Estimated Numbers: Targeted Individuals & the Terrorist Watchlist Richard Lighthouse

„Estimated Numbers: Targeted Individuals & the Terrorist Watchlist
Richard Lighthouse“

According to a civil lawsuit filed in 2014, it appears that the FBI refers to Targeted Individuals as “Non-Investigative Subjects,” and lists them on the Terrorist Watchlist. The U.S. government added more than 1.5 million names to its Terrorist Watchlist in the five year period between 2009 and 2014. They are adding about 300,000 names each year. This concerns many human rights organizations, who say that the government has become too aggressive in its efforts to keep the American public safe. By 2018, we can estimate that about 3.4 million names are on the list… One of the issues that came out from the lawsuit was the FBI’s nomenclature of “Non-Investigative Subjects.” If someone has not committed a crime, has no known terrorist affiliations, and they are not under investigation – why are they on the list? For Targeted Individuals, this means something. They already know they are not being investigated for a crime, they have been targeted for an illegal, Deep State program that involves stalking, harassment, and microwave satellite attacks. This is the list where the names are held and local police departments have been instructed to refer all such contacts to the FBI and CIA. The police chiefs of most cities in America are trained by the FBI.
We can deduce by 2018, about 170,000 U.S. citizens are Targeted Individuals. If it continues to grow at this rate, about 15,000 are added each year. The term “Non-Investigative Subject” can be used on a FOIA request.
“The CIA and FBI are behind most, if not all terrorism,” – Ted Gunderson, former FBI Chief.
Targeted Individuals are referred to as “Non-Investigative Subjects”, meaning they are not being investigated for a crime, and they are not suspected of anything, yet their name continues to be on the list. If you are a Targeted Individual – your name appears on the Terrorist Watchlist. This is why the local police department will “lose” any report that you file.
“The Terrorist Screening Database or TSDB is the central terrorist watchlist consolidated by the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center and used by multiple agencies to compile their specific watchlists and for screening. As of June 2016 the list is estimated to contain over 2,484,442 records, consisting of 1,877,133 individual identities. Approximately 1,600 nominations are suggested daily, 600 names are removed and 4,800 records are modified by the U.S. intelligence community. Approximately one out of twenty of the people on the list are U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents.”
“During a 12-month period ended in March this year, for example, the U.S. intelligence community suggested on a daily basis that 1,600 people qualified for the list because they presented a “reasonable suspicion,” according to data provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee by the FBI in September and made public last week.”
Part of the problem is the number of errors on the list… If names are added to the list, with little fact-checking or corroboration, that would also indicate its pur pose is different than what the FBI has stated.
At a rate of 170,000 per 245 million, we can estimate the population of Targeted Individuals in major cities. This represents a rate of about 7%.
World population is about 7.6 billion, as of 2018, versus 326 million in the U.S.
From this, we can also deduce that the numbers in India, China, Russia, ad Brazil are probably similar ratios to what we see in the United States.
If we include the number of people being tracked as relatives and family members, this gives a global TI count, that is in the millions now.
It is clear that the vast majority of U.S. names on the Terrorist Watchlist list, should not be there. And if they were really suspected of criminal intent, the FBI would have already arrested and charged them. Consider the massive effort the FBI has put into investigating Fake Terror Plots. (See my ebook: “FBI – Another Fake Terror Plot”) There is no shortage of FBI agents to fabricate and set up fake terror plots. So clearly, if someone is really involved in a criminal plot, the FBI would have lots of agents to throw at it.
“If you cannot charge someone with a crime and are not actively investigating them, they shouldn’t be on a watch list,” Abbas said. “Either investigate and charge people or leave them alone.”
For such names that have been on the list more than 1 year, it represents an obvious contradiction to the list’s stated purpose and the supposed intentions of the FBI. The U.S. Constitution should protect against such government abuses, and this is a perfect example of the FBI’s blatant corruption. Is it any wonder that President Trump has stated the FBI’s reputation is in tatters?
“After years of Comey, with the phony and dishonest Clinton investigation (and more), running the FBI, its reputation is in Tatters – worst in History! But fear not, we will bring it back to greatness.”
—Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 3, 2017 From another tweet in December 2017:
“The FBI is broken… We will retask and rename it the Government Electronic Surveillance, Tracking And Profiling Office – or GESTAPO for short.”
How are they able to track millions of people at the same time? The technology involves the precise tracking, navigation, and timing from a geosynchronous satellite. The timing systems on the satellite can accurately measure the time it takes to reflect a microwave pulse on the top of your head, so that the precise distance to the top of your head is known within .5 centimeters – that is less than 1/4 of one inch.
Dr Bill Deagle has a video on youtube, describing his experience at Schriever Air Force Base. According to Dr Deagle, “the computing power at Schriever AFB is greater than the entire rest of the world put together, by a very large order of magnitude.”
This is how they are able to track millions of people all over the world, simultaneously.
Again, there is only one organization in the world that has the technology and the computing power to do this – Air Force Space Command in Colorado Springs.
Is it possible to bribe a crooked FBI agent and have someone put on the Terrorist Watchlist? Yes. And that may be how some people are put into the Targeted program.
Whistleblowers and political activists are common targets for the CIA and FBI, because they cause so much damage to these criminal agencies. Which is precisely why we want to recruit and encourage more whistleblowers. I am a proud whistleblower and I would gladly do it again. If you are a prospective whistleblower, I hope you will consider how much good you can do by exposing the criminal acts of the CIA, Air Force, and FBI.
The satellites are only operated by Air Force personnel at Schriever Air Force Base. No one else in the world has access to the satellite control stations. The CIA provides most of the budget and funding for these illegal satellite operations – it is billions of dollars. The satellites alone are worth more than $60 billion dollars – this information comes from the website for the Air Force Space Command.
Under the wikileaks releases, a woman by the name of Nicole, has been identified as someone that is working on the illegal and unconstitutional Terrorist Watchlist. Her employer was Leidos Corporation, located in Vienna, Virginia. Read some of her work here:
“The CIA and FBI are behind most, if not all terrorism,” – Ted Gunderson, former FBI Chief.
The logo for the FBI contains the words: Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity. Is that what you see today in the work of the FBI?
Described in this short ebook is an estimate of the numbers of Targeted Individuals in the United States. From this, we can also deduce the large percentage that are silent as critics or have been silenced. Many of these people are financially broke or homeless. This gives us all the more reason to protest, publish, and blow the whistle. The main thing the Deep State is worried about is – whistleblowers.
If you are a potential whistleblower, you can contact us at or Ella Free..

