlaubt) und absolute Verletzung der Privatsphäre, Verletzung der Körperintegrität, Verletzung der Gedankensphäre und Verletzung der Aura-Sphäre und Verletzung der spirituelle Sphäre.

Conspiracy Revelation: 27.2.2024: If they are monitoring everything, they categorize and prejudge everything, according to their definitions, this inevitably leads to injustice and eventually highly criminal Actions, depending on the subjective Impressions of the Controllers of this A.I. Nano-Mafia Technology and their totalitarian ambitions for absolute control and power.
Verschwörungsoffenbarung: 27.2.2024: Wenn sie alles überwachen, kategorisieren und vorverurteilen sie auch alles, gemäß ihren Definitionen, führt dies unweigerlich zu Ungerechtigkeit und schließlich unter Umständen zu hochkriminellem Handeln, abhängig von den subjektiven Eindrücken der Kontrolleure dieser K.I.-Nano-Mafia-Technologie und ihren totalitären Machbtestrebungen nach absoluter Kontrolle und Macht.

Plus: Interdimensional-synthetic-telepathy-report-synthtel-27-2-2024: #Synthtel

“They envy you – w2k – 4.2.2… 0:02:
MP3 So., 04.02.2024
76,0 kB
Silent Treatment – w2k -3.2… 0:03:
MP3 Sa., 03.02.2024,
115 kB
Microwave Weapon – w2k -… 0:01:
MP3 Do., 01.02.2024,
54,1 KB
NWO – w2k – 1.2.2024
MP3 Do., 01.02.2024,
36,5 kB
Particle Beam Weapon – w… 0:01:
MP3 Do., 01.02.2024
59,2 KB
Nuclear Bomb – w2k – 1.2.2… 0:01:
MP3 Do., 01.02.2024
47,5 kB”

“Napoleon x 2 – w2k – 24.2.2… 0:05:
MP3 Heute,
187 kB
Enemy – w2k-24.2.2024
MP3 Heute,
Envious – w2k – 24.2.2024
MP3 Heute,
35,1 kB
35,1 kB
Political Opposition – w2k -… 0:05:
MP3 Heute,
175 kB
Perpetrators will be punished… 0:02:
MP3 Gestern,
76,0 kB”

“TI Tinnitus Mobilfunkmafia… 0:13:
MP3 Heute,
Repto Plasma Infestation…
MP3 Heute,
422 kB
49,0 kB
Vampirizing on You – w2k -… 0:01:
MP3 Heute,
41,6 kB
Quantum Weapon System… 0:01:
MP3 Heute,
Dj Involved- hatred – w2k -…
MP3 Heute,
Mth worried about you – w…
MP3 Heute
51,1 KB
57,7 KB
96,4 kB
Facing Trial for attacking you… 0:01:”

“You will be their downfall…
MP3 Heute
0:02: 79,6 KB
Astral Spe Overload – Tox C… 0:07:
MP3 Heute,
228 KB
Aura Zensur Report – Messi… 0:19:
MP3 Heute,
Military Service Member -…
MP3 Heute,
601 KB
62,8 kB
Donations to help you – w2… 0:02: MP3 Heute,
71,6 kB
TI Tinnitus Mobilfunkmafia… 0:13:
MP3 Heute,
422 KB
Repto Plasma Infestation…

“Sabrina Wallace: For nurses: the nice version:
February 26, 2024
If you lie about how your ipads function or you do not understand enough about computer networking, you should be willing to view the free pdf of that college textbook which has international law regarding e-health and telemedicine.

If you continue to pretend you are too stupid or busy to read but demand people trust you due to your vocation you do not read about you are being fraudulent.

Due to the amount of fired nurses on our channel who said no to the e-ealth changes as they were mandated I will not tolerate the continued feigned ignorance game of how you go to work each day.

It is insulting, immature and does not foster any level of unity or trust. If you are unaware, you will choose to update YOUR education.

If you accuse me of being fraudulent, I will rake you over the coals chapter by chapter for all the people who are no longer with us and those here who are jobless because of willfully ignorant people like you. Unity means we can all read the college textbook and google mban and verify the fda change in 2022 on the congressional webpage.

…I have seen a lot of loss of life and I will not suffer fools five years into telehealth.

Mrs. Wallace.
Mark 5:36

Yoh Mini
20. Feb.

Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Alienhybrids&DUMBs, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional/Repto/Grey/Mantis, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Life Extension/Physical Immortality Essays, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Mystic/Mystik, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Teleportation/Stargates, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Stats, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, TI-Statements, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick | Schreib einen Kommentar

Tornado rips roof off Pfizer plant in North Carolina…Pfizer Skandal / NWO Genozidgang…

“Tornado rips roof off Pfizer plant in North Carolina…”

Pfizer Skandal / NWO Genozidgang…

“Eine Genspritze mit hohem Todesrisiko, wie wir wissen.”

“Der größte Korruptionsskandal Pfizer – Von der Leyen.”

“Pfizer to pay workers at NC plant destroyed by tornado”

Conspiracy Revelation: 26.2.2024: Just the beginning… Karma full recoil is coming…
Genocidal Zion Criminals.


#wahnsinn #deutschland #viral #foryoupage #skandal #poletiktok

♬ Originalton – Blacky

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Chaos & Karma, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Corporatistic Terror, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, Kabbale/Cabal, Mafia&State Crime, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Public Counterintelligence, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Anti-NWO-IV-Mix & CubeSat Synthetic Biology and they want to augment themselves to be Super Soldiers – Sabrina W


“🤐 Stop censoring this @elonmusk
Thinking: how to come together
February 25, 2024”

“CubeSat Synthetic Biology and they want to augment themselves to be Super Soldiers – Sabrina Wallace”

“27 Years is a long time to Gaslight.”

“Men-Oh-Men what have you done to God´s Creation?”
KARMA will be done…for all of these evil people.


“Epoch Times Deutsch
Globale Eliten, Massenmigration gegen die Nationen und eine grüne Ersatzreligion – das, was der deutsche Kardinal Müller im Interview ausspricht, wagt nicht jeder zu sagen.
< Notizen
“Sie wollen, dass jeder völlig isoliert ist. (Kardinal Müller)”

“Improving the Security of the IEEE 802.15.6 Standard for Medical BANs:
#MedicalBAN #MBAN

“Use case 1: Neural Dust
U1.1: The IEEE 802.15.6 standard claims to be designed
for low-power devices, supporting data rates up to 10 Mbps,
while keeping the specific absorption rate (SAR) to a mini-
mum. At the MAC level, the standard provides recommenda-
tions for power management of nodes, in which they have
the ability to enter hibernation or sleep mode for energy-saving purposes”

“Although sub-dural transceivers and implanted dust nodes are of passive nature, this is still relevant for the external transceiver as it is battery-powered and the main source of energy for the entire intra-MBAN network.
This means that if the external transceiver is not powering the sub-dural transceivers via RF power transfer, the underlying
nodes are always in a hibernation/sleep state” <<< FORCED PATHOGENIC ENSLAVEMENT BIOTECH IMPLANTS THROUGH CHEMTRAILs – MILITARY MEDICAL CRIMES THAT MUTATE YOUR DNA standardized as if this would be the most natural harmless thing ever…

“Elektra Angel
As long as Doctors stay mute, they are part of the problem. No better than the genocidal maniacs perpetrating great irreversible harms on the world population. #doctorscomeclean”

“”“Wisdom fears no thing, but still bows humbly to its own source, with its deeper understanding, loves all things, for it has seen the beauty, the tenderness, and the sweetness which underlie Life’s mystery. ― Manly P Hall”

#IntraBodyNanoSensor Network
Understanding the interaction between nanomaterials and the brain (nano-brain interface) is critical for the rational design and safe application of nanotransducers for neuromodulation. Nano-brain interface includes nanomaterials delivery to the brain, interaction of nanomaterials with different types of cells in the brain (i.e., cellular tropism), nanomaterials transport (extracellular, intracellular, and intercel- lular), the immune response following nanomaterials administration, and the brain clearance of nanomaterials (Figure 5 and Table 2). We will discuss and highlight recent advances in these areas.
Delivery of nanomaterials to the brain
To enable nanotransducer-mediated neuromodulation, nanotransducers must be delivered into targeted brain regions. There are four main routes for nanomaterials delivery to the brain, including intraparenchymal, systemic, intrathecal, and intra- nasal administration. The major drawback of systemic administration is the limited accessibility of the nanomaterials to the brain from the blood. This is largely due to the presence of the BBB, which blocks most nano/micro particles from entering into the brain.
Most studies so far directly inject nanomaterials into local brain regions (intraparen- chymal injection). Intraparenchymal injection bypasses the BBB but requires stereo- tactic insertion of an invasive injection needle. Direct administration to the CNS via intraparenchymal injection can achieve high local concentration near the injection site with relatively low dose. While this works well for proof-of-concept studies and may be adapted for large animals and humans, the invasive procedure may pose a challenge, especially if it requires repeated injection over time. The approach is promising for selectively modulating specific brain regions, but it is less suitable.”

Conspiracy Revelation: 26.2.20024: Look at this farce, the Nano mafia has done the most criminal act in this Universe, the Rockefeller Cancer Mafia surely does not monitor cancer before introducing Bioweapons into your body via Chemtrails…causing them in the first place #Morgellons (since 2005 weaponized WBAN, Punish the Genetic Weapon perpetrators, who used bioweapon Nanotech from University of California (1998 invented, dispersed via Chemtrails/DoD/CIA/NSA/ARPA) against 1000s of unwitting humans worldwide)



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Brother Nathanael sets the Record Straight…

“Brother Nathanael sets the Record Straight…”

“I was getting a Million Views per Month.”
“I was reaching the age group of 16 to 30.”
“I was doing great, it was wonderful and I checked all the boxes on monetization and I was getting 5000 bucks a month, coming in from monetization, because I was getting that many views… brother on YouTube, it was wonderful. I love doing it, it was just so
exhilarating and inspiring and encouraging to me to get all this feedback from The Young, we have to reach
the young, that’s.. the future of the world the young, ..we loved your channel and it was the most probably the most shared uh
videos on social media that I would see oh I get right to the point.”

“I said to the robot which guideline, just name one that I violated, just one. You violated the community guidelines that’s the end of your appeal process and because in the terms of
service whenever you violate a community guideline you forfeit your monetization.
YouTube stole $5,000 of my money, they stole it. I earned it, they stole it, okay, that’s the end of that.”

“They are cookie-cutters, they kill, you say something beautiful, you reach out to people, you do something maybe different to try to reach people, they’ll kill you.
I can’t tell you I can’t even begin to tell you since I started Street of Angeles in 2005 the persecution I’ve gotten from priests and Orthodox cookie-cutter, anybody else would have left this church, Daniel, they would have left…”

“..Message of Jesus how we can make our lives better and that is let’s try to be human. Jesus was very human and he knew human beings because he wouldn’t commit himself to all human beings because as the gospel says he knew what was in them but some human beings he did commit everything everything, so I would say to those who are more mature to make their lives better, get involved with people, don’t just be thinking of saving yourself, okay, which is for a few like Saint Saraph, we’re not all St Saraph…we’re out in the world. I’m out in the world, now think of who you can impact their life, but don’t have a cookie-cutter and it doesn’t have to be religious or Bible verses, just appreciate the person… I´m 73 years old, I´ve been around, okay, look for somebody that you like that you feel like I’d like to have some impact on that person’s life, that’s how your faith, your love for Jesus can better your own life all right we will be getting to the
questions the super chats uh at the end of the interview so so thank you to those who have sent them in and I’d like..”

vor 6 Tagen
“Why I left Judaism” was indeed a powerful testimony. I miss Brother Nathaniel on YT.
vor 0 Sekunden
The Videos were also censored on TIkTok…

“He was always known as an open-minded guy, he was anti-zionist, my dad was a very strong Orthodox Jew, he was anti-zionist.”

vor 6 Tagen
The only community rule he violated was the Jewish community rule(s).”

vor 1 Tag
After being banned for extremist speech, now he is being brought back through this fellow!”

Historical Reference:

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, History, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Politik, Public Counterintelligence, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Verschiedenes, Wisdom&Spirituality, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Ray McGovern (former CIA Analyst): Was Navalny an MI6 Agent?

“Ray McGovern (former CIA Analyst): Was Navalny an MI6 Agent?”

“A: Partly because the Russians at least have accused the British of having a hand in Downing that 76 with 65 prisoners of War Ukrainian.
“Q: Are you saying the British may have had a hand in Nawalny´s death?”
“A: Yes, I am.”
“Q: What would they gain by Nawalny´s death?”
“A: Well., look at the timing, judge, it’s the day before the big Munich conference, it distracts all kinds of attention…
but Nawalny´s wife had already been invited to attend the Munich security conference and of course she
was given the floor to speak… the British have been way out in front and doing things that it’s questionable as to whether even the
United States Secret Service, the CIA or other organs, are fully cognizant of what the British are doing, so it’s not a stretch. Now how could they get there? Easy, Ukrainians in tight Lees on with MI6 are all over Russia, they speak fluent Russian, they’re Russian stock, it would be a piece of cake to get the kind of poison if it was poison into the hands of a of a willing cooperated fellow prisoner for lots of money, so it’s not to be ruled out and as I say if the British can be responsible…”

“…and the real sorrowful thing is that the media itsel will not speak out in defense of Julian…a fellow publisher… correct…correct, one one of the most courageous, selfless, influential journalists of our era…”

“These people in Munich are delusional.”

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Biochemquantum Warfare, Chaos & Karma, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, News, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Politik, Public Counterintelligence, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

A great man fell to save the ego of a weak monster.

“@doctorf7501: vor 8 Tagen: The news we dreaded. A great man fell to save the ego of a weak monster.”

“Why Nawalny returned to Russia.”

“I don´t think that I can have such a priviledge to be safe in Russia, but I have to go back, because I don´t want these groups of Killers to exist in Russia. I don´t want Putin be ruling over Russia, I don´t want him to be President, I don´t want him being Czar of Russia, because he is killing people, he is the reason why the whole country is degradating, he is the reason why people are so poor…and the whole degradation of system…including system of assassination of people, he is the reason of that and I want to go back and try to change it.”

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Chaos & Karma, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, Motivation, News, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Politik, Public Counterintelligence, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Navalny’s Mentor and Friend: Putin Is “Evil, and a Killer” | Amanpour and Company

“Navalny’s Mentor and Friend: Putin Is “Evil, and a Killer” | Amanpour and Company”

“93.203 Aufrufe 22.02.2024
As a result of a crackdown on independent journalists in Russia, Yevgenia Albats has been forced into exile. The Editor-in-Chief of The New Times, an independent political weekly based in Moscow, has been working in the United States since 2022. She was a close friend of Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny, whose death she blames squarely on President Putin — as does Navalny’s wife, Yulia Navalny. The Kremlin calls the accusation “absolutely unfounded,” claiming that an investigation into Navalny’s death is underway. Yevgenia Albats joins the show to discuss the loss of her friend and what it means for the world.

