Aura Refill vs Quantum DNA Vampire Suckers – 15.10.2024.

Conspiracy Revelation: 15.10.2024:
Aura Refill vs Quantum DNA Vampire Suckers – 15.10.2024.

Okt. 15
Aura Refill – Ki Combat Siphon h..
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He needs a remedy against this..

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Aura Glow re-formed..
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Key Guidances – the demonic realm is
Getting desperate for your Energy..
Teil 26 The veil
we are awakening. #s.. Mehr anzeigen
Wiedergabeliste . GODS/ANGELS”
— “We live in a vampiric system.”

@@Rii.Spirituals🍄:the phantom matrix is a falling system with fallen creatures who can be redeemed but they refuse to..

@MR TACO:Hey Key , sometimes I will have negative thoughts and sometimes a day or so later a run into a person or what appears to be a person who projects that thought back at me. Are these demons gangstalkers?

@iaeou:Actually it doesnt have to be another dimension, they can open portals in our bodies and contaminate it, being parasites. Other options, they plug in spiritual battery to continue harvest our energy.

@iaeou:The worst, they take over our bodies and later hijack our energy. You can destroy and transmutes all of these. Just fight them and cleanse yourself daily.


The Dark Tactics of Energy Vampires:

125 KommentaremBB
A group of low self esteem women I know tried to do this to me but you can’t take from someone that’s mentally strong. Throw me to
the wolves I come out a beast.


They still siphon large amounts of peoples
light through dna theft and mind tech
quantum computers..they use tons of ai
astral hooks in your heart chakra..daily
cleansing when gang stalkers harass you.
5 Std. Antworten

Pls, post the solution. How do one get their
destiny back?

@Source of Self-Discovery:Solutions:
1. Energetic severance and recollection (do an egg cleansing and return energy back to sender)
2. Seclude into Solitutde (take time to decompress and release/transmute the negative energy)

@Source of Self-Discovery:3. Warding (Wear protective charms that steers away/exposes negative forces)
4. Healing & Mirror Work (remember who you are through self love practices)

@Source of Self-Discovery:5. Reduce interactions (keep things minimalistic when interacting with people- it’s a stoic practice)
6. Prayer and Meditation (reclaim your inner peace and ask to be cloaked in protective energies)

@Source of Self-Discovery:7. Renewal (surround yourself around new ppl and environments that reflect your higher self’s nature)
8. Purge (cry, scream, break stuff, get that energy out of you in private)

@Source of Self-Discovery:9. Self-reflective Journaling (write out key traits of yourself you know and identify what energy is in and out of alignment with your natural/authentic self)

@Source of Self-Discovery:10. Confidentiality (find an objective party you can vent the truth to such as a counselor who can’t reveal your secrets)

@Source of Self-Discovery:11. Reveal (write out the truths of those harvesting your energy and release their secrets anonymously to everyone around you and act surprised yourself- watch how chaotic their lives become)

@Source of Self-Discovery:12. Soul Tie severance (research and practice methods for cutting connections/attachments with energy vamps and parasites. You’ll gradually feel lighter)

@Investman The Celebrity:lol…not in Nigeria.

@King_Judite:Stay in your own energy… Let nothing bother your peace🙌🏾.

@metaboi:my man describing government word by word.

@freedomgott2024:100%:nwo shadow gov and all negative standard govs….

@etherealbeth:Why are people so evil why can’t they just love?

@👑KayAna👑:It’s cute, because there is a God in heaven who will deal with them. I wouldn’t want to be in the wrath of God.

@tiktokrtert:you can’t Destiny swap 😂.

@Chosen4379:Not when you belong to the most high 🔥.


@Enoch “Samsonite” Mapalo:This world’s cursed.

6. Energy cloaking and
• What they do: They
energetically attach.. draining their life force…
• Why: By cloaking themselves
in the persons energy, they
siphon away their potential…causing the person to experience constant obstacles..
SPIRITIALLY FIT – Spiritually Fit Foto . Vor 2 T.
#EnergyHarvesting #”


1195 Kommentare

Claudia Moss

:they use dna theft and
quantum.machines to drain humanity.
15 Std. AntwortenReign Mann
The “Zombie Apocalypse” is a
metaphoric reference.
18 Std. Antworten


@🤍:Might start walking around with a garlic necklace. Energy vampires are extremely drawn to me.

@freedomgott2024:they tether to your heart with dna quantum computers, mainly cults of gov alphabet agencies..

@barbich:🥰🥰🥰🥰they did..
energy vampires are evil and criminals that surround me.

@freedomgott2024:gov sponsored gang stalkers..



670200cookie-checkAura Refill vs Quantum DNA Vampire Suckers – 15.10.2024.
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