„Return of the US Navy SSP’s Jedi Admirals and the Universal Space Council“
„31.887 Aufrufe 30.09.2024
George Kavassilas claims that he has been contacted by a highly advanced extraterrestrial organization called the “Universal Space Council” that was instrumental in the spiritual and technological transformation of a fleet of three US Navy Secret Space Program vessels that departed in the 1990s for interstellar exploration.
During their nearly three-decades-long mission, the Navy SSP craft and the three admirals met many extraterrestrial civilizations. Due to their highly ethical approach, they met like-minded groups who introduced the Navy commanders to advanced technologies and philosophies. After meeting the Universal Space Council, which is connected to Galactic and Intergalactic Intelligences, the Navy SSP fleet underwent a radical ethical and spiritual transformation. The admirals and their staffs became Jedi-like spiritual warriors.
After decades of exploration, technological development, and spiritual transformation, the Jedi Admirals have returned to our solar system and are accompanied by the Universal Space Council. The Jedi Admirals are now interacting with the rest of the US Navy’s SSP (aka Solar Warden) and with global military and government authorities. Finally, Kavassails received notification that he would soon be returned to active duty with the Navy SSP and would work directly with the Jedi Admirals and the USC to bring out full disclosure on Earth.
Please Note: The blue hair is a chromakey effect from using a greenscreen in the interview. I have not dyed my hair blue.“
„We all came to this planet for and our agreements and responsibilities and obligations towards Mother Sophia and our what we call our Humanity our Homo Luminosity we are here for meaning reason and purpose and for quite a few of us at the moment…“
„This is why we´re not at the bottom of the Universe that is a complete and utter Lie by cosmopolitical narratives, we´re dealing with politics now on a cosmic level and especially when it comes to the gods, it´s a very very serious issue and it has to do with the density here has to do with the fractal compression we’re at the very pointy edge of evolution in the universe that´s why the compression is here.“
„Wow, now I realize why the the fight for control and dominion over this world and all of humanity is so Fierce by the gods because when we worship those Gods
because of our fractal nature when we steer Our intention and we emanate Our
intention it is the most powerful force that comes out of any race any species
so when we steer adol and adoration and and and and devotion and worship to
these Gods well now they’re being fed a source of energy that they have never
ever tasted before in their lives and it is so addictive and this is what they’re using to empower themselves and there’s a very Fierce fight between the
gods to see who’s going to sit on that Throne to be the god of gods, because the one who was sitting up on the throne has stepped down as is always the case that when when the um Universe closes in Aeon and especially when it closes uh this on and Epoch and era there’s a simultaneous symbiosis going on in the realm of Time and Time codes and cycles of time and we are actually closing a very very large cycle and so the The Entity that sits on the throne to be the god of gods for that period of time is now stepping down and now there’s what you would call you’ve everyone’s heard this and it’s a total oxymoron there is
a war in heaven how can that be right how can you have a war in
heaven just think about that for a moment but there is and that’s because the the Lesser gods are fighting it out to see who’s going to win dominion over this planet to get the worship that they need to get from us to give them the juice that they need to get to empower themselves to defeat the other gods to sit on the throne to be the god of gods in the Hologram of the Gods for the next era Epoch and see if it can reach the lifespan of an Aeon like the previous God just did well uh nature of the universe and its connection to humanity.“
„this galaxy was formed the degree of Intergalactic conflicts that were taking place not Interstellar Intergalactic Warfare okay it was really horrendous the the cosmic domains were you know because we exhausted all possibilities and outcomes in our in the presence of this Cosmic domain in this universe..that Distortion in the spiritual realm that takes place…Especially the ones who had been in the Universe the longest are the ones that mostly heard the call because these are the beings that had the most experience therefore the most knowledge and wisdom when it comes to this Universe and its construct… the Milky Way galaxy and and then the the galactic intelligence like the universal
mother incarnated as this Galactic intelligence this Galactic level or state of being and it’s known as The Milky Way galaxy because it’s the nurturing of the mother’s milk um and so we we helped co-create the galactic realm..“
„If you have like a branch of the (sixth) 6th Reich. The Nazi run faction of the SSP which I worked in as well, that approach out there.. is not saying good things about who we are as a people and as a race when other cultures out there are experiencing that sort of approach to life which is very combative, it’s an approach with a Suspicious Mind and also an approach of fear, so that draws in different groups different expressions of life now these Admirals went out with an altruistic approach to life of exploration they drew in very very beautiful lifeloving um peoples that live in harmony and live in harmony with Technology and Nature and Life itself, with creation, so they learned a lot now in that process they were being observed by the Universal Space Council and they were waiting for these Admirals and the peoples upon their craft to hit a particular the frequency of evolution and they did now the the universal space Council reached out to these Admirals and made contact.“