Originally aired on February 21, 2024”

“Putin was going to keep him in jail as long as Putin was alive, because Putin
saw him as an alternative, that’s why he killed him, he tried to break him, he
tortured him. I’m saying he, I mean Putin himself, everything with respect to Nawalny was done at the orders of this.. guy.”

“We knew that all the decisions were made by Putin himself.”

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Chaos & Karma, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, Mafia&State Crime, News, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Politik, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

‘Petrified Putin’ could ‘lose his position…and probably his life’ | Bill Browder

“‘Petrified Putin’ could ‘lose his position…and probably his life’ | Bill Browder”
“Times Radio
727.000 Abonnenten
589.845 Aufrufe 19.02.2024
Putin “will probably regret” killing Alexei Navalny Bill Browder tells Kait Borsay adding seizing $300 million in frozen Russian assets could lead to Putin losing power.”

“You should understand that he’s ready to throw another million men to their death and he wouldn’t blink an eye but to lose $300 billion that that would make a huge difference particularly if that money is being given to his enemy to arm themselves to fight back.”

“Q:..would that would that dent his superiority in Russia to an extent that
the Russian people would no longer have to suffer his regime?”

“A: There’s no question that if you Ukrainians win the war, if they drive Russian troops out of their territory, the Russians are going to say to themselves: Wait a second, why why did we sacrifice so much to be losers and who’s who is the loser here and..Putin would be the weak loser and there the Russian people won’t tolerate that, I would say.”

“A: She’s putting her life at risk and they are not
allowing herself any time to process the loss I mean
her husband was just killed..”

“A: ..horrible and corrupt and disrespectful of the a certain way that that energized me and others around me..”

“Q:What opposition to Putin looks like?”

“A: Well, I think it’s non-existent now inside Russia, because anybody who expresses any type of opposition is either dead, in jail um or in Exile. Putin
doesn’t allow anything anymore and so you’ve got to be an incredibly um Brave
and self-sacrificing person to put yourself in that situation and most
people um don’t want to do that no matter how angry they are about the

“Julia Nawalny said that her husband um was killed by the latest of Putin´s

“Basically he was killed because he was a threat to Putin, he was killed because he he was um continuing to disrespect Putin, he was killed as a message to everybody else out there that uh that there’s um you
know that there that the the consequence of of opposition politics is
death. Tthat’s pretty much what what what happened ..because Putin he’s now running acountry not not trying to win their hearts and minds but by
terrorizing the country into submission.”

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, Chaos & Karma, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Mafia&State Crime, News, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Politik, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

´Putin is a monster´ – Wife of Alexander Litvinenko reacts to Navalny’s death

“´Putin is a monster´ – Wife of Alexander Litvinenko reacts to Navalny’s death:”

“Sky News
7,39 Mio. Abonnenten
123.016 Aufrufe 19.02.2024 #putin #russia #worldnews
Putin is a “monster” and has “killed again”, the wife of Alexander Litvinenko has said.

Marina Litvinenko’s husband died in 2006 after drinking tea poisoned with radioactive polonium-210.

The former Russian FSB agent’s murder was suspected to have been personally signed off by Mr Putin, but Russia has always denied any involvement.”

“..he lost his life last week, murdered by the Russian regime, somebody who knows all about that .. who lost her husband back in 2006…”

“..and he was in prison and when he was arrested you knew he was all his life
was now in danger but when we received this news he was absolutely shocked and
I was so angry because Putin killed again, he killed again the most prominent
politician and a hope of New Russia…”

“Putin is a monster after my husband was killed in 2006 it was not even more
questions but now we have another victim ..Nawalny but we have to remember another one in two few days it would be ..who was a prominent politician killed
from Kremlin and we still have another political uh prisoners who is
now in Russia and their life is in danger too.”

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Chaos & Karma, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Detection, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Mafia&State Crime, News, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Politik, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Ex-CIA operative & Wife explain why Putin is ‘scared’ after Navalny’s death…

“Ex-CIA operative & Wife explain why Putin is ‘scared’ after Navalny’s death…”
16 Mio. Abonnenten
717.410 Aufrufe 23.02.2024 #CNN #News
Former CIA chief of Russia operations Steve Hall outlines the aftermath of the passing of Putin critic Alexey Navalny. Evgenia Kara-Murza, the wife of jailed Putin critic Vladimir Kara-Murza, also discusses. #CNN #News”

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, Biochemquantum Warfare, Chaos & Karma, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Detection, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Mafia&State Crime, News, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Politik, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Fauci funded Bioweapons…

“Fauci funded Bioweapons…
I previously wrote about the Fauci-funded chimeric bioweapon called the Lentivirus mRNA vector in my article entitled, ” Transgenic Hydras & Parasites A Biological Weapons System For Rapid Human Cloning.” The Lentivirus bioweapon was developed in Wuhan and contains the HIV 1-3, SARS, MERS and the AIDS inducing SRV-1. It can be found in the Moderna, Pfizer, J&J, AstraZeneca and Oxford patents.

The HIV-1 Bioweapon, which contained within the Lentivirus vector, is patented and owned by Anthony Fauci. He is a mass murdering war criminal responsible for this “Vaccine” Holocaust.

“PATENT HIGHLIGHTS: The Pfizer patent mentions gene 69-70 deletion and mutation.”

“Andreas Noack”
“It was a radiation beam attack.”
“He had stroke-like Symptoms.”
“Hydrogrels are made from Graphene Oxyide.”
“The Hydrogels contain the entire weapon system.”
“The Hydrogels, they were developped by DARPA…which is now directed against the Human Population.”
“All of the Patents mentioned Gene Deletion.
“They are coding human cells with a synthetic DNA which is called complementary DNA or cDNA. (Dr. Ariyana Love)”

“Fauci, he has got his hands in all of this, he is a Murderer.”

“Thermo Fischer produced a study revealing that gene deletion mutations is the cause of “vaccine” induced variants. This company is not only profiting from this “Vaccine” Holocaust but Thermo Fischer has a scientific report clearly stating that gene deletion is responsible for the Lambda, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta variants.”

“SV-40 vector is a chimeric Bioweapon found in the J&J patent. It’s known to cause rapid cancer growth. The SV-40 vector is provided to J&J by Thermo Fischer. SV-40 contains Human cells, Bovine Growth Hormone (Mad Cow Disease), E. coli, and Herpes. This would explain the Herpes outbreaks after “vaccination”.

The Pfizer patent also mentions gene 144 deletion which causes rapid cancer growth.

I also found a patent for a “Combo kit PCR” that mentions gene deletion! So the PCR is not a test at all but implants the mRNA technology without Informed Consent, into your brain.

The Pfizer patent mentions X / Y Chromosome inversions. Inversion of sex genes cause sterility. Since this is a depopulation/extermination and cloning agenda, the transgender Psyop begins to make sense. They want to sterilize our kids and cross-sex hormones will achieve that.

The Moderna patent mentions folding protein and mutations (thus variants) that result in rapid aging and genetic diseases. The patent literally says this is a “Loss-of-Function” and thus, a gene deleting Bioweapon.

Moderna’s patents are listed on their website, here.”

“The Moderna patent says it’s using the Bovine Growth Hormone which comes from a cow disease known as Mad Cow Disease. Moderna is cloning Humans with a cow disease that becomes deadly when coded into Human cells. This is an animal disease that does NOT even affect Humans so why is Big Pharma transfecting Human cells with Bovine Growth Hormone when it’s known to induce neurological degeneration, dementia and death?

Here’s a PCR kit patent that “tests” Humans for Mad Cow Disease. Or, does it actually transfect Humans with Mad Cow Disease using the Hydrogels?

The Moderna patents makes “add and delete” references to RNA using cDNA templates. It also has starts codons or Open Reading Frame (ORF. These are no stop codons which means there’s no stop to the gene mutations. The variants will continue on indefinitely, passing through the Human race just as Geert Vanden Bosche said would happen.

Without stop codons, an organism is unable to produce specific proteins. The new polypeptide (protein) chain will just grow and grow until the cell bursts or there are no more available amino acids to add to it.

Moderna’s patent also mentions “induce triple helix formation”. This is the third strand that’s being synthetically added to Human DNA. This study shows more about how scientists are creating the triple helix formation in Humans. Here’s another study revealing the artificial triple helix.

The Moderna “Protocol” says one in two of their shots is a Saline. So that’s a 50-50% Russian Roulette chance with your life and your health. The patent also states that Moderna is “encoding HIV-1“. Once again, that’s Fauci’s bioweapon.

The AstraZeneca patent states an E1, E3, E4 gene deletion. As I documented earlier, these gene deletions induce AIDS, unless you get the Saline. Later the pharmaceutical cartel will be removing all Saline shots.

The Novovax patent mentions gene deletion.

The GlaxoSmithKline patent mentions gene deletion and says it uses H1N1, which is the same chimeric bacteria that was used to kill 500 million people in the 1918 Democide, dubbed the “Spanish Flu”, as this study reveals.”

“The patents back up what Dr. Pablo Campra’s said in his Stew Peter’s interview, that these death jabs contain Nano-biosensors.”


This is not a weapons system of one country against another. This is a weapons system of the NWO against the entire Human population. The only way this ends is when we stand together as one.

Here’s the World Freedom Alliance Notice of Liability. Any regular citizen can serve anyone with a notice of war crimes, if they are mandating or coercing you to take this poisonous shot which is in violation of your basic Human Rights and Nuremberg Codes. Since this is an international case, the Notice of Liability is served in English, country-wide.”


Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Alienhybrids&DUMBs, Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Cyborgs, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detox/Medizin, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Public Counterintelligence, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

800-Million-Years-Old Sarcophagus In Siberia: Tisul Princess

“800-Million-Years-Old Sarcophagus In Siberia: Tisul Princess”

” 800-Million-Years-Old Sarcophagus In Siberia: Tisul Princess
Universe Inside You:
1,85 Mio. Abonnenten
146.971 Aufrufe 19.02.2024 #universeinsideyou
In 1969, at the Siberian village of Rzhavchik in the Soviet Union, a remarkable event unfolded. Deep beneath the surface, a miner named Ivan Karnaukhov discovered an 800 million-year-old sarcophagus with a woman inside. The beauty lying in the sarcophagus soon became known as the Tisul Princess, with Tisul being the name of the district where the Rzhavchik village was located. Eventually, the high-ranking Soviet officials from the district arrived. Accompanying them were KGB agents. Just six months after the KGB confiscated the sarcophagus, a wave of misfortune swept over the village of Rzhavchik. Tragedy struck relentlessly, beginning with Ivan Karnaukhov, the man who discovered the sarcophagus of the Tissul Princess. His life was cut short in a harrowing accident. A month after his death, a miner met his demise by drowning. The sole survivor of these ominous events was geologist Vladimir Podreshetnikov, who revealed that the discovery of the Tisul princess was not the only one of its kind. Valery Malevanny, a retired KGB agent, stated that in 1973, additional sarcophagi were uncovered. These sarcophagi were transported to Moscow and were estimated to be around 200 million-year-old.”

vor 2 Tagen
lesson if you find anything at all like this … DO NOT TELL THE GOVERNMENT …
vor 0 Sekunden
As if you could stay unsurveilled in todays time…60 Satellites above each square on this Planet.

vor 2 Tagen
The hair is brown, the hair is blond, the eyes were closed but they saw that they were blue😂
vor 0 Sekunden
Yes, I noticed this mistake too… My vision is still brown haired… but confusions and distortions can happen…

vor 2 Tagen
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

vor 2 Tagen (bearbeitet)
800 million years eh? Wtf 😂 they don’t know what happened 10 years ago.”

vor 1 Tag
The human form has been around for 1.2 billion years old in this universe. I am not surprised if other humans find cryo stasis pods that are 800 million years old.”

vor 20 Stunden
According to whos claim? Last time i checked the oldest remains found was nearly 300,000 years old.”

vor 2 Tagen
Mermaids? Sea Monsters? Big Foot? Aliens? 800,000,000 million year old hot chick? 😮”

vor 2 Tagen
Come on 100s of million years, and the lady looks like fresh from the beauty salon, that´s only possible in Florida😊”

vor 1 Tag
My grandfather told me:”There are more secrets underground than on the ground.”

vor 2 Tagen
Thank you Universe Inside You for giving us another brilliant and fascinating video. 👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻💯💯”

vor 2 Tagen
In the Urantia book there are many science fiction revelations.”

vor 1 Tag
This planet is over 4 billion years old.. just think about what has come and gone in that time. Open your mind to that fact. It’s amazing to think about.”

vor 1 Tag
We could have let her rest in peace. Instead, we murdered her. She was probably alive but preserved and resting, to awaken later.”

vor 2 Tagen
Loolz this was probably an earlier civilization attempt to revive the princess in the future like in those cryogenic labs used today but the soviets removed the liquid and killed her…”

vor 2 Tagen
Das war endlich mal ein aussergewöhnlicher Bericht, endlich mal was ganz neues für mich, ich glaube es gibt noch seeehr viel mehr das vor uns verborgen wird, leider- sonst könnten wir schon viel weiter in der Entwicklung sein.”

vor 2 Tagen
Probably a Pleiadian the pale white skin, long flowing white hair and deep blue eyes make sense plus a strange liquid probably not from Earth.”

vor 2 Tagen
if the people in the village got unlucky and died in random ways, you can bet it was kgb silencing them. Back then they were more ruthless.”

vor 2 Tagen
No only back then. The FSB is the KGB, just with a new name. The KGB never left Russia as the FSB is said to be even more ruthless and deadly. As seen by recent assassinations or attempted, as seen in the UK etc.”

vor 2 Tagen
Anything that proves that man is more than ordinary is silenced.”

vor 2 Tagen
Believe if the black box could be located, it would provide some more clues about its final owner.
vor 0 Sekunden
Aliens use Black Boxes for Multi-Dimensional Healing, they can regenerate Lungs and Organs with it.”

vor 2 Tagen
That princess must have come from the Pleiadis.”

vor 2 Tagen
story has been around for 50 years, only Universe inside you could uncover it.”

vor 4 Stunden (bearbeitet)
An extra terrestrial. The black box being a beacon to locate her – perhaps damaged millions of years prior to this, still preserved in the special liquid.”

vor 2 Tagen
I really missed the female voices you used to have.”

vor 2 Tagen
She sounds Pleadian…and the little black box reminds me of the Jews and their little black box…and the the Muslims with their black box they walk around in Mecca.”

vor 2 Tagen
Yeah she definitely like a hybrid human Pleadian because real Pleadians are actually really tall.”

vor 1 Tag
This’s enormously big story tell us how much we don’t know about the life, ourselves and history of earth.”

vor 1 Tag
Maybe that’s why aliens keep coming to Siberia… 👽”

vor 6 Stunden (bearbeitet)
This is the best story I’ve heard yet. Next, we will find more vampires being preserved in their own liquids.”

vor 2 Tagen
They should have pour that pink substance back in the sarcophagus, to see if it restored her..”

vor 20 Stunden
The Gilgamesh tomb picture had this pink look to it.”

vor 7 Stunden
… the Siberian Ice Maiden is the real story and its nothing like you describe.”

vor 2 Tagen
Wow! Thank you very much this was amazing and very interesting.”

vor 1 Tag
I learned 2 things from this video. Don’t taste the liquid of a very old coffin and Carbon dating doesn’t work.”

vor 2 Tagen
This is seriously well presented research.”

vor 6 Stunden
1969 such a find and we haven’t heard of it till now.”

vor 2 Tagen
What sorcery is this?!?!😮

vor 0 Sekunden
Cryo Regen Tanks…”

Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Alienhybrids&DUMBs, Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Chaos & Karma, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Detection, Esoterik, Exopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, History, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional/Repto/Grey/Mantis, Kabbale/Cabal, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mystic/Mystik, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pleiadians/Andromedans/Anunnaki/Arcturian, Politik, Quantum Mechanics, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Verschiedenes | Schreib einen Kommentar

Peter Hartcher on who’s next on Vladimir Putin’s hit list

“Peter Hartcher on who’s next on Vladimir Putin’s hit list…”

“The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age
126.000 Abonnenten
17.694 Aufrufe 21.02.2024 The Morning Edition podcast
When Alexei Navalny died last week in a remote Arctic penal colony, many felt that it signified the death of hope for a future, democratic Russia.
Because for nearly two decades, Navalny fought for fair elections, human rights, and freedom of speech; eventually rising to ..Putin’s most feared opponent.
Today, international and political editor Peter Hartcher, on Navalny’s widow, Yulia Navalnaya, who has vowed to take over her late husband’s work. And whether she will be able to unite the fractious democratic movement within Russia.”

