News, Tok, Synthtel, Mindnet-BCI-DNA-Intrusion & Quantum Vampirism and more. 3.10.24

News, Tok, Synthtel, Mindnet-BCI-DNA-Intrusion & Quantum Vampirism and more..& Sri Ramayana. – 3.10.2024

“Mk ultra ,v2k and
Not literally see through your eyes but Al is able to decode human Neural activity allowing people to literally watch what you see, hear what you hear and know your thoughts 338
Remote neuro

@Kattutso91210:That’s just communication monitoring and probability analysis based on past patterns? It’s The true ability to see through the walls so to speak is near the realm of what many think of as magic?

@Help Us Please:leaving no privacy for us, you really just want to enjoy the little things by yourself but yeah the obsessive neuro monitoring 😑if only they were monitored. God knows what we would then see 😳.


@Johnny C:No privacy and no due process.

@twofish:I’m definately implanted and monitored ..eyes flash on and off and ears on constant ring..
@freedomgott2024:we all are… darpa cnt nanites from chemtrails.. ieee nano tagging.

@PositiveEnergyPower:demons also have a huge part to play, I can speak myself then see someone and they will make comments about what I said but it’s actually demons within them.
@freedomgott2024:they are humans logging to your dna…
@freedomgott2024:the artificial telekinetic effects come from decoupling them from your Aura..

@deborahmorrison61:Remember that scene in Scanners? Yeah
@PositiveEnergyPower:definitely. happens to me everyday.

@picante7227:That’s some messed up stuff bro. Like who does this?
@Trident2023:Some say that it is government orchestrated. Some say the Illuminati, masons. Some say all the above.

@Baby J:It is all of the above so no one has to take responsibility or be scape goated so they all participate.

@jaz. 🏳️‍🌈:It’s done by finding your dna resonance via frequency then sending commands via frequency.
@freedomgott2024:yes..they use some bci helmet like darpa.. to enter into your dna..

@Jayzzonme:It is facts. Love your self & ignore it.
@freedomgott2024:try to ignore ants invading your home …

@Johnny C:V2k used to try to entrap you into saying something you didn’t say.

@Sugar Dimples:Yea government/military is already using this I fear it getting out to the general public.

@Jules:I laugh when they say I’m doing something I’m not 😂😂😂.
@D. Re Mor:Thats Not ok. 💯.

@bengalsfan31285:AI converts the brainwaves into live video feed.
@freedomgott2024:best bet.

@Queen:please get this right it’s called piered souls from an inappropriate trespass of the antichrist that’s the mark of the beast
@Queen:pierced souls I mean
@Queen:and just to give you some stability the christ himself has taken the mark of the beast.
@freedomgott2024:indeed..afterwards mark of god..double sealed..all dimensions accessible.

@son/ sun:if such sophisticated surveillance is necessary,,These people must be GODS..

@bigbrother1313:And move body parts. And speak out your mouth. The tech is full mind control.

@bigbrother1313:And move body parts. And speak out your mouth. The tech is full mind control.

@918Wink:AI know about Holy Spirit lead fearless Christian’s and thoughts..nah! Only fear God fam, full armor.

@freedomgott2024:ok that explains something..because I saw my capillaries at the eye doctors in super magnification and nothing unusual to detect.

@casperghost596:your slightly off on that! however… “they” can see through human eyes.
@Trident2023:Not literally… yes there are images of what we see. If that makes sense.
@freedomgott2024:they can..

@Baby J:ya the laser on the drones & the grounding rods is positioned 2go thru ur visual cortex (ur eye) into the central nervous system where everything u see & hear is decoded from frequency 2 image & sound.
@Baby J:think of old tv where u have the box and antenna and u have to tune it just right for the sound and picture to both show up

@Nadine death by a 1000cuts:no they can see through our visual cortex!!! …the patent is out there!
@freedomgott2024:yes… many options..

@TheActualChosenOne:They’ve made a lot of money from observing me 24/7 I hope it ends soon.

@freedomgott2024:that is why they say I am a walking goldmine and I doesn’t even know.
@PositiveEnergyPower:me too

@1111Warrior:They can see through your eyes now… Through.
@1111Warrior:nanotechnology… they can implants thoughts… do all kinds of wild stuff with
@1111Warrior:the nanobots… that’s old unperfect tech… enough nano in you they read your mind.. upload it to Ai…
@1111Warrior:through project Avatar.. you have a A.I. avatar .. they upload your mind to the Ai via the cloud aka

@1111Warrior:the Beast System…. all courtesy of

@1111Warrior:the same ones do all the tech against TIs .. . Dews ..the Remote neural etc …… All Done by

@masteryourmind1441:Like I hear the trash behind my back too yeah that’s weird they think silence is intimidating known it a lifetime.

@kma32100:It’s time to end that. It’s immoral, unethical, and evil.
@Trident2023:Couldn’t agree more.
@Nadsxx:Trans humanism WEF have this so up their sleeve for humans🥺.


ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.10.2024]

ZAK: I just use the restroom and expect to be watched. It´s a sick world!
Vor 1T.
Life: It’s disgusting. They monitor me in the bedroom, the bathroom, you name it, they’re watching and for those who say how do you know, you just know, it happens so much, it’s disgusting.
Conspiracy Revelation: 3.10.2024: By direct words 2 skull bidirectional Mind-Interface Feedback, you can objectively verify if they watch you in Realtime…

Targeted Individuals: Very good
Vor 1T.
bifff74: It´s so evil, God is watching these stalkers.
Vor 1T.
Ti4Life1984 · Creator*in: Yes.