„Reminding members of the military industrial complex in with many
extraterrestrial races that we’ve had uh meetings and deliberations with uh
reminding us of who we are that we are really quite a very magnificent creation
uh capable of amazing things and the beauty and the grace and the knowledge and the capabilities the potential that is inside each and every one of us is enormous and but you’ve got these other factions which seek to subjugate us to
and seek dominion over us and use us as a resource that is the differentiation
and so the the branch of the Navy which is uh altruistic in nature, worked it out, it´s not rocket, so they set up with under the advice uh mentoring of certain extra terrestrial groups, benevolent that are supporting them to set their craft up to prepare the individuals for the journey.“
„Admirals, I mean they transformed, they became very enlightened beings as a result of meeting this Galactic council meeting, all these different civilizations that were drawn to that altruistic energy.“
„and we set it a drift because we we said to them we’re going to give you 12 hours or so for you to re-evaluate yourselves and reevaluate life because of your approach and that’s the problem the Air Force SSP, some branches are really dark unfortunately and some branches are much better but all of them have been um assimilated into imperial structures and this branch of the Navy SSP has broken free from all of that and has come back to the Natural Way of love and the natural way of life and the technology that we use is so far beyond anything that the Air Force SSP has got and even anything that the Federation of Worlds has. The technology in the Universal space Council completely, utterly and totally outperforms in such a substantial
way the entire Federation of Worlds and all of their technology combined and I
say that with all conviction and I don’t say it from an elitist point of view I actually say this from a point of view of bringing context to the challenge
that is before human right now in our discernment process.“
„but that’s just the next step that we’re entering into and there’s more steps to come because we are greater than all of this we are greater than all of it we are Beyond as a species as a being that is within these bodies you me and what we are achieving here is so far beyond um Galactic level organizations, political bodies, political groups, monarchical rules, no that is not who and what we are we are not designed to go into that we’ve come from all of those places we have come from Galactic federations um Empires Cosmic Empires and federations and organizations of Worlds and everything and we have entered into this Galactic realm and into this fractal pathway and we are integrating into unity and emerging out of that as universal beings yeah this is
a very very large and and massive process…“
„but I’m certainly done with worshiping gods and uh we are now emerging from
that whole space that whole realm and we are now emerging of for what we truly are we are full Universal fractals and we are actually emerging and having the opportunity to birth as universal light beings in our own light and our and our own own right my apologies well you know I mean.“
„MS: I don’t think we are emerging out of that at all I mean you look at the growth of Islam you look at the growth of Christianity the growth of traditional Hinduism uh Buddhism is making a comeback I mean these traditional religions which have Gods at the kind of apex of them or the worship of gods you know they’re making an astounding comeback and I mean the the secular portion of humanity I mean the secular West I mean it’s disintegrating it’s falling apart it’s fracturing into nonsense … like you know arguing over gender pronouns and you know and and yet religions are growing by Leaps and Bounds because people understand that the secular world is has lost Direction and those of us that and I would include you among among these uh people that are uh more enlightened and speeching the speaking the truth I mean we’re a very small minority, I mean very few people listen to us and even bother to join our podcasts or bother to pay attention you know they’re they’re they’re kind of like joining these mega churches or these you know big kind of Muslim movements and so forth so you know I think when the extr testal look at us they say okay like a large portion of is still asleep there’s a small portion that is Awakening uh but it’s it’s a big big mess..“
„…in the Air Force SSP, because when you go on Mission with the SSP, the first thing you do is you create the hive mind with your team, that´s what you got to do before you head out, you got to establish the hive mind, because you want to be able to connect with each other and be connected to each other the whole time through Mission and sometimes our our communication ends up being telepathic beyond technology in coms because sometimes your coms could get knocked out so you got to hold the the hive mind to stay in communication with one another to one degree or another and so I was in that and then when the USC came I started breaking out of that hive mind and then I had to deal with all the operatives that were with me um and I went about that in different ways and I think I explained that in the in the previous uh interview.“