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Chaos & Karma, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Feldphysik, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, News, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Meditation and the useful Idiot – Yuri Bezmenov

“Meditation and the useful Idiot – Yuri Bezmenov”

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, Chaos & Karma, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Detection, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, History, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, MainstreamMediaDeception, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Mystic/Mystik, Politik, Public Counterintelligence, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick | Schreib einen Kommentar

Spooky psinergist chat…

Spooky psinergist chat…

“They weaponized your own anatomy against you.”
“The rest around you hanging in Tennessee here, no fear
…come f.around and find out.”

“”You are still here”, I fight for my life every”

“The Young People, 25, 24, are so excited with synthetic biology.”

Conspiracy Revelation: 22.2.2024: These order-following, well-adopted, ultra-nwo indoctrinated to a genocidal-sick-society submissive “sustainable-word” people are the real danger…they cement the ultimate dystopian totalitarism.

“You create a Zombie.”
“Somebody can come and reprogram you and kill you.”

Conspiracy Revelation: 22.2.2024: Zombie Society.

“The Cyber Security Fighting going on in the Alphabet Agencies.”

“Everybody plays stupid with the Gladio-NATO stuff.
Everybody plays stupid with the Bluebox / Kill-Box.
I am very disappoint with our Veterans.
We will lose them all.
Situational Awareness is taught to our Delta Force Seals or whatever else.
Even stupid Alex Jones tells you…”

“I can hear before it comes..Just like Raytheon and I can hear, it´s the wireless, the body-machine Interface disconnected from me, because I am a non-invasive N2…This is why they keep a safe distance…”

“Your Physicians are Frauds.”

“Stop pretending the DoD leaves you out, because you are so special.”

“It´s so Mission critical to keep it simple.”

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Putin critic Alexei Navalny dies in Siberian jail, says Russia

“Putin critic Alexei Navalny dies in Siberian jail, says Russia”
“281.773 Aufrufe 16.02.2024
Alexei Navalny “was so many things Putin was not: brave, principled and dedicated to building a Russia where the rule of law existed” – the words of President Biden on Russia’s most prominent opposition leader, whose death was announced today.”

“And Nawalny became one of the most prominent faces of the country’s embattled opposition, in Russia that’s a dangerous role to play. Nawalny was attacked on multiple occasions and dragged through the courts. In a country ruled with an iron fist he dared expose the rot at the very top.”

“If they decide to kill me, it means we are incredibly strong. (Nawalny)”

“So political killing or not, it was a killing by the state.”

“He was assassinated by the state, I totally agree, he was slowly killed during three

“He was sent to what they call shazor, punishment cell, 27 times, each time for two weeks, so I
don’t think anyone would have been able to survive this ordeal for long, so they
killed him…and I think this is going to make the system weaker definitely
because a dead a killed political leader becomes totally Immortal and he becomes a symbol a
banner and a big big problem for the state and the thing is that you can do anything more to him.”

“Nawalny now he’s become a symbol he’s become a martyr he already has been a
Marty but now he’s cemented his uh as this symbolism, so weak states have weak liberties, so it’s going to get worse and worse and more oppression will come uh
which now Putin gets more and more paranoid, so the more you kill, the more you need to kill, in order to keep yourself in power. I don’t see unless he’s taken out uh how he’s going to be
held accountable however of course as Russian history once again uh shown us..Stalin got held accountable after his death in 1953.”

“to start negotiating with Putin, this is someone who cannot be dealt with.
That person is a criminal, he´s a Monster.”

“Remember uh when Donald Trump was becoming president and uh he was told that Putin kills his political opponents and Putin is a murderer and to which Trump shrug his shoulders and said well we kill people too, so for him another death is probably not something of a big deal.”

“most attractive feature was his optimism, his wit, he made fun of everything, even from his prison cell and it is something very rare for Russian revolutionary, most of them tend to be
very you know gloomy, determined, fanatical, he was not like that he was not like that and but I think that now he will become even bigger than he was in life, because what we are witnessing
now is the birth of a legend and legends politically and historically are a very powerful thing.”

“There is no room for Putin-Apologists.”

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Chaos & Karma, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Krieg, Mafia&State Crime, News, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Politik, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Capitalism is dead and so are we | Yanis Varoufakis interview

“Capitalism is dead and so are we | Yanis Varoufakis interview”
464.000 Abonnenten
414.725 Aufrufe 15.02.2024
In lieu of the release of the documentary In The Eye of the Storm: The Political Odyssey of Yanis Varoufakis, Oli was joined by economist and former finance minister of Greece Yanis Varoufakis for a wide ranging interview.

Yanis sat down to discuss the downfall of capitalism and Western hegemony, the Labour Party’s shunt to the right, and the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

You can find out more about In The Eye of the Storm: The Political Odyssey of Yanis Varoufakis at”

“I opened my mouth a few times more than I should and I ended up in Politics.”
“The new “cold war” between USA and China.”
“Europe has been subdued into NATO.”

“You are clearly someone people want to listen to.”

“You are clearly a modest person.”

“If you would call any of my detractors and there are many, they would call me a Narcissist, arrogant…and so on and so forth, so it is very nice to be here, listening to you and calling me modest.”

“Uncovering for myself…how social power works, political power, the power to make other people do things that are against their personal interests on your was the greatest crime that humanity has ever managed to accomplish and therefore I wanted to unpack it and because I hated Capitalism and I didn´t want to be involved in the Labor market, I decided when I studied here in Britain I decided to become an academic, not because I liked academia, but because it was a way out of the Labor-Market. Essentially, back then, not anymore, back then you got paid to read, write, research and teach, right. That is effectively an escape of Capitalism.”

“Decloaking.. power…I didn´t want to bore them the way my professors bored me…I did this for decades.”

“Western Democracy is a Mafia.”

“If you are Banker you have a lot of Power.”

“It is a massive Gambling Extravaganza.”

“ order to fund the Ex-Tscheka.”

“Remember Cuba before Castro? …Well, it´s economy was based on the Mafia.
50% of the Cuban economy before Castro was a Mafia, that´s all
the good reason for keeping the Mafia. this is exactly the same thing with the
City of London.”

“The City of London…It is like a Mafia which is destroying the fiber of Britains social Economy, it is parasitical on it and it grows more and more, that is an argument for treating it like a cancer that needs chemotherapy to be excised or radiation or surgery or something, it is not an argument to keep feeding it.”

“Why did the City become so significant, okay, before Thatcher it was because the City had created a way of bypassing all the rules and regulations of the…System. Essentially it was a little Mafia in the making that allowed Bankers to violate the rules of their own governments, not just in Britain, in the United States, in Germany, in France, through various jurisdictions in the Cayman Islands and so on so forth, but then Thatcher comes in and boosts the City of London, that’s why they loved her so much, first thing she did was to sell off Council houses..”

“to denounce State Corporations as inefficient, as monopolistic, as awful, terrible…”

“Btw..They worked much better than today, all these Corporations worked much better than today.”

“What we have, we have fascists in Parliament, we have an ultra rightwing conservative party that is in cahoots with the fascists in government and we have the left that is um you know we are reeling now and we will be you know sort of languishing in this magma of discontent and failure for another 10 years at least…”

“my goodness, spare us of the this labor party, whoever you are… Nature, Society, God, whoever..”

“The genocide started in 1948, it´s simply becoming more lethal, more bloodthirsty, less bearable than it ever was, the complicity of the West is mind numbing and indisputable…the Zionist ideology, the Zionist narrative with the facts on the ground the Zionist narrative from the 1910s was a land without the people for a people without the land…Captain Cook arrives and declares that Australia to be empty of people, ..are no people, so kill them…genocide, it’s the first step Terra Nullius, is the first step towards genocide” that’s a Zionist project…now of course there were people, there there were millions of people there…”

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Corporatistic Terror, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, History, Kabbale/Cabal, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Politik, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Sabrina Wallace interview. Hillbilly Heart.

“Sabrina Wallace interview.
Hillbilly Heart
2750 Abonnenten
Vor 2 Stunden live gestreamt”
“495 Aufrufe”

“I went to war with our DoD.”

“I didn´t give my permission to anyone to connect to my body.”

Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astralsphäre, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Life Extension/Physical Immortality Essays, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Objectivism vs Nonsense Subjectivism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Russias New Robot Army is shocking

“Russias New Robot Army is shocking…”
142.000 Abonnenten
325.132 Aufrufe 05.02.2024
Welcome to Velocity, where we bring you up-to-date and cutting-edge news about the automotive and technology industries.”

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Chaos & Karma, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Feldphysik, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Krieg, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Militär & Verteidigung, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, News, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Strike/Streik/Protest, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse | Schreib einen Kommentar

EXPOSED: Israel´s Mass Civilian AI Killing Machine

“EXPOSED: Israel´s Mass Civilian AI Killing Machine”
“Double Down News
476.000 Abonnenten
191.963 Aufrufe 05.02.2024
The Real Life Hunger Games”

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Krieg, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Strike/Streik/Protest, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop | Schreib einen Kommentar

I can´t focus on anything since this Genocide began | Yanis Varoufakis

“I can´t focus on anything since this Genocide began | Yanis Varoufakis”

“Novara Media
685.000 Abonnenten”
“Austerity is another term for class war.”
“It is wallstreet that is our enemy.”
“Capitalism is a tendency to create sinewaves, ups and downs.”
“It is Barbarism with the Bankers acquiring powers that they never had before…we have big tech which is called cloud capitalism…this is not capitalism anymore.”

93.928 Aufrufe 17.02.2024″

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Chaos & Karma, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Corporatistic Terror, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, History, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, News, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Politik, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Verschiedenes | Schreib einen Kommentar

Vatican secret societies: Jesuits and the New World Order (Part 2)(REVIEW)(REMINDER)
Vatican secret societies: Jesuits and the New World Order (Part 2)(REVIEW)(REMINDER)

“Vatican Secret Societies Jesuits and the New World Order
558.511 Aufrufe•Am 02.10.2017 veröffentlicht”
“The Pope is a Monarch….according to various books.. The Pope is the Monarch of the World…Not just a religious leader, he is actually a political leady…The actual name Vatican I found very interesting. It actually means: Worship of the divine serpents…so we find the very basis of the Vatican, the very word itself means the Worship of Serpents.”
Redpill Drifter
Full Documentary
“A 3 hour deep dive into the Vatican Jesuits involvement in global politics and Infiltration of all aspects of government and society.
From the American colonies to present day, their influence is vast.”
“Guy Theobald – #TI – “VICTIM OF “CYBER-TORTURE”
NWO United Nazis Fake Human Rights – most breached – explained below…
UN & UDHR Human Rights &
WAS Brother of Allen Dulles Who created MK ULTRA! (MIND CONTROL 1953 DIRECTOR CIA)
This is Key! = Advanced Deceptive Illuminati Brothers!

Historical Reference Link:

““The Jesuits created the Illuminati…”
“It is therefore no one wonder that the vengeful eye of the Jesuits was focussed on George Washington.”
“1799..From the onset of his illness…the symptoms leading up to Washingtons death were difficulty in breathing, tightness of the throat and burning pain. Washington was only 67 Years old when he died.”

“What many fail to understand is that Marxism was based on the Jesuit Slave Plantations.. in South America. And Sir Thomas Mores Book Utopia…”
“What the Jesuits did was..they were the Master of Communism…Sir Thomas More is the Author of Utopia. Utopia is
the foundation for Communism, so Communism is Roman..They run on Communist principles of universal equality..So therefore Communism is a brainchild of the Jesuits, but it has bee made to look to be jewish through implementing it through Marx and his communist manifesto.”
“The Archbischop completely controls all the Corporations in this Country…the Jesuits created a Dictatorship.”
“Wallstreet..” “Money for this young revolutionary also came from indutrialists in the west..Hitler rise to power was financed by London and New York and Berlin. They were the Knights of Malta running the Bank Institutions of the World.””

““Thule Society…These evil organizations that perpetrate the ugly things that these criminals are doing in this country for which they must be held accountable…The American Branch of the Illuminati was called Skull & Bones and has its headquarters at CIA recruting ground Yale University…Bush was a member as was his grandson…are under and have been under control of the Jesuits for decades..Hitler did not write the book.”
“The Vatican had not been punished for these crimes.””

““Churches have always been tax-exempt.”
“All the churches by 1981 were completely taken-over…What is the ultimate goal of the papacy?… the answer is domination of the World. The Vatican is seeking a new world government or new world order.””