I am a proud government whistleblower – see my ebooks about the criminal acts of the CIA and FBI. Readers are advised that the NSA may be blocking or restricting access to some of my ebooks, especially outside the United States. Readers are further advised that digital tracking tags may have been placed in my ebooks. It may be best to download from Apple iBooks, if possible. Note how slowly the jpg’s load into the ebook when viewing, or there may be transparent objects placed inside the document (This is the government criminal’s latest ploy). The content of some ebooks may have been altered – still trying to monitor this.
Readers are advised to review the website which provides compelling evidence about 9-11. ….. Note
This laser operates at a harmonic of the blinking frequency – which causes rapid aging. Readers are also advised to see the book and movie “Unacknowledged” by Dr Steven Greer, M.D. It is available for on Netflix, where it is the #1 documentary, and to watch the youtube videos by the Honorable Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of Defense. He has a book titled, “The Money Mafia.”
For more than 5 years, this author has been stalked, harassed, and threatened by US Government agents from the CIA, FBI, and NSA – because of the content of these ebooks. My home has been broken into, repeatedly. In May 2014, my girlfriend was drugged and kidnapped from LaGuardia airport. This is not a joke. My computer, phone, and alarm system have been hacked, including those of my friends and family. It is truly sad and pathetic, these agencies have become criminal organizations. If something happens to me (disappearance, false criminal charges, sudden accident, etc. – my readers can be certain that the FBI and CIA were involved. See my related ebooks identifying the murders of Gary Webb, Michael Hastings, Phil Schneider, William Colby, Dr Eugene Mallove, Stan Meyers, and others. In my opinion, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is behind these criminal acts; David Rockefeller was the CEO and Chairman for many years.
For future reference, I would never deliberately do something that would harm or hurt myself. This goes against my beliefs and against the teachings of Seth. This needs to be stated because the CIA and FBI have proven many times, they are willing to use “staged suicides” to silence whistleblowers. See the recent murder of Mikhail Lesin, founder of Russia Today ( in Washington DC – clearly a staged suicide. Phil Schneider went public with his information after 8 of his coworkers were murdered using staged suicides. And then he was murdered.
Source: Richard Lighthouse“

97140cookie-checkEstimated Numbers: Targeted Individuals & the Terrorist Watchlist Richard Lighthouse
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