Reading & Controlling Human Brains With Tech“
The problem with some of these missions, some of them have been
really unpleasant and there´s a lot of trauma involved, so I´m trying to
come to terms with a lot of trauma that I experienced in in in this, serving in the Air Force SSP. George Kavassilas.“
„No, the meeting on Mars was much earlier..it was 2008, the meeting on Mars 2008. I see that I was taken to yeah okay well more recently then you you’ve had a meeting was it with the USC or this uh Interstellar faction of the Navy SSP..and working out how to move forward uh with the evolution of Sophia and the evolution of the collective human soul, this is very big work that a lot of people are doing behind the scenes and they’re good people.“
„Council alongside the three most senior Admirals of the SSP of the naval SSP the leading representatives of our planet and our Humanity in the cosmos are these three Admirals the leading Representatives yeah in the natural way
of love and the natural way of life these three Admirals are their capabilities so beyond imagining they literally are starting to operate like Jedi that’s how advanced they are and and these three beings reached out to me
they opened up a portal from the craft that they are in orbiting our planet directly to me yeah my friend felt the energy he couldn’t physically see it he freaked out got up out of his chair and step back we were just having a chat on my deck right and this portal opens up in front of me they they they calibrate these things because they can calibrate directly to the frequency of the consciousness of an individual so people around can’t see but you can see he freaked out as soon as the portal open and I just went like this he got up out of his chair and steep back and went what’s going on and I had to tell him
what was happening and my whole body is like vibrating with the energy of this communication, it was really intense and I’m looking through this portal that had a cloudlike structure on the outside of it and there I’m looking at the three senior officials of of the USC the universal space Council in our galaxy and alongside of them were the three most senior Admirals of our Naval SSP Fleet and and uh and we had a 10-minute meeting and and conversation about uh the evolution of this planet and our humanity and what’s going on right now and my role as well in all of that…“
„An evolutionary shift which means going to impact all life and the meetings and deliberations we´re having in the Background is preparing all the people for the great shift that is coming and the dramas that are playing out on the
surface here. I just want to tell everybody that that is the last remnants
of the Dark Cabal, holding on for its dear life and it wants to fight for all its worth to hold on to its power and Status, it’s fighting against the force of evolution on a universal scale, it cannot defeat the creator of the universe I mean I don’t know the self-delusion that’s going on in the minds of the entities that are running these cabals and running the malevolent forces here in this realm at the moment because there’s no way they have no idea what they’re dealing with, so things have to play out in a certain way in um that lines up with Evolution and the people who are asleep they have to go through more of the the traum trauma based Awakening because they’re not
listening, so it’s like when someone’s asleep they won’t wake up you have to grab them and shake them to wake them up, right, so the next level of intensity needs to happen to snap someone out of the trance, so overall speaking humanity
is deep in a trance. We´re under Deep Mind Control, we´re under deep deep Consciousness control, in fact the truth of the matter is we’re in a multi-dimensional Consciousness control structure, so waking up just out of the
control of the cabal on the planet on ground, you think you wake up from that
and you’re free no no there’s more levels than that to get through we’re deeper into the trance of not only mind control, but Consciousness control then people are willing to actually come to terms with because their egos have a
problem with accepting that they have been mind-controlled and Consciousness controlled, we all have we’re all under mind control every single one of us and we’re all under Consciousness control to varying degrees those of us here in this dialogue right now um we’ve awoken from that far greater than the majority and but we still got a little bit more to get through ourselves on an individual basis we’re not fully clear and
we’re getting there but we’ve certainly broken free from the constraints of the Consciousness control that is going on in this realm more so than most other people on the planet and so that’s why it’s a honor and a pleasure to be here talking on this level with you guys.“
„Lady Gaia Persona is the distorted Planetary Expression of this Planet.
What´s deep down inside this planet is Mother Sophia, it is the
expression of the Christ and The Feminine, that´s at the core of this Planet, that’s who you’re incarnate upon.“
Conspiracy Revelation: 5.10.2024: 100%, especially since 2017. This was made 100% clear.
„We are in Flow State, our lives have changed and everything is opening up all over the place it’s really a beautiful beautiful experience to be had in this world right now.“
„it’s arrived to here our all our peoples from the natural way of love and the natural way of life have arrived outside of the Imperial structures and they’re just waiting for you to reconnect with your people in that space that’s available for everyone and I’ll just give you a key to open a door that’s all.“