“@ukman1211: vor 3 Jahren: Here during covid19. Fauci went to Jesuit college, imagine that.
@jraydaly: vor 6 Jahren: Brilliant stuff. We with eyes to see and ears to hear are all in for it!
@DrBill-zv5dx: vor 5 Jahren: All roads lead to Rome…
@reformedstoic1320 vor 4 Jahren: God bless those who made this documentary, and God also bless those who have watched it and received it.
@josephlewis1295: vor 4 Jahren: The best YouTube video around.
@bearingwitnesslive: vor 5 Jahren: WE WIN…
@sudharshanmur: vor 1 Jahr: Wow. Simply an amazing and extremely informative documentary. Crystal clear with so much facts. Thanks.
@kennymeyerowitz509: vor 6 Jahren: Americans are not living in the world of the free and the brave.
@hopeneverdies1: vor 5 Jahren: Absolutely brilliant documentary! To think our current pope is a Jesuits. Prayers to all those strong men who tried to stop them.
@micahlee8935 vor 6 Jahren: Mankind PLEASE research the words God, Christ, Lord, Bless and church before u use them. Etymology. English is the language of confusion and has multiple meanings.”

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astralsphäre, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Time Travel/Quantum Paralleling, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Putin is responsible for Navalny´s death… Yet more proof of Putins Brutality.

“Putin is responsible for Navalny´s death. What happened to Navalny is yet more proof of Putin´s brutality. No one should be fooled. Not in Russia, not at home, not anywhere in the world.
Putin does not only have targeted citizens in other countries.., he also inflicts terrible crimes on his own people…and people around the world are mourning Nawalny today because he was so many things that Putin was not. (Joe Biden)”

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Chaos & Karma, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Feldphysik, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Krieg, Mafia&State Crime, News, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Der führende russische Oppositionspolitiker Alexej Nawalny ist nach Angaben der Justiz in Haft gestorben,

Aktualisiert Fr., 16. Februar 2024
Alexej Nawalny ist tot.

Der führende russische Oppositionspolitiker Alexej Nawalny ist nach Angaben der Justiz in Haft gestorben. Das teilte die Gefängnisverwaltung mit, wie die staatliche Agentur Tass meldete. Der 47-Jährige sei am Freitag nach einem Spaziergang in seiner sibirischen Strafkolonie zusammengebrochen und habe sofort das Bewusstsein verloren. Wiederbelebungsversuche von Sanitätern hätten keinen Erfolg gehabt.

Nawalnys Anwalt sei unterwegs in das Lager IK-3 in dem Ort Charp nördlich des Polarkreises.
“Sowie wir Informationen haben, werden wir berichten”, schrieb Jarmysch.
19 Jahre Lagerhaft wegen angeblichem “Extremismus”

Nawalny ist unter anderem wegen angeblichem “Extremismus” zu insgesamt 19 Jahren Lagerhaft verurteilt worden. International jedoch wird der Politiker, der 2020 nur knapp einen Mordanschlag mit dem Nervengift Nowitschok überlebte, als politischer Gefangener eingestuft. Menschenrechtsorganisationen fordern seit langem Nawalnys Freilassung.

Nachdem er in Deutschland von den Folgen des Giftanschlags behandelt worden war, kehrte Nawalny am 17. Januar 2021 nach Russland zurück – und wurde noch am Flughafen verhaftet. Schon im vergangenen Dezember war der als politischer Gefangener eingestufte Politiker über mehrere Wochen verschwunden. Im Nachhinein erwies sich, dass die Justiz ihn aus dem europäischen Teil Russlands in ein Straflager im hohen Norden Sibiriens verlegt hat. Nawalny vermutete, dass er dort vor der anstehenden Präsidentenwahl im März möglichst isoliert werden sollte.

Er nutzte die Gerichtsauftritte nicht zuletzt zur beißenden Kritik an Putins autoritärem System und Moskaus Krieg gegen die Ukraine.

Nawalny wurde international als politischer Gefangener anerkannt. Die USA, die EU sowie die Bundesregierung hatten sich in den vergangenen Wochen immer wieder besorgt gezeigt und die russische Führung aufgefordert, über Nawalnys Verbleib zu informieren. Russland wies dies aber als Einmischung in seine inneren Angelegenheiten zurück. Der Kreml teilte auch mit, dass er sich nicht um das Schicksal von Gefangenen in Russland kümmern könne.

Selenskyj: Nawalny wurde offensichtlich getötet.

Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj geht davon aus, dass der russische Oppositionspolitiker Alexej Nawalny getötet wurde. Es sei sehr bedauerlich, dass Nawalny in einem russischen Gefängnis gestorben sei, sagte Selenskyj laut offizieller Übersetzung bei einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz mit Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) in Berlin.
“Es ist für mich offensichtlich: Er wurde getötet. Wie andere Tausende, die zu Tode gequält wurden wegen dieses einen Menschen.”

“Putin ist es egal, wer sterben wird. Hauptsache, er bleibt bei seiner Position”, sagte Selenskyj. “Und deshalb sollte er auch alles verlieren. Er sollte verlieren, er sollte alles verspielen, und er sollte dann auch zur Verantwortung gezogen werden für die Verbrechen.”


Historische Referenz:

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Chaos & Karma, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Feldphysik, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Krieg, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, News, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Public Counterintelligence, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Strike/Streik/Protest, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

CORONA Nanonetworks – Molecular Communications Systems

“CORONA Nanonetworks – Molecular Communications Systems – Using Bacteria DNA For Biosensing Applications

“A.I. in Society, because as a cyber physical system, we are overlayering your cellular structure at the nanoscale, there are no maybe, it´s not a “I don´t know.””

“Magnetic Resonance Coupling. Optogenetics. Near Field Channel. Near Field Communication.”

“So we are in real trouble, because the Learning curve is I don´t want to know, oh my god, they are logging into me and shaping my DNA remotely? Yes.”

“It was crafted and automated probably before you were born.

Of the back of toddlers and the shaved Brainstems of innocent animals, children and military people who volunteered.”

Are you being given a choice right now`? No…They already went ahead and installed biosensors into everybody, that is soft-robotics, okay.”

“Can I Please get off the database? No. It is industrial.”

“I am supposed to believe a bunch of whitecoated Doctors who cannot read their own papers rather than my own eyeballs?”

“MIT….Doctors and Nurses…You see Berkeley. She looks happy and talk about her Job and keep her cognitive resonance, but when she goes home and have dinner with her husband, she plays cognitive dissonance and pretends she has no idea what she is doing.”


Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Cyborgs, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Public Counterintelligence, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Beyond Nanobots: How they can track every person on Earth with Lighthouse & Toledo

“Beyond Nanobots: How they can track every person on Earth with Lighthouse & Toledo”

“Targeted Individuals are the Lab Rats.”

“Washington D.C. is kind of an Epicenter of Targeted Individuals.”

“The Non-Consensual Implants that are placed within many of our Brains and our Bodies and so the Medical Profession has been compromised, Dentists too, Surgeons, Anaestheologists and Radiologists too, get an X-Ray or CT Scan, the radiologists report will not reflect that you have something in the middle of your brain.”

“Richard Lighthouse and Ana Toledo from Targeted Justice join the program to explain the many ways people are being targeted, harassed, and essentially the lab rats for the cabal´s weapon developments and research. Lighthouse, is an engineer with a master degree from Stanford and has experience with NASA and over 20 years in the energy field. Toledo is an attorney who has been fighting for justice most of her career; now she represents Targeted Justice as their lead attorney. You can learn more about their organization at”

“There is 23 Frequencies that affect Blood Pressure, depending on what your make up is, not just one.”

“A Unique identifier as a Frequency that makes sense.”

“83% of our Registered Targeted Individuals report Artificial Tinnitus…from the Tracking…The Ringing in your Ear…very high pitched…8000 Hertz Frequency.”

Satellites are broadcasting frequencies, most of society is under surveillance. The article reveals how the establishment including military, police cover their tracks by claiming that hackers are the only ones doing this when in reality, it’s both of them.”

just now
If you want to know about the Scalar Weapons ask me… I experienced them on the body by DoD/Navy/USAF Criminals working for U.N. …I know them by experience.

just now
There is no need to censor my comments, you lose credibility when you censor me.

Rauni Kilde was killed on 8.2.2015. (Allegedly by NSA)

3 Days Later they tried to remote choke me out and Putin showed up via Image 2 Skull… I noticed that Rumble censors like Hell or the Broadcasters there are corrupt or immature.

The Fact they censor me on Rumble shows that they are decades behind….they did not reach the Level of Sabrina W, Corinne N and Me and about MBANs, WBANs, WPANs and Network Centric Warfare, they are stuck in history.

Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Cyborgs, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Feldphysik, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, TI-Statements, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

This is a warning to those of you in your f*ck* whitecoats – Sabrina W

“This is a warning to those of you in your f*ck* whitecoats – Sabrina W”
“February 12, 2024”

“I brought the Data. This is a warning to those of you in your f*ck* whitecoats. I am a non-invasive DARPA survivor…30 different doctor´s offices..CIA with your Tax ID…When you got Tax IDs in those Doctors offices that´s why they are working with you in one way or another..The DoD…Here I am, as a young Mother and I am trying to figure out, what the hell pseudo tumors cerebral actually is, you have a fake tumor, how is it fake, when I am half physically blind at the age of 26 years old. CIA…Testing, you want to talk about it?”

“I know exactly how your systems work now, because I wanted my life back and I got it…I was fairly disappointed to discover that there were no physicians, there were no IT people, no hackers. Nobody wanted to tell the Truth about any of this and I couldn´t figure out why. So for 5 Years I have been sitting here watching people die, wondering why, we can´t talk about what´s going on….”

“All to come back to Electronic Integrated Disease Control Systems…and your Pathogen Database with all of these 500000 Pathogens that you can remote log into any human body ..and do whatever you want, as log as you got the cyber security access…FBI Jump Drive DNA of your loved one.”

(Conspiracy Revelation: 15.2.2024: globally – not just U.S. – Germany is also fully invaded, since 2005 wban aka Morgellons chemtrail pathogenic dna trojan switch)

“Neurotoxins in the Air – meanwhile you are f*cking up the atmosphere with Geoengineering in an obnoxious manner.”

“I come from the highest levels of the NSA.”

“Las Vegas, that is where I lived…and yet nobody could help me, nobody could solve the fake brain tumor…no, you have to stop that signal.”

“These are Eugenicists, period, they will not stop. They are after the Genetics.. The reason for that: We write DATA to DNA, it is called DNA Steganography.”

“The Depopulation component, but augmenting Humans.”

“Brain to Brain Interface…since 2014…available to any f*ck* nerd…”

“You people have done this to all of us *whitecoats*..Telehealth won´t get away… Your Radiofrequency Engineers…”

“Then I found the Genetics Programs, then I found the DNA Steganography, you store your DATA in people´s TISSUE. Cisco. Hospital. Specialized Routing Protocols…you did this to everyone, since the 50s…The NSA writing every synaptic expression at 1500 Bits.. storing it in Supercomputers.”

“Here is Elon, making Jokes…You do realize that they are going to kill you? Right`?”

“Neutrino Arrays, in Antarctica,.. we have them all over the world.”

“He doesn´t have the biggest Libraries…”

“Lying everybody into the Grave.”

“1954..Digital Twin…Nürnberg didn´t happen, but Project Paperclip sure did.”

“This is synthetic biology and human augmentation…we have already lost our Nation…to not be cyborged or just flat out dead. These systems are not friendly to human tissue, period.”

“And there is not one of you in a debunk me…”

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Summary Tiktok – 2 – 2024 + synthtel report

Summary Tiktok – 2 – 2024 –
From abandoned – most ignored and censored Telegram.
“Communism was created by a loser who created an
ideology for losers. An ideology that caused destruction, death, poverty, wherever it was applied…Why is there still people saying Communism >State-Based Totalitarian NWO Communism – she should add -cra)<is a good idea and I will give you the answer right now, because there are still a lot of losers outthere.”
“Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy. (Mao Zedong)”
“First of all, we have to understand what communism is…..real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism. (Bobby Fischer) (a Jew)”
“Utopia is the foundation for Communism, so Communism is Roman..They run on Communist principles of universal equality..So therefore Communism is a brainchild of the Jesuits,
but it has bee made to look to be jewish through implementing it through Marx and his communist manifesto.” [[=>71349]

” The KGB is a hard-nosed bunch of chess players, and they do play both ends against the middle. The “marriage” of the Yakuza and the Russian Mafia (which works for the KGB ultimately), is one of convenience.
The Yakuza in particular have never forgiven the U.S. for humiliating them in WW II, and for dropping the atom bomb on Japan.
One of their goals in life is to participate in the absolute destruction of the U.S.
This is useful to that arm of the KGB still dominated by the old communist diehards, which still adheres to the notion that all evil in the world is due to capitalism and that communism is the only answer.”

@commonsensedose I remember growing up my dad would always talk about how much the government played with people back in Brazil. He used to say they were experienced in creating losers, and losers kept them in power. They always needed losers, so then they could say they were going to lift them up. However, they always kept them in the same exact place, each and each time they made them become more dependent on the government. It was all under the guise of “I’m helping you become a winner”, but they knew that by giving them crumbs, they would keep them as losers forever, and it was the perfect recipe, because it was easy to pretend that they actually cared and were doing something to help them out… Oh, if I’m not seeing the same exact thing happening here in this country right now 😢 #anticommunist #communism #wakeupamerica #lionsnotsheep ♬ original sound – Mackenzie

freedomgott2024: 14.4.2024: Only losers must use genetic weaponry, satellite warfare and scalar weapons…
freedomgott2024: Scream it out. 100% +93.
L6uaPoolik: I grew up in communism, I know everything about it and that´s one of the best explanations I´ve ever heard!
Snaugaard: saying “I grew up in communism” is just a self report for “I haven’t read Marx nor know about different types of communism.”
JankoBranko: And you with all the knowledge will be able to create a true communist state.
Even the hippies gave up on their self sufficient communist communities. (<<< Hippies were a cia psyop movement, when the psyop was over the hippies were gone, so simple, nothing works out of the frame of their control tentacles – Except Me – Conspiracy Revelation)
JankoBranko: Clearly there is something wrong with a system not only in practice, but in theory, if no one can do it not even a small group of people which would
ibbb575: True about communism, but a clear lack of mainstream knowledge of economics – the productive forces from Marx are still considered a staple of modern economics.
@Grapefruit:neither socialism or capitalism works well at the extreme points. Both have benefits and drawbacks. Nordic systems are a good example of mixing both ideologies.
@ibbb575:True about communism, but a clear lack of mainstream knowledge of economics – the productive forces from Marx are still considered a staple of modern economics.
Dave: It’s a very seductive theology if you are a surface thinker that doesn’t have much.
freedomgott2024: 15.2.2024: misdirecting the hopeless slaves in a nutshell, giving them empty straws…
Mackenzie · Creator*in: Have they not seen that it only causes unhappiness? Sorry, but if you think like that after you’re 18, you’re just dumb. 😅
Mysterius: She woke up and chose language of facts.
Sarah 🌼: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 the best explanation I’ve heard. 🥰🥰

@heidiweber381:Europe – The Last Battle.

@vectron:” Exploitation of the working class … inevitably drives the working class to rebel against capitalism.”


“The Annunaki Engineer Humanity 250,000 Years
the understanding of one who gives birth a mother is required.

freedomgott2024: Kundalini says yes. Goddess is behind real Pharaos.
Enki is for freedom.
Jahwe is Enlil.
“It starts with a Woman it ends with a Woman.”
Sophia rescued us from these horrific Destroyers.

#Interdimensional Synthetic Telepathy Report (Synthtel) – 15.2.2024

Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Krieg, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Zensur/Censor | Ein Kommentar

Covid load balancing for the bankers human husbandry – Sabrina – November 4, 2023
“Covid load balancing for the bankers human husbandry – Sabrina – November 4, 2023”
“Covid-Lastverteilung für die die menschliche Tierhaltung >>(Google Vorschlag) (Haushaltung/Wirtschaftung)<< der Banker”

“Covid was also the Destabilization of the Immune System by making sure the HIV they tried the first time (came through) and then they gave everybody AZT to destabilize their Immune System, but it didn´t quite take, now this time they have this spike protein that nobody can nail down..we use those spike proteins to watch on those opto-essays and arrays what your proteins are doing. We use it with Neurons, we use it with all sorts of different cell substrates, so that we can manipulate the body with biophysics…Is this electronic warfare…The optogenetic network they were working on this 2004…Mathematical corridor with Bluetooth…and the virtual Light Communication. …Machine to Machine and all these adhoc networks (M2M). Optogenectic Biophotonic Network…”

Conspiracy Revelation: 13.2.2024: (Aka Firewall-Exploit and Antivirus subversion in IT-Sec Terms, they do the same in IT/CyberSec, that´s why I tell you this, the Federal Trojan is like the HIV in your firewalls)

“They can take away the cancer in 15 minutes.”

“This is electronic warfare through the body that is why they are not talking about what COVID (convid) really is…they have access to change it. They can give you cancer, diabetes, whatever and they could fix but they do not.”

“Electronic Integrated Disease Surveillance System with the CDC with little Apps like Bioconductor.”

“There is an intensivist and all the nurses are using humetrics e.g. and reports to the intensivists that make all the decisions and the nurses play stupid: Oh, I am just so dumb, I don´t know it´s A.I. precision healthcare, give my a break.”

“Other People can go out and talk about this Data at the level of their comprehension.
It has to come from a bunch of individual people, it can´t just come from just one person,
because this has been going on for 150 years, that is way too much time for one person to come and be like:
Hey, this is computer networking through your body.”

“The good old boys club is well in control. That is why we haven´t heard anybody say biofield, wireless body area network.
They are too busy just f*cking around setting up killing each other with their Satellites.
Any community that is not telling their people about electronic warfare, your community is already dead.”

“Going into world war 3 which is hosting drone warfare, electronic warfare and you left your people stupid and told them they will be able to pull their gun…and their family members will be dead and they will lose all their ressources and be sitting in a FEMA camp…and you couldn´t take the time in your own community to tell the Truth.”


“„Covid war auch eine Destabilisierung des Immunsystems, indem sichergestellt wurde, dass das HIV, das sie beim ersten Mal versucht hatten, durchkam, und dann gaben sie allen AZT, um ihr Immunsystem zu destabilisieren, aber es hat nicht ganz gewirkt, jetzt haben sie dieses Mal das Spike-Proteine, das niemand festnageln kann. Wir verwenden diese Spike-Proteine, um auf diesen Opto-Aufsätzen und Feldern zu beobachten, was eure Proteine tun. Wir verwenden es mit Neuronen, wir verwenden es mit allen möglichen Zellsubstraten, damit wir den Körper mit Biophysik manipulieren können … Ist das elektronische Kriegsführung … Das optogenetische Netzwerk, an dem sie seit 2004 gearbeitet haben … Der mathematischer Korridor mit Bluetooth … und der Virtuellen Lichtkommunikation. …Machine zu Machine und all diese Ad-hoc-Netzwerke (M2M). Optogenetisches biophotonisches Netzwerk…“

Conspiracy Revelation: 13.2.2024: (Aka Firewall-Exploit und Antivirus Subversion in IT-Sec-Begriffen, sie tun dasselbe in IT/CyberSec, deshalb erzähle ich euch das, der Bundestrojaner ist wie das HIV in euren Firewalls)

„Sie können den Krebs in 15 Minuten beseitigen.“

„Das ist elektronische Kriegsführung durch den Körper, deshalb reden sie nicht darüber, was COVID (Convid) wirklich ist … sie haben die Möglichkeit, es zu ändern. Sie können Krebs, Diabetes und was auch immer verursachen und sie könnten es heilen, tun es aber nicht.“

„Elektronisches integriertes Krankheitsüberwachungssystem mit dem CDC mit kleinen Apps wie Bioconductor.“

„Es gibt einen Intensivmediziner und alle Krankenschwestern verwenden Humetrics, z. B. und melden sich bei den Intensivärzten, die alle Entscheidungen treffen, und die Krankenschwestern stellen sich dumm: „Oh, ich bin einfach so dumm, ich weiß nicht, dass es an der K.I. Präzisionsgesundheitsvorsorge liegt.“ , gönnen Sie mir eine Pause.“

„Andere Menschen können hinausgehen und auf der Ebene ihres Verständnisses und über diese Daten sprechen.
Es muss von einer Gruppe einzelner Menschen kommen, es kann nicht nur von einer einzigen Person kommen,
weil das schon seit 150 Jahren so ist, ist das viel zu viel Zeit, als dass eine Person kommen und sagen könnte:
Hey, das ist eine Computervernetzung durch deinen Körper.“

„Der Club der guten alten Jungs hat die Kontrolle. Deshalb haben wir noch niemanden sagen hören, dass es sich um Biofield, Wireless Body Area Network, handelt.“
“Sie sind zu beschäftigt damit, sich gegenseitig mit ihren Satelliten umzubringen. Jede Gemeinschaft, die ihren Leuten nichts über elektronische Kriegsführung erzählt, ist bereits tot.“

“In den dritten Weltkrieg eintreten, in dem es um Drohnenkrieg und elektronische Kriegsführung geht und du hast deine Leute dumm gehalten und ihnen gesagt, dass sie ihre Waffen ziehen können … und ihre Familienmitglieder werden tot sein und sie werden alle ihre Ressourcen verlieren und in einem FEMA-Lager sitzen… und du konntest dir in deiner eigenen Gemeinde nicht die Zeit nehmen, die Wahrheit zu sagen.“

Ingmar Veeck
Still unbelievable that the deities allow so much corruption on the most fundamental levels of this Universe to happen…I would construct absolute incorruptible security systems for fundamental genomics that protect innocence and punish perpetrators immediately, in my Universe.
Post übersetzen
5:31 nachm. · 13. Feb. 2024
Mal angezeigt

Es ist immer noch unglaublich, dass die Gottheiten so viel Korruption auf den grundlegendsten Ebenen dieses Universums zulassen… Ich würde in meinem Universum absolut unbestechliche Sicherheitssysteme für die grundlegende Genomik errichten, die die Unschuldigen schützen und die Täter sofort bestrafen.

Ingmar Veeck
The Lightbonds on the DNA are manipulated by their Quantum-AI-Satellites, that´s how they can cause Morgellons from afar…
Die Lichtbindungen auf der DNA werden durch ihre Quanten-KI-Satelliten manipuliert, so dass sie Morgellons aus der Ferne verursachen können…

“6. Nov. 2023
Covid= load balancing bans
November 4, 2023
body area networks
excellent query and summary.”

“Hyper-Mutagenic, Mutagenic…it grows things inside of their body, made out of their own tissue, a little faster and we can tissue modulate and electromagnetically steer, using their body-area network, how we want their organs to grow, what we want to grow. Human Asset Management.”

“Warp Speed.., in 2019, they were already commercially available with synthetic biology, life extension, immortality research, regenerative medicine…University, back in 2009 and 2010..Optogenetic Body Area Network. People don´t know it yet, because they are ignoring Bio-Photonics.”

“What are you really doing when you go to work?”
“Owning all the Cops, owning all the Lawfare with these secret systems.”

Conspiracy Revelation: 13.2.2024: Indeed, the civilian targeted population must replace all “Police” Jobs, as a hobby, basically. If we want real divine -incorruptible- Justice.

NWO Totalitarian multi-dimensionally invasive and intrusive Times need you to be godlike, times have changed.

To survive in these times you must be a self-learned Medical Doctor, a self-learned Police Investigator, a self-learned Military Defense Strategist, a self-learned Biogenetic Specialist, a self-learned Cyber-Sec Expert, a Pioneer Software Developer, a botanic expert in Natural Biology, a biophysicist and Quantum Physicist to counteract their Scalar-Weapons and DNA Assaults, an interdimensional Exorcist, a Healer, Shaman and Expert in Spiritual Combat or Karma Yogi, a Philosopher, a Gnana Yogi, a Psychologist and Sociologist against their PsyOp tactics.
A pharmacist to heal or defend yourself bio-chemically, an anti-aging expert/longevity researcher, a martial artist, ideally already learned in youth. So you must be universally armoured and educated on all multi-dimensional levels to be able to defend on all levels.

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Corinne Nokel
This is a computer networking issue INSIDE OF THE HUMAN BODY. Can we PLEASE have an adult discussion about this…?

Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Krieg, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Verschiedenes, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Xenomorphs – WBAN – 6-2023- Sabrina
Xenomorphs – WBAN – 6-2023- Sabrina

“You playing Videogames with Humans. You are ordering a drone from NASA on someones home and people somehow believe they are still secured, they are not.”
“They are using game theory since 2012 inside of humans to f*ck with them.”
“You f*ckers now how to take cancer away in 15 minutes…all the people you could have helped in the world. It is wireless. You got this all figured out, on Computers, on Computers.”
“Endless f*cking playing inside of your cells, to them it is even built like a videogame and it is already done.”
“Back to the Department of Defense.”
“..cell-powering nano-sensors..”
“Synbio Technologies: DNA writing, DNA reading, DNA editing.”

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Objectivism vs Nonsense Subjectivism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, TI-Statements, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

It always starts with the Medical and Corporate Tech Sector…Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.15.6

Conspiracy Revelation: 12.2.2024: It always starts with the Medical and Corporate Tech Sector…
“Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.15.6”
It always starts with the Medical sector and integrates with the Federal, Military, Technological, Scientific, Corporate, University and Alphabet Crime Syndicates and the secret Aim of Robotization of the Human Species, in modern times, the old nazi style, illicit subversion, undermining, secret monitoring, secret dna manipulation, secret disease induction by the criminals over decades, secret bioweapon spreading, starting with the dispersal of Chemtrails, secret manipulation of the aura biofield…secret mind-body-brain manipulation…secret surveillance, secret remote torture, secret sleep deprivation, secret impairment of the human species, secret totalitarism in nearly every aspect of human life. The disease management arguments are valid, but still, we, as survivors, of secret cointelpro assaults and cowardly assaults from the ruling class and nwo zionazi cultist maniacs, know the dark side of this technology from a to z, by painful experience. No one should ever get a secret subversion of their own human genome and a military medical implantation of all body parts that can be misused in a second for example for 24/7/365 pre-emptive analyzing (false judgemental categorization based on the ruling classes dogmas or cult ideologies), thought policing, sabotage and remote torture and surveillance…or even remote assassination assaults/attempts (Obamas Manifested Destiny Idiocy..) in their own homes (NSA/CIA/DoD KillBox, Rauni Kilde is one example, Max Spiers, Ekkehard Scheller (23.11.), Suzanne Kablitz (11.2.) << notorious assassination dates (BASE211 Antarctica), on 11.2.2015 (3 days after Rauni Kilde, they tried to remote kill me, Putin showed up via Image 2 Skull), Andreas Noack another one and I collected many many many other proofs of next generation – most cowardly and inhuman form – of warfare and genocide against innocence.. during the last 13 years, they also tried the same with me…The Destroyer Gang (Zionazi-Bolshevic Inc) met the first time someone who is resistant against DESTRUCTION) //112 The Ugly number of destruction…
21122017 another attempt to take my soul out.. 2-1-1-2—-The Monsters…
14.6.2018 = 11 11 / 11.11.2011 (all their cowardly attack dates…) / 4.1.2020. (Now you know why China has no Hotel Room with Number 4)
Today is the 12.2. and my father died. There is a Scheme in this Universe. A Pattern.
11.2.2015 = 12 (11.2.2024 =12 = 2112) // 12.2.2024 = 13
We do not agree with the schemes of death. We are no friends of the destroyers, we despise their insidious long term sabotage tactics.
Kundalini says yes.
The Destroyers will never be able to defeat me and Devi and this angers them.
In my Universe there is everlasting life, I don´t accept absurdity….work for nothing… Imagine You worked for 40 years on a project, just to abandon it because of Death. WHAT A WASTE!

“Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks: Survey of MAC and Routing Protocols for Patient Monitoring under IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.15.6”

Wireless body area sensor networks (WBASNs) have received growing attention from industry and academia due to their exceptional potential for patient monitoring systems that are equipped with low-power wearable and implantable biomedical sensors under communications standards such as IEEE 802.15.4-2015 and IEEE 802.15.6-2012. The goal of WBASNs is to enhance the capabilities of wireless patient monitoring systems in terms of data accuracy, reliability, routing, channel access, and the data communication of sensors within, on and around the human body. The huge scope of challenges related to WBASNs has led to various research publications and industrial experiments. In this paper, a survey is conducted for the recent state-of-art in the context of medium access control (MAC) and routing protocols by considering the application requirements of patient monitoring systems. Moreover, we discuss the open issues, lessons learned, and challenges for these layers to provide a source of motivation for the upcoming design and development in the domain of WBASNs. This survey will be highly useful for the 6th generation (6G) networks; it is expected that 6G will provide efficient and ubiquitous connectivity to a huge number of IoT devices, and most of them will be sensor-based. This survey will further clarify the QoS requirement part of the 6G networks in terms of sensor-based IoT.
Keywords: WBASN, patient monitoring systems, IoTs, RSSI, LQI, link quality, routing, IEEE 802.15.4, IEEE 802.15.6.”

Wireless body area sensor network overview.
Table 1

Requirements of sensors for patient monitoring systems [1].
Sensor Nodes Data Generation Interval Required Data Rate (Kbps) Delay Requirement
ECG 4 ms 34 <125 ms
EMG 6 ms 19.6 <125 ms
EEG 4 ms 19.6 <125 ms
SpO2 (Pulse Oximeter) 10 ms 13.2 <250 ms
BP 10 ms 13.2 <250 ms
Respiration 40 ms 3.2 <250 ms
Skin temperature 60 s 2.27 <250 ms
Glucose sensor 250 s 0.528 <250 ms

“Every year, millions of people suffer from diseases, including cardiovascular, blood pressure, asthma, diabetes, etc. Research has revealed that most of these diseases can be avoided if they are identified early. In this context, patient monitoring systems [10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24] could be very useful in providing quality of life without disrupting the patients’ daily routines. WBASNs integrate with other communication technologies, including ZigBee, Bluetooth, wireless local area networks (WLANs) and wireless personal area networks (WPANs). Usually, for communications at the MAC and physical layers, WBASNs use IEEE 802.15.4 low-rate wireless personal area networks (LR-WPANs) and IEEE 802.15.6 wireless body area networks (WBANs). ZigBee is a popular industrial standard that works above the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC layer and is widely available in the market as a ready product [1].”


#AgainstExtrajudicialKillings – For the SAKE of Humanity –

Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Alienhybrids&DUMBs, Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astral Projection/5D-Lightgrids, Astralsphäre, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Illicit Meta-Black Soul-Pull Technology, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Interdimensional Poetry / Endtime Philosophy, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Objectivism vs Nonsense Subjectivism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, TimeStealing-TimeCloaking-SecretSpaceWarfare, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Tiktok völlig zensiert von Bundesmafiosis und Völkermordvertuschender K.I.

Conspiracy Revelation: 11.2.2024: Tiktok völlig zensiert von Bundesmafiosis und Völkermordvertuschender K.I. Digital Gulag Totalitarismus, der von den NWO-NASA-Cyborgs völlig kritiklos und widerstandslos übernommen wird.

TIKTOK ist von Bundesmafiosi Zensurtrupps mit K.I. voll blockiert. Erst posten sie lauter grausame Löwen und Bärenkämpfe und dann soll man dazu nicht sagen können, was man denkt.
Völkermordvertuschende Übeltäter noch dazu.

12:59 – 11.2.2024
Digital Totalitarismus der Bundesmafia, i.A. der
NWO Völkermörder…
Wahrheit wird zensiert.
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“Impfungen sind Völkermord…das wissen die Theosophen schon seit 300 Jahren.”
Veröffentlicht am 02-11 um 02:13
Gründe für den Verstoß
In einer globalen Community ist es normal, dass Menschen unterschiedliche Meinungen haben, aber wir versuchen, auf der Grundlage gemeinsamer Fakten und der Realität zu handeln. … Mehr anzeigen
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“But governments will use whatever technology is available to them to combat their primary enemy – which is their own population. (Noam Chomsky) [15440]”
“Aber die Regierungen werden jede ihnen zur Verfügung stehende Technologie nutzen, um ihren Hauptfeind zu bekämpfen, nämlich die eigene Bevölkerung. (Noam Chomsky)”

“The White Rabbit Podcast 🐇
19. Jan.
💥We are in immense danger.💥
The Billionaire class have told an AI program there is a Virus on Earth called the Human Species & ALL of these measures they are following in Lockstep were the Cure created by A.I.”
“World Stealth Organization.”
“They consider us the Virus, we are at war with our own Governments.” ( <= which are still people, but traitors of the Human Species and Mother Earth)

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Healing, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Classics, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Cyborgs, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Strike/Streik/Protest, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Tiktok/Intuitive Readings/Situational Awareness, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, Verschiedenes, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Hive and routing the IoBnT – Sabrina
“Hive and routing the IoBnT – Sabrina – February 9, 2024”

“But your Biosensors know what SQL Hive is. It´s the back-end of a bunch of your AI Containers..for your… Information Architecture. Oracle or the (ass end) Back-End of WordPress is part of how all of this functions…since the 90s.” “(Spark Core – Spark Sql Architecture)”

“We have everything that we need in order to transit massive libraries, massive amounts of data superfast, it also will map it out for you. Basically A.I. does all the work for itself…
You can do whatever you want and it will organize it for you, but what does that have to do with biosensors?”

“Everybody is reporting in the big data in bio-informatics, 24/7/365, with you wireless body area network, period. That is cyber security. It doesn´t turn off. No one is coming to say: “Oh, we don´t need to measure your biological signals anymore, the DoD is good for today.””

“That is an industrial 24/7/365 guarantee system and that is what we are dealing with.”

“The Industrial sensors, the 802.15.4., they are always there.”

“Log into your Body…by being close to you.”

“We can watch your biosensors with little chips like this…
We can watch them with anything that is on the back-end at all and that means it is opens to hackers and all sorts of things… Probing Human Monitor PDA.”
“Types of wireless sensor network attacks and its applications..
Obviously Mister Icke is connected to the Cloud…normies, oh, I am just so wise, we are all having a big conversation in our Minds are mentally (inter) linking.
No. You guys went ahead and build a bunch of Artificial Intelligence that communicates with itself in the wireless and reports back to you, potentially.., if you are watching a human target and then you know everything that is going on inside their body with their biological biosignals, because electrical signal transduction for biosignals is part of very big signal processing, motion control…biosignals are space-time records of a biological event such as a beating heart or a contracting muscle…produces signals that can be measured and analyzed…we are so busy building a model that predicts the human activity, such as walking upstairs, walking downstairs, sitting, standing or laying…the field of human activity recognition radar has become one of the trendiest research topics due to availability of sensors. SOSA = Sensors open system Architecture.”

Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Corrupted Software/Microsoft etc., Counterdefense/Cyberterror-Morons, Cyborgs, Deep Black & Timeshifter, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Experiments&Psychology, Feldphysik, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, IT Security/IT Forensic, Kabbale/Cabal, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Milabs/Psychics/DeepBlackMil, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Objectivism vs Nonsense Subjectivism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Directed Energy is being weaponized” and “Individuals’ brains can be targeted by microwaves…

“Directed Energy is being weaponized” and “Individuals’ brains can be targeted by microwaves” according to Peter Koenig a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO). Peter warns that we must recognise the diabolical “Illuminati” methods and stand up in unison against them and spread the information on the “brain as the ongoing and next battlefield..”

“The Death Cult has again given people warnings, according to its “rules” – way ahead of time, so, They may be successful.”

“If you want a lead-demonstrator to stop demonstrating, you target his brain with ultra-shortwaves.
We by now know them as 5G. You make them depressed, so they do not want to demonstrate anymore;…
You do this as many times as you want and create an ambiance of depression. These are paraphrased words of Barry Trower, ex-MI5 Microwave scientist and whistleblower.”

“Mr. Trower adds, that low-level micro-waves can cause all sorts of cancers and leukemias and further elaborates that for the past 40 years or so the UK Government, plus basically all the Anglosaxon governments, have been lying to their people, to protect not only the high-flying profits of these “industries of death”, but perhaps more importantly for not divulging the evil objective of total surveillance and enslavement that they have planned.”

“Through “Electronic Telepathy”,”

“DARPA let a couple of contracts in 2011 / 2012 with the University of California for what is called “electronic telepathy”, to be able to monitor the brains of people at distance and to determine what they are thinking.”

“Under a separate contract the university was to investigate sending in signals to the brain of a person, literally sending them messages saying what they must think – and do. This is where the technology is today.

This could be used in your private life, as well as your professional life. It means, already today, they could make you do and behave as whatever they would like. They could make you a murderer, a cheater or just simply obedient to orders that may follow.

To repeat: “What you must know is that the brain is and will be the 21st Century’s battlefield”, says Dr. James Giordano, DARPA neurologist, during his talk at the Modern War Institute at West Point NY.

It is important to remember, especially since we should pay more attention to our surroundings, to people’s behavior, than what we are used to. We may deduct many lessons. So, that we may continue and expanding the field of connecting the dots.

In the video below, you will see a chart, indicating that Neuroscience, Neurotechnology in the Narcotics and Special Investigation Division (NSID), part of DARPA, has been “Valid, valuable and already in NSID use since 2014.””

“Why are they doing it? They, being the “monsters”, which cannot easily be called humans.”

“Curiously, the Fourth Industrial Revolution does not give one single valid reason why all digitization, transhumanism, total control of humanity is good for humanity and for Mother Earth; nor does the Great Reset, nor does UN Agenda 2030.”

“The DARPA expert, Giordano, who is also a prominent scientist in the US Health and Human Service Department – that speaks for itself – also talks about non-invasive technologies, such as the so-called “N3 Program”, the neurosurgical, neuromodulation and narcotics program.”

“This was the level of science in 2018, when Dr. Giordano gave his infamous speech at West Point. In the meantime, neuroscience has leaped forward, so that implants are no longer necessary.”

“Intelligence communities, even those within governments, with the help of their algorithm-assisted surveillance tools, become so powerful that they escape the boundaries of the state for which they are working, become independent, and control the state that should control them.

We are moving in warp speed towards a Nazi-Stasi State which we see coming, but are incapable of doing anything against it, because we are not connected with each other, we are kept apart as individuals, with our little individual advantages and special treats – keeping us on individual leashes, purposefully away from uniting with others.

“Stasi” – for those, too young to remember, is a colloquial term to describe the East-German Ministry of State Security.

This affects not only the United States, but countries all around the world, especially the western world, which is still intent to remain THE Empire, emerging into a One World Order (OWO).

This can happen only with (i) a massively reduced population, to reduce resistance; (ii) with a scared-to-death population; and eventually, (iii) with the survivors transformed into easily manipulable transhumans.

How that works has very eloquently been demonstrated in the video above. Below is a summary version but equally explicit..”

“It sure looks like it, especially since most people, maybe as many as 99.999% of the people, have no clue, and are totally vulnerable but, as such, perfect guinea pigs for trials, to perfect their “brain battlefield”, so to speak.”

” stepping out from under this diabolical system, being openly promoted by the World Economic Forum (WEF).”.and the United Nations Agenda 2030, that may be read at par with The Great Reset.”

“The UN, what you may least believe, the UN with their Agenda 2030, with targets and goals virtually identical with the WEF’s Reset, has ceased to be what we all believe it is and what it was supposedly created for – supporting and enabling World Peace.

This cessation of “Peace Maker” of the UN system has started gradually, already decades ago. In fact, as far back as the Club of Rome’s “Limits of Growth” (1972), when inspired by the Rockefeller Brothers, the UN was to gradually follow the Limits of Growth agenda which had to do with massive depopulation and – yes, climate change.

A cornerstone of change was the first United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the ‘Earth Summit’, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 1992. From then on followed almost on an annual basis the infamous UN sponsored COP conferences (COP – Conference of the Parties).

The last one, COP27, took place in November 2022 in Egypt. The annual repetition of COPs is a well-studied method of social brainwashing, manipulation à la Tavistock – has worked wonders. It is today hard to find anybody under the common people, who does not believe in the CO2-emitting man-made climate change. No matter what evidence to the contrary is produced.

The UN sell-out to a corrupt elite has taken a visible and giant step forward with the beginning of the Decade 2020, i.e., with the UN Agenda 2030. All of this must first sink into the brain of most people before we can even start resisting and move into another sphere of vibration.

However, like with everything spiritual and dynamic, once a critical mass has started with critical thinking the move into the Light may be fast.

Moving into the Light is what is predicted for 2023 / 2024.”

Let us not leave cracks for diabolical seduction.

Before we can step out, we must recognize these diabolical “Illuminati” methods and stand up in unison against them.

This writing is about spreading this information on the “brain as the ongoing and next battlefield”. ”
“We do not want battlefields of any kind. We want PEACE.”



Conspiracy Revelation: 10.2.2024: “Illuminati” in this context means the Political Zionazi-Bolshevics, their MIC and E-MIC and their Alphabet Agency Conglomerate and the U.N. Banking Complex and the Rockefeller NWO Corporate Crime Syndicate, not really enlightened people, like us, never forget that.

Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Allgemein, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Klerusmafia/Clerical Mafia/Vatican, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Attorney Dr Reiner Fuellmich – “Sitting in Prison for Weeks Now and The Real Perpetrators are Still Free.”

“Attorney Dr Reiner Fuellmich – “Sitting in Prison for Weeks Now and The Real Perpetrators are Still Free.””

“Feb 1, 2024 | ALTERNATIVE NEWS”

“As many people know, attorney Dr. Reiner Feulmich who had been working on a project known as the “Second Nuremberg,” was arrested on October 12th by German authorities in Mexico where he and his wife had been staying. He was taken back to Germany where has now been imprisoned for a little over three months now and now has very little contact with the outside world. There are only 2 telephones in the unit, but he is not allowed to speak unsupervised, and there is very little supervision available due to a lack of personnel, according to Katja Woermer, Dr Fuellmich’s legal representative in an interview on the German Bittel Tv and reported in the Truth Summit on the 21st of January.

Katja says “As for something being done on the legal level, some things were not done within the set time limits and a decision should be made on this within the next week two. One must have patience. Things are still not public, so there is still a need to keep matters private. There is a good chance you will be able to hear Reiner within the next week or two.”

As for Reiner, he is still optimistic and happy to be working with an international team. He has been moved, and now does not have a TV, which makes the days even longer. He has now watched a few movies. For instance, he was watched Gone With the Wind 10 times!!! So he must have a romantic side.”

“Another guest Bono on the Bittel show asked what many of us also wanted the answer to: “But shouldn’t this be a civil case, and usually there is no prison time, but compensation/damages. Katja agrees, but says “things were brought to criminal court where things were seen differently. As for surveillance via an ankle bracelet, this exists, but not in Germany – due to “inadequate funding.” Katja also noted, that there are currently also doctors in prison in Germany. Source”

“Reiner states on the website: “In October 2023, everything plunged into complete chaos again. It ended with the execution of the above-mentioned European arrest warrant against me in Frankfurt after I had previously been deported from a non-European country (Mexico) under police protection. – A thriller that, as I know today, was anything but a coincidence. I’ll tell you about that in the next episode.”

“As a result”, he says “I´ve been sitting in prison for weeks now. The real perpetrators are still free.” he adds “They also possess the class action lawsuit money and the money from my private home. I can prove that. All documents are safely stored with my legal team. How the „agitators“ brought all this to a „successful“ conclusion for them, I will report on in the next episode.””

“How could it come to this that I am sitting in a high-security prison in Germany today – and this completely innocently?”

“My wife Inka and I lived with our dogs on our ranch in Northern California until early June 2020 and I did my legal work primarily from there. When the plandemic started in 2020, we were both immediately convinced that something was wrong here. I quickly packed my bags because I wanted to help shed light on the pandemic in Germany. After all, I had 30 years of experience as a litigator and studied medical and pharmaceutical law for many years at the University of Göttingen. I also had many contacts from my work in medical law.”

“We agreed to found the Corona investigation committee. Because it was clear in June 2020 that the German Bundestag, which was actually responsible for this, would not start its own investigation for reasons that were not yet apparent to me at the time.”

“After I learned from critical experts that a PCR test cannot under any circumstances scientifically accurately determine an infection, and that it had apparently been deliberately misused for this purpose in the context of the plandemic, I published on this topic in the September 2020 a 50 minute long video in German and English. In it I explained that the Corona measures, which had already led to more and more victims and damage at that point, could legally be qualified as crimes against humanity and that we should best resolve them legally using the means of Anglo-American law . To my surprise, the video was seen millions of times before it was suddenly deleted from YouTube/Google.”

“Due to my almost 30 years of litigation experience, I was rather skeptical that a solid legal approach would quickly be successful in Germany and the rest of the world. That is why I advised that damages litigation should first be conducted in an Anglo-American country where there is the possibility of class actions and a real law of evidence and punitive damages for intentional harm. My international colleagues are currently working hard on this project. The topic of class action lawsuits is as present as ever and, we are convinced, will finally bring the hoped-for success. Source”


Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Chaos & Karma, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Detection, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, History, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, News, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Petrofascism, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Public Counterintelligence, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, Strike/Streik/Protest, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar

Wikipedia is criminally controlled by CIA-Stasi-Nazis that cover up their genetic weaponry as mental delusion…

Conspiracy Revelation: 8.2.2024: Wikipedia is criminally controlled by CIA-Stasi-Nazis that cover up their genetic weaponry as mental delusion…anyone who sends these evil controllers money is paying for their own destruction… REMOVE STUPIDITY AND IGNORANCE from this Planet and see how the NWO Controllers will be shredded to ZERO and an eternal Internet Truth Library can be established.

We do not live in delulu-land, we see Reality in its full spectrum… it requires strength and courage and an enlightened Soul to see things as they are.
We are not like Liarpedia (Wikiliar-CIA)…

It is unfortunate that CIA criminals control the most visited webside in the world, so they can disguise their own genetic weaponry as mental delusion and cover up all their criminal, genocidal and gruesome acts.

Conspiracy Revelation is a BASTION OF TRUTH and FORTRESS OF TRUTH against criminal injustice perpetrated by Rockefeller Cancer Mafiosis….and genocidal demons.

In 50 Years most people have forgotten about all their crimes, but we never forget and catalogue all their Horror, to diminish their dominion and reduce evil influence in the Virtual and Real Space.

I know intrinsically that I belong to the ultra rare 2% of this world who can save Mother Earth from the NWO Destroyers. 90% of people are statists who go with the flow and are incapable of true resistance.


Wikipedia wird kriminell von CIA-Stasi-Nazis kontrolliert, die ihre genetischen Waffen als geistige Täuschung vertuschen…
Veröffentlicht am 8. Februar 2024 von AdminVI2021

Enthüllung der Verschwörung: 8.2.2024: Wikipedia wird kriminell von CIA-Stasi-Nazis kontrolliert, die ihre genetischen Waffen als mentale Täuschung vertuschen … Jeder, der diesen bösen Kontrolleuren Geld schickt, bezahlt für seine eigene Zerstörung … ENTFERNT DUMMHEIT UND IGNORANZ von diesem Planeten und seht wie die NWO-Kontrolleure auf NULL geschreddert werden und eine ewige Internet-Wahrheitsbibliothek aufgebaut werden kann.

Wir leben nicht im Delulu-Land, wir sehen die Realität in ihrem vollen Spektrum … es erfordert Kraft und Mut und eine erleuchtete Seele, um die Dinge so zu sehen, wie sie sind.
Wir sind nicht wie Lügipedia (Wikilügner-CIA)…

Es ist bedauerlich, dass CIA-Kriminelle die meistbesuchte Website der Welt kontrollieren, sodass sie ihre eigenen genetischen Waffen als geistige Täuschung tarnen und all ihre kriminellen, völkermörderischen und grausamen Taten vertuschen können.

Conspiracy Revelation ist ein BOLLWERK DER WAHRHEIT und eine FESTUNG DER WAHRHEIT gegen kriminelle Ungerechtigkeit, die von den Rockefeller-Krebsmafiosi … und ihren völkermörderischen Dämonen begangen wird.

In 50 Jahren haben die meisten Menschen all ihre Verbrechen vergessen, aber wir vergessen nie all ihren Horror und katalogisieren ihn, um ihre Herrschaft zu schwächen und den bösen Einfluss im virtuellen und realen Raum zu reduzieren.

Ich weiß aus tiefstem Herzen, dass ich zu den extrem seltenen 2% dieser Welt gehöre, die Mutter Erde vor den NWO-Zerstörern retten kann. 90% der Menschen sind Statisten, die mit dem Strom schwimmen und zu echtem Widerstand unfähig sind.

I will repeat this endlessly, until the genocidal criminals will be dealt with and until they become penalized for spreading genetic weaponry shamelessly since 2005: “Morgellons is a military-grade entomological terror weapon used to torture and kill innocent civilians. The medical community has not been informed about this disease and its complexity prevents it from being properly identified, named, researched and treated. The longer a biological weapon goes untreated, the more time it has to reach its maximum lethality. The obstruction of their treatment or cure by authorities is part of the military strategy.
Textbook of Military Medicine: Medical Aspect of Chemical and Biological Warfare, Use of Biological Weapons, p. 636-658. ”

Ich werde dies endlos wiederholen, bis die völkermörderischen Kriminellen gesschnappt werden und bis sie für die schamlose Verbreitung genetischer Waffen seit 2005 bestraft werden: „Morgellons ist eine entomologische Terrorwaffe in militärischer Qualität, die zur Folter und Tötung unschuldiger Zivilisten eingesetzt wird.“ Die medizinische Gemeinschaft ist nicht über diese Krankheit informiert und ihre Komplexität verhindert, dass sie ordnungsgemäß identifiziert, benannt, erforscht und behandelt wird. Je länger eine biologische Waffe unbehandelt bleibt, desto mehr Zeit hat sie, um ihre maximale Tödlichkeit zu erreichen. Die Behinderung ihrer Behandlung oder Heilung durch die Behörden ist Teil der militärischen Strategie.
Lehrbuch der Militärmedizin: Medizinischer Aspekt der chemischen und biologischen Kriegsführung, Einsatz biologischer Waffen, S. 636-658. ”

Spooky Rife Database about the genetic Bioweapon called Morgellons (DOD/DARPAs WBAN 2005 in DNA Assault Mode (from USSOC Smart Dust inhaled Chemtrails)) is extremely large.
This info is available for approx. 14 years….and the real crime is that the Medical Community ignores the Genetic Weapon….
You need over 100 programs to attack Morgellons via Rife. (20.1.2024)
Look about the complexity of this Monster…:

“”The proliferation of technology and the scientific progress in biochemistry and biotechnology have simplified
production requirements and provided the opportunity for creation of exotic agents.
Genetic engineering holds perhaps the most dangerous potential.”
“Pathogenic microorganisms capable of creating a novel disease, perhaps on an epidemic scale, could be tailor-made.”

The U.S. Gov has to be held responsible for the dispersal and infection of Millions with the military-grade entomological bioweapon called Morgellons, world wide. Through the setting of DNA-Trojans via Chemtrail-Transfection, that can be remotely activated from a distance.
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3:29 nachm. · 21. Jan. 2024
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And they have made it very clear that they will use your own holy DNA (because it contains a holy spirit) against yourself to sabotage certain things… is there a sin more evil than this…
When they transgenically insert foreign substances and trojanize and recode your dna to produce faulty results in certain locations of your body.
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10:35 nachm. · 14. Jan. 2024
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This UC Dr. is the best example…she happily announces Gene Editing without the ramification of Millions of Victims of Genetic Warfare by DARPA/DOD via Chemtrail Transfection…these foolish moronic and outright evil Academics at those doomed NWO Universities.
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3:09 nachm. · 23. Jan. 2024
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They are not only foolish (the Rockefeller University academics), they are genocidal and enthusiastic for the wrong reasons….
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3:05 nachm. · 23. Jan. 2024
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I guarantee you, if I do a spooky scalar scan on you, you will get Morgellons Diagnosis with 100% certainty. 100/100. Simply because of the fact that the DNA of all of Humanity has changed due to Chemtrail Transfection and Synthetic DNA-Inserts from DoD Smart Dust Invasion.
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8:20 nachm. · 20. Jan. 2024
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That does not mean that you have the pathogenic gene weapon activated, usually Morgellons is only activated in Targeted Individuals, but 100% of Humanity has the dormant DNA-Trojan inside of their DNA. The blue fibers are visible when the dna weapon was activated by genocidal DoD.
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8:28 nachm. · 20. Jan. 2024
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Veröffentlicht unter AlienAgenda2029, Allgemein, Alliance/Ermächtigung/Empower, AlphabetAgencies/NSA/CIA/BND/MI, Alternative Healing, Anti-CointelPro2/Gangstalking, Anti-Fascism/Anti-Totalitarianism, Astralsphäre, Banker Cartel/Slavery/Oppression, BigTech/GeneInfiltration/MIT/NWO-Crimes, Biochemquantum Warfare, Brainwashing/Gehirnwäsche, Chaos & Karma, Chemtrails, Collectivism/Statism/Dictatorship, Combat Cruelty & Insane Avarice, Communistic/Bolshevic Terror - NWO, Corporatistic Terror, Cyborgs, Demonic Artificial Intelligence, Detection, Detox/Medizin, DNA-Tracking/NASA/NAVY, DNA/RNA/BioGenetic Terrorism, ELF/RF/WLAN/Radiation, Endgame/Endzeit/Endtimes, Feldphysik, GangsterPolizei&Justizmafia&Mörderärzte, Genocide/Migration, Geopolitik/Geopolitics, Gov/Cults/Sekten/Religion, HAARP/Weather Warfare, History, Hypergame/ConsciousComputers/CFR, Implants, Intelligence/Surveillance/Sabotage, Kabbale/Cabal, Krieg, Machtkampf & Enthüllung von Fake Oppositionen, Mafia&State Crime, MainstreamMediaDeception, Militär & Verteidigung, Military&Mind Control&Hollywood, MindTrapping, Moon/Mars/Saturn/Recyclematrix, Mother Earth Protection vs NWO-Ecocide, Motivation, Multitoxifikation/Umwelt, Nano/DARPA/Nasa/DoD, Natur/e/Gesundheit/Umwelt, News, Nuklear-Pharma-Mafia, NWO-Brics-Deception, NWO-Diskriminierung und Sabotage von Minderheiten, Nwo-Matrix-Fence/Fakes/Corrupt Doctors/Sleepers, NWO/Agenda21/Zion/Fascism, Objectivism vs Nonsense Subjectivism, Petrofascism, Pharaonic-Supernatural-Paranormal, Pharma Mafia/Military Terror vs Civilians/TIs/Electronic&Biogen Warfare, Pioneering/Inventions/Innovations, Politik, Privacy Violation / Criminal Covert Intrusion / Secret Surveillance of each Human, Protection, Public Counterintelligence, Quantum Mechanics, Revolution/Rebellion/Freedom FIghters, Sabotage durch korrupte Milliardäre, Satellites & AI/KI & Brainscans, Skalarwellen/Tesla/Echelon, Skynet/AI/Software/Autonomous High Tech, Sociology/Soziologie, Sozialnetzwerke/Socialnetworks, SSSS-SilentSubliminalSoundSystem, Strike/Streik/Protest, Synthetic Biology, Technofaschismus/Technocracy/UN/NWO, Transdimensional, Trends, Truman-Show-Retardation-Loop, University misuse, USAF Deception/Criminal Syndicate, Wisdom&Spirituality, Witches&Demons&Magick, Zensur/Censor | Schreib einen Kommentar


Conspiracy Revelation: 7.2.2024: Neurowar that they created, Hegel Dialectic, they create the problem in the first place… all this nonsense is a waste of precious time and blocks people from being creative, Mil-Govs are a Virus that nobody needs.
“A.I. Mind Control:
No need for whistleblowers. U.S. Military/Intelligence tells you everything you need to know if you know where to look!
[U.S. Navy Document]🔗->”

“Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.
Joshua D. Gramm
Lieutenant Colonel, United States Air Force
BS, Air Force Academy, 2007
MPP, Harvard University, 2009
Brian A. Branagan
Major, United States Air Force
BA, George Mason University, 2008
MA, Norwich University, 2011
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
from the
December 2021”

Mysterious attacks on the human brain have begun plaguing U.S. diplomats and
officials with increasing frequency, ranging from overseas diplomatic outposts to right
here in the United States. Known in the media as Havana Syndrome, these attacks appear
to be signaling a new form of warfare—one that is focused on enhancing, targeting, and
weaponizing the human brain—neurowarfare. Indeed, the human brain is at the center of
a biotechnological revolution currently underway. At the same time, great power
competition has returned to the forefront of international relations, as China and Russia
seek to contest America’s global leadership. In an increasingly globalized and
interconnected world, this contest is ultimately a battle of ideas and influence, with more
value placed on information and non-lethal means to manipulate and control both
adversaries and domestic populations alike. The battle for influence begins and ends in
the human mind, where reality is perceived. The implications of these developments
point to both a new form and domain of warfare centering on the human brain. By
highlighting recent attacks targeting the brain and revealing research from the United
States and its two main competitors—China and Russia—this thesis seeks to argue that
neurowar is not just coming, but rather is already here and is likely to fundamentally alter
conflict and warfare.”


“Just atoms vibing.🎼🎶🔄❇️♊️
Wanting chaos is not the only reason they let criminals out of prison. Once they see that you can’t defend yourself from these criminals and call on the police to help you, they know you are an easy target. Perfect for them to prey on.”

CT2WS = Cognitive Technology Threat Warning System
UBI = unconventionally acquired brain injury
AHI = anomalous health incident”

“The authors argue that neurowar is..already here, and it plays a crucial part in the context of Great Power Competition (GPC). Indeed, GPC is ultimately a contest for access and influence among states throughout the globe, and neurowarfare is another tool akin to a gray zone activity that can be used to increase a state’s influence in a highly competitive security environment.
Not only is the U.S. government, and specifically the national security community,
investing heavily in neuroscience and neurotechnology—neuro S&T—but so is its largest
competitors: China and Russia. Both states either have or are ctively developing
neuroweapons, as well as the requisite concepts of operations on how best to employ them.
It is also likely that one or both states has already employed neuroweapons. China and
Russia clearly believe in the importance of this new technology and see the military and
strategic potential it offers.
Furthermore, from a strategic standpoint, the instruments, tools, and impacts
necessary for neurowar are increasingly similar to the same tools needed for political
power, thus increasing the likelihood of their continued development, employment, and
implementation. As the cost of both preparing for and waging conventional war increases
in an era of globalization defined by economic, social, and cultural interdependencies, the
primary method of aggression and destabilization has shifted from pursuing physical
destruction and violence to influencing and controlling large populations.”