Targeted Individuals: I stalk the gangstalkers 💪
Vor 1T.
Targeted Individuals: 👍
Targeted Individuals: People in the streets, all the environment around us keeping us healthy because the brain constantly stimulating, they want to extract so much energy from us…
Life: That’s what I’m talking about turn the tables on them and stalk them right back 🖕🏾’em.

@godsangel144♬ original sound – ⭐️𝓢𝓣𝓐𝓡𝓦𝓐𝓛𝓚144𓁿

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.10.2024 12:01]
@user3427483519561:Achtung: Es gibt einen jüd. Freimaurer Club im Verfassungsschutz, der die Deutschen in ihrer Wohnung bestrahlt und überall benachteiligt + üble Nachrede im Beruf / Privat betreibt !!!! 🔥🔥🔥.
@freedomgott2024: genau..alle 13 Jahre wieder..
@freedomgott2024: bnd eher..
@freedomgott2024: klauen deine dna und spielen Lichtvampir..

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.10.2024 12:03]
@Arco Wagner:Ja leider, ist nur wenigen bekannt. Wird seit Jahren so betrieben.
@freedomgott2024:20 jahre minimum…

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.10.2024 12:03]
@W.I.Lenin (Uljanow) Jude 🇮🇱:🇮🇱 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 Krieg Terror und Ausbeutung!😡.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.10.2024 12:04]
@🩵aaa🩵Elisabeth🩵:Es gibt oberste Stellen, die, die die weichen Stellen müssen. Haftung … Jahwe, jeder wird Haften, wenn gegen die kosmische Gesetze verstoßen wird😉.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.10.2024 12:04]
@🩵aaa🩵Elisabeth🩵:Wie heißt das.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.10.2024 12:05]
@Arminius:Sie können nur noch im Schutz und Schatten ihrer selbst leben!

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.10.2024 12:06]
@Hermann: Alles Juden.
@sabrinahus3:Da fehlen noch welche, der Vater von Junior J.F. Kennedy, Obama und noch einige mehr…

Manfred Priveršek: Sie sind das pure böse 👿 👿👿👿👿👿 Die satanistischen Kabalen lassen grüßen… 👿👿👿👿👿
Vor 2Std.

Kernproblematik der DNA-Genomdatenbanken. Verbrecher des BNDs und anderer Staazigeheimdienste weltweit

@deingoldenerkompass Die 24 Stunden-Blutdruckmessung und ihre Aussagekraft #blutdruckmessen #bluthochdruck #hoherblutdruck ♬ Kanye West – C10

@matrixwissen369 #matrix #energie #fürdich #siesagenesunsindenfilmen #angst #liebe #kontrolle #matrix4 #deutsch #wachtauf #mindcontrol ♬ Originalton – matrixwissen369

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.10.2024 09:57]

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.10.2024 10:01]
@BlinkTwice:The UN is just a puppets hall, decisions must be made with 3/4 votes in favour, cuz vetoing doesnt work, from 120-130 countries if one say No its a No and nobody can do anything…

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.10.2024 10:01]
@Nero:The world has woken up, and many are now seeing how dirty and vile the Zionists really are. 😏

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.10.2024 10:01]
@keels:United States has no place in this war and neither does Australia or other western countries

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.10.2024 10:02]
@Lee Eng:the US and Isreal believed Iran would back down but the aren’t. Other western Co conspirators thought so as well.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.10.2024 10:02]
@Fendicco:Loud and clear Minister of foreign affairs.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.10.2024 10:03]
@Dan Wailer:The US, England, and France are the UN.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.10.2024 10:03]
@Jingala Mingala:👍👍👍👍UN IS DEAD!

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.10.2024 10:03]
@MindOverMatter:United Nations security Council does nothing to help anybody

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.10.2024 10:03]
@Hammurabi:In fact, it is a tool for aggression.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.10.2024 10:04]
@_s0nii_:And still The UN stays quite what ashame.
@murraymurraykins:because the UN has been compromised by the zionts since its foundation.
@freedomgott2024:yes… lucis trust…they torture for their cult too.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.10.2024 10:06]
@Eli:Think!. What is the U.N. Really good for?.
@freedomgott2024:it is a deceptive method to keep nwo in power and give a fake appearance of human rights.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.10.2024 10:06]
@Suhaimi Avantech:UN stand for Useless and Nothing.
@Samui Farang:while there are 5 nations with the power of veto, the UN is useless.
@Ravi Deoram:only to protect the Americans and bully and rod other nation and look like nice guy on CNN showing their given ppl food
.. they wickedness and propaganda days is over.

ConspiracyRevelation2024, [03.10.2024 10:07]
@Luiza:United Nations security Council does nothing to help anybody.

@healthadvice77 The history of Blood Pressure numbers #BloodPressureHistory #Hypertension #HealthFacts #CardiovascularHealth #MedicalHistory #BloodPressureAwareness #HeartHealth #WellnessJourney #BPNumbers #HealthyLiving ♬ Beautiful Memories – Lux-Inspira

@deingoldenerkompass Der wirkliche Grund für Krankheiten! #bluthochdruck #hoherblutdruck #gesundheit ♬ Kanye West – C10

660430cookie-checkNews, Tok, Synthtel, Mindnet-BCI-DNA-Intrusion & Quantum Vampirism and more. 3.10.24
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