TOTAL COLLAPSE: German Economy is DONE | Energy, Manufacturing, Political & Demographic Crisis

“TOTAL COLLAPSE: German Economy is DONE | Energy, Manufacturing, Political & Demographic Crisis”

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TOTAL COLLAPSE: German Economy is DONE | Energy, Manufacturing, Political & Demographic Crisis
The End of Germany as a Modern Economy.”
“The last 20 years, needless to say it was a great period economically and the same can be said about the geopolitical situation within the European Union the continent of Europe has been more unified than ever, there is free trade, open borders and economic cooperation and with the European Parliament in Brussels there is also some political Unity. The Europeans were busy fighting other for centuries, so this is a surprising turn of events. Europe has now become a very stable region, something that Germany benefited from enormously.”

“Another development that has shaped Germany’s geopolitics is its alliance with the United States through NATO the country has military protection from the strongest military in the world and we have to keep in mind that for the last 30 years. Peace in Europe seemed guaranteed the biggest enemy of the West
he Soviet Union collapsed in 1991…but the success of the last two decades with all of its peace prosperity and growth seems to be ending.”

“I´m sure some of you guys have thought about starting your own channel, one of the biggest hurdles people face when starting a YouTube channel is that they are not comfortable showing their face in videos, not everyone wants to give up their privacy and be in the public eye all the time, that´s one of the big reasons why our videos are made in a documentary style, the craziest part is people still love the videos as you can see from the fact that we recently crossed a million subscribers, in fact there are millions of faceless YouTube channels making content and earning ad Revenue.”

“..and when we look at Germany´s population pyramid, it´s clear that this
will only get worse over the coming years the biggest group of Germans are in their late 50s with 4.1% of the population, being aged 50 to 59 they will retire over the coming years, but there aren´t enough people to replace them the group aged 15 to 19 is only 2.4% of the population.”

“The German economy one of its biggest weaknesses is its aging population, according to the country´s labor Minister it stands to lose 7 million workers by 2035, this is because the fertility rate has been way too low for way too long at current levels women in Germany have about 1.6 children on average so if you do the math every generation will shrink by about 20% which creates an exponential downward spiral in the future companies…”

“When Germany ceases to grow in efficiency and Innovation the productivity figures are obviously going to stagnate and this has definitely
happened as you can see on this chart Germany’s productivity hasn’t grown much recently, ever since the financial crash in 2008 progress has halted there’s one reason for this Germany’s success is ased on Old Industries the country is one of the best in the world when it comes to machinery, car manufacturing and chemicals, but when we’re talking about newcomers, like digital technology, this just isn’t the case. The country doesn’t even have good broadband connection, yet and just 2.1% of its internet is connected through fiber cables and when we look at this chart we can see that Germany has almost no Big Tech Companies for Germany, this lack of innovation can have disastrous effects in the long run .. a trend that will continue if it doesn´t compete in new Industries meanwhile the competition for Germany´s traditional Industries is only getting more and more intense although I would be the last to say things are going well in China, the Asian giant is certainly profiting from Germany´s
downfall. The biggest example of this is the car industry where China is becoming a dangerous rival China claims it is already the largest car exporter in the world Chinese brands are even selling in Germany itself putting pressure on domestic car makers but what concerns German car makers even more is their
share in the Chinese market they rely on the Chinese market for onethird of their passenger car sales but now China has its own car makers.”

“because of the level of the control that it had, protesters in Greece compared the German government to the Nazi Regime, many began to see Germany’s leading role in the Union as unfair.”

“There are political parties who actively oppose the European Union, one of these parties is the afd in Germany which says that the Union is a failed project. The United Kingdom has already left the EU during brexit in 2020, eventually there could be an end to the European Union and with it
an end to Germany´s most powerful Alliance, this would seriously damage Berlin´s geopolitical importance, since the EU is one of the few areas where remains significant.”

“In 1989 the Western part was more than two times wealthier than the East eventually Germany was reunified in 1990 shortly before the collapse of the Soviet Union but the effects of 41 years of division remain to this day, there’s obviously a cultural difference between the two regions, but also an economic and political one people in Eastern Germany …but the issues are persisting, this has caused a huge political divide between the Wwest and the East, the people in the Eastern parts of Germany suffer more from the economic
downturn and they have very different views on politics. In general the people in East Germany are much more Anti-EU, anti-immigration and Pro-Russia, the differences with West Germany have led to division and unrest if this gets
worse in the future, it will be hard to keep the German Federation unified.”

“The Ukraine war, the Rivalry between Washington and Beijing and the unrest in the EU. Politicians in Berlin have a lot on their hands, on top of that the country doesn´t even have a Military capable of Defending itself, so it’s no
wonder why the majority of Germans think their country is in Decline, the last 30 years of peace…”

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