“In light of these developments, the authors recommend the U.S. national security
community should increase awareness of neurowarfare and its impending dangers and
impacts on its personnel. The United States also needs to decide whether it should pursue
neuro S&T that could be used to degrade an adversary—technologies Russia and China
are developing in earnest. The Intelligence Community, specifically, has a key role in
monitoring the development of neurotechnologies and the potential development and
employment of neuroweapons…”

“Symptoms included headaches, dizziness, fatigue,
nausea, anxiety, vertigo, memory loss, and other cognitive difficulties. All reported feeling
waves of pressure in their heads, ranging from a dull discomfort to immediately
overwhelming. Many stated that simply moving from one room to another alleviated
These incidents were not limited to government officials; even children and pets
displayed peculiar and troubling behaviors. However, many of the individuals affected did
not immediately discuss their private health concerns..”

“…there has been increased concern that these symptoms were caused by a type of neuroweapon—specifically, a directed energy weapon (DEW)—aimed at impairing the target’s brain…”

“The USSOCOM has defined these cluster of symptoms without a traumatic incident or known etiology as “unconventionally acquired brain injury” (UBI), and more recently, the Secretary of Defense’s (SecDef) September” 2021 memo termed them “Anomalous Health Incidents” (AHI).7 The most common symptoms of AHIs are “the sudden onset of a perceived loud sound, sometimes described as screeching, chirping, clicking, or piercing, a sensation of intense pressure or vibration in the head, and pain in the ear or more diffusely in the head.” Patients had acute
symptoms of dizziness, fatigue, impaired balance, headache, and impaired concentration,
but many symptoms became chronic years after initial onset. The directional and location-
specific details in the patients’ histories are unusual and “unlike any disorder reported in
the neurological or general medical literature,” providing the basis for increased suspicions
of DEWs. These incidents lead to many questions about their origin and how to
characterize these types of attacks.”

“Of course, this is an alarming experience for targets. To use a metaphor, not only are fully-functioning individual chess pieces being surgically and systematically removed from the chessboard at great detriment to their long-term health, but operational-level neuro-technological tactics are having strategic effects. First, these individuals have decades of institutional knowledge and operational experience that cannot be quickly or easily replaced, causing instability and discontinuity in their organizations. There is both a finite number of experts willing and able to replace those impacted.”

“Furthermore, some families have been impacted, which can serve as a deterrent for anyone
not wanting to replace a targeted individual in their job by putting either themselves or
their families at risk.”

“This paper is purposely written at the unclassified level in order to inform and bring
awareness to military and government officials who may not have access to classified
information on the matter but are nonetheless operating in this environment, both as
potential targets, but more importantly as stakeholders. The authors of this work, although
associated with the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), do not hold nor cannot access any
secret knowledge to inform conclusions or opinions. All information contained in this thesis
is sourced from the public domain.”

“To date, neuroweapon attacks against American officials, although incredibly
damaging for individuals, have been conducted in a non-lethal capacity. Due to the
uncertainty surrounding causes and issues of attribution, these attacks have not elevated to
a level of aggression that has impelled an international response. However, the fire has
been lit. The development and employment of neuroweapons is leading to an era of
neurowarfare, which the authors contend is not just a new form of warfare, but is a new
domain of warfare.18 Perhaps it is the last and most important domain because it is the
centerpiece of human cognition and serves as the foundation for all other domains of warfare. Neurowarfare has the capacity to fundamentally alter conflict for the rest of human
history. The technology, organizational capacity, potential, implications, and resultant
stakes are significant. The evidence we present in this thesis suggests that the first country
to develop, refine, and implement this form of warfare will likely have the capacity to
dominate the world stage.
…and information systems associated with neurowarfare in a comprehensive design may become
the most powerful country in the history of the planet due to the centrality of the human

“..and sounds the alarm on how few people are talking about this, both from a practical and ethical standpoint. He introduces topics such as connecting the brain with machines, reading the brain, and manipulating the brain, for both enhancement and degradation purposes. In essence, he
served as a trailblazer to awaken the public to neuro S&T applications
“Dr. James Giordano, a Georgetown University neuroscientist and neuroethicist, is
considered by many to be the leading scholar and public speaker on neuro applications for
national security. He’s spoken on neuroscience in many forums including universities,
think tanks, military schools, national laboratories, policymakers, and even to USSOCOM.
A simple search of his name on YouTube unveils dozens of speeches he’s given on this
topic and reveals the depth of his thinking in this discipline. Along with numerous scholarly
articles, he edited a 2-part book series titled Advances in Neurotechnology, bringing in
leading scientists to discuss the potential and implications, which included a 2012 book
titled Neurotechnology: Premises, Potential, and Problems that discusses the larger
technical, ethical, legal, and cultural issues from neuro S&T,21 and a 2014 book titled
Neurotechnology in National Security and Defense: Practical Considerations,
Neuroethical Concerns that focuses specifically on military and law enforcement issues
and applications.22 Both are great resources for a deeper understanding of the science and
the impacts of neuro S&T on national security.
Finally, the most recent book to dive into neuro S&T from a military perspective
came in 2017 from Dr. Armin Krishnan, a Security Studies professor from East Carolina
University, titled Military Neuroscience and the Coming Age of Neurowarfare.

and also begins to scratch at the larger strategic implications of the impending
neurowarfare, arguing that nonlethal strategies will grow in importance during the 21st
century as mind manipulation becomes increasingly powerful and prevalent, a position the
authors of this paper agree with.”

The human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to 10,000
other neurons. Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in
the known universe. (Dr. Michio Kaku)(theoretical physicist and bestselling author)(2014)”

“EARLY U.S. GOVERNMENT EFFORTS: Richard Condon’s novel The Manchurian Candidate, written in 1959 during the height of suspicion about communist totalitarianism and subversion and later made into a major motion picture, describes a group of American military members who were
kidnapped and brainwashed during the Korean War..”

In general, there is a history of governments attempting to use neuroscience to gain
a competitive advantage against adversaries.
We highlight a few notable examples, but our
discussion is far from exhaustive. One of the most famous incidents in the United States
occurred during the height of the Cold War in the 1950s and ‘60s called “Project MKUltra,”
in which the CIA conducted human experiments in the hopes of exploiting mind control
through hypnosis, electro-shock, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse,
torture, and experimental drugs, including LSD, among other techniques.44 Although
many documents were destroyed about the highly-classified program, as recently as
December 2018 the U.S. government was still declassifying and releasing new information
about the program. John Marks wrote a comprehensive account in his book titled, The
Search for the “Manchurian Candidate”: The CIA and Mind Control: The Secret History
of the Behavioral Sciences, which used primary sources to uncover many of the
operational-level details. Over 80 institutions were involved in experiments, ranging
from universities, hospitals, prisons, pharmaceutical companies, and other front
organizations, often on unwitting subjects
. Of course, this program was largely a
response to overblown fears of Soviet and Chinese Communist thought-control, otherwise
known as brainwashing, similar to what Condon conceived in The Manchurian Candidate.”

“The European Union (EU) has devoted $1.34 billion for its decade-long endeavor called the Human Brain Project (HBP).55 Additionally, Japan’s national project, called Brain Mapping by Integrated Neurotechnologies for Disease Studies (Brain/MINDS), is a similar effort to coordinate research. Why the push? Besides furthering human development, there is a lot of money to be made.”

“This neuro S&T R&D funding has seeped into the national security arena for
national security purposes
(false claim, an old NAZI-STASI-Experimentation Gaslighting Term, remark from Conspiracy Revelation), with DARPA leading efforts as the pathfinder organization for the DOD.
The largest investor and supporter of the BRAIN initiative inside the DOD is
DARPA. Created in 1958 as the DOD’s foremost research and development
organization, DARPA is charged with creating breakthrough technologies and capabilities.”
This appendix is intended to further document and support the claim that the United
States is investing and progressing in neuro S&T for national security purposes within the
U.S. DOD. It discusses research organizations within the DOD that are pushing the
boundaries of neuro S&T research, including DARPA, IARPA, the Military Services, and
USSOCOM. It will be demonstrated that the DOD is heavily invested in neuro S&T and
has many organizations that are actively working on performance enhancement programs.
While there is also some limited development of DEWs, their stated purposes are not
directly associated with neuro effects.
As mentioned in Chapter II, neuro S&T can be categorized as either performance
enhancement or performance degradation. Within performance enhancement, there are
three different categories—neuropharmacology, brain stimulation, and BCI. Based on
available information, DARPA is not involved in neuropharmacology, so all of their
programs falls into either brain stimulation or BCI, although many programs blur the lines
and use multiple techniques. The following are a representative sample of DARPA’s work:
• CT2WS, or Cognitive Technology Threat Warning System, is a BCI
designed to be a soldier-portable visual threat warning device, integrating
cameras with AI and operator brain signals to more accurately identify
threats while reducing the cognitive workload on soldiers.304
• ElectRx, or Electrical Prescriptions program, is seeking to use brain
stimulation mechanisms and BCI “to deliver non-pharmacological
treatments for pain, general inflammation, post-traumatic stress, severe
anxiety, and trauma that employ precise, closed-loop, non-invasive
modulation of the patient’s peripheral nervous system.”305
• HAPTIX, or the Hand Prioprioception and Touch Interfaces program, “is
pursuing key technologies to enable precision control of and sensory
feedback from sensor-equipped upper-limb prosthetic devices.”306
• NSIA, or Neural Signal Interfaces and Applications, program “is
developing non-invasive neurotechnologies able to interface with the
nervous system with high resolution and precision without surgery…[to]
facilitate standard human-machine interfaces for improved workload
balance between man and machine.”
• NESD, or the Neural Engineering System Design program, seeks to
develop “advanced neural interfaces that provide high signal resolution,
speed, and volume data transfer between the brain and electronics, serving
as a translator for the electrochemical language used by neurons in the
brain and the ones and zeros that constitute the language of information
• Neuro-FAST, or Neuro-Function, Activity, Structure, and Technology,
program “seeks to open new pathways for understanding and treating
brain injury, enable unprecedented visualization and decoding of brain
activity, and build sophisticated tools for communicating with the
N3, or Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology, program “aims to
develop high-performance, bi-directional brain-machine interfaces for
able-bodied service members…
for diverse national security applications
such as control of unmanned aerial vehicles and active cyber defense
systems or teaming with computer systems to successfully multitask
during complex military missions.”
• RAM, or Restoring Active Memory, program “aims to mitigate the effects
of TBI in military service members by developing a wireless, fully
implantable neural interface to facilitate memory formation and recall in
the injured brain.”
• SUBNETS, or Systems-Based Neurotechnology for Emerging Therapies,
program is using brain implants and stimulation technologies to treat
neuropsychiatric illnesses in military members.
• TNT, or Targeted Neuroplasticity Training, program “supports improved,
accelerated training of military personnel in multifaceted and complex
tasks…[by] us[ing] non-invasive neurotechnology in combination with
training to boost the neurochemical signaling in the brain that mediates
neural plasticity and facilitates long-term retention of new cognitive skills.
If successful, TNT technology would apply to a wide range of defense-
relevant needs, including foreign language training, marksmanship,
cryptography, target discrimination, and intelligence analysis, improving
outcomes while reducing the cost and duration of the Defense
Department’s extensive training regimen.”
IARPA, or the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, is a similar
organization established in 2006 within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence
(ODNI) responsible for investing “in high-risk, high-payoff research programs to tackle
some of the most difficult challenges” for the IC.314 IARPA does not have an operational
mission, but rather funds and facilitates academic and industry research across a range of
technical areas relevant to the IC, and neuroscience is among its endeavors.315
The organization has several neuro S&T programs currently underway, realizing
the potential return on investment for the IC.
• ICArUS, or Integrated Cognitive-Neuroscience Architectures for
Understanding Sensemaking, program is attempting “to understand and
model how humans engage in the sensemaking process, both during
optimal and suboptimal performance.”316
• KRNS, or Knowledge Representation in Neural Systems, program is
seeking “to develop and rigorously evaluate theories that explain how the
human brain represents conceptual knowledge.””

“U.S. Marine Corp (USMC)
The Joint Intermediate Force Capabilities Office (JIFCO), which officially falls under
the DOD Non-Lethal Weapons Program (NLWP) and reports to the Commandant of the
Marine Corps, has a goal to facilitate non-lethal weapons (NLW) development and
coordinate/integrate across the Services. Many of the NLWs use DE in various forms and
functions, which can have damaging effects on the brain. NLWs are relevant across the
competition continuum and across all phases of warfare due to their ability to produce relevant
effects without destruction of infrastructure or undesired casualties, which causes problems
in the information space due to negative public opinion both within the immediate area and
across the international community. Numerous NLWs exist on land, at sea, and in the air,
and could serve as the architecture for neuro-based effects. There are many operational
vignettes that demonstrate their utility to current and future military operations.
5. U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM)
USSOCOM has been and will continue to be on the leading edge of neuro S&T
research, especially for cognitive enhancement. In 2013, USSOCOM sought to establish a
Center of Excellence in Operational Neuroscience through a partnership at Yale University
with a goal to use neuroscience to provide a tactical advantage to military members in the
field. However, it was cancelled before even starting after outcry due to ethical concerns
of militarizing neuroscience research.

In 2016, when then-SecDef Ash Carter gave a speech opening up the Defense
Innovation Unit Experimental (DIUx) in Cambridge, he highlighted a partnership with a
neuro S&T company called Halo Neuroscience..”

“The same advancements that add value for cognitive enhancement also pose risks
when used for cognitive degradation. USSOCOM is leading the DOD in seeking answers to
many of the questions brought on by neuroweapons and the weaponization of neuroscience.
The Joint Special Operations University (JSOU) put out a call for research in 2020 under the
‘Innovation for Future Threats’ topic area to discuss the potential implications of
neuroweapons on the force, including the commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) technology
available to adversaries, the risk posed to SOF, and improving detection and mitigation of
neuro threats.356 Clearly, USSOCOM is taking the future of neurowarfare very seriously.”

“HEO = “The Hyper-Enabled Operator,” Small Wars Journal, June 6, 2019,

This appendix highlighted recent progress by U.S. national security organizations in
delivering the first iteration of neuro S&T programs. Based on the wide-ranging and cutting-
edge work that many important institutions are doing in neuro S&T, including government
agencies, DARPA, IARPA, the Military Services, and USSOCOM, it should be clear from
the discussion that future technological breakthroughs may revolutionize and alter human
society, human consciousness, and war, even leading to a new domain of warfare.”

Conspiracy Revelation: 7.2.2024: Don´t forget your origins U.S. … you assaulted your own people, similar to Israel who are always keen on torturing or killing their own Messiahs. How deluded, confused, mind-controlled, parasitized, brainwashed, paranoid, distorted in perception and insane one must be to assault their own liberators